public string GetCellComment(CellRef k) { string v; TryGetCellComment(k, out v); return(v); }
internal PdtsText( int sheetIndex, CellRef cellRef, string text) { this.sheetIndex = sheetIndex; this.cellRef = cellRef; this.text = text; }
private void _VerifyCellRefDuplication(List <Error> errors) { var fields = fieldsForBuilder; for (var n = 1; n < fieldCount; ++n) { var aF = fields[n - 1]; var bF = fields[n]; if (aF.rowOffset != bF.rowOffset || aF.colOffset != bF.colOffset) { continue; } var oF = aF; for (var m = n - 2; m >= 0; --m) { oF = fields[m]; if (oF.rowOffset != aF.rowOffset || oF.colOffset != aF.colOffset) { oF = fields[m + 1]; break; } } var cr = new CellRef( rangeStartRef.row + bF.rowOffset, rangeStartRef.col + bF.colOffset ); var msg = string.Format( "CellRef '{0}' is already used at {1} line.", cr, oF.line ); errors.Add(new Error(bF.line, msg)); } }
private bool _TryParseFieldPattern( string[] lines, int n, List <Error> errors) { var match = _fieldPattern.Match(lines[n]); if (!match.Success) { errors.Add(new Error(n + 1, "Field pattern is incorrect." )); return(false); } var cr = new CellRef(match.Groups["cref"].ToString()); var field = new Field( _fields.Count, n + 1, cr.row, cr.col, match.Groups["name"].ToString(), match.Groups["type"].ToString() ); if (_fields.Count == 0) { rangeStartRef = cr; } else { rangeStartRef = new CellRef( System.Math.Min(rangeStartRef.row, cr.row), System.Math.Min(rangeStartRef.col, cr.col) ); } _fields.Add(field); return(true); }
private void _ReadCommentsXml() { if (_cellComments != null) { return; } _cellComments = new CellComments(); if (isClosed || sheetIndex >= sheetCount) { return; } var reader = _GetCommentsReader(); if (reader == null) { return; } CellRef? k = null; StringBuilder v = null; while (reader.Read()) { if (reader.Name == "comment") { var nt = reader.NodeType; if (nt == XmlNodeType.Element) { k = new CellRef(reader.GetAttribute("ref")); } else if (nt == XmlNodeType.EndElement) { _cellComments.Add(k.Value, v.ToString()); k = null; v = null; } continue; } if (k.HasValue && reader.IsStartElement("t")) { reader.Read(); if (v == null) { v = new StringBuilder(); } v.Append(reader.Value); continue; } } }
public bool MoveToNextSheet() { if (isClosed || ++sheetIndex >= sheetCount) { return(false); } var sheetPath = _sheetPaths[_sheetRelsIds[sheetIndex]]; sheetName = _sheetNames[sheetIndex]; _sheetReader = _sheetReaders[sheetPath]; _cellComments = null; cellRef = new CellRef(0, 0); _cellValue = null; return(true); }
public bool Read() { if (isClosed || sheetIndex >= sheetCount) { return(false); } var needNextSheet = !_TryReadSheetXml(); if (needNextSheet) { return((MoveToNextSheet()) ? Read() : false); } var sr = _sheetReader; cellRef = new CellRef(sr.GetAttribute("r")); _cellValue = null; return(true); }
public XlsxRequest AddPdtsText(int sheetIndex, string schemaText) { if (sheetIndex < 0) { throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("sheetIndex"); } if (schemaText == null) { throw new System.ArgumentNullException("schemaText"); } schemaText = schemaText.Trim(); var clone = new XlsxRequest(this); var schemas = new List <PdtsText>(clone.pdtsTexts); var cellRef = new CellRef("PREDEF1"); cellRef = new CellRef(cellRef.row + schemas.Count, cellRef.col); schemas.Add(new PdtsText(sheetIndex, cellRef, schemaText)); clone.pdtsTexts = schemas.AsReadOnly(); return(clone); }
internal Error(CellRef cellRef, string message) { this.cellRef = cellRef; this.message = message; }
internal Row(CellRef startRef, object[] cells) { this.startRef = startRef; this._cells = cells; }
private List <Row> _ParseCellValues(List <Error> errors) { var src = _rows; var dst = new List <Row>(src.Count); foreach (var row in src) { var cells = new object[row.cellCount]; for (var n = 0; n < cells.Length; ++n) { var error = _ParseCellValue( schema[n].type, (string)row[n], out cells[n] ); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(error)) { continue; } string customError = null; object v = null; try { v = fieldTypeConverter.FromString( schema[n].type, (string)row[n] ); } catch (System.Exception e) { customError = _ToFieldTypeConvertorError(e); } if (v == null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(customError)) { error = customError; } else if (row[n] != null) { error = "Cell value cannot convert to null."; } } else { error = null; var t = v.GetType(); if (!t.IsValueType && t != typeof(string)) { error = "" + "Cell value type must be " + "'ValueType' or 'string'."; } } cells[n] = v; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(error)) { continue; } cells[n] = null; var cellRef = new CellRef( row.startRef.row + schema[n].rowOffset, row.startRef.col + schema[n].colOffset ); errors.Add(new Error(cellRef, error)); } dst.Add(new Row(row.startRef, cells)); } return(dst); }
public bool TryGetCellComment(CellRef k, out string v) { _ReadCommentsXml(); return(_cellComments.TryGetValue(k, out v)); }
internal static DataTableSchema Parse( int workbookIndex, string workbookName, int sheetIndex, string sheetName, CellRef cellCommentRef, string cellComment) { if (!cellComment.StartsWith("[[")) { return(null); } var lines = _SplitCellComment(cellComment); var errors = new List <Error>(); var inst = new DataTableSchema(); inst.workbookIndex = workbookIndex; inst.workbookName = workbookName; inst.sheetIndex = sheetIndex; inst.sheetName = sheetName; inst.cellCommentRef = cellCommentRef; inst._fields = new List <Field>(); if (!inst._TryParseStartPattern(lines, 0, errors)) { = string.Format("ERROR_{0}_{1}_{2}", workbookIndex, sheetIndex, cellCommentRef ); } var endLineNum = 0; for (var n = 1; n < lines.Length; ++n) { if (lines[n].Trim().Length == 0) { continue; } if (_commentPattern.IsMatch(lines[n])) { continue; } if (inst._TryParseFieldPattern(lines, n, errors)) { continue; } if (!lines[n].Trim().StartsWith("]]")) { continue; } if (inst._TryParseEndPattern(lines, n, errors)) { errors.RemoveAt(errors.Count - 1); endLineNum = n + 1; break; } } if (endLineNum <= 1) { errors.Add(new Error(lines.Length, "End pattern not found." )); } else if (inst._fields.Count == 0) { errors.Add(new Error(endLineNum, "Table must have one field at least." )); } inst._InitBlockInfo(); inst._VerifyNextBlockOffset(endLineNum, errors); inst._InitFieldsForBuilder(); inst._InitFieldsForWriter(); inst._VerifyCellRefDuplication(errors); inst._VerifyFieldType(errors); inst._VerifyFieldDuplication(errors); inst.errors = errors.AsReadOnly(); return(inst); }