// Return a pair of double values representing latitude and longitude.
 public Tuple<double, double> getLatLong(string zipcode)
     // Perform web request using google api for geocode locations.
     string lURL = string.Format("http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/xml?address={0}", zipcode);
     WebRequest latlongRequest = WebRequest.Create(lURL);
     Stream latlongStream = latlongRequest.GetResponse().GetResponseStream();
     MyXmlParser latlongParser = new MyXmlParser(latlongStream);
     return new Tuple<double,double>(latlongParser.getLatitude(), latlongParser.getLongitude());
 // Return a string representing a location for a given zip code.
 public string getLocation(string zipcode)
     // Perform webrequest using google api for geocode locations.
     string URL = string.Format("http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/xml?address={0}", zipcode);
     WebRequest locationRequest = WebRequest.Create(URL);
     Stream locationStream = locationRequest.GetResponse().GetResponseStream();
     MyXmlParser locationParser = new MyXmlParser(locationStream);
     return locationParser.getLocationName();
 // Return a list of strings, each string representing the forecast for 1 day in a given zipcode.
 // The format of the temperature can be kelvin, F or C.
 public List<string> getForecast(string zipcode, string units)
     Tuple<double,double> latlong = getLatLong(zipcode);
     // Check if the getLatLong() call returned a valid result.
     if(latlong.Item1 == -1 || latlong.Item2 == -1)
         throw new Exception(string.Format("Invalid latitude and longitude returned from zipcode {0}", zipcode));
     // Perform a web request using the latitude and longitude.
     string apiKey = "5dbc75f8d5e35b484f4c0b4f1824eedf";
     string wURL = string.Format("http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/forecast/daily?lat={0}&lon={1}&cnt=5&mode=xml&units={2}&APPID={3}", latlong.Item1, latlong.Item2, units, apiKey);
     WebRequest weatherRequest = WebRequest.Create(wURL);
     Stream weatherStream = weatherRequest.GetResponse().GetResponseStream();
     // Create MyXmlParser object to get weather data from XML file.
     MyXmlParser weatherParser = new MyXmlParser(weatherStream);
     List<oneDayForecast> weatherDays = weatherParser.getForecastData();
     List<string> forecast = new List<string>();
     // Build and return the List<string> of weather for 5 days.
     for(int i = 0; i != weatherDays.Count; i++)
     return forecast;