/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Baimp.PipelineController"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="project">Project.</param> /// <param name="pipelineShelf">Frame where the pipeline should be.</param> public PipelineController(Project project, VBox pipelineShelf) { this.pipelineShelf = pipelineShelf; pipelineScroller = new ScrollView(); pipelineScroller.Content = currentPipeline; this.project = project; OnProjectDataChangged(new ProjectChangedEventArgs(null) { refresh = true }); InitializeControllerbar(); splitControllTab_pipelineScroller.PackEnd(pipelineScroller, true, true); algorithm = new AlgorithmTreeView(project.scanCollection); algorithm.MinWidth = 200; // TODO, save size as user property HPaned splitPipeline_Algorithm = new HPaned(); splitPipeline_Algorithm.Panel1.Content = algorithm; splitPipeline_Algorithm.Panel1.Resize = false; splitPipeline_Algorithm.Panel1.Shrink = false; splitPipeline_Algorithm.Panel2.Content = splitControllTab_pipelineScroller; splitPipeline_Algorithm.Panel2.Resize = true; splitPipeline_Algorithm.Panel2.Shrink = false; pipelineShelf.PackStart(splitPipeline_Algorithm, true, true); InitializeEvents(); }
void CreateButtons(HPaned panel) { var panel2 = panel.Panel2; var box = new VBox (); panel2.Content = box; box.PackStart (CreateConnectButton ()); box.PackStart (CreateListenButton ()); }
public NodeWindow(string name) { Title = "Node " + name; Width = 800; Height = 600; Content = new HPaned (); //this.InitialLocation = WindowLocation.CenterScreen; }
public MainWindow() { SetSize (); CreateMenu (); var panel = new HPaned(); CreateTreeView (panel); CreateButtons (panel); Content = panel; CloseRequested += (sender, args) => Application.Exit(); }
public PanedViews() { Panel1.Content = CreateFrame ("Fixed panel at the left", false); HPaned centralPaned = new HPaned (); centralPaned.Panel1.Content = CreateFrame ("Should expand\nhorizontally and vertically", true); centralPaned.Panel1.Resize = true; VPaned verticalPaned = new VPaned (); verticalPaned.Panel1.Content = CreateFrame ("Fixed panel\nat the top", false); verticalPaned.Panel2.Content = CreateFrame ("Should expand vertically", true); verticalPaned.Panel2.Resize = true; centralPaned.Panel2.Content = verticalPaned; Panel2.Content = centralPaned; Panel2.Resize = true; }
public PanedViews () { Panel1.Content = CreateFrame ("Fixed panel at the left", false); HPaned centralPaned = new HPaned (); centralPaned.Panel1.Content = CreateFrame ("Should expand\nhorizontally and vertically", true); centralPaned.Panel1.Resize = true; VPaned verticalPaned = new VPaned (); verticalPaned.Panel1.Content = CreateFrame ("Fixed panel\nat the top", false); verticalPaned.Panel2.Content = CreateFrame ("Should expand vertically\n(with green background)", true); verticalPaned.Panel2.Content.BackgroundColor = Colors.LightGreen; verticalPaned.Panel2.Resize = true; centralPaned.Panel2.Content = verticalPaned; Panel2.Content = centralPaned; Panel2.Resize = true; }
private void CreateComponents() { BackgroundColor = Colors.White; PackStart(CreateTopBar()); var bodyBox = new HPaned(); bodyBox.Panel1.Content = CreateDescriptionView(); bodyBox.Panel2.Content = CreateImagesView(); PackStart(bodyBox, true); PackEnd(CreateButtonsBar()); }
public MainWindow() { try { statusIcon = Application.CreateStatusIcon (); statusIcon.Menu = new Menu (); statusIcon.Menu.Items.Add (new MenuItem ("Test")); statusIcon.Image = Image.FromResource (GetType (), "package.png"); } catch { Console.WriteLine ("Status icon could not be shown"); } Menu menu = new Menu (); var file = new MenuItem ("File"); file.SubMenu = new Menu (); file.SubMenu.Items.Add (new MenuItem ("Open")); file.SubMenu.Items.Add (new MenuItem ("New")); MenuItem mi = new MenuItem ("Close"); mi.Clicked += delegate { Application.Exit(); }; file.SubMenu.Items.Add (mi); menu.Items.Add (file); var edit = new MenuItem ("Edit"); edit.SubMenu = new Menu (); edit.SubMenu.Items.Add (new MenuItem ("Copy")); edit.SubMenu.Items.Add (new MenuItem ("Cut")); edit.SubMenu.Items.Add (new MenuItem ("Paste")); menu.Items.Add (edit); MainMenu = menu; HPaned box = new HPaned (); icon = Image.FromResource (typeof(App), "class.png"); store = new TreeStore (nameCol, iconCol, widgetCol); samplesTree = new TreeView (); samplesTree.Columns.Add ("Name", iconCol, nameCol); AddSample (null, "Boxes", typeof(Boxes)); AddSample (null, "Buttons", typeof(ButtonSample)); AddSample (null, "CheckBox", typeof(Checkboxes)); AddSample (null, "Clipboard", typeof(ClipboardSample)); AddSample (null, "ColorSelector", typeof(ColorSelectorSample)); AddSample (null, "ComboBox", typeof(ComboBoxes)); // AddSample (null, "Designer", typeof(Designer)); AddSample (null, "Drag & Drop", typeof(DragDrop)); var n = AddSample (null, "Drawing", null); AddSample (n, "Canvas with Widget", typeof(CanvasWithWidget)); AddSample (n, "Chart", typeof(ChartSample)); AddSample (n, "Colors", typeof(ColorsSample)); AddSample (n, "Figures", typeof(DrawingFigures)); AddSample (n, "Transformations", typeof(DrawingTransforms)); AddSample (n, "Images and Patterns", typeof(DrawingPatternsAndImages)); AddSample (n, "Text", typeof(DrawingText)); AddSample (n, "Partial Images", typeof (PartialImages)); AddSample (null, "Expander", typeof (ExpanderSample)); AddSample (null, "Progress bars", typeof(ProgressBarSample)); AddSample (null, "Frames", typeof(Frames)); AddSample (null, "Images", typeof(Images)); AddSample (null, "Labels", typeof(Labels)); AddSample (null, "ListBox", typeof(ListBoxSample)); AddSample (null, "ListView", typeof(ListView1)); AddSample (null, "Menu", typeof(MenuSamples)); AddSample (null, "Notebook", typeof(NotebookSample)); AddSample (null, "Paneds", typeof(PanedViews)); AddSample (null, "Scroll View", typeof(ScrollWindowSample)); AddSample (null, "Tables", typeof(Tables)); AddSample (null, "Text Entry", typeof(TextEntries)); AddSample (null, "Tooltips", typeof(Tooltips)); AddSample (null, "TreeView", typeof(TreeViews)); AddSample (null, "WidgetEvents", typeof(WidgetEvents)); AddSample (null, "Windows", typeof(Windows)); samplesTree.DataSource = store; box.Panel1.Content = samplesTree; sampleBox = new VBox (); title = new Label ("Sample:"); sampleBox.PackStart (title, BoxMode.None); box.Panel2.Content = sampleBox; box.Panel2.Resize = true; box.Position = 160; Content = box; samplesTree.SelectionChanged += HandleSamplesTreeSelectionChanged; }
public MainWindow() { Title = string.Format (Catalog.GetString ("{0} Demo Application"), "Hamekoz Xwt"); InitialLocation = WindowLocation.CenterScreen; Icon = Image.FromResource (Resources.Icon); WindowState = WindowState.Maximized; try { statusIcon = Application.CreateStatusIcon (); statusIcon.Menu = new Menu (); var about = new MenuItem { Label = Catalog.GetString ("About"), Image = Icons.Starred.WithSize (IconSize.Small), }; var exit = new MenuItem { Label = Catalog.GetString ("Exit"), Image = Icons.Delete.WithSize (IconSize.Small), }; statusIcon.Menu.Items.Add (about); statusIcon.Menu.Items.Add (exit); about.Clicked += AboutClicked; exit.Clicked += ExitClicked; statusIcon.Image = Icon; } catch { Console.WriteLine (Catalog.GetString ("Status icon could not be shown")); } panel = new HPaned (); store = new TreeStore (nameCol, iconCol, widgetCol); menuTree = new TreeView (); menuTree.Columns.Add ("", iconCol, nameCol); menuTree.DataSource = store; menuTree.SelectionChanged += HandleMenuTreeSelectionChanged; menuTree.MinWidth = 220; panel.Panel1.Content = menuTree; panel.Panel1.Content.MarginRight = 5; panel.Panel2.Resize = true; Content = panel; CloseRequested += HandleCloseRequested; InitialLocation = WindowLocation.CenterScreen; }
/****************************************** THIS IS AUTO GENERATED CODE BY GLADEBUILDER DO NOT EDIT USE THE IMPLEMENTATION CLASS INSTEAD *******************************************/ namespace GladeBuilder
public MainWindow() { Title = "Xwt Demo Application"; Width = 500; Height = 400; try { statusIcon = Application.CreateStatusIcon (); statusIcon.Menu = new Menu (); statusIcon.Menu.Items.Add (new MenuItem ("Test")); statusIcon.Image = Image.FromResource (GetType (), "package.png"); } catch { Console.WriteLine ("Status icon could not be shown"); } Menu menu = new Menu (); var file = new MenuItem ("_File"); file.SubMenu = new Menu (); file.SubMenu.Items.Add (new MenuItem ("_Open")); file.SubMenu.Items.Add (new MenuItem ("_New")); MenuItem mi = new MenuItem ("_Close"); mi.Clicked += delegate { Application.Exit(); }; file.SubMenu.Items.Add (mi); menu.Items.Add (file); var edit = new MenuItem ("_Edit"); edit.SubMenu = new Menu (); edit.SubMenu.Items.Add (new MenuItem ("_Copy")); edit.SubMenu.Items.Add (new MenuItem ("Cu_t")); edit.SubMenu.Items.Add (new MenuItem ("_Paste")); menu.Items.Add (edit); MainMenu = menu; HPaned box = new HPaned (); icon = Image.FromResource (typeof(App), "document-generic.png"); store = new TreeStore (nameCol, iconCol, widgetCol); samplesTree = new TreeView (); samplesTree.Columns.Add ("Name", iconCol, nameCol); var w = AddSample (null, "Widgets", null); AddSample (w, "Boxes", typeof(Boxes)); AddSample (w, "Buttons", typeof(ButtonSample)); AddSample (w, "CheckBox", typeof(Checkboxes)); AddSample (w, "Clipboard", typeof(ClipboardSample)); AddSample (w, "ColorSelector", typeof(ColorSelectorSample)); AddSample (w, "ComboBox", typeof(ComboBoxes)); AddSample (w, "DatePicker", typeof(DatePickerSample)); // AddSample (null, "Designer", typeof(Designer)); AddSample (w, "Expander", typeof (ExpanderSample)); AddSample (w, "Progress bars", typeof(ProgressBarSample)); AddSample (w, "Frames", typeof(Frames)); AddSample (w, "Images", typeof(Images)); AddSample (w, "Labels", typeof(Labels)); AddSample (w, "ListBox", typeof(ListBoxSample)); AddSample (w, "LinkLabels", typeof(LinkLabels)); var listView = AddSample (w, "ListView", typeof(ListView1)); AddSample (listView, "Editable checkboxes", typeof(ListView2)); AddSample (w, "Markdown", typeof (MarkDownSample)); AddSample (w, "Menu", typeof(MenuSamples)); var mn = AddSample (w, "Mnemonics", typeof (Mnemonics)); AddSample (w, "Notebook", typeof(NotebookSample)); AddSample (w, "Paneds", typeof(PanedViews)); AddSample (w, "Popover", typeof(PopoverSample)); AddSample (w, "RadioButton", typeof (RadioButtonSample)); AddSample (w, "Scroll View", typeof(ScrollWindowSample)); AddSample (w, "Scrollbar", typeof(ScrollbarSample)); AddSample (w, "Slider", typeof (SliderSample)); AddSample (w, "Spinners", typeof (Spinners)); AddSample (w, "Tables", typeof (Tables)); AddSample (w, "Text Entry", typeof (TextEntries)); AddSample (w, "Password Entry", typeof (PasswordEntries)); AddSample (w, "TreeView", typeof(TreeViews)); var n = AddSample (null, "Drawing", null); AddSample (n, "Canvas with Widget (Linear)", typeof (CanvasWithWidget_Linear)); AddSample (n, "Canvas with Widget (Radial)", typeof (CanvasWithWidget_Radial)); AddSample (n, "Chart", typeof (ChartSample)); AddSample (n, "Colors", typeof(ColorsSample)); AddSample (n, "Figures", typeof(DrawingFigures)); AddSample (n, "Transformations", typeof(DrawingTransforms)); AddSample (n, "Images and Patterns", typeof(DrawingPatternsAndImages)); AddSample (n, "Text", typeof(DrawingText)); AddSample (n, "Partial Images", typeof (PartialImages)); AddSample (n, "Custom Drawn Image", typeof (ImageScaling)); AddSample (n, "Widget Rendering", typeof (WidgetRendering)); var wf = AddSample (null, "Widget Features", null); AddSample (wf, "Drag & Drop", typeof(DragDrop)); AddSample (wf, "Widget Events", typeof(WidgetEvents)); AddSample (wf, "Opacity", typeof(OpacitySample)); AddSample (wf, "Tooltips", typeof(Tooltips)); AddSample (null, "Windows", typeof(Windows)); AddSample (null, "Screens", typeof (ScreensSample)); samplesTree.DataSource = store; box.Panel1.Content = samplesTree; sampleBox = new VBox (); title = new Label ("Sample:"); sampleBox.PackStart (title); box.Panel2.Content = sampleBox; box.Panel2.Resize = true; box.Position = 160; Content = box; samplesTree.SelectionChanged += HandleSamplesTreeSelectionChanged; CloseRequested += HandleCloseRequested; }
public MainWindow() { Title = "XwPlot Samples Demonstration"; Width = 800; Height = 600; Menu menu = new Menu (); var file = new MenuItem ("File"); file.SubMenu = new Menu (); file.SubMenu.Items.Add (new MenuItem ("Open")); file.SubMenu.Items.Add (new MenuItem ("New")); MenuItem mi = new MenuItem ("Close"); mi.Clicked += delegate { Application.Exit(); }; file.SubMenu.Items.Add (mi); menu.Items.Add (file); var edit = new MenuItem ("Edit"); edit.SubMenu = new Menu (); edit.SubMenu.Items.Add (new MenuItem ("Copy")); edit.SubMenu.Items.Add (new MenuItem ("Cut")); edit.SubMenu.Items.Add (new MenuItem ("Paste")); menu.Items.Add (edit); MainMenu = menu; HPaned box = new HPaned (); icon = Image.FromResource (typeof(App), "class.png"); store = new TreeStore (nameCol, iconCol, sampleCol); samplesTree = new TreeView (); samplesTree.Columns.Add ("Name", iconCol, nameCol); plotCategory = AddSample (null, "Sample Plots", null); interactionCategory = AddSample (null, "Interactions", null); testCategory = AddSample (null, "Tests", null); AddSample (plotCategory, "Plot Markers", typeof (PlotMarkerSample)); AddSample (plotCategory, "LabelPoint Plot", typeof (LabelPointPlotSample)); AddSample (plotCategory, "Line and Point Plot", typeof (PointPlotSample)); AddSample (plotCategory, "Waveform Step Plot", typeof (StepPlotSample)); AddSample (plotCategory, "GradientPlot", typeof (GradientPlotSample)); AddSample (plotCategory, "Histogram Plot", typeof (HistogramSample)); AddSample (plotCategory, "Stacked Histogram Plot", typeof (StackedHistogram)); AddSample (plotCategory, "Candle Plot", typeof (CandlePlotSample)); AddSample (plotCategory, "Trading Plot", typeof (TradingSample)); AddSample (plotCategory, "Plot Particles", typeof (PlotParticles)); AddSample (plotCategory, "Plot Logo", typeof (PlotLogo)); AddInteraction (interactionCategory, "AxisDrag", new AxisDrag ()); AddInteraction (interactionCategory, "AxisScale", new AxisScale ()); AddInteraction (interactionCategory, "PlotDrag (horizontal)", new PlotDrag (true,false)); AddInteraction (interactionCategory, "PlotDrag (vertical)", new PlotDrag (false, true)); AddInteraction (interactionCategory, "PlotScale", new PlotScale (true, true)); AddInteraction (interactionCategory, "PlotZoom", new PlotZoom ()); AddInteraction (interactionCategory, "PlotSelection", new PlotSelection ()); AddSample (testCategory, "Linear Axis", typeof (LinearAxisTest)); AddSample (testCategory, "Log Axis", typeof (LogAxisTest)); AddSample (testCategory, "DateTime Axis", typeof (DateTimeAxisTest)); AddSample (testCategory, "TradingDateTime Axis", typeof (TradingDateTimeAxisTest)); AddSample (testCategory, "Rendering Performance", typeof (RenderingTest)); AddSample (testCategory, "Overlay Canvas Test", typeof (OverlayTest)); samplesTree.DataSource = store; box.Panel1.Content = samplesTree; sampleBox = new VBox (); box.Panel2.Content = sampleBox; box.Panel2.Resize = true; box.Position = 150; Content = box; samplesTree.SelectionChanged += HandleSamplesTreeSelectionChanged; CloseRequested += HandleCloseRequested; }
public XwtColorSchemeEditor (HighlightingPanel panel) { this.panel = panel; this.Buttons.Add (new DialogButton (Command.Cancel)); this.Buttons.Add (new DialogButton (Command.Ok)); colorStore = new TreeStore (nameField, styleField, propertyField); var mainTable = new Table (); var headerTable = new Table (); headerTable.Add (new Label () { Text="Name:" }, 0, 0); headerTable.Add (entryName, 1, 0); headerTable.Add (new Label () { Text="Description:" }, 2, 0); headerTable.Add (entryDescription, 3, 0, 1, 1, true); mainTable.Add (headerTable, 0, 0, 1, 1, true, false, WidgetPlacement.Fill, WidgetPlacement.Start); var table = new Table (); var commandHBox = new HBox (); commandHBox.PackStart (new Button ("Undo")); commandHBox.PackStart (new Button ("Redo")); commandHBox.PackStart (new Button ("AutoSet")); table.Add (commandHBox, 0, 0); var adjustHBox = new HBox (); adjustHBox.PackStart (colorbuttonPrimary); adjustHBox.PackStart (colorbuttonSecondary); adjustHBox.PackStart (colorbuttonBorder); adjustHBox.PackStart (togglebuttonBold, false, WidgetPlacement.End); adjustHBox.PackStart (togglebuttonItalic, false, WidgetPlacement.End); adjustHBox.PackStart (buttonFormat, false, WidgetPlacement.End); table.Add (adjustHBox, 0, 1); this.colorbuttonPrimary.ColorSet += StyleChanged; this.colorbuttonSecondary.ColorSet += StyleChanged; this.colorbuttonBorder.ColorSet += StyleChanged; this.togglebuttonBold.Toggled += StyleChanged; this.togglebuttonItalic.Toggled += StyleChanged; this.textEditor = new TextEditor (); this.textEditor.Options = DefaultSourceEditorOptions.Instance; this.textEditor.ShowAll (); var toolkit = Toolkit.CurrentEngine; var wrappedTextEditor = toolkit.WrapWidget (textEditor); var scrollView = new ScrollView (wrappedTextEditor) { HorizontalScrollPolicy=ScrollPolicy.Always, VerticalScrollPolicy=ScrollPolicy.Always }; table.Add (scrollView, 0, 2, 1, 1, true, true); this.treeviewColors = new TreeView (); this.treeviewColors.Columns.Add (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Name"), nameField); this.treeviewColors.HeadersVisible = false; this.treeviewColors.DataSource = colorStore; this.treeviewColors.SelectionChanged += HandleTreeviewColorsSelectionChanged; var box = new HPaned (); var treeBox = new VBox (); treeBox.PackStart (searchEntry); treeBox.PackStart (treeviewColors, true); box.Panel1.Content = treeBox; box.Panel2.Content = table; box.Panel2.Resize = true; box.Position = 400; mainTable.Add (box, 0, 1, 1, 1, true, true); this.Content = mainTable; this.Height = 400; HandleTreeviewColorsSelectionChanged (null, null); }
void CreateTreeView(HPaned panel) { store = new TreeStore (nameCol); tree = new TreeView (store); tree.Columns.Add ("Name", nameCol); panel.Panel1.Content = tree; var conns = store.AddNode (null).SetValue (nameCol, "Nodes").CurrentPosition; vm.ConnectionAdded += (a, b) => store.AddNode (conns).SetValue (nameCol, a + "-" + b.Id); tree.SelectionChanged += HandleSelectionChanged; }
public MainWindow() { Title = "NPlot.Xwt Samples Application"; Width = 800; Height = 600; Menu menu = new Menu (); var file = new MenuItem ("File"); file.SubMenu = new Menu (); file.SubMenu.Items.Add (new MenuItem ("Open")); file.SubMenu.Items.Add (new MenuItem ("New")); MenuItem mi = new MenuItem ("Close"); mi.Clicked += delegate { Application.Exit(); }; file.SubMenu.Items.Add (mi); menu.Items.Add (file); var edit = new MenuItem ("Edit"); edit.SubMenu = new Menu (); edit.SubMenu.Items.Add (new MenuItem ("Copy")); edit.SubMenu.Items.Add (new MenuItem ("Cut")); edit.SubMenu.Items.Add (new MenuItem ("Paste")); menu.Items.Add (edit); MainMenu = menu; HPaned box = new HPaned (); icon = Image.FromResource (typeof(App), "class.png"); store = new TreeStore (nameCol, iconCol, widgetCol); samplesTree = new TreeView (); samplesTree.Columns.Add ("Name", iconCol, nameCol); var staticPlots = AddSample (null, "Static Plots", null); AddSample (staticPlots, "Plot Markers", typeof (PlotMarkerSample)); AddSample (staticPlots, "Waveform Step Plot", typeof (StepPlotSample)); AddSample (staticPlots, "Point Plot", typeof (PointPlotSample)); AddSample (staticPlots, "Histogram Plot", typeof (HistogramSample)); AddSample (staticPlots, "Candle Plot", typeof (CandlePlotSample)); AddSample (staticPlots, "Trading Plot", typeof (TradingSample)); var interactivePlots = AddSample (null, "Interactive Plots", null); AddSample (interactivePlots, "Waveform Plot", typeof (StepPlotSample)); var tests = AddSample (null, "Tests", null); AddSample (tests, "Linear Axis", typeof (LinearAxisTest)); AddSample (tests, "Log Axis", typeof (LogAxisTest)); AddSample (tests, "DateTime Axis", typeof (DateTimeAxisTest)); samplesTree.DataSource = store; box.Panel1.Content = samplesTree; sampleBox = new VBox (); box.Panel2.Content = sampleBox; box.Panel2.Resize = true; box.Position = 200; Content = box; samplesTree.SelectionChanged += HandleSamplesTreeSelectionChanged; CloseRequested += HandleCloseRequested; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the Samples.MainWindow class, creating a 2-panel /// layout with a TreeStore for Sample selection and a VBox for the sample itself. /// </summary> public MainWindow() { // Show a status icon in taskbar if possible try { statusIcon = Application.CreateStatusIcon (); statusIcon.Menu = new Menu (); statusIcon.Menu.Items.Add (new MenuItem ("Test")); statusIcon.Image = Image.FromResource (GetType (), "package.png"); } catch { Console.WriteLine ("Status icon could not be shown"); } Menu menu = new Menu (); var file = new MenuItem ("File"); file.SubMenu = new Menu (); file.SubMenu.Items.Add (new MenuItem ("Open")); file.SubMenu.Items.Add (new MenuItem ("New")); MenuItem mi = new MenuItem ("Close"); mi.Clicked += delegate { Application.Exit(); }; file.SubMenu.Items.Add (mi); menu.Items.Add (file); var edit = new MenuItem ("Edit"); edit.SubMenu = new Menu (); edit.SubMenu.Items.Add (new MenuItem ("Copy")); edit.SubMenu.Items.Add (new MenuItem ("Cut")); edit.SubMenu.Items.Add (new MenuItem ("Paste")); menu.Items.Add (edit); MainMenu = menu; HPaned box = new HPaned (); icon = Image.FromResource (typeof(App), "class.png"); store = new TreeStore (nameCol, iconCol, widgetCol); samplesTree = new TreeView (); samplesTree.Columns.Add ("Name", iconCol, nameCol); AddSample (null, "Boxes", typeof(Boxes)); var n = AddSample (null, "Charts", null); AddSample (n, "SimplePlotCanvas", typeof (SimplePlotCanvas)); samplesTree.DataSource = store; box.Panel1.Content = samplesTree; sampleBox = new VBox (); title = new Label ("Sample:"); sampleBox.PackStart (title, BoxMode.None); box.Panel2.Content = sampleBox; box.Panel2.Resize = true; box.Position = 160; Content = box; samplesTree.SelectionChanged += HandleSamplesTreeSelectionChanged; CloseRequested += HandleCloseRequested; }
private void CreateComponents() { Width = 1150; Height = 600; Icon = ResourcesManager.GetImage("icon.png"); Version version = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version; Title = string.Format("Deblocus - v{0}.{1}.{2}", version.Major, version.Minor, version.Build); var menuPanelDivision = new HPaned(); menuPanelDivision.BackgroundColor = LightBlue; menuPanelDivision.Panel1.Content = MakeSidebar(); menuPanelDivision.Panel2.Content = MakePanel(); // Set the content Padding = new WidgetSpacing(); Content = mainContent = menuPanelDivision; CloseRequested += WindowCloseRequested; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes the user inferface /// </summary> private void InitializeUI() { // restore last window size and location Location = new Point( Settings.Default.WindowLocationX, Settings.Default.WindowLocationY ); Size = new Size( Settings.Default.WindowSizeWidth, Settings.Default.WindowSizeHeight ); // set window preference Title = "BAIMP"; // file menu var fileMenu = new MenuItem("_File"); fileMenu.SubMenu = new Menu(); MenuItem menuNew = new MenuItem("_New..."); menuNew.Clicked += (object sender, EventArgs e) => project.NewDialog(); fileMenu.SubMenu.Items.Add(menuNew); MenuItem menuOpen = new MenuItem("_Open..."); menuOpen.Clicked += delegate { if (!project.OpenDialog() && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(project.ErrorMessage)) { MessageDialog.ShowMessage ("Error while opening the file", project.ErrorMessage); project.ErrorMessage = null; } }; fileMenu.SubMenu.Items.Add(menuOpen); if (Settings.Default.LastOpenedProjects != null) { MenuItem menuLastOpened = new MenuItem("Recently opened"); menuLastOpened.SubMenu = new Menu(); fileMenu.SubMenu.Items.Add(menuLastOpened); for (int i = Settings.Default.LastOpenedProjects.Count-1; i >= 0; i--) { string path = Settings.Default.LastOpenedProjects[i]; MenuItem menuLastOpenedi = new MenuItem(path); menuLastOpenedi.Clicked += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!project.Open(path) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(project.ErrorMessage)) { MessageDialog.ShowMessage ("Error while opening the file", project.ErrorMessage); project.ErrorMessage = null; } }; menuLastOpened.SubMenu.Items.Add(menuLastOpenedi); } } fileMenu.SubMenu.Items.Add(new SeparatorMenuItem()); MenuItem menuImport = new MenuItem("_Import..."); menuImport.Clicked += (object sender, EventArgs e) => project.ImportDialog(); fileMenu.SubMenu.Items.Add(menuImport); MenuItem menuSave = new MenuItem("_Save"); menuSave.Clicked += (object sender, EventArgs e) => SaveAll(); fileMenu.SubMenu.Items.Add(menuSave); fileMenu.SubMenu.Items.Add(new SeparatorMenuItem()); MenuItem menuClose = new MenuItem("_Exit"); menuClose.Clicked += (object sender, EventArgs e) => Close(); fileMenu.SubMenu.Items.Add(menuClose); // View menu MenuItem viewMenu = new MenuItem("_View"); viewMenu.SubMenu = new Menu(); RadioButtonMenuItemGroup viewRadioGroup = new RadioButtonMenuItemGroup(); RadioButtonMenuItem menuViewOverview = new RadioButtonMenuItem("Overview"); menuViewOverview.Checked = true; menuViewOverview.Group = viewRadioGroup; viewMenu.SubMenu.Items.Add(menuViewOverview); RadioButtonMenuItem menuViewPipeline = new RadioButtonMenuItem("Pipeline"); menuViewPipeline.Group = menuViewOverview.Group; viewMenu.SubMenu.Items.Add(menuViewPipeline); menuViewOverview.Clicked += delegate { splitMain_Status.Remove(pipelineShelf); splitScan_Pipeline.Panel2.Content = pipelineShelf; splitMain_Status.PackStart(splitScan_Pipeline, true, true); }; menuViewPipeline.Clicked += delegate { splitScan_Pipeline.Panel2.Content = null; splitMain_Status.Remove(splitScan_Pipeline); splitMain_Status.PackStart(pipelineShelf, true, true); }; // Edit menu MenuItem editMenu = new MenuItem("_Edit"); editMenu.SubMenu = new Menu(); MenuItem menuWorksheetRename = new MenuItem("_Rename worksheet..."); editMenu.SubMenu.Items.Add(menuWorksheetRename); menuWorksheetRename.Clicked += (object sender, EventArgs e) => pipelineController.RenameCurrentWorksheetDialog(); // Pipeline menu MenuItem pipelineMenu = new MenuItem("_Pipeline"); pipelineMenu.SubMenu = new Menu(); MenuItem menuExecute = new MenuItem("_Execute"); menuExecute.Clicked += (object sender, EventArgs e) => pipelineController.CurrentPipeline.Execute(project); pipelineMenu.SubMenu.Items.Add(menuExecute); pipelineMenu.SubMenu.Items.Add(new SeparatorMenuItem()); MenuItem menuExport = new MenuItem("Export"); menuExport.SubMenu = new Menu(); pipelineMenu.SubMenu.Items.Add(menuExport); Type exporterType = typeof(BaseExporter); IEnumerable<Type> exporter = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() .SelectMany(s => s.GetTypes()) .Where(t => t.BaseType == exporterType); foreach (Type export in exporter) { MenuItem ni = new MenuItem(string.Format("As {0}...", export.Name)); ni.Tag = export.Name; menuExport.SubMenu.Items.Add(ni); var lExport = export; ni.Clicked += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { MenuItem s = sender as MenuItem; if (s != null) { if (exporterList.ContainsKey(s.Tag.ToString())) { exporterList[s.Tag.ToString()].ShowDialog(pipelineController.CurrentPipeline.Nodes); } else { BaseExporter instance = Activator.CreateInstance(lExport, pipelineController.CurrentPipeline.PipelineName) as BaseExporter; if (instance != null) { exporterList[s.Tag.ToString()] = instance; instance.ShowDialog(pipelineController.CurrentPipeline.Nodes); } } } }; } // Extras menu MenuItem extrasMenu = new MenuItem("E_xtras"); extrasMenu.SubMenu = new Menu(); MenuItem menuResetAllMasks = new MenuItem("_Reset all masks"); menuResetAllMasks.Clicked += delegate { foreach (BaseScan scan in project.scanCollection) { scan.Mask.ResetMask(); } }; MenuItem menuExportLog = new MenuItem("Export _logs"); menuExportLog.Clicked += delegate { SaveFileDialog d = new SaveFileDialog("Export logs"); if (d.Run()) { string filename = d.FileName; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filename)) { System.IO.File.WriteAllText(filename, Log.ToText()); } } d.Dispose(); }; extrasMenu.SubMenu.Items.Add(menuResetAllMasks); extrasMenu.SubMenu.Items.Add(menuExportLog); // main menu Menu menu = new Menu(); menu.Items.Add(fileMenu); menu.Items.Add(viewMenu); menu.Items.Add(editMenu); menu.Items.Add(pipelineMenu); menu.Items.Add(extrasMenu); MainMenu = menu; // initialize preview widget preview = new Preview(); // load tree view with all available files fileTree = new FileTreeView(); VBox splitFileTreeSearch_FileTree = new VBox(); splitFileTreeSearch_FileTree.PackStart(new FileTreeFilter(fileTree)); splitFileTreeSearch_FileTree.PackStart(fileTree, true); // load pipeline controller pipelineShelf = new VBox(); pipelineController = new PipelineController(project, pipelineShelf); splitFiletree_Preview = new HPaned(); splitFiletree_Preview.Panel1.Content = splitFileTreeSearch_FileTree; splitFiletree_Preview.Panel1.Shrink = true; fileTree.HorizontalScrollPolicy = ScrollPolicy.Never; splitFiletree_Preview.Panel2.Content = preview; splitFiletree_Preview.Panel2.Resize = true; splitController_Preview = new VBox(); //splitController_Preview.PackStart(controllbarShelf, false, false); splitController_Preview.PackEnd(splitFiletree_Preview, true, true); splitScan_Pipeline = new VPaned(); splitScan_Pipeline.Panel1.Content = splitController_Preview; splitScan_Pipeline.Panel2.Content = pipelineShelf; splitScan_Pipeline.Panel2.Resize = true; splitMain_Status = new VBox(); splitMain_Status.PackStart(splitScan_Pipeline, true, true); splitMain_Status.PackEnd(new StatusBar()); Content = splitMain_Status; }