Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Virtual to Screen XY
        /// </summary>
        public static LongPoint TranslateToScreen(LongPoint virtualpoint, DataTimeRange xrange, DataRange yrange, LongRectangle rectangle)
            if (xrange.Delta == 0 || yrange.Delta == 0)
                // have seen this happen when we try to render graphs after the host failed to install a vm
                // doesn't matter too much what we return as the VM entry is going to get removed. Just don't crash.
                log.ErrorFormat("Tried to translate datapoint through range of zero. xrange.Delta: {0}, yrange.Delta: {1}",
                    xrange.Delta, yrange.Delta);
                return new LongPoint(0, 0);
            // work out x, assume origin is bottom right
            double x = rectangle.Right - ((rectangle.Width * (virtualpoint.X - xrange.Min)) / xrange.Delta);

            // work out y
            double y = rectangle.Bottom - ((rectangle.Height * (virtualpoint.Y - yrange.Min)) / yrange.Delta);

            y = y > rectangle.Bottom ? rectangle.Bottom : y < rectangle.Y ? rectangle.Y : y;

                log.DebugFormat("Point translated to more than max line length: x={0} y={1} vx={2} vy={3} xrange_min={4} xrange_max={5} yrange_min={6} yrange_max={7} rectangle_x={8} rectangle_y={9} rectangle_w={10} rectangle_h={11}",
                    x, y,
                    virtualpoint.X, virtualpoint.Y,
                    xrange.Min, xrange.Max,
                    yrange.Min, yrange.Max,
                    rectangle.X, rectangle.Y,
                    rectangle.Width, rectangle.Height);

                // draw a random line as this is better than crashing
                return new LongPoint(0, 0);

            return new LongPoint((long)x, (long)y);
Пример #2
 public MouseActionArgs(Point p, Rectangle r, DataTimeRange xrange, DataRange yrange)
     Point = p;
     Rectangle = r;
     XRange = xrange;
     YRange = yrange;
Пример #3
        public static void Render(Graphics g, Rectangle r, DataTimeRange xrange, DataRange yrange, Pen pen, Brush graphShadow, List<DataPoint> points, bool showselections)
            if (points.Count == 0)

            int index = points.FindIndex(dataPoint => dataPoint.Y < 0);
            if (index >= 0)
                //CA-38898: when there are no data from the server we do not want
                //to show anything; leave gaps instead of making up data (zeros or inf)
                DoRender(g, r, xrange, yrange, pen, graphShadow, points.Where((val, idx) => idx < index).ToList(), showselections);
                Render(g, r, xrange, yrange, pen, graphShadow, points.Where((val, idx) => idx > index).ToList(), showselections);
                DoRender(g, r, xrange, yrange, pen, graphShadow, points, showselections);
Пример #4
        public bool OnMouseClick(MouseActionArgs args)
            DataRange        yrange = this.CustomYRange ?? args.YRange;
            List <DataPoint> range  = BinaryChop(Points, args.XRange);

            if (range.Count == 0)
            List <LongPoint> polypoints = new List <LongPoint>();

            foreach (DataPoint p in range)
                LongPoint lp = LongPoint.TranslateToScreen(p.Point, args.XRange, yrange, new LongRectangle(args.Rectangle));
                polypoints.Add(new LongPoint(lp.X, lp.Y + 10));
                polypoints.Insert(0, new LongPoint(lp.X, lp.Y - 10));
            Polygon poly = new Polygon(polypoints);

            return(poly.Contains(new LongPoint(args.Point)));
Пример #5
        public static void Render(Graphics g, Rectangle r, DataTimeRange xrange, DataRange yrange, Pen pen, Brush graphShadow, List <DataPoint> points, bool showselections)
            if (points.Count == 0)

            int index = points.FindIndex(dataPoint => dataPoint.Y < 0);

            if (index >= 0)
                //CA-38898: when there are no data from the server we do not want
                //to show anything; leave gaps instead of making up data (zeros or inf)
                DoRender(g, r, xrange, yrange, pen, graphShadow, points.Where((val, idx) => idx < index).ToList(), showselections);
                Render(g, r, xrange, yrange, pen, graphShadow, points.Where((val, idx) => idx > index).ToList(), showselections);
                DoRender(g, r, xrange, yrange, pen, graphShadow, points, showselections);
Пример #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Screen XY to Virtual
 /// </summary>
 public static LongPoint DeTranslateFromScreen(LongPoint screenpoint, DataTimeRange xrange, DataRange yrange, LongRectangle rectangle)
     // work out x, assume origin is bottom right
     double x = xrange.Min + (xrange.Delta * (rectangle.Right - screenpoint.X)) / (double)rectangle.Width;
     // work out y
     double y = yrange.Min + (yrange.Delta * (rectangle.Bottom - screenpoint.Y)) / (double)rectangle.Height;
     return new LongPoint((long)x, (long)y);
Пример #7
        private static void DoRender(Graphics g, Rectangle r, DataTimeRange xrange, DataRange yrange, Pen pen, Brush graphShadow, List<DataPoint> points, bool showselections)
            if (points.Count == 0)

            // draw line 'tween points
            LongPoint locbase = LongPoint.TranslateToScreen(points[0].Point, xrange, yrange, new LongRectangle(r));

            List<Point> PointsToDraw = new List<Point>();

            for (int i = 1; i < points.Count; i++)
                LongPoint loc = LongPoint.TranslateToScreen(points[i].Point, xrange, yrange, new LongRectangle(r));

                if (locbase.X == loc.X) continue;

                if (locbase.X > r.Right && loc.X < r.Left)
                    // trim it to the Y axis
                    double delta = (double)(locbase.Y - loc.Y) / (locbase.X - loc.X);
                    int dxl = r.Left - (int)locbase.X;
                    int dxr = r.Right - (int)loc.X;
                    int newyr = (int)(delta * dxr);
                    int newyl = (int)(delta * dxl);
                    PointsToDraw.Add(new Point(r.Right, newyr + (int)loc.Y));
                    PointsToDraw.Add(new Point(r.Left, newyl + (int)locbase.Y));
                else if (locbase.X > r.Right)
                    // trim it to the Y axis
                    double delta = (double)(locbase.Y - loc.Y) / (locbase.X - loc.X);
                    int dx = r.Right - (int)loc.X;
                    int newy = (int)(delta * dx);
                    PointsToDraw.Add(new Point(r.Right, newy + (int)loc.Y));
                else if (loc.X < r.Left)
                    // trim it to the Y axis
                    double delta = (double)(locbase.Y - loc.Y) / (locbase.X - loc.X);
                    int dx = r.Left - (int)locbase.X;
                    int newy = (int)(delta * dx);
                    PointsToDraw.Add(new Point(r.Left, newy + (int)locbase.Y));
                    if (i == points.Count - 1)
                if (points[i].Show && showselections)
                    g.DrawRectangle(pen, new Rectangle((int)loc.X - 2, (int)loc.Y - 2, 4, 4));
                locbase = loc;
            if (PointsToDraw.Count <= 1)

            g.DrawLines(pen, PointsToDraw.ToArray());

            if (graphShadow == null)

            PointsToDraw.Add(new Point(PointsToDraw[PointsToDraw.Count - 1].X, r.Bottom));
            PointsToDraw.Add(new Point(PointsToDraw[0].X, r.Bottom));
            g.FillPolygon(graphShadow, PointsToDraw.ToArray());
Пример #8
        private static void DoRender(Graphics g, Rectangle r, DataTimeRange xrange, DataRange yrange, Pen pen, Brush graphShadow, List <DataPoint> points, bool showselections)
            if (points.Count == 0)

            // draw line 'tween points
            LongPoint locbase = LongPoint.TranslateToScreen(points[0].Point, xrange, yrange, new LongRectangle(r));

            List <Point> PointsToDraw = new List <Point>();

            for (int i = 1; i < points.Count; i++)
                LongPoint loc = LongPoint.TranslateToScreen(points[i].Point, xrange, yrange, new LongRectangle(r));

                if (locbase.X == loc.X)

                if (locbase.X > r.Right && loc.X < r.Left)
                    // trim it to the Y axis
                    double delta = (double)(locbase.Y - loc.Y) / (locbase.X - loc.X);
                    int    dxl   = r.Left - (int)locbase.X;
                    int    dxr   = r.Right - (int)loc.X;
                    int    newyr = (int)(delta * dxr);
                    int    newyl = (int)(delta * dxl);

                    PointsToDraw.Add(new Point(r.Right, newyr + (int)loc.Y));
                    PointsToDraw.Add(new Point(r.Left, newyl + (int)locbase.Y));
                else if (locbase.X > r.Right)
                    // trim it to the Y axis
                    double delta = (double)(locbase.Y - loc.Y) / (locbase.X - loc.X);
                    int    dx    = r.Right - (int)loc.X;
                    int    newy  = (int)(delta * dx);

                    PointsToDraw.Add(new Point(r.Right, newy + (int)loc.Y));
                else if (loc.X < r.Left)
                    // trim it to the Y axis
                    double delta = (double)(locbase.Y - loc.Y) / (locbase.X - loc.X);
                    int    dx    = r.Left - (int)locbase.X;
                    int    newy  = (int)(delta * dx);

                    PointsToDraw.Add(new Point(r.Left, newy + (int)locbase.Y));
                    if (i == points.Count - 1)
                if (points[i].Show && showselections)
                    g.DrawRectangle(pen, new Rectangle((int)loc.X - 2, (int)loc.Y - 2, 4, 4));
                locbase = loc;
            if (PointsToDraw.Count <= 1)

            g.DrawLines(pen, PointsToDraw.ToArray());

            if (graphShadow == null)

            PointsToDraw.Add(new Point(PointsToDraw[PointsToDraw.Count - 1].X, r.Bottom));
            PointsToDraw.Add(new Point(PointsToDraw[0].X, r.Bottom));
            g.FillPolygon(graphShadow, PointsToDraw.ToArray());
Пример #9
        protected override void OnDrawToBuffer(PaintEventArgs paintEventArgs)

            Rectangle SlightlySmaller = GraphRectangle(paintEventArgs.ClipRectangle);

            // Fill BG
            paintEventArgs.Graphics.FillRectangle(Palette.PaperBrush, SlightlySmaller);

            if (ArchiveMaintainer == null || DataKey == null || DataPlotNav == null)

            if (IsSelected)
                Rectangle rect = Rectangle.Inflate(paintEventArgs.ClipRectangle, 1, 1);
                paintEventArgs.Graphics.FillRectangle(Palette.GraphShadow, rect);
                paintEventArgs.Graphics.FillRectangle(Palette.PaperBrush, SlightlySmaller);

            // Draw Rectangle around graph area
            paintEventArgs.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Palette.GridPen, SlightlySmaller);

            if (ArchiveMaintainer.LoadingInitialData)
                paintEventArgs.Graphics.DrawString(Messages.GRAPH_LOADING, Palette.LabelFont, Palette.LabelBrush, SlightlySmaller.Left + 10, SlightlySmaller.Top + 10);

            bool require_tools = true;

            foreach (DataSetCollectionWrapper set in DataKey.CurrentKeys)
                if (set.Sets[ArchiveInterval.FiveSecond].TypeString != "memory")
                    require_tools = false;
            if (require_tools && DataKey.CurrentKeys.Count > 0)
                Rectangle messageRect = Rectangle.Inflate(SlightlySmaller, -10, -10);
                paintEventArgs.Graphics.DrawString(Messages.GRAPH_NEEDS_TOOLS, Palette.LabelFont, Palette.LabelBrush,

            // Refresh all sets
            foreach (DataSet set in DataPlotNav.CurrentArchive.Sets.ToArray())
                if (!set.Draw || !DataKey.DataSourceUUIDsToShow.Contains(set.Uuid))

                List <DataPoint> todraw;
                ArchiveInterval  current      = DataPlotNav.GetCurrentLeftArchiveInterval();
                ArchiveInterval  currentwidth = DataPlotNav.GetCurrentWidthArchiveInterval();
                if (current == currentwidth)
                    todraw = new List <DataPoint>(set.Points);
                    if (current != ArchiveInterval.FiveSecond)
                        if (todraw.Count > 0 && todraw[0].X < DataPlotNav.GraphRight.Ticks)
                            todraw.InsertRange(0, DataPlotNav.GetFinerPoints(
                                                   new DataTimeRange(todraw[0].X, DataPlotNav.GraphRight.Ticks, DataPlotNav.XRange.Resolution),
                else // currentwidth must be a higer resolution archive
                    int setindex = ArchiveMaintainer.Archives[currentwidth].Sets.IndexOf(set);
                    todraw = new List <DataPoint>(ArchiveMaintainer.Archives[currentwidth].Sets[setindex].Points);
                    if (todraw.Count > 0)
                        set.MergePointCollection(set.BinaryChop(set.Points, new DataTimeRange(DataPlotNav.GraphLeft.Ticks, todraw[todraw.Count - 1].X, DataPlotNav.GraphResolution.Ticks)), todraw);
                set.RefreshCustomY(DataPlotNav.XRange, todraw);
                DataRange ymax = DataRange.UnitRange;
                foreach (DataSetCollectionWrapper wrapper in DataKey.CurrentKeys)
                    if (wrapper.Sets.ContainsKey(current))
                        DataSet dataSet = wrapper.Sets[current];
                        if (!dataSet.Hide && dataSet.CustomYRange != null &&
                            dataSet.CustomYRange.Units == set.CustomYRange.Units)
                            ymax.ScaleMode = dataSet.CustomYRange.ScaleMode;
                            if (dataSet.CustomYRange.ScaleMode != RangeScaleMode.Auto)
                                if (dataSet.CustomYRange.Max > ymax.Max)
                                    ymax = dataSet.CustomYRange;
                                double maxY = DataSet.GetMaxY(dataSet.BinaryChop(dataSet.CurrentlyDisplayed, DataPlotNav.XRange));
                                if (maxY < 1)
                                    maxY = 1;
                                if (maxY >= ymax.Max)
                                    ymax     = dataSet.CustomYRange;
                                    ymax.Max = maxY;
                if (set.CustomYRange.ScaleMode == RangeScaleMode.Auto)
                foreach (DataSetCollectionWrapper wrapper in DataKey.CurrentKeys)
                    foreach (DataSet ds in wrapper.Sets.Values)
                        if (ds.Hide || ds.CustomYRange == null || ds.CustomYRange.Units != set.CustomYRange.Units)

                        ds.CustomYRange.Max        = ymax.Max;
                        ds.CustomYRange.Min        = ymax.Min;
                        ds.CustomYRange.Resolution = ymax.Resolution;

            // Draw Axes
            XAxis.DrawToBuffer(new DrawAxisXArgs(paintEventArgs.Graphics, SlightlySmaller, DataPlotNav != null ? DataPlotNav.XRange : DataTimeRange.MaxRange, ShowLabels));
            YAxis.DrawToBuffer(new DrawAxisYArgs(paintEventArgs.Graphics, SlightlySmaller, SelectedYRange, ShowLabels));

            // Draw Sets
            DataSet[] sets_to_show = DataPlotNav.CurrentArchive.Sets.ToArray();
            foreach (DataSet set in sets_to_show)
                if (!set.Draw || DataKey == null || !DataKey.DataSourceUUIDsToShow.Contains(set.Uuid))

                lock (Palette.PaletteLock)
                    using (var thickPen = Palette.CreatePen(set.Uuid, Palette.PEN_THICKNESS_THICK))
                        using (var normalPen = Palette.CreatePen(set.Uuid, Palette.PEN_THICKNESS_NORMAL))
                            using (var shadowBrush = Palette.CreateBrush(set.Uuid))
                                LineRenderer.Render(paintEventArgs.Graphics, SlightlySmaller, DataPlotNav.XRange, set.CustomYRange ?? SelectedYRange, set.Selected ? thickPen : normalPen, shadowBrush, set.CurrentlyDisplayed, true);

            if (DataEventList != null)
                DataEventList.RenderEvents(paintEventArgs.Graphics, DataPlotNav.XRange, new Rectangle(SlightlySmaller.Left, SlightlySmaller.Top + 2, SlightlySmaller.Width, SlightlySmaller.Height - 2), 16);

            SizeF labelsize = new SizeF(0, 0);

            if (SelectedPoint != null && DataKey.SelectedDataSet != null)
                string label = string.Format(string.Format("{0} - {1} = {2}", DataPlotNav.XRange.GetString(SelectedPoint.X + ArchiveMaintainer.ClientServerOffset.Ticks), DataKey.SelectedDataSet.Name,
                                                           SelectedPoint.Y >= 0 ? SelectedYRange.GetString(SelectedPoint.Y) : Messages.GRAPHS_NO_DATA));
                labelsize = paintEventArgs.Graphics.MeasureString(label, Palette.LabelFont);
                paintEventArgs.Graphics.DrawString(label, Palette.LabelFont, Palette.LabelBrush, SlightlySmaller.Right - labelsize.Width, SlightlySmaller.Top - (labelsize.Height + 1));

            // Draw graph's name
            if (DisplayName != String.Empty)
                Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(SlightlySmaller.Location, SlightlySmaller.Size);
                rect.Width -= Convert.ToInt32(labelsize.Width);
                string nameLabel     = DisplayName.Ellipsise(paintEventArgs.Graphics, rect, Palette.LabelFont);
                SizeF  nameLabelSize = paintEventArgs.Graphics.MeasureString(nameLabel, Palette.LabelFont);
                paintEventArgs.Graphics.DrawString(nameLabel, Palette.LabelFont, Palette.LabelBrush, SlightlySmaller.Left, SlightlySmaller.Top - (nameLabelSize.Height + 1));

            // Draw to screen
Пример #10
 public DrawAxisYArgs(Graphics g, Rectangle r, DataRange range, bool showlabels)
     : base(g, r, showlabels)
     Range = range;
Пример #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Virtual to Screen XY
        /// </summary>
        public static LongPoint TranslateToScreen(LongPoint virtualpoint, DataTimeRange xrange, DataRange yrange, LongRectangle rectangle)
            if (xrange.Delta == 0 || yrange.Delta == 0)
                // have seen this happen when we try to render graphs after the host failed to install a vm
                // doesn't matter too much what we return as the VM entry is going to get removed. Just don't crash.
                log.ErrorFormat("Tried to translate datapoint through range of zero. xrange.Delta: {0}, yrange.Delta: {1}",
                                xrange.Delta, yrange.Delta);
                return(new LongPoint(0, 0));
            // work out x, assume origin is bottom right
            double x = rectangle.Right - ((rectangle.Width * (virtualpoint.X - xrange.Min)) / xrange.Delta);

            // work out y
            double y = rectangle.Bottom - ((rectangle.Height * (virtualpoint.Y - yrange.Min)) / yrange.Delta);

            y = y > rectangle.Bottom ? rectangle.Bottom : y < rectangle.Y ? rectangle.Y : y;

                log.DebugFormat("Point translated to more than max line length: x={0} y={1} vx={2} vy={3} xrange_min={4} xrange_max={5} yrange_min={6} yrange_max={7} rectangle_x={8} rectangle_y={9} rectangle_w={10} rectangle_h={11}",
                                x, y,
                                virtualpoint.X, virtualpoint.Y,
                                xrange.Min, xrange.Max,
                                yrange.Min, yrange.Max,
                                rectangle.X, rectangle.Y,
                                rectangle.Width, rectangle.Height);

                // draw a random line as this is better than crashing
                return(new LongPoint(0, 0));

            return(new LongPoint((long)x, (long)y));
Пример #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Screen XY to Virtual
        /// </summary>
        public static LongPoint DeTranslateFromScreen(LongPoint screenpoint, DataTimeRange xrange, DataRange yrange, LongRectangle rectangle)
            // work out x, assume origin is bottom right
            double x = xrange.Min + (xrange.Delta * (rectangle.Right - screenpoint.X)) / (double)rectangle.Width;

            // work out y
            double y = yrange.Min + (yrange.Delta * (rectangle.Bottom - screenpoint.Y)) / (double)rectangle.Height;

            return(new LongPoint((long)x, (long)y));
Пример #13
 public DrawAxisYArgs(Graphics g, Rectangle r, DataRange range, bool showlabels)
     : base(g, r, showlabels)
     Range = range;