static void Main()
            //Problem 2.	Export the Leagues and Teams as JSON

            //Write a C# application based on your EF data model for exporting all leagues along with their teams.
            //Write the output in a JSON file named leagues-and-teams.json. Include in the output the leagues with no teams (if any).
            //Order the leagues and the teams in each league alphabetically.
            //For better performance, ensure your program executes a single DB query and retrieves from the database only the required data
            //(without unneeded rows and columns).

            var context = new FootballEntities();

            var leagsWithTeams = context.Leagues
                .OrderBy(l => l.LeagueName)
                .Select(l => new
                    Teams = l.Teams
                    .OrderBy(t => t.TeamName)
                    .Select(t => t.TeamName)

            //foreach (var league in leagsWithTeams)
            //    Console.WriteLine("--" + league.LeagueName);
            //    foreach (var team in league.Teams)
            //    {
            //        Console.WriteLine(team);
            //    }

            //export data to JSON using build-in JSON serializer (have to add reference to System.Web.Extensions):
            //var serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
            //var json = serializer.Serialize(leagsWithTeams);

            //export data to JSON using JSON.NET
            //in Nuget Package Manager Console type:    Install-Package Newtonsoft.Json
            var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(leagsWithTeams, Formatting.Indented);

            //write the output in a JSON file named leagues-and-teams.json in the directory of the project
            File.WriteAllText("../../leagues-and-teams.json", json);
        static void Main()
            //Problem 1.	Entity Framework Mappings (Database First)

            //Create an Entity Framework (EF) data model of the existing database (map the database tables to C# classes).
            //Use the "database first" model in EF. To test your EF data model, list all team names.
            //Make sure all navigation properties have good (self-describing) names.

            var context = new FootballEntities();

            //list all team names
            var teamsNames = context.Teams.Select(t => t.TeamName);
            foreach (var team in teamsNames)

            //като се правят задаяите в отделни проекти: всеки проект трябва да има референция към този, където е връзката с базата;
            //на всеки проект да се сложи Entity Framework от package manager-a;
            //и да се копира connection string от App.config на този проект и да се сложи в App.config на всички други проекти
        static void Main()
            //Problem 4.	Import Leagues and Teams from XML

            //Write a C# application based on your EF data model for importing leagues and teams.
            //The application should process multiple requests and write logs for each operation at the console.
            //The input comes from an XML file leagues-and-teams.xml
            //The input XML holds a sequence of requests given in the <league>…</league> elements.
            //The element "league-name" is optional. The specified league should be created in the database, if it does not exist.
            //The elements "teams" and "team" are optional. The specified teams should be created in the database, if they do not exist.
            //Note that team "name" is mandatory, but team "country" is optional.
            //A team is considered existing in the database when it is matched by both name and country.
            //If both elements "league-name" and "teams" exist in a certain query, all teams, not in the given league, should be added to it.
            //The output should be printed on the console.
            //Your program should correctly parse the input XML.
            //Your program should correctly import leagues (new and existing).
            //Your program should correctly import teams (new and existing).
            //Your program should correctly add teams to leagues (when a team does not already belong to a league).

            var context = new FootballEntities();

            //parsing XML document
            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

            var root = doc.DocumentElement; //it is <leagues-and-teams>
            int id = 1;

            foreach (XmlNode xmlLeague in root.ChildNodes) //root.ChildNodes are <league>
                Console.WriteLine("Processing league #{0} ...", id++);
                XmlNode leagueNameNode = xmlLeague.SelectSingleNode("league-name");

                League league = null;
                if (leagueNameNode != null)
                    string leagueName = leagueNameNode.InnerText; //get league name
                    league = context.Leagues.FirstOrDefault(l => l.LeagueName == leagueName);
                    if (league != null) //check if database has already this league
                        Console.WriteLine("Existing league: {0}", leagueName); //if league exists in database; it is same as: context.Leagues.Any(l => l.LeagueName == leagueName)
                        league = new League()
                            LeagueName = leagueName
                        context.Leagues.Add(league); //if league doesn't exist add it to database
                        Console.WriteLine("Created league: {0}", leagueName);

                XmlNode teamsNode = xmlLeague.SelectSingleNode("teams"); //get element <teams>
                if (teamsNode != null) //check if tere is element <teams>
                    foreach (XmlNode xmlTeam in teamsNode.ChildNodes) //tese are elements <team>
                        Team team = null;
                        string teamName = xmlTeam.Attributes["name"].Value; //get team name from attribute "name" (it is mandatory)
                        string countryName = null; //get country name from attribute "country" (it is optional)
                        if (xmlTeam.Attributes["country"] != null)
                           countryName = xmlTeam.Attributes["country"].Value;

                        team =
                                t => t.TeamName == teamName && t.Country.CountryName == countryName); //it will return Team or null
                        if (team != null) //check if database has already this team
                            Console.WriteLine("Existing team: {0} ({1})", teamName, countryName ?? "no country"); //if team exists in database
                            Country country = context.Countries.FirstOrDefault(c => c.CountryName == countryName); //it will returns null or Country
                            team = new Team()
                                TeamName = teamName,
                                Country = country

                            context.Teams.Add(team); //if league doesn't exist add it to database
                            Console.WriteLine("Created team: {0} ({1})", teamName, countryName ?? "no country");
                        if (league != null)
                            if (league.Teams.Contains(team))
                                Console.WriteLine("Existing team in league: {0} belongs to {1}", team.TeamName, league.LeagueName);
                                Console.WriteLine("Added team to league: {0} to league {1}", team.TeamName, league.LeagueName);



Пример #4
        static void Main()
            //Problem 3.	Export International Matches as XML

            //Write a C# application based on your EF data model for exporting all international matches and their score
            //in a XML file named international-matches.xml.
            //Each match should have home country and away country. Each country should have country code (as attribute).
            //Use an XML parser by choice.
            //Attach attribute "date-time" when the match has date and time.
            //Attach attribute "date" when the match has date only (without time). Do not attach any attributes when the match has no date.
            //List the score if the match has score (home goals and away goals). List the league name if the match has a league.
            //Order the matches by date (from the earliest) and by home country and away country alphabetically as second and third criteria.
            //For better performance, ensure your program executes a single DB query and retrieves from the database only the required data
            //(without unneeded rows and columns).

            var context = new FootballEntities();

            var internationlMatches = context.InternationalMatches
                .OrderBy(m => m.MatchDate)
                .ThenBy(m => m.CountryHome.CountryName)
                .ThenBy(m => m.CountryAway.CountryName)
                .Select(m => new
                    date = m.MatchDate,
                    homeCountryName = m.CountryHome.CountryName,
                    awayCountryName = m.CountryAway.CountryName,
                    homeCountryCode = m.HomeCountryCode,
                    awayCountryCode = m.AwayCountryCode,
                    homeGoals = m.HomeGoals,
                    awayGoals = m.AwayGoals,
                    leagueName = m.League.LeagueName

            //foreach (var match in internationlMatches)
            //    Console.WriteLine(match);

            XElement matches = new XElement("matches");
            foreach (var match in internationlMatches)
                XElement xmlMatch =
                    new XElement("match",
                        new XElement("home-country",
                            new XAttribute("code", match.homeCountryCode),
                        new XElement("away-country",
                            new XAttribute("code", match.awayCountryCode),
                //check if match has league and if has add element
                if (match.leagueName != null)
                    xmlMatch.Add(new XElement("league", match.leagueName));
                //check if match has score and if has add element
                if (match.homeGoals != null && match.awayGoals != null)
                    xmlMatch.Add(new XElement("score", match.homeGoals + "-" + match.awayGoals));
                //check if match has only date or date-time and add corresponding attribute
                if ( != null)
                    DateTime dateTime;
                    DateTime.TryParse(, out dateTime);
                    if (dateTime.TimeOfDay.TotalSeconds == 0)
                        xmlMatch.Add(new XAttribute("date", dateTime.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy")));
                        xmlMatch.Add(new XAttribute("date-time", dateTime.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm")));
            //export data to .xml file