Пример #1
        public ActionResult UpdatePickup(Pickup pickup)
            // get the current user 
            string currentUserId = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            string fullName = null;
                // Get info for Current user
                ApplicationUser currentUser = db.Users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == currentUserId);
                // Get user's full name to notify others
                fullName = currentUser.FirstName + " " + currentUser.LastName;

            catch (Exception ex)

                Debug.Write("Error autheticating user: "******"none";

                        // Update Comnpany Data
                        newItem.Company = "ZFM";


                catch (Exception e)
                    // Provide for exceptions.


                pickup.LastEditBy = fullName;
                //Azure time conversion
                DateTime timeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;
                TimeZoneInfo pstZone = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Pacific Standard Time");
                DateTime pstTime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(timeUtc, pstZone);

                pickup.LastModified = pstTime;

                //BMK Pickup Completed
                if (pickup.Status.ToLower().Contains("completed") || pickup.Status.ToLower().Contains("closed"))
                    pickup.Closed = pstNow();
                    pickup.ClosedBy = fullName;

                    // then delete all the pictures if any
                    foreach (var item in pickup.Items)
                        // Get file and erase
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Picture1) && item.Picture1 != "none")
                            // Get file name
                            var file = Path.GetFileName(item.Picture1);
                            // Create Path

                            var path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("/Content/Photos/"), file);

                            // Erase File
                            FileInfo fi1 = new FileInfo(path);

                            if (fi1.Exists)     // check  if its there and delete



                //BMK Pickup Completed with SMS
                if (pickup.Status.ToLower().Contains("completed sms") || pickup.Status.ToLower().Contains("closed sms"))
                    // Update the Status 
                    pickup.Closed = pstNow();
                    pickup.ClosedBy = fullName;

                    // Get the Sales Rep Number
                    ApplicationUser salesRep4PU = db.Users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.FirstName + " " + x.LastName == pickup.Rep);

                    // Get user's full name to notify others
                    string repSMS = salesRep4PU.CellNumber;

                    // Get the Courier Number
                    ApplicationUser courierSMS = db.Users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.FirstName + " " + x.LastName == pickup.TransporterName);

                    // Get user's full name to notify others
                    string trasportSMS = courierSMS.CellNumber;

                    // Cleanup
                    salesRep4PU = null;
                    courierSMS = null;

                    // Add the Prefix ( +1 ) if the numbers don't have them 
                    if(repSMS.Substring(0, 2) != "+1")
                        repSMS = "+1" + repSMS;

                    if (trasportSMS.Substring(0, 2) != "+1")
                        trasportSMS = "+1" + trasportSMS;
                    // Send the SMS alert
                    // Find your Account Sid and Auth Token at twilio.com/user/account
                    string AccountSid = "AC1ac0db79f475dc98b90b50a4f245217f";
                    string AuthToken = "b6c641704a0678be31dc089173aae90a";

                    var twilio = new TwilioRestClient(AccountSid, AuthToken);
                    //var message = twilio.SendMessage(repSMS, trasportSMS, "Pickup #: " + pickup.PickupNumber + " - Closed by: " + pickup.ClosedBy , " -> NOTES: " + pickup.Notes);
                    //var message = twilio.SendMessage( "+15107882884",  repSMS + "," + trasportSMS, "Hello World");

                    // Send Message to Sales Rep
                    var messageRep = twilio.SendMessage("+15107882884", repSMS, "Pickup #: " + pickup.PickupNumber + "\n\nClosed by: " + pickup.ClosedBy + "\n\n" + pickup.Notes);

                     // Send Message to Courier
                    var messageCourier = twilio.SendMessage("+15107882884", trasportSMS, "Pickup #: " + pickup.PickupNumber + "\n\nClosed by: " + pickup.ClosedBy + "\n\n" + pickup.Notes);

                     if (messageRep.RestException != null || messageCourier.RestException != null)

                        // handle the error ...

                    // then delete all the pictures if any
                    foreach (var item in pickup.Items)
                        // Get file and erase
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Picture1) && item.Picture1 != "none")
                            // Get file name
                            var file = Path.GetFileName(item.Picture1);
                            // Create Path

                            var path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("/Content/Photos/"), file);

                            // Erase File
                            FileInfo fi1 = new FileInfo(path);

                            if (fi1.Exists)     // check  if its there and delete



                db2.Entry(pickup).State = EntityState.Modified;

                // Check if the Location Already Exists
                var locationCheck = (from l in db2.Locations
                                     where l.Name.Contains(pickup.LocationName)
                                     select l);

                if (locationCheck.Count() == 0)
                    // Add it to the Locations database
                    Location newLocatioEntry = new Location
                        Name = pickup.LocationName


                // Send Message To All Users To Update Pickup List
                string updatedPickup = pickup.PickupNumber.ToString();  // Get Pickup Number

                var hub = Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext<ZTRAK.Hubs.PickupHub>();
                hub.Clients.All.newDataUpdate(fullName, updatedPickup);

                return Json(pickup.ID);

                #region Create a new Pickup

                // Determine if this is a new pickup
                if (pickup.ID == 0)

                    // Convert the pickup to a list so we can remove items if needed
                    foreach (var item in pickup.Items.ToList())
                        // Remove Items marked
                        if (item.Qty == 0)


                    // Update the Company Name for new pickup
                    pickup.Company = "ZFM";

                    // Save new pickup - fix ID and proceed to save
                    // Calculate the new PickupID and assign it to the new pickup in order to 
                    // avoid drastic number changes
                    var pUcount = (from r in db2.Pickups
                                 where r.ID != null
                                 select r).Count() + 1; // Increase by One for new Pickup

                    pickup.PickupNumber = pUcount;

                    // Get the Team name if the value was not given
                        // Get the Team Name
                        string teamName = (from t in db2.AspNetUsers
                                        where (t.FirstName.ToLower().Trim() + " " + t.LastName.ToLower().Trim() == pickup.Rep.ToLower().Trim())
                                       select t.TeamName).FirstOrDefault(); // Try to Find the Team for the new Pickup

                        // Assign the Team if the Team is found
                        pickup.Team = teamName.ToString();

                    db2.Entry(pickup).State = EntityState.Added;

                    string NewPickup = pickup.PickupNumber.ToString();  // Get Pickup Number

                    // Let the others know
                    var hub = Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext<Hubs.PickupHub>();
                    hub.Clients.All.newDataUpdate(fullName, NewPickup);

                    return Json(NewPickup);



            return View();
Пример #2
        public JsonResult SaveLocation(string locInfo)

            // Break apart the address
            string[] loc;
            string status="";

            // Extract The fields
            loc = locInfo.Split(',');

            // Check if a duplicate exists
            // Limit return to the first five matches
            string locName = loc[0];
            string locOverwrite = loc[7].Trim();
            var result = db2.Locations
                           .Where(r => r.Name.ToLower() == locName.ToLower() && r.Company == "ZFM")
                           .Select(r => new { label = r.Name }).Distinct();

            // Deyect duplicates
            if (result.Count() >= 1)
                // Duplicate Detected
                status = "duplicate";
            if (locOverwrite == "yes" && result.Count() >= 1)
                    // delete existing
                    using (var ctx = new ZtrakEntities())

                        var listToRemove = (from i in ctx.Locations
                                        where i.Name.ToLower() == locName.ToLower()  && i.Company == "ZFM"
                                        select i);

                        if (listToRemove.Count() >= 1)

                    //Save the Location
                    Location newLocation = new Location
                        Name = loc[0].ToLower(),
                        Address = loc[1],
                        City = loc[2],
                        State = loc[3],
                        Zip = loc[4],
                        Latitude = Convert.ToDouble(loc[5]),
                        Longitude = Convert.ToDouble(loc[6]),
                        Company = "ZFM"


                    // Save it 
                    status = "saved!";

                catch (Exception e)
                    // Provide for exceptions.
            if (locOverwrite == "no" && result.Count() == 0)
                    //Save the Location
                    Location newLocation = new Location
                        Name = loc[0].ToLower(),
                        Address = loc[1],
                        City = loc[2],
                        State = loc[3],
                        Zip = loc[4],
                        Latitude = Convert.ToDouble(loc[5]),
                        Longitude = Convert.ToDouble(loc[6]),
                        Company = "ZFM"


                    // Save it 
                    status = "saved!";

                catch (Exception e)
                    // Provide for exceptions.
            return Json(new { answer = status }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
