static void Main(string[] args) { // Declare variables and then initialize to zero. bool close = false; while (!close) { // Display title as the C# Zoo Meal Planner Console.WriteLine("Zoo Meal Planner"); Console.WriteLine("************************"); // Ask the user to choose an option. Console.WriteLine("Choose an animal : "); Console.WriteLine(" 1 - Monkey"); Console.WriteLine(" 2 - Bear"); Console.WriteLine(" 3 - Quit"); Console.Write("What is your selection? "); string selection = Console.ReadLine(); while (!selection.Equals("1") && !selection.Equals("2")) { Console.WriteLine("Choose a valid option"); selection = Console.ReadLine(); } switch (selection) { case "1": Monkey myMonkey = new Monkey(); break; case "2": Bear myBear = new Bear(); break; } Console.Write("Press '3' & enter to close the console app, or press any other key & Enter to continue on: "); if (Console.ReadLine() == "3") { close = true; } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Mammal mammal = new Bear("Polar", 100, 0.014, "berries, green vegetation, flowers, fruits, fish", "9AM and 3PM"); mammal.PrintNutritionInfo(); Console.WriteLine("================"); Console.WriteLine("Zoo Menu Planner"); Console.WriteLine("================"); Console.WriteLine("1. Monkey"); Console.WriteLine("2. Bear"); Console.WriteLine("9. Quit"); Console.WriteLine("Selection:"); string line = Console.ReadLine(); int selection = 0; try { selection = Int32.Parse(line); } catch (FormatException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } while (selection != 9) { switch (selection) { case 1: Console.WriteLine("Species"); Console.WriteLine("--------"); Console.WriteLine("1.Squirrel"); Console.WriteLine("2.Howler"); Console.WriteLine("3.Colobus"); Console.WriteLine("9.Quit"); line = Console.ReadLine(); try { selection = Int32.Parse(line); } catch (FormatException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } string species = null; double ratio = 0; string food = "fresh fruit, vegetables, nuts, insects, berries"; string feedtime = "9AM, 12PM and 5PM."; switch (selection) { case 1: species = "Squirrel"; ratio = 0.006; break; case 2: species = "Howler"; ratio = 0.007; break; case 3: species = "Colobus"; ratio = 0.008; break; default: Console.WriteLine("Please Choose a Monkey"); break; } Console.WriteLine($"How much does this {species} Monkey weight?"); line = Console.ReadLine(); int weight = 0; try { weight = Int32.Parse(line); } catch (FormatException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } if (species != null && weight != 0) { mammal = new Monkey(species, weight, ratio, food, feedtime); mammal.PrintNutritionInfo(); } break; case 2: Console.WriteLine("Species"); Console.WriteLine("--------"); Console.WriteLine("1.Polar"); Console.WriteLine("2.Black"); Console.WriteLine("9.Quit"); line = Console.ReadLine(); try { selection = Int32.Parse(line); } catch (FormatException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } species = null; ratio = 0; food = "berries, fish"; feedtime = "9AM and 3PM."; switch (selection) { case 1: species = "Polar"; ratio = 0.014; break; case 2: species = "Black"; ratio = 0.016; food += ", flowers, green vegitation, fruit"; break; default: Console.WriteLine("Please Choose a Bear"); break; } Console.WriteLine($"How much does this {species} Bear weight?"); Console.ReadLine(); if (species != null) { mammal = new Bear(species, 100, ratio, food, feedtime); mammal.PrintNutritionInfo(); } break; case 9: break; default: Console.WriteLine("Please rerun the program and select a value as provided"); break; } Console.WriteLine("================"); Console.WriteLine("Zoo Menu Planner"); Console.WriteLine("================"); Console.WriteLine("1. Monkey"); Console.WriteLine("2. Bear"); Console.WriteLine("9. Quit"); Console.WriteLine("Selection:"); line = Console.ReadLine(); try { selection = Int32.Parse(line); } catch (FormatException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } } }