public async Task ShouldStopClientAndThrowExceptionWhenProtocolErrorOccurs() { using (var harness = new SocketClientTestHarness(FakeUri, null)) { var messages = new IRequestMessage[] { new RunMessage("This will cause a syntax error"), new PullAllMessage() }; var messageHandler = new TestResponseHandler(); messageHandler.Register(new InitMessage("MyClient/1.1", new Dictionary <string, object>())); messageHandler.Register(messages[0], new ResultBuilder()); messageHandler.Register(messages[1], new ResultBuilder()); harness.SetupReadStream("00 00 00 01" + "00 03 b1 70 a0 00 00"); harness.SetupWriteStream(); await harness.Client.Start(); messageHandler.Error = new ClientException("Neo.ClientError.Request.Invalid", "Test Message"); // When var ex = Record.Exception(() => harness.Client.Send(messages, messageHandler)); ex.Should().BeOfType <ClientException>(); harness.MockTcpSocketClient.Verify(x => x.DisconnectAsync(), Times.Once); harness.MockTcpSocketClient.Verify(x => x.Dispose(), Times.Once); } }
public async void ShouldDisposeConnectionOnNewBeginTxIfBeginTxFailed() { // Given var mockProtocol = new Mock <IBoltProtocol>(); var mockConn = NewMockedConnection(mockProtocol.Object); var calls = 0; mockProtocol.Setup(x => x.BeginTransactionAsync(It.IsAny <IConnection>(), It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <Bookmark>(), It.IsAny <TransactionConfig>())) .Returns(Task.CompletedTask).Callback(() => { // only throw exception on the first beginTx call calls++; if (calls == 1) { throw new IOException("Triggered an error when beginTx"); } }); var session = NewSession(mockConn.Object); var exc = await Record.ExceptionAsync(() => session.BeginTransactionAsync()); exc.Should().BeOfType <IOException>(); // When await session.BeginTransactionAsync(); // Then mockConn.Verify(x => x.CloseAsync(), Times.Once); }
public async void ShouldDisposeConnectionOnRunIfBeginTxFailed() { // Given var mockConn = new Mock <IConnection>(); mockConn.Setup(x => x.IsOpen).Returns(true); mockConn.Setup(x => x.Run(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <IDictionary <string, object> >(), It.IsAny <IMessageResponseCollector>(), It.IsAny <bool>())).Callback <string, IDictionary <string, object>, IMessageResponseCollector, bool>( (s, d, c, b) => { c?.DoneSuccess(); }); mockConn.Setup(x => x.Run("BEGIN", null, null, true)) .Throws(new IOException("Triggered an error when beginTx")); var session = NewSession(mockConn.Object); var exc = await Record.ExceptionAsync(() => session.BeginTransactionAsync()); exc.Should().BeOfType <IOException>(); // When await session.RunAsync("lala"); // Then mockConn.Verify(x => x.CloseAsync(), Times.Once); }
public void ShouldServiceUnavailableWhenProcedureNotFound() { // Given var pairs = new List <Tuple <IRequestMessage, IResponseMessage> > { MessagePair(InitMessage(), SuccessMessage()), MessagePair(new RunMessage("CALL dbms.cluster.routing.getServers"), new FailureMessage("Neo.ClientError.Procedure.ProcedureNotFound", "not found")), MessagePair(PullAllMessage(), new IgnoredMessage()) }; var messagingClient = new MockedMessagingClient(pairs); var conn = SocketConnectionTests.NewSocketConnection(messagingClient.Client); conn.Init(); var manager = CreateDiscoveryManager(conn, null); // When var exception = Record.Exception(() => manager.Rediscovery()); // Then exception.Should().BeOfType <ServiceUnavailableException>(); exception.Message.Should().StartWith("Error when calling `getServers` procedure: "); messagingClient.ClientMock.Verify(x => x.Stop(), Times.Once); }
public async Task ShouldStopClientAndThrowExceptionWhenProtocolErrorOccurs() { using (var harness = new SocketClientTestHarness(FakeUri)) { var messages = new IRequestMessage[] { new RunMessage("Any message"), }; var messageHandler = new TestResponseHandler(); messageHandler.EnqueueMessage(messages[0]); harness.SetupReadStream("00 00 00 01" + "00 02 b0 7e 00 00"); // read whatever message but not success harness.SetupWriteStream(); await harness.Client.Start(); // force to recive an error messageHandler.Error = new ClientException("Neo.ClientError.Request.Invalid", "Test Message"); // When harness.Client.Send(messages); var ex = Record.Exception(() => harness.Client.Receive(messageHandler)); ex.Should().BeOfType <ClientException>(); harness.MockTcpSocketClient.Verify(x => x.DisconnectAsync(), Times.Once); harness.MockTcpSocketClient.Verify(x => x.Dispose(), Times.Once); } }
public async Task ShouldCreateExceptionWhenErrorReceivedFromDatabase() { using (var harness = new SocketClientTestHarness(FakeUri, null)) { var messages = new IRequestMessage[] { new RunMessage("This will cause a syntax error") }; var messageHandler = new MessageResponseHandler(); messageHandler.EnqueueMessage(new InitMessage("MyClient/1.1", new Dictionary <string, object>())); messageHandler.EnqueueMessage(messages[0], new ResultBuilder()); harness.SetupReadStream("00 00 00 01" + "00 03 b1 70 a0 00 00" + "00a0b17fa284636f6465d0274e656f2e436c69656e744572726f722e53746174656d656e742e496e76616c696453796e746178876d657373616765d065496e76616c696420696e707574202754273a206578706563746564203c696e69743e20286c696e6520312c20636f6c756d6e203120286f66667365743a203029290a22546869732077696c6c20636175736520612073796e746178206572726f72220a205e0000"); harness.SetupWriteStream(); await harness.Client.Start(); harness.ResetCalls(); // When harness.Client.Send(messages); Record.Exception(() => harness.Client.Receive(messageHandler)); // Then harness.VerifyWriteStreamUsages(2 /*write + flush*/); messageHandler.HasError.Should().BeTrue(); messageHandler.Error.Code.Should().Be("Neo.ClientError.Statement.InvalidSyntax"); messageHandler.Error.Message.Should().Be( "Invalid input 'T': expected <init> (line 1, column 1 (offset: 0))\n\"This will cause a syntax error\"\n ^"); } }
public async void ShouldDisposeConnectionOnNewBeginTxIfBeginTxFailed() { // Given var mockConn = new Mock <IConnection>(); mockConn.Setup(x => x.IsOpen).Returns(true); var calls = 0; mockConn.Setup(x => x.Run("BEGIN", null, null, true)) .Callback(() => { // only throw exception on the first beginTx call calls++; if (calls == 1) { throw new IOException("Triggered an error when beginTx"); } }); var session = NewSession(mockConn.Object); var exc = await Record.ExceptionAsync(() => session.BeginTransactionAsync()); exc.Should().BeOfType <IOException>(); // When await session.BeginTransactionAsync(); // Then mockConn.Verify(x => x.CloseAsync(), Times.Once); }
public void ShouldThrowExceptionIfProtocolIsNotSupported() { var ex = Record.Exception(() => new SocketClient(new Uri("http://localhost:1234"), null)); ex.Should().BeOfType <NotSupportedException>(); ex.Message.Should().Be("Unsupported protocol: http"); }
public void ShouldThrowIfSummaryBuilderIsNull() { var exc = Record.Exception(() => new RunResponseHandler(new Mock <IResultStreamBuilder>().Object, null)); exc.Should().BeOfType <ArgumentNullException>().Which .ParamName.Should().Be("summaryBuilder"); }
public void ShouldThrowArgumentNullExceptionIfSocketClientIsNull() { var exception = Record.Exception(() => new SocketConnection(null, AuthTokens.None, Logger)); exception.Should().NotBeNull(); exception.Should().BeOfType <ArgumentNullException>(); }
public async Task SingleInvalidRequestAsync() { AmazonDynamoDBConfig config = new AmazonDynamoDBConfig { RegionEndpoint = Amazon.RegionEndpoint.USEast1 }; CSMTestUtilities testUtils = new CSMTestUtilities { Service = "DynamoDB", ApiCall = "DeleteTable", AttemptCount = 1, Domain = "", Region = "us-east-1", AWSException = "ResourceNotFoundException", AWSExceptionMessage = "Requested resource not found", HttpStatusCode = 400, MaxRetriesExceeded = 0, StashCount = 3 }; var task = Task.Run(() => testUtils.UDPListener()); AmazonDynamoDBClient client = new AmazonDynamoDBClient(config); var exception = await Record.ExceptionAsync(async() => await client.DeleteTableAsync(new DeleteTableRequest { TableName = "foobar" })); Assert.NotNull(exception); Assert.IsType <ResourceNotFoundException>(exception); Thread.Sleep(10); testUtils.EndTest(); task.Wait(); testUtils.Validate(task.Result); }
public async void ShouldNotAllowNewTxWhileOneIsRunning() { var mockConn = NewMockedConnection(); var session = NewSession(mockConn.Object); await session.BeginTransactionAsync(); var error = await Record.ExceptionAsync(() => session.BeginTransactionAsync()); error.Should().BeOfType<ClientException>(); }
public async void ShouldNotBeAbleToUseSessionWhileOngoingTransaction() { var mockConn = NewMockedConnection(); var session = NewSession(mockConn.Object); var tx = await session.BeginTransactionAsync(); var error = await Record.ExceptionAsync(() => session.RunAsync("lalal")); error.Should().BeOfType<ClientException>(); }
public void op_ToEntity_whenNullValue() { var obj = new Record<string> { Value = null }; Assert.Null(obj.ToEntity()); }
public void ShouldThrowIfStreamBuilderIsNull() { var summaryBuilder = new Mock <SummaryBuilder>(new Query("stmt"), new ServerInfo(new Uri("bolt://localhost"))); var exc = Record.Exception(() => new RunResponseHandler(null, summaryBuilder.Object)); exc.Should().BeOfType <ArgumentNullException>().Which .ParamName.Should().Be("streamBuilder"); }
public void ShouldNotAllowMoreTransactionsInSessionWhileConnectionClosed() { var mockConn = new Mock <IConnection>(); mockConn.Setup(x => x.IsOpen).Returns(false); var session = new Session(mockConn.Object, null); var error = Record.Exception(() => session.BeginTransaction()); error.Should().BeOfType <ClientException>(); }
public void ShouldThrowExceptionWhenTryingToCollectBookmark() { var collector = NewSummaryCollector(); var error = Record.Exception(() => collector.CollectBookmark(new Dictionary <string, object> { { "bookmark", "I shall not be here" } })); error.Should().BeOfType <NotSupportedException>(); error.Message.Should().Contain("not get a bookmark on a result"); }
public void ShouldNotAllowMoreStatementsInSessionWhileConnectionClosed() { var mockConn = new Mock <IConnection>(); mockConn.Setup(x => x.IsOpen).Returns(false); var session = new Session(null, null, null, mockConn.Object); var error = Record.Exception(() => session.Run("lalal")); error.Should().BeOfType <ClientException>(); }
public void ShouldNotAllowMoreTransactionsInSessionWhileConnectionHasUnrecoverableError() { var mockConn = new Mock <IPooledConnection>(); mockConn.Setup(x => x.HasUnrecoverableError).Returns(true); var session = new Session(mockConn.Object, null); var error = Record.Exception(() => session.BeginTransaction()); error.Should().BeOfType <ClientException>(); }
public void ShouldNotAllowMoreStatementsInSessionWhileConnectionHasUnrecoverableError() { var mockConn = new Mock <IConnection>(); mockConn.Setup(x => x.HasUnrecoverableError).Returns(true); var session = new Session(mockConn.Object, null); var error = Record.Exception(() => session.Run("lalal")); error.Should().BeOfType <ClientException>(); }
public void op_ToEntity() { var obj = new Record<int> { Value = 123 }; const string expected = "123"; var actual = obj.ToEntity(); Assert.Equal(expected, actual); }
public void Valid_Ctor() { var originator = BankAccountTest.SampleOriginator(); var destination = BankAccountTest.SampleDestination(); var record = new Record(originator, destination, TransCode.Payment, 100.00m, "Ref"); Assert.Equal(TransCode.Payment, record.TransCode); Assert.Equal(100.00m, record.Amount); Assert.Equal("Ref", record.Reference); Assert.Equal(originator, record.Originator); Assert.Equal(destination, record.Destination); }
public void ShouldNotAllowNewTxWhileOneIsRunning() { var mockConn = new Mock <IConnection>(); mockConn.Setup(x => x.IsOpen).Returns(true); var session = new Session(mockConn.Object, null); session.BeginTransaction(); var error = Record.Exception(() => session.BeginTransaction()); error.Should().BeOfType <ClientException>(); }
public void ShouldNotBeAbleToUseSessionWhileOngoingTransaction() { var mockConn = new Mock <IConnection>(); mockConn.Setup(x => x.IsOpen).Returns(true); var session = new Session(mockConn.Object, null); var tx = session.BeginTransaction(); var error = Record.Exception(() => session.Run("lalal")); error.Should().BeOfType <ClientException>(); }
public void op_ToXml() { var obj = new Record<int> { Value = 123 }; var expected = 123.XmlSerialize(); var actual = obj.ToXml(); Assert.Equal(expected, actual); }
public void ShouldThrowIfValueIsOfWrongType() { var metadata = new Dictionary <string, object> { { Key, true } }; var collector = new CountersCollector(); var ex = Record.Exception(() => collector.Collect(metadata)); ex.Should().BeOfType <ProtocolException>().Which .Message.Should() .Contain($"Expected '{Key}' metadata to be of type 'IDictionary<String,Object>', but got 'Boolean'."); }
public void ShouldThrowIfValueIsOfWrongType() { var metadata = new Dictionary <string, object> { { Key, 1L } }; var collector = new DatabaseInfoCollector(); var ex = Record.Exception(() => collector.Collect(metadata)); ex.Should().BeOfType <ProtocolException>().Which .Message.Should() .Contain($"Expected '{Key}' metadata to be of type 'string', but got 'Int64'."); }
public async Task ShouldThrowWhenNoRecord() { // Given var connMock = SetupSocketConnection(new List <object[]>()); var manager = new ClusterDiscovery(null, null); // When var exception = await Record.ExceptionAsync(() => manager.DiscoverAsync(connMock.Object)); // Then exception.Should().BeOfType <InvalidOperationException>().Which.Message.Should() .Be("The result is empty."); connMock.Verify(x => x.CloseAsync(), Times.Once); }
public async Task ShouldThrowWhenRecordUnparsable() { // Given var connMock = SetupSocketConnection(new object[] { 1 }); var manager = new ClusterDiscovery(null, null); // When var exception = await Record.ExceptionAsync(() => manager.DiscoverAsync(connMock.Object)); // Then exception.Should().BeOfType <ProtocolException>().Which.Message.Should() .Be("keys (2) does not equal to values (1)"); connMock.Verify(x => x.CloseAsync(), Times.Once); }
public void ShouldProtocolErrorWhenNoRecord() { // Given var connMock = SetupSocketConnection(new List <object[]>()); var manager = CreateDiscoveryManager(connMock.Object); // When var exception = Record.Exception(() => manager.Rediscovery()); // Then exception.Should().BeOfType <ProtocolException>(); exception.Message.Should().Be("Error when parsing `getServers` result: Sequence contains no elements."); connMock.Verify(x => x.Close(), Times.Once); }
public void ShouldThrowExceptionWhenDisposingSessionMoreThanOnce() { // Given var mockConn = new Mock <IConnection>(); var session = NewSession(mockConn.Object); // When session.Dispose(); var exception = Record.Exception(() => session.Dispose()); // Then exception.Should().BeOfType <ObjectDisposedException>(); exception.Message.Should().Contain("Failed to dispose this seesion as it has already been disposed."); }
public void ShouldDisposeConnectionIfBeginTxFailed() { var mockConn = new Mock <IConnection>(); mockConn.Setup(x => x.IsOpen).Returns(true); mockConn.Setup(x => x.Run("BEGIN", null, null, true)) .Throws(new IOException("Triggered an error when beginTx")); var session = NewSession(mockConn.Object); Record.Exception(() => session.BeginTransaction()).Should().BeOfType <IOException>(); session.Dispose(); mockConn.Verify(x => x.Close(), Times.Once); }
public async Task ShouldThrowExceptionIfReaderIsEmpty() { // Given var procedureReplyRecordFields = CreateGetServersResponseRecordFields(3, 1, 0); var connMock = SetupSocketConnection(procedureReplyRecordFields); var manager = new ClusterDiscovery(null, null); // When var exception = await Record.ExceptionAsync(() => manager.DiscoverAsync(connMock.Object)); // Then exception.Should().BeOfType <ProtocolException>().Which.Message.Should() .Contain("3 routers, 1 writers and 0 readers."); connMock.Verify(x => x.CloseAsync(), Times.Once); }
public void ShouldProtocolErrorWhenRecordUnparsable() { // Given var connMock = SetupSocketConnection(new object[] { 1 }); var manager = CreateDiscoveryManager(connMock.Object); // When var exception = Record.Exception(() => manager.Rediscovery()); // Then exception.Should().BeOfType <ProtocolException>(); exception.Message.Should() .Be("Error when parsing `getServers` result: keys (2) does not equal to values (1)."); connMock.Verify(x => x.Close(), Times.Once); }
public void AscendingKeyThenDescendingKey() { Record[] source = new Record[] { new Record{ Name = "Jim", City = "Minneapolis", Country = "USA" }, new Record{ Name = "Tim", City = "Seattle", Country = "USA" }, new Record{ Name = "Philip", City = "Orlando", Country = "USA" }, new Record{ Name = "Chris", City = "London", Country = "UK" }, new Record{ Name = "Rob", City = "Kent", Country = "UK" } }; Record[] expected = new Record[] { new Record{ Name = "Chris", City = "London", Country = "UK" }, new Record{ Name = "Rob", City = "Kent", Country = "UK" }, new Record{ Name = "Tim", City = "Seattle", Country = "USA" }, new Record{ Name = "Philip", City = "Orlando", Country = "USA" }, new Record{ Name = "Jim", City = "Minneapolis", Country = "USA" } }; Assert.Equal(expected, source.OrderBy((e) => e.Country).ThenByDescending((e) => e.City)); }
public void op_ToEntity_whenIEntity() { const string expected = "123"; var value = new Mock<IEntity>(); value .Setup(x => x.ToEntity()) .Returns(expected) .Verifiable(); var obj = new Record<IEntity> { Value = value.Object }; var actual = obj.ToEntity(); Assert.Equal(expected, actual); value.VerifyAll(); }
public void op_Load_FileSystemInfo() { var key = AlphaDecimal.Random(); var expected = new Record<int> { Cacheability = "public", Created = new DateTime(1999, 12, 31, 01, 00, 00, 00), Etag = "\"xyz\"", Expiration = "P1D", Key = key, Modified = new DateTime(2001, 12, 31, 01, 00, 00, 00), Status = 200, Urn = "urn://", Value = 123 }; using (var file = new TempFile()) { using (var stream = file.Info.Open(FileMode.Truncate, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read)) { using (var writer = new StreamWriter(stream)) { writer.WriteLine("urn: urn://"); writer.WriteLine("key: " + key); writer.WriteLine("etag: \"xyz\""); writer.WriteLine("created: 1999-12-31T01:00:00Z"); writer.WriteLine("modified: 2001-12-31T01:00:00Z"); writer.WriteLine("cacheability: public"); writer.WriteLine("expiration: P1D"); writer.WriteLine("status: 200"); writer.WriteLine(string.Empty); writer.Write("<int>123</int>"); } } var actual = RecordFile.Load(file.Info).ToRecord<int>(); Assert.Equal(expected, actual); } }
public GridForeignKeyDataCellBuilderTests() { record = new Record(); }
private async Task TransfertInternal(string from, string to, long amount, string asset) { var lAsset = LedgerPath.Parse(asset); var aFrom = new AccountKey(LedgerPath.Parse(from), lAsset); var aTo = new AccountKey(LedgerPath.Parse(to), lAsset); var accounts = await Engine.GetAccounts(new[] { aFrom, aTo }); var adFrom = accounts[aFrom]; var adTo = accounts[aTo]; var rFrom = new Record(aFrom.Key.ToBinary(), LongToByteString(adFrom.Balance - amount), adFrom.Version); var rTo = new Record(aTo.Key.ToBinary(), LongToByteString(adTo.Balance + amount), adTo.Version); Mutation m = new Mutation(ByteString.Empty, new[] { rFrom, rTo }, ByteString.Empty); int c = System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref gcounter); Transaction t = new Transaction( new ByteString(MessageSerializer.SerializeMutation(m)), DateTime.UtcNow, new ByteString(BitConverter.GetBytes(c)) ); await Engine.AddTransactions(new[] { new ByteString(MessageSerializer.SerializeTransaction(t)) }); //Output.WriteLine($"{prefix} - {from} ==> {to} Success Retry : {tryCount}"); }
public void CSV_Fixed_Dp() { var record = new Record(BankAccountTest.SampleOriginator(), BankAccountTest.SampleDestination(), DirectDebitAlbany.TransCode.Payment, 1234m, "Ref"); var serialized = record.Serialize(SerializeMethod.CSV); Assert.Equal("1234.00", serialized.Amount); }
public void It_splits_Path_into_segments_separated_by_backslash_and_lowercased() { var record = new Record(@"Provider::C:\Program Files (x86)\Alteryx\Engine"); record.PathSegments.ShouldEqual(new[] {"c:", "program files (x86)", "alteryx", "engine"}); }
public void It_splits_the_supplied_path_on_the_cons() { var record = new Record("provider::path", 0); record.Provider.ShouldEqual("provider"); record.Path.ShouldEqual("path"); }
public void op_Save_FileSystemInfo() { var record = new Record<int> { Cacheability = "public", Created = new DateTime(1999, 12, 31, 01, 00, 00, 00), Etag = "\"xyz\"", Expiration = "P1D", Key = AlphaDecimal.Random(), Modified = new DateTime(2001, 12, 31, 01, 00, 00, 00), Status = 200, Urn = "urn://", Value = 123 }; var expected = new StringBuilder(); expected.AppendLine("urn: urn://"); expected.AppendLine("key: " + record.Key); expected.AppendLine("etag: \"xyz\""); expected.AppendLine("created: 1999-12-31T01:00:00Z"); expected.AppendLine("modified: 2001-12-31T01:00:00Z"); expected.AppendLine("cacheability: public"); expected.AppendLine("expiration: P1D"); expected.AppendLine("status: 200"); expected.AppendLine(string.Empty); expected.Append("<int>123</int>"); string actual; using (var root = new TempDirectory()) { var obj = new RecordFile(record); obj.Save(root.Info); actual = new FileInfo(obj.Location.FullName).ReadToEnd(); } Assert.Equal(expected.ToString(), actual); }
public void Serialized() { var originator = new Mock<IBankAccount>(); var serializedAccount = new Mock<ISerializedAccount>(); serializedAccount.Setup(x => x.Line).Returns("TESTTEST"); originator.Setup(x => x.Serialize( It.IsAny<SerializeMethod>(), It.IsAny<string[]>())) .Returns(serializedAccount.Object); var record = new Record(originator.Object, BankAccountTest.SampleDestination(), DirectDebitAlbany.TransCode.Payment, null, "abvc"); var serialized = record.Serialize(SerializeMethod.FixedWidth); Assert.Equal("TESTTEST", serialized.Originator.Line); }
private static void AssertRecord(Record record, ByteString key, ByteString value, ByteString version) { Assert.Equal(key, record.Key); Assert.Equal(value, record.Value); Assert.Equal(version, record.Version); }
public void op_ToString_whenRecordNullXml() { var key = AlphaDecimal.Random(); var record = new Record<string> { Cacheability = "public", Created = new DateTime(1999, 12, 31, 01, 00, 00, 00), Etag = "\"xyz\"", Expiration = "P1D", Key = key, Modified = new DateTime(2001, 12, 31, 01, 00, 00, 00), Status = 200, Urn = "urn://", Value = null }; var obj = new RecordFile(record); var expected = new StringBuilder(); expected.AppendLine("urn: urn://"); expected.AppendLine("key: " + key); expected.AppendLine("etag: \"xyz\""); expected.AppendLine("created: 1999-12-31T01:00:00Z"); expected.AppendLine("modified: 2001-12-31T01:00:00Z"); expected.AppendLine("cacheability: public"); expected.AppendLine("expiration: P1D"); expected.AppendLine("status: 200"); expected.AppendLine(string.Empty); var actual = obj.ToString(); Assert.Equal(expected.ToString(), actual); }
public void op_ToRecordOfT() { var expected = new Record<int> { Cacheability = "public", Created = new DateTime(1999, 12, 31, 01, 00, 00, 00), Etag = "\"xyz\"", Expiration = "P1D", Key = AlphaDecimal.Random(), Modified = new DateTime(2001, 12, 31, 01, 00, 00, 00), Status = 200, Urn = "urn://", Value = 123 }; var obj = new RecordFile(expected); var actual = obj.ToRecord<int>(); Assert.Equal(expected, actual); }
public void No_Pad_Csv() { var reference = "abc"; var record = new Record(BankAccountTest.SampleOriginator(), BankAccountTest.SampleDestination(), DirectDebitAlbany.TransCode.Payment, null, reference); var serialized = record.Serialize(SerializeMethod.CSV); Assert.Equal("ABC", serialized.Reference); }
public void op_Save_FileSystemInfo_whenNullUrn() { var record = new Record<int> { Cacheability = "public", Created = new DateTime(1999, 12, 31, 01, 00, 00, 00), Etag = "\"xyz\"", Expiration = "P1D", Key = AlphaDecimal.Random(), Modified = new DateTime(2001, 12, 31, 01, 00, 00, 00), Status = 200, Urn = null, Value = 123 }; var root = new DirectoryInfo(Path.GetTempPath()); Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => new RecordFile(record).Save(root)); }
public void CorrectCode(DirectDebitAlbany.TransCode tCode, string code) { var record = new Record(BankAccountTest.SampleOriginator(), BankAccountTest.SampleDestination(), tCode, 100.00m, "Ref"); var serialized = record.Serialize(SerializeMethod.FixedWidth); Assert.Equal(code, serialized.TransCode); }
public void op_Save_FileSystemInfoNull() { var record = new Record<int> { Cacheability = "public", Created = new DateTime(1999, 12, 31, 01, 00, 00, 00), Etag = "\"xyz\"", Expiration = "P1D", Key = AlphaDecimal.Random(), Modified = new DateTime(2001, 12, 31, 01, 00, 00, 00), Status = 200, Urn = "urn://", Value = 123 }; Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException>(() => new RecordFile(record).Save(null)); }
public void Uppercase() { var reference = "abcdefghijk mnopqr"; var record = new Record(BankAccountTest.SampleOriginator(), BankAccountTest.SampleDestination(), DirectDebitAlbany.TransCode.Payment, null, reference); var serialized = record.Serialize(SerializeMethod.FixedWidth); Assert.Equal("ABCDEFGHIJK MNOPQR", serialized.Reference); }
public void In_Pence() { var record = new Record(BankAccountTest.SampleOriginator(), BankAccountTest.SampleDestination(), DirectDebitAlbany.TransCode.Payment, 1234m, "Ref"); var serialized = record.Serialize(SerializeMethod.FixedWidth); Assert.Equal("00000123400", serialized.Amount); }
public void Truncate() { var reference = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; var record = new Record(BankAccountTest.SampleOriginator(), BankAccountTest.SampleDestination(), DirectDebitAlbany.TransCode.Payment, null, reference); var serialized = record.Serialize(SerializeMethod.FixedWidth); Assert.Equal("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQR", serialized.Reference); }
public async Task AddTransaction_MultipleTransactionsSuccess() { IList<Record> records1 = new Record[] { new Record(binaryData[0], binaryData[1], ByteString.Empty), new Record(binaryData[2], binaryData[3], ByteString.Empty), }; ByteString mutation1 = new ByteString(MessageSerializer.SerializeMutation(new Mutation(ByteString.Empty, records1, ByteString.Empty))); ByteString mutationHash1 = new ByteString(MessageSerializer.ComputeHash(mutation1.ToByteArray())); IList<Record> records2 = new Record[] { new Record(binaryData[2], binaryData[5], mutationHash1), new Record(binaryData[6], binaryData[7], ByteString.Empty), }; ByteString mutation2 = new ByteString(MessageSerializer.SerializeMutation(new Mutation(ByteString.Empty, records2, ByteString.Empty))); ByteString mutationHash2 = new ByteString(MessageSerializer.ComputeHash(mutation2.ToByteArray())); // Submit both transactions at once await this.Store.AddTransactions(new[] { new ByteString(MessageSerializer.SerializeTransaction(new Transaction(mutation1, new DateTime(), ByteString.Empty))), new ByteString(MessageSerializer.SerializeTransaction(new Transaction(mutation2, new DateTime(), ByteString.Empty))) }); IReadOnlyList<Record> result1 = await this.Store.GetRecords(new[] { binaryData[0] }); IReadOnlyList<Record> result2 = await this.Store.GetRecords(new[] { binaryData[2] }); IReadOnlyList<Record> result3 = await this.Store.GetRecords(new[] { binaryData[6] }); AssertRecord(result1[0], binaryData[0], binaryData[1], mutationHash1); AssertRecord(result2[0], binaryData[2], binaryData[5], mutationHash2); AssertRecord(result3[0], binaryData[6], binaryData[7], mutationHash2); }
public void OrderByAndThenByOnSameField() { Record[] source = new Record[] { new Record{ Name = "Jim", City = "Minneapolis", Country = "USA" }, new Record{ Name = "Prakash", City = "Chennai", Country = "India" }, new Record{ Name = "Rob", City = "Kent", Country = "UK" } }; Record[] expected = new Record[] { new Record{ Name = "Prakash", City = "Chennai", Country = "India" }, new Record{ Name = "Rob", City = "Kent", Country = "UK" }, new Record{ Name = "Jim", City = "Minneapolis", Country = "USA" } }; Assert.Equal(expected, source.OrderBy((e) => e.Country).ThenBy((e) => e.Country, null)); }
public async Task AddTransaction_MultipleTransactionsError() { IList<Record> records1 = new Record[] { new Record(binaryData[0], binaryData[1], ByteString.Empty), new Record(binaryData[2], binaryData[3], ByteString.Empty), }; ByteString mutation1 = new ByteString(MessageSerializer.SerializeMutation(new Mutation(ByteString.Empty, records1, ByteString.Empty))); IList<Record> records2 = new Record[] { new Record(binaryData[2], binaryData[5], ByteString.Empty), new Record(binaryData[6], binaryData[7], ByteString.Empty), }; ByteString mutation2 = new ByteString(MessageSerializer.SerializeMutation(new Mutation(ByteString.Empty, records2, ByteString.Empty))); // Submit both transactions at once ConcurrentMutationException exception = await Assert.ThrowsAsync<ConcurrentMutationException>(() => this.Store.AddTransactions(new[] { new ByteString(MessageSerializer.SerializeTransaction(new Transaction(mutation1, new DateTime(), ByteString.Empty))), new ByteString(MessageSerializer.SerializeTransaction(new Transaction(mutation2, new DateTime(), ByteString.Empty))) })); IReadOnlyList<Record> result1 = await this.Store.GetRecords(new[] { binaryData[0] }); IReadOnlyList<Record> result2 = await this.Store.GetRecords(new[] { binaryData[2] }); IReadOnlyList<Record> result3 = await this.Store.GetRecords(new[] { binaryData[6] }); AssertRecord(exception.FailedMutation, binaryData[2], binaryData[5], ByteString.Empty); AssertRecord(result1[0], binaryData[0], ByteString.Empty, ByteString.Empty); AssertRecord(result2[0], binaryData[2], ByteString.Empty, ByteString.Empty); AssertRecord(result3[0], binaryData[6], ByteString.Empty, ByteString.Empty); }
public void SecondKeyRepeatAcrossDifferentPrimary() { Record[] source = new Record[] { new Record{ Name = "Jim", City = "Minneapolis", Country = "USA" }, new Record{ Name = "Tim", City = "Seattle", Country = "USA" }, new Record{ Name = "Philip", City = "Orlando", Country = "USA" }, new Record{ Name = "Chris", City = "Minneapolis", Country = "USA" }, new Record{ Name = "Rob", City = "Seattle", Country = "USA" } }; Record[] expected = new Record[] { new Record{ Name = "Chris", City = "Minneapolis", Country = "USA" }, new Record{ Name = "Jim", City = "Minneapolis", Country = "USA" }, new Record{ Name = "Philip", City = "Orlando", Country = "USA" }, new Record{ Name = "Rob", City = "Seattle", Country = "USA" }, new Record{ Name = "Tim", City = "Seattle", Country = "USA" } }; Assert.Equal(expected, source.OrderBy((e) => e.Name).ThenBy((e) => e.City, null)); }
public Record SampleRecord() { var originator = new Mock<IBankAccount>(); var serializedOriginator = new Mock<ISerializedAccount>(); serializedOriginator.Setup(x => x.Line).Returns("ORIGINATOR"); originator.Setup(x => x.Serialize(It.IsAny<SerializeMethod>(), It.IsAny<string[]>())) .Returns(serializedOriginator.Object); var destination = new Mock<IBankAccount>(); var serializedDestination = new Mock<ISerializedAccount>(); serializedDestination.Setup(x => x.Line).Returns("DESTINATION"); destination.Setup(x => x.Serialize(It.IsAny<SerializeMethod>(), It.IsAny<string[]>())) .Returns(serializedDestination.Object); var record = new Record(originator.Object, destination.Object, DirectDebitAlbany.TransCode.Payment, null, "abvc"); return record; }