/// <summary> /// Ctor. /// </summary> public LookupControl(ZenControlBase owner, ICedictEngineFactory dictFact, ITextProvider tprov) : base(owner) { this.dictFact = dictFact; this.tprov = tprov; padding = (int)Math.Round(5.0F * Scale); // Init search language and script from user settings searchLang = AppSettings.SearchLang; searchScript = AppSettings.SearchScript; // Init HanziLookup fsStrokes = new FileStream(Magic.StrokesFileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); brStrokes = new BinaryReader(fsStrokes); strokesData = new StrokesDataSource(brStrokes); // Writing pad writingPad = new WritingPad(this, tprov); writingPad.RelLocation = new Point(padding, padding); writingPad.LogicalSize = new Size(200, 200); writingPad.StrokesChanged += writingPad_StrokesChanged; // Images for buttons under writing pad; will get owned by buttons, not that it matters. Assembly a = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); var imgStrokesClear = Image.FromStream(a.GetManifestResourceStream("ZD.Gui.Resources.strokes-clear.png")); var imgStrokesUndo = Image.FromStream(a.GetManifestResourceStream("ZD.Gui.Resources.strokes-undo.png")); // Clear and undo buttons under writing pad. float leftBtnWidth = writingPad.Width / 2 + 1; float btnHeight = 22.0F * Scale; // -- btnClearWritingPad = new ZenGradientButton(this); btnClearWritingPad.RelLocation = new Point(writingPad.RelLeft, writingPad.RelBottom - 1); btnClearWritingPad.Size = new Size((int)leftBtnWidth, (int)btnHeight); btnClearWritingPad.Text = tprov.GetString("WritingPadClear"); btnClearWritingPad.SetFont(SystemFontProvider.Instance.GetSystemFont(FontStyle.Regular, 9.0F)); btnClearWritingPad.Padding = (int)(3.0F * Scale); btnClearWritingPad.ImageExtraPadding = (int)(3.0F * Scale); btnClearWritingPad.Image = imgStrokesClear; btnClearWritingPad.Enabled = false; btnClearWritingPad.MouseClick += onClearWritingPad; // -- btnUndoStroke = new ZenGradientButton(this); btnUndoStroke.RelLocation = new Point(btnClearWritingPad.RelRight - 1, writingPad.RelBottom - 1); btnUndoStroke.Size = new Size(writingPad.RelRight - btnUndoStroke.RelLeft, (int)btnHeight); btnUndoStroke.Text = tprov.GetString("WritingPadUndo"); btnUndoStroke.SetFont(SystemFontProvider.Instance.GetSystemFont(FontStyle.Regular, 9.0F)); btnUndoStroke.Padding = (int)(3.0F * Scale); btnUndoStroke.ImageExtraPadding = (int)(1.5F * Scale); btnUndoStroke.Image = imgStrokesUndo; btnUndoStroke.Enabled = false; btnUndoStroke.MouseClick += onUndoStroke; // -- btnClearWritingPad.Tooltip = new ClearUndoTooltips(btnClearWritingPad, true, tprov, padding); btnUndoStroke.Tooltip = new ClearUndoTooltips(btnUndoStroke, false, tprov, padding); // -- // Character picker control under writing pad. ctrlCharPicker = new CharPicker(this, tprov); ctrlCharPicker.FontFam = Magic.ZhoContentFontFamily; ctrlCharPicker.FontScript = searchScript == SearchScript.Traditional ? IdeoScript.Trad : IdeoScript.Simp; ctrlCharPicker.RelLocation = new Point(padding, btnClearWritingPad.RelBottom + padding); ctrlCharPicker.LogicalSize = new Size(200, 80); ctrlCharPicker.CharPicked += onCharPicked; // Search input control at top ctrlSearchInput = new SearchInputControl(this, tprov); ctrlSearchInput.RelLocation = new Point(writingPad.RelRight + padding, padding); ctrlSearchInput.StartSearch += onStartSearch; // Tweaks for Chinese text on UI buttons // This is specific to Segoe UI and Noto Sans S Chinese fonts. float ofsZho = 0; //if (!(SystemFontProvider.Instance as ZydeoSystemFontProvider).SegoeExists) // ofsZho = Magic.ZhoButtonFontSize * Scale / 3.7F; // Script selector button to the right of search input control btnSimpTrad = new ZenGradientButton(this); btnSimpTrad.RelTop = padding; btnSimpTrad.Height = ctrlSearchInput.Height; btnSimpTrad.SetFont((SystemFontProvider.Instance as ZydeoSystemFontProvider).GetZhoButtonFont( FontStyle.Regular, Magic.ZhoButtonFontSize)); btnSimpTrad.Width = getSimpTradWidth(); btnSimpTrad.ForcedCharVertOfs = ofsZho; btnSimpTrad.RelLeft = Width - padding - btnSimpTrad.Width; btnSimpTrad.Height = ctrlSearchInput.Height; btnSimpTrad.MouseClick += onSimpTrad; // Search language selector to the right of search input control btnSearchLang = new ZenGradientButton(this); btnSearchLang.RelTop = padding; btnSearchLang.Height = ctrlSearchInput.Height; btnSearchLang.SetFont((SystemFontProvider.Instance as ZydeoSystemFontProvider).GetZhoButtonFont( FontStyle.Regular, Magic.ZhoButtonFontSize)); btnSearchLang.Width = getSearchLangWidth(); btnSearchLang.ForcedCharVertOfs = ofsZho; btnSearchLang.RelLeft = btnSimpTrad.RelLeft - padding - btnSearchLang.Width; btnSearchLang.Height = ctrlSearchInput.Height; btnSearchLang.MouseClick += onSearchLang; // Update button texts; do it here so tooltip locations will be correct. simpTradChanged(); searchLangChanged(); // Lookup results control. ctrlResults = new ResultsControl(this, tprov, onLookupThroughLink, onGetEntry); ctrlResults.RelLocation = new Point(writingPad.RelRight + padding, ctrlSearchInput.RelBottom + padding); }