Пример #1
         * actual parsing of xml
        public String[] getMapFromRSSXml(string state, string woeid)
            String[] returnMap = new String[Int32.Parse(config.Configuration["TOTALPARAMS"])];

            currUrl = rssURL + "?w=" + woeid + "&u=" + config.Configuration["TEMPTYPE"];

            string xmlForCurrWoeid = yScraper.getDataFromURL(currUrl);

            string city, temp, lu, tt, title, pd, ctext, ctemp;
            string cityXPath = "/rss/channel/";
            string allXPath  = "/rss/channel/item/";

                city  = parseXMLGetValue(xmlForCurrWoeid, cityXPath, "title").Split('-')[1].Split(',')[0].Trim();
                temp  = parseXMLGetValueWithAttr(xmlForCurrWoeid, allXPath, "yweather:condition", "temp");
                ctext = parseXMLGetValueWithAttr(xmlForCurrWoeid, allXPath, "yweather:condition", "text");
                ctemp = parseXMLGetValueWithAttr(xmlForCurrWoeid, allXPath, "yweather:condition", "temp");
                lu    = DateTime.Now.ToString(@"M/d/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt");
                tt    = config.Configuration["TEMPTYPE"];
                title = parseXMLGetValue(xmlForCurrWoeid, allXPath, "title");
                pd    = parseXMLGetValue(xmlForCurrWoeid, allXPath, "pubDate");

                returnMap[0]  = woeid;
                returnMap[1]  = config.Configuration["COUNTRY"];
                returnMap[2]  = state;
                returnMap[3]  = city;
                returnMap[4]  = temp;
                returnMap[5]  = lu;
                returnMap[6]  = tt;
                returnMap[7]  = title;
                returnMap[8]  = pd;
                returnMap[9]  = ctext;
                returnMap[10] = ctemp;
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Unable to fetch for : " + currUrl + " :: WOEID = " + woeid + "\n");

        // loads cities using scraping method
        public bool loadCities()
             * Here we performe scraping operation and then parse the HTML data using regex
             * Note: alternative for parsing can be usage of HTML Agility Pack[open source].
                Console.WriteLine("Loading all the States and Cities...");
                string statesString = yScraper.getDataFromURL(mainURL);

                //use regex to get the data between HTML tags that hold all the states
                string strRegex = @"<div class=""yom-mod(.+?)div id=""reg-pg"">";
                Regex  myRegex  = new Regex(strRegex, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.ECMAScript | RegexOptions.CultureInvariant);
                String excerpt  = (myRegex.Match(statesString).Groups[1].Value);

                //again use regex to extract only the states [~along with 2 or 3 extra sentences]
                strRegex = @"(?<=^|>)[^><]+?(?=<|$)";
                Regex           myRegexStates = new Regex(strRegex, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline);
                MatchCollection matches       = myRegexStates.Matches(@excerpt);

                // now we need to perform scraping once more to gather all the cities and their woeids
                // procedure is kind of similar

                int    tempCount   = 0;
                double percentDone = 0;// for accessing the match collection from right position.

                foreach (Match m in matches)

                    if (tempCount > startCountForStates)
                        percentDone += 1;
                        Console.Write("\r" + ((int)((percentDone / (double)(matches.Count - startCountForStates)) * 100)) + "% done");

                        string citiesString = yScraper.getDataFromURL(mainURL + "" + m.ToString());

                        String strRegexCities = @"<div class=""yom-mod yom-weather-region""(.+?)<div id=""reg-pg"">";
                        Regex  myRegexCities  = new Regex(strRegexCities, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.ECMAScript | RegexOptions.CultureInvariant);
                        String excerptCities  = (myRegexCities.Match(citiesString).Groups[1].Value);

                        strRegexCities = @"<a href=""/" + config.Configuration["COUNTRY"].ToLower() + "/" + m.ToString().Replace(" ", "-") + @"/(.+?)/"">";

                        Regex           myRegexStatesCities = new Regex(strRegexCities, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline);
                        MatchCollection matchesCities       = myRegexStatesCities.Matches(excerptCities);

                        String tempStr = "";

                        foreach (Match mm in matchesCities)
                            int i = mm.ToString().LastIndexOf("/");

                            int j = mm.ToString().Substring(0, i - 1).LastIndexOf("/");

                            string str = mm.ToString().Substring(j + 1, (i - j) - 1);

                            tempStr += str + ",";
                        tempStr = tempStr.Substring(0, tempStr.Length - 1);

                        // add cities and states to dictionary for future use
                        statesToCitiesMap.Add(m.ToString(), tempStr);
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Error occured : \n" + e);
