Пример #1
            public override int Advance(int target)
                //System.out.println("StandardR.D&PE advance seg=" + segment + " target=" + target + " this=" + this);

                if ((target - outerInstance.skipInterval) >= doc && limit >= outerInstance.skipMinimum)
                    // There are enough docs in the posting to have
                    // skip data, and it isn't too close

                    if (skipper == null)
                        // this is the first time this enum has ever been used for skipping -- do lazy init
                        skipper = new Lucene40SkipListReader((IndexInput)freqIn.Clone(), outerInstance.maxSkipLevels, outerInstance.skipInterval);

                    if (!skipped)
                        // this is the first time this posting has
                        // skipped, since reset() was called, so now we
                        // load the skip data for this posting
                        //System.out.println("  init skipper freqOffset=" + freqOffset + " skipOffset=" + skipOffset + " vs len=" + freqIn.length());
                        skipper.Init(freqOffset + skipOffset, freqOffset, proxOffset, limit, storePayloads, storeOffsets);

                        skipped = true;

                    int newOrd = skipper.SkipTo(target);

                    if (newOrd > ord)
                        // Skipper moved
                        ord = newOrd;
                        doc = accum = skipper.Doc;
                        lazyProxPointer = skipper.ProxPointer;
                        posPendingCount = 0;
                        position        = 0;
                        startOffset     = 0;
                        payloadPending  = false;
                        payloadLength   = skipper.PayloadLength;
                        offsetLength    = skipper.OffsetLength;

                // Now, linear scan for the rest:
                } while (target > doc);

Пример #2
            private int SkipTo(int target)
                if ((target - outerInstance.skipInterval) >= m_accum && m_limit >= outerInstance.skipMinimum)
                    // There are enough docs in the posting to have
                    // skip data, and it isn't too close.

                    if (skipper == null)
                        // this is the first time this enum has ever been used for skipping -- do lazy init
                        skipper = new Lucene40SkipListReader((IndexInput)freqIn.Clone(), outerInstance.maxSkipLevels, outerInstance.skipInterval);

                    if (!m_skipped)
                        // this is the first time this posting has
                        // skipped since reset() was called, so now we
                        // load the skip data for this posting

                        skipper.Init(m_freqOffset + m_skipOffset, m_freqOffset, 0, m_limit, m_storePayloads, m_storeOffsets);

                        m_skipped = true;

                    int newOrd = skipper.SkipTo(target);

                    if (newOrd > m_ord)
                        // Skipper moved

                        m_ord   = newOrd;
                        m_accum = skipper.Doc;