Пример #1
        protected override void DrawCore(RenderDrawContext context)
            var input = GetSafeInput(0);

            Texture fromTexture = input;
            Texture downTexture = null;
            var     nextSize    = Math.Max(MathUtil.NextPowerOfTwo(input.Size.Width), MathUtil.NextPowerOfTwo(input.Size.Height));
            bool    isFirstPass = true;

            while (nextSize > 1)
                nextSize    = nextSize / 2;
                downTexture = NewScopedRenderTarget2D(nextSize, nextSize, PixelFormat.R32G32_Float, 1);

                var effect = isFirstPass ? effectFirstPass : effectNotFirstPass;
                effect.Parameters.Set(DepthMinMaxShaderKeys.TextureMap, fromTexture);
                effect.Parameters.Set(DepthMinMaxShaderKeys.TextureReduction, fromTexture);

                effect.Parameters.Set(IsFirstPassKey, isFirstPass);

                fromTexture = downTexture;

                isFirstPass = false;

            IsResultAvailable = readback.IsResultAvailable;
            if (IsResultAvailable)
                float min     = float.MaxValue;
                float max     = -float.MaxValue;
                var   results = readback.Result;
                foreach (var result in results)
                    min = Math.Min(result.X, min);
                    if (result.Y != 1.0f)
                        max = Math.Max(result.Y, max);

                Result = new Vector2(min, max);
Пример #2
        protected override void DrawCore(RenderDrawContext context)
            var originalColorBuffer = GetSafeInput(0);
            var originalDepthBuffer = GetSafeInput(1);

            var outputTexture = GetSafeOutput(0);

            if (configurationDirty)

            // Preparation phase: create different downscaled versions of the original image, later needed by the bokeh blur shaders.
            // TODO use ImageMultiScaler instead?

            // First we linearize the depth and compute the CoC map based on the user lens configuration.
            // Render target will contain "CoC"(16 bits) "Linear depth"(16bits).
            var cocLinearDepthTexture = GetScopedRenderTarget(originalColorBuffer.Description, 1f, PixelFormat.R16G16_Float);

            var renderView = context.RenderContext.RenderView;
            var farPlane   = renderView.FarClipPlane;

            var depthAreas = DOFAreas;

            if (AutoFocus)
                // TODO replace this by physical camera parameters (aperture, focus distance...)
                var diffToTarget = (autoFocusDistanceTarget - autoFocusDistanceCurrent);
                var maxAmplitude = farPlane * 0.2f;
                diffToTarget             = MathUtil.Clamp(diffToTarget, -maxAmplitude, maxAmplitude);
                autoFocusDistanceCurrent = autoFocusDistanceCurrent + 0.1f * diffToTarget;
                if (autoFocusDistanceCurrent < renderView.NearClipPlane * 2.0f)
                    autoFocusDistanceCurrent = renderView.NearClipPlane * 2.0f;
                depthAreas = new Vector4(renderView.NearClipPlane, autoFocusDistanceCurrent, autoFocusDistanceCurrent, autoFocusDistanceCurrent + farPlane * 0.5f);

            coclinearDepthMapEffect.SetInput(0, originalDepthBuffer);
            coclinearDepthMapEffect.Parameters.Set(CircleOfConfusionKeys.depthAreas, depthAreas);
            coclinearDepthMapEffect.Parameters.Set(CameraKeys.ZProjection, CameraKeys.ZProjectionACalculate(renderView.NearClipPlane, renderView.FarClipPlane));
            coclinearDepthMapEffect.Draw(context, "CoC_LinearDepth");

            if (AutoFocus)
                // Reads the center depth of the previous frame and use it as a new target
                // TODO single pixel is really small, average some disk area instead?
                pointDepthShader.Parameters.Set(PointDepthKeys.Coordinate, new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f));
                pointDepthShader.Draw(context, "Center Depth");

                depthReadBack.Draw(context, "Center_Depth_Readback");
                var centerDepth = depthReadBack.Result[0];
                autoFocusDistanceTarget = centerDepth;

            // Find the smallest downscale we should go down to.
            var maxDownscale = 0;

            foreach (var cocLevel in cocLevels)
                if (cocLevel.DownscaleFactor > maxDownscale)
                    maxDownscale = cocLevel.DownscaleFactor;

            // Create a series of downscale, with anti-bleeding treatment
            for (int i = 0; i <= maxDownscale; i++)
                var downSizedTexture = originalColorBuffer;
                if (i > 0)
                    downSizedTexture = GetScopedRenderTarget(originalColorBuffer.Description, 1f / (float)Math.Pow(2f, i), originalColorBuffer.Description.Format);
                    textureScaler.SetInput(0, downscaledSources[i - 1]);
                    textureScaler.Draw(context, "DownScale_Factor{0}", i);

                downscaledSources[i] = downSizedTexture;

            // We create a blurred version of the CoC map.
            // This is useful to avoid silhouettes appearing when the CoC changes abruptly.
            var blurredCoCTexture = NewScopedRenderTarget2D(cocLinearDepthTexture.Description);

            cocMapBlur.Radius = 6f / 720f * cocLinearDepthTexture.Description.Height; // 6 pixels at 720p
            cocMapBlur.SetInput(0, cocLinearDepthTexture);
            cocMapBlur.Draw(context, "CoC_BlurredMap");

            // Creates all the levels with different CoC strengths.
            // (Skips level with CoC 0 which is always the original buffer.)
            combineLevelsEffect.Parameters.Set(CombineLevelsFromCoCKeys.LevelCount, cocLevels.Count);
            combineLevelsEffect.SetInput(0, cocLinearDepthTexture);
            combineLevelsEffect.SetInput(1, blurredCoCTexture);
            combineLevelsEffect.SetInput(2, originalColorBuffer);

            combineLevelsFrontEffect.Parameters.Set(CombineLevelsFromCoCKeys.LevelCount, cocLevels.Count);
            combineLevelsFrontEffect.SetInput(0, cocLinearDepthTexture);
            combineLevelsFrontEffect.SetInput(1, blurredCoCTexture);
            combineLevelsFrontEffect.SetInput(2, originalColorBuffer);

            float previousCoC = 0f;

            for (int i = 1; i < cocLevels.Count; i++)
                // We render a blurred version of the original scene into a downscaled render target.
                // Blur strength depends on the current level CoC value.

                var   levelConfig     = cocLevels[i];
                var   textureToBlur   = downscaledSources[levelConfig.DownscaleFactor];
                float downscaleFactor = 1f / (float)(Math.Pow(2f, levelConfig.DownscaleFactor));
                var   blurOutput      = GetScopedRenderTarget(originalColorBuffer.Description, downscaleFactor, originalColorBuffer.Description.Format);
                var   blurOutputFront = NewScopedRenderTarget2D(blurOutput.Description);
                float blurRadius      = (MaxBokehSize * BokehSizeFactor) * levelConfig.CoCValue * downscaleFactor * originalColorBuffer.Width;
                if (blurRadius < 1f)
                    blurRadius = 1f;

                // Far out-of-focus

                // Pre-process the layer for the current CoC
                // This removes areas which might wrongly bleed into our image when blurring.
                var alphaTextureToBlur = NewScopedRenderTarget2D(textureToBlur.Description);
                thresholdAlphaCoC.Parameters.Set(ThresholdAlphaCoCKeys.CoCReference, previousCoC);
                thresholdAlphaCoC.Parameters.Set(ThresholdAlphaCoCKeys.CoCCurrent, levelConfig.CoCValue);
                thresholdAlphaCoC.SetInput(0, textureToBlur);
                thresholdAlphaCoC.SetInput(1, cocLinearDepthTexture);
                thresholdAlphaCoC.Draw(context, "Alphaize_Far_{0}", i);
                textureToBlur = alphaTextureToBlur;

                // TODO Quality up: make the opaque areas "bleed" into the areas we just made transparent

                // Apply the bokeh blur effect
                BokehBlur levelBlur = levelConfig.BlurEffect;
                levelBlur.CoCStrength = levelConfig.CoCValue;
                levelBlur.Radius      = blurRadius; // This doesn't generate garbage if the radius value doesn't change.
                levelBlur.SetInput(0, textureToBlur);
                levelBlur.Draw(context, "CoC_LoD_Layer_Far_{0}", i);
                combineLevelsEffect.SetInput(i + 2, blurOutput);

                // Near out-of-focus

                // Negates CoC values and makes background objects transparent
                thresholdAlphaCoCFront.Parameters.Set(ThresholdAlphaCoCFrontKeys.CoCReference, previousCoC);
                thresholdAlphaCoCFront.Parameters.Set(ThresholdAlphaCoCFrontKeys.CoCCurrent, levelConfig.CoCValue);
                thresholdAlphaCoCFront.SetInput(0, downscaledSources[levelConfig.DownscaleFactor]);
                thresholdAlphaCoCFront.SetInput(1, cocLinearDepthTexture);
                thresholdAlphaCoCFront.Draw(context, "Alphaize_Near_{0}", i);
                textureToBlur = alphaTextureToBlur;

                // Apply the bokeh blur effect
                levelBlur.SetInput(0, textureToBlur);
                levelBlur.Draw(context, "CoC_LoD_Layer_Near_{0}", i);
                combineLevelsFrontEffect.SetInput(i + 2, blurOutputFront);

                previousCoC = levelConfig.CoCValue;

            // Far out-of-focus: each pixel, depending on its CoC, interpolates its color from
            // the original color buffer and blurred buffer(s).
            combineLevelsEffect.Parameters.Set(CombineLevelsFromCoCShaderKeys.CoCLevelValues, combineShaderCocLevelValues);
            combineLevelsEffect.Draw(context, "CoCLevelCombineInterpolation");

            // Finally add front out-of-focus objects on the top of the scene

            // TODO Quality up: instead of merging all the layers for each pixel, merge only
            // the relevant layer(s) closest to the pixel CoC.
            combineLevelsFrontEffect.Draw(context, "CoCLevelCombineInterpolationFront");

            // Release any reference