Пример #1
        private static int _scanHtmlTagOpenTag(string s, int pos, int sourceLength)
            var lastPosition = sourceLength - 1;

            // the minimum length valid tag is "a>"
            if (lastPosition < pos + 1)

            // currentPosition - positioned after the last character matched by that any particular part
            var currentPosition = pos;

            // stores the character at the current position
            char currentChar = s[currentPosition];

            // stores if the previous character was a whitespace
            bool hadWhitespace = false;

            // stores if an attribute name has been parsed
            bool hadAttribute = false;

            // some additional variables used in the process
            char c1;

            // The tag name must start with an ASCII letter
            if (!ScannerCharacterMatcher.MatchAsciiLetter(s, ref currentChar, ref currentPosition, lastPosition))

            // Move past any other characters that make up the tag name
            ScannerCharacterMatcher.MatchHtmlTagNameCharacter(s, ref currentChar, ref currentPosition, lastPosition);

            // loop while the end of string is reached or the tag is closed
            while (currentPosition <= lastPosition)
                // Move past any whitespaces
                hadWhitespace = ScannerCharacterMatcher.MatchWhitespaces(s, ref currentChar, ref currentPosition, lastPosition);

                // check if the end of the tag has been reached
                if (currentChar == '>')
                    return(currentPosition - pos + 1);

                if (currentChar == '/')
                    if (currentPosition == lastPosition)
                    currentChar = s[++currentPosition];
                    return((currentChar == '>') ? currentPosition - pos + 1 : 0);

                // check if arrived at the attribute value
                if (currentChar == '=')
                    if (!hadAttribute || currentPosition == lastPosition)

                    // move past the '=' symbol and any whitespaces
                    currentChar = s[++currentPosition];
                    ScannerCharacterMatcher.MatchWhitespaces(s, ref currentChar, ref currentPosition, lastPosition);

                    if (currentChar == '\'' || currentChar == '\"')
                        c1 = currentChar;

                        currentChar = s[++currentPosition];
                        ScannerCharacterMatcher.MatchAnythingExcept(s, ref currentChar, ref currentPosition, lastPosition, c1);

                        if (currentChar != c1 || currentPosition == lastPosition)

                        currentChar = s[++currentPosition];
                        // an unquoted value must have at least one character
                        if (!ScannerCharacterMatcher.MatchAnythingExceptWhitespaces(s, ref currentChar, ref currentPosition, lastPosition, '\"', '\'', '=', '<', '>', '`'))

                    hadAttribute = false;

                // the attribute must be preceded by a whitespace
                if (!hadWhitespace)

                // if the end has not been found then there is just one possible alternative - an attribute
                // validate that the attribute name starts with a correct character
                if (!ScannerCharacterMatcher.MatchAsciiLetter(s, ref currentChar, ref currentPosition, lastPosition, '_', ':'))

                // match any remaining characters in the attribute name
                ScannerCharacterMatcher.MatchAsciiLetterOrDigit(s, ref currentChar, ref currentPosition, lastPosition, '_', ':', '.', '-');

                hadAttribute = true;
