public void AddNewClaim() { Console.Clear(); var newClaim = new Claim(); Console.WriteLine("welcome, this is where you will add the new claim from our customer"); Console.WriteLine("please enter the claim Id"); newClaim.ClaimID = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("now enter the description of the claim"); newClaim.Description = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("please choose the claimtype \n" + " \n" + "2.Home \n" + "3.Theft\n" + "4.Other"); var claimType = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); newClaim.TypeofClaim = (ClaimType)claimType; Console.WriteLine("please enter the claim amount"); newClaim.ClaimAmount = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("please enter the date of the accident"); var dateOfInc = Console.ReadLine(); newClaim.DateOfIncident = DateTime.Parse(dateOfInc); Console.WriteLine("please enter the date of the claim being filed, please make sure it is under 30 days otherwise the claim will be invalid"); var dateOfEntry = Console.ReadLine(); newClaim.DateOfClaim = DateTime.Parse(dateOfEntry); _repo.addNewClaim(newClaim); Console.WriteLine("please make sure that you have entered all the information correctly, when you are finished you can press enter to return to the main screen"); Console.ReadLine(); }
public void SeedMyQueue() { var ClaimOne = new Claim(1, ClaimType.Car, "car accident on 465", 400.00, new DateTime(04 / 25 / 2018), new DateTime(04 / 27 / 18)); var ClaimTow = new Claim(2, ClaimType.Home, "house fire in kitchen", 4000.00, new DateTime(04 / 11 / 2018), new DateTime(04 / 11 / 18)); var ClaimThree = new Claim(3, ClaimType.Theft, "stolen pancakes", 4.00, new DateTime(04 / 27 / 18), new DateTime(06 / 01 / 18)); _repo.addNewClaim(ClaimOne); _repo.addNewClaim(ClaimTow); _repo.addNewClaim(ClaimThree); }
public void ShowNextClaim() { Console.WriteLine("here is the next claim for you to take a peek at \n"); Queue <Claim> newList = _repo.ShowAllClaims(); Claim nextClaim = newList.Peek(); Console.WriteLine($"ClaimID:{nextClaim.ClaimID}\n" + $"Type:{nextClaim.TypeofClaim}/n" + $"Amount:{nextClaim.ClaimAmount}\n" + $"description:{nextClaim.Description}\n" + $"date of incident:{nextClaim.DateOfIncident}\n" + $"date filed:{nextClaim.DateOfClaim} \n" + $"do you want to take care of this claim (y/n)"); string userInput = Console.ReadLine(); switch (userInput) { case "y": newList.Dequeue(); break; case "n": { break; } default: { break; } } }
private void DisplayContentID(Claim claim) { Console.WriteLine($"{claim.ClaimID,-8} {claim.ClaimValid}"); }
private void DisplayContent(Claim claim) { Console.WriteLine($"{claim.ClaimID,-8} {claim.ClaimType,-11} {claim.ClaimDescribe,-25} {claim.ClaimAmount,-7} {claim.ClaimAccident.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"),-17} {claim.ClaimDate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"),-15} {claim.ClaimValid}"); }
//create public bool Add(Claim claim) { _claims.Enqueue(claim); return(true); }