public void Build(RenderDrawContext context)
            if (Mesh == null && TryGetHeightMapImageData(context.CommandList, out var data))
                Data               = new GeometryBuilder(data).BuildTerrainData(Size, MaxHeight, UvScale);
                MeshBoundingBox    = Utils.FromPoints(Data.Vertices);
                MeshBoundingSphere = BoundingSphere.FromBox(MeshBoundingBox);
                BoundingBox        = new BoundingBoxExt(MeshBoundingBox);

                var vertexBuffer        = Buffer.Vertex.New(context.GraphicsDevice, Data.Vertices, GraphicsResourceUsage.Dynamic);
                var indexBuffer         = Buffer.Index.New(context.GraphicsDevice, Data.Indices);
                var vertexBufferBinding = new VertexBufferBinding(vertexBuffer, VertexPositionNormalTexture.Layout, vertexBuffer.ElementCount);
                var indexBufferBinding  = new IndexBufferBinding(indexBuffer, true, indexBuffer.ElementCount);

                MeshDraw = new MeshDraw
                    StartLocation = 0,
                    PrimitiveType = PrimitiveType.TriangleList,
                    VertexBuffers = new[] { vertexBufferBinding },
                    IndexBuffer   = indexBufferBinding,
                    DrawCount     = indexBuffer.ElementCount

                Mesh = new Mesh(MeshDraw, new ParameterCollection());
Пример #2
        private async void Save(string path, GeometryData data)
            var vertIdx     = 0;
            var uvIdx       = 0;
            var normIdx     = 0;
            var fileContent = new StringBuilder();

            fileContent.AppendLine("# Generated by XenkoTerrain " + DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString());
            fileContent.AppendLine("# Vertices: " + data.Vertices.Length);
            fileContent.AppendLine("# Size: " + data.Size);
            fileContent.AppendLine("usemtl Terrain");

            for (var row = 0; row < data.TessellationY - 1; row++)
                for (var col = 0; col < data.TessellationX - 1; col++)
                    var topLeft     = col + row * (int)data.TessellationX;
                    var topRight    = topLeft + 1;
                    var bottomLeft  = topLeft + (int)data.TessellationX;
                    var bottomRight = bottomLeft + 1;

                    var topLeftVertex    = data.Vertices[topLeft];
                    var topRightVertex   = data.Vertices[topRight];
                    var bottomLeftVertex = data.Vertices[bottomLeft];
                    var botomRightVertex = data.Vertices[bottomRight];

                    fileContent.AppendLine("v " + Print(topRightVertex.Position));
                    fileContent.AppendLine("v " + Print(topLeftVertex.Position));
                    fileContent.AppendLine("v " + Print(bottomLeftVertex.Position));
                    fileContent.AppendLine("v " + Print(botomRightVertex.Position));

                    fileContent.AppendLine("vn " + Print(topRightVertex.Normal));
                    fileContent.AppendLine("vn " + Print(topLeftVertex.Normal));
                    fileContent.AppendLine("vn " + Print(bottomLeftVertex.Normal));
                    fileContent.AppendLine("vn " + Print(botomRightVertex.Normal));

                    fileContent.AppendLine("vt " + Print(data.Size * topRightVertex.TextureCoordinate));
                    fileContent.AppendLine("vt " + Print(data.Size * topLeftVertex.TextureCoordinate));
                    fileContent.AppendLine("vt " + Print(data.Size * bottomLeftVertex.TextureCoordinate));
                    fileContent.AppendLine("vt " + Print(data.Size * botomRightVertex.TextureCoordinate));

                    fileContent.AppendLine($"f {++vertIdx}/{++uvIdx}/{++normIdx} {++vertIdx}/{++uvIdx}/{++normIdx} {++vertIdx}/{++uvIdx}/{++normIdx} {++vertIdx}/{++uvIdx}/{++normIdx}");

            using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(path))
                await streamWriter.WriteAsync(fileContent.ToString());
        public void Update(TerrainTileComponent component)
            var shouldClear = Size != component.Size ||
                              MaxHeight != component.MaxHeight ||
                              HeightMap != component.HeightMap ||
                              UvScale != component.UvScale;

            Enabled   = component.Enabled;
            Size      = component.Size;
            HeightMap = component.HeightMap;
            MaxHeight = component.MaxHeight;
            UvScale   = component.UvScale;
            Material  = component.Material;

            if (shouldClear)
                Mesh = null;
                Data = null;
Пример #4
        public void RegenCollider(GeometryData data = null)
            //If no new data is provided, use the existing data
            if (data == null)
                data = CurrentGeometryData; //Use the existing data
                CurrentGeometryData = data; //Save the new data, there's been an update
            //Whether or not to add the collider to the entity
            var add = false;

            //Get or create a collider
            StaticColliderComponent colliderComponent = Entity.Get <StaticColliderComponent>();

            if (colliderComponent == null)
                colliderComponent = new StaticColliderComponent();
                add = true;

            //Create collider
            var heightfield = CreateHeightfield((int)data.TessellationX, (int)data.TessellationY, -MaxHeight, MaxHeight, data.Vertices.Select(v => v.Position.Y).ToArray(), out var points);

            //Clear any existing colliders

            //Add the collider
            colliderComponent.ColliderShapes.Add(new BoxColliderShapeDesc());
            colliderComponent.ColliderShape = heightfield;

            //Add to entity if it does not already exist
            if (add)
Пример #5
        public void Build(TerrainTileRenderObject renderObject)
            IsSet               = true;
            hiddenGeometry      = null;
            CurrentMeshDraw     = renderObject.MeshDraw;
            CurrentGeometryData = renderObject.Data;

            var model = new Model
                Meshes = new List <Mesh> {
                BoundingBox    = renderObject.MeshBoundingBox,
                BoundingSphere = renderObject.MeshBoundingSphere

            var modelComponent = new ModelComponent(model);

            modelComponent.Materials.Add(0, renderObject.Material);

Пример #6
 public Task SaveAsync(string path, GeometryData data)
     return(Task.Run(() => Save(path, data)));