Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets sense display string from entry, leaving traditional/simplified away for monolingual searches.
        /// </summary>
        private string getSense(int senseIx)
            var    cs  = entry.GetSenseAt(senseIx);
            string res = "";

            if (!cs.Domain.EqualsPlainText("CL:"))
                string domain = CedictFormatter.HybridToHtml(cs.Domain, script);
                domain = CedictFormatter.StripPlainFromHtml(domain);
                res   += domain;
            if (cs.Equiv != HybridText.Empty)
                if (res != string.Empty)
                    res += " ";
                string equiv = CedictFormatter.HybridToHtml(cs.Equiv, script);
                equiv = CedictFormatter.StripPlainFromHtml(equiv);
                res  += equiv;
            if (cs.Note != HybridText.Empty)
                if (res != string.Empty)
                    res += " ";
                string note = CedictFormatter.HybridToHtml(cs.Note, script);
                note = CedictFormatter.StripPlainFromHtml(note);
                res += note;
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Fire command for label index (in <see cref="lblColl"/>).
        /// </summary>
        private void fire(int ix)
            // Prepare plain text for clipboard, and optionally (for formatted full entry), also html.
            string plainText = "text";
            string html      = null;
            // Our plain text options
            Label lbl = lblColl[ix];

            if (lbl == lblHanzi1)
                plainText = script == SearchScript.Traditional ? entry.ChTrad : entry.ChSimpl;
            else if (lbl == lblHanzi2)
                plainText = entry.ChTrad;
            else if (lbl == lblPinyin)
                plainText = CedictFormatter.GetPinyinString(entry.GetPinyinForDisplay(true));
            else if (lbl == lblFullCedict)
                plainText = CedictFormatter.GetCedict(entry);
            else if (lbl == lblFullFormatted)
                html      = CedictFormatter.GetHtml(tprov, entry, script);
                plainText = CedictFormatter.StripPlainFromHtml(html);
            else if (lbl == lblSense)
                html      = CedictFormatter.GetSenseHtml(entry.GetSenseAt(senseIx), script);
                plainText = CedictFormatter.StripPlainFromHtml(html);

            // Copy to clipboard: plain text
            if (html == null)
            // Copy to clipboard: formatted HTML
                ClipboardHelper.CopyToClipboard(html, plainText);

            // TO-DO:
            // - Sense (after updating getSense to mind single search script)
            // !!!
            // - Sense ID hover behavior in OneResultControl, sense ID passed to context menu

            // Let parent control know that command has been triggered: time to close context menu.
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates pinyin layout.
        /// </summary>
        private void doAnalyzePinyin(Graphics g)
            // If already measured, nothing to do
            if (pinyinInfo != null)

            // This is how we measure
            StringFormat sf = StringFormat.GenericTypographic;

            g.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias;

            pinyinInfo = new PinyinInfo();
            // Measure each pinyin syllable
            bool diacritics = true;
            var  pcoll      = entry.GetPinyinForDisplay(diacritics,
                                                        res.PinyinHiliteStart, res.PinyinHiliteLength,
                                                        out pinyinInfo.HiliteStart, out pinyinInfo.HiliteLength);
            float cx   = headInfo.HeadwordRight + (float)padMid;
            float ctop = padTop;

            for (int i = 0; i != pcoll.Count; ++i)
                PinyinSyllable ps = pcoll[i];
                // New pinyin block
                PinyinBlock pb = new PinyinBlock();
                // Text: syllable's display text
                string text = ps.GetDisplayString(true);
                pb.TextPos = textPool.PoolString(text);
                // If text is punctuation, glue it to previous syllable
                if (text.Length == 1 && CedictFormatter.SticksLeft(text) && i > 0)
                    cx -= pinyinSpaceWidth;
                // Block's size and relative location
                SizeF sz = g.MeasureString(text, getFont(fntPinyinHead), 65535, sf);
                pb.Rect = new RectangleF(cx, ctop, sz.Width, sz.Height);
                cx     += sz.Width + pinyinSpaceWidth;
                // Add block
            // Height of whole pinyin area
            pinyinInfo.PinyinHeight = pinyinInfo.Blocks[0].Rect.Height;
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets display strings by combining entry, sense index, and localized strings.
        /// </summary>
        private void getDisplayStrings(ITextProvider tprov, int senseIx,
                                       out string fullFormatted, out string fullCedict,
                                       out string hanzi1, out string hanzi2, out string pinyin, out string sense)
            fullFormatted = tprov.GetString("CtxtCopyEntryFormatted");
            fullCedict    = tprov.GetString("CtxtCopyEntryCedict");
            pinyin        = tprov.GetString("CtxtCopyPinyin");
            string pinyinVal = CedictFormatter.GetPinyinString(entry.GetPinyinForDisplay(true), Magic.CtxtMenuMaxSyllableLength);

            pinyin = string.Format(pinyin, pinyinVal);
            sense  = null;
            hanzi1 = null;
            hanzi2 = null;
            if (script == SearchScript.Simplified || script == SearchScript.Traditional || entry.ChSimpl == entry.ChTrad)
                hanzi1 = tprov.GetString("CtxtCopyHanzi");
                string hanzi1Val = script == SearchScript.Traditional ? entry.ChTrad : entry.ChSimpl;
                hanzi1Val = ellipse(hanzi1Val, Magic.CtxtMenuMaxSyllableLength);
                hanzi1    = string.Format(hanzi1, hanzi1Val);
                hanzi1 = tprov.GetString("CtxtCopySimplified");
                string hanzi1Val = ellipse(entry.ChSimpl, Magic.CtxtMenuMaxSyllableLength);
                hanzi1 = string.Format(hanzi1, hanzi1Val);
                hanzi2 = tprov.GetString("CtxtCopyTraditional");
                string hanzi2Val = ellipse(entry.ChTrad, Magic.CtxtMenuMaxSyllableLength);
                hanzi2 = string.Format(hanzi2, hanzi2Val);
            if (senseIx != -1)
                sense = tprov.GetString("CtxtCopySense");
                string senseVal = getSense(senseIx);
                senseVal = ellipse(senseVal, Magic.CtxtMenuMaxSenseLength);
                sense    = string.Format(sense, senseVal);