Пример #1
        private TextHighliter ReportEntity(int EntityLabel, int RecursiveDepth = 0, int IndentationLevel = 0, bool Verbose = false)
            // Debug.WriteLine("EL: " + EntityLabel.ToString());
            TextHighliter sb = new TextHighliter();
            string IndentationHeader = new String('\t', IndentationLevel);
                var entity = Model.Instances[EntityLabel];
                if (entity != null)
                    IfcType ifcType = IfcMetaData.IfcType(entity);

                        string.Format(IndentationHeader + "=== {0} [#{1}]", ifcType, EntityLabel.ToString()),
                    var props = ifcType.IfcProperties.Values;
                    if (props.Count > 0)
                        sb.AppendFormat(IndentationHeader + "Properties: {0}", props.Count);
                    foreach (var prop in props)
                        var PropLabels = ReportProp(sb, IndentationHeader, entity, prop, Verbose);

                        foreach (var PropLabel in PropLabels)
                            if (
                                PropLabel != EntityLabel &&
                                (RecursiveDepth > 0 || RecursiveDepth < 0)
                                && PropLabel != 0
                                sb.Append(ReportEntity(PropLabel, RecursiveDepth - 1, IndentationLevel + 1));
                    var Invs = ifcType.IfcInverses;
                    if (Invs.Count > 0)
                        sb.AppendFormat(IndentationHeader + "Inverses: {0}", Invs.Count);
                    foreach (var inverse in Invs)
                        ReportProp(sb, IndentationHeader, entity, inverse, Verbose);
                     * suspended until more geomtery primitives are exposed.
                    if (entity is IfcProduct)
                        IfcProduct p = entity as IfcProduct;
                        IXbimGeometryModel ret = XbimMesher.GenerateGeometry(Model, p);
                        var factorCubicMetre = Math.Pow(Model.GetModelFactors.OneMetre, 3);
                        sb.AppendFormat("XbimVolume: {0}\r\n", ret.Volume / factorCubicMetre);

                        // looks for the product shape without subtractions/additions
                        // XbimMesher.GenerateGeometry(model,
                        foreach (var representation in p.Representation.Representations)
                            if (representation.RepresentationIdentifier == "Body")
                                IXbimGeometryModel uncut = XbimMesher.GenerateGeometry(Model, representation);
                                if (uncut != null)
                                    sb.AppendFormat("XbimUncutVolume: {0}\r\n", uncut.Volume / factorCubicMetre);
                    sb.AppendFormat(IndentationHeader + "=== Entity #{0} is null", EntityLabel);
            catch (Exception ex)
                sb.AppendFormat(IndentationHeader + "\r\nException Thrown: {0} ({1})\r\n{2}", ex.Message, ex.GetType().ToString(), ex.StackTrace);
            return sb;
Пример #2
        private TextHighliter ReportType(string type, int beVerbose, string indentationHeader = "")
            var tarr = type.Split(new string[] { "." }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            type = tarr[tarr.Length - 1];

            TextHighliter sb = new TextHighliter();

            IfcType ot = IfcMetaData.IfcType(type.ToUpper());
            if (ot != null)
                    string.Format(indentationHeader + "=== {0}", ot.Name),

                sb.AppendFormat(indentationHeader + "Namespace: {0}", ot.Type.Namespace);
                // sb.AppendFormat(indentationHeader + "Xbim Type Id: {0}", ot.TypeId);
                sb.DefaultBrush = Brushes.DarkOrange;
                List<string> supertypes = new List<string>();
                var iterSuper = ot.IfcSuperType;
                while (iterSuper != null)
                    iterSuper = iterSuper.IfcSuperType;
                if (ot.IfcSuperType != null)
                    sb.AppendFormat(indentationHeader + "Parents hierarchy: {0}", string.Join(" => ", supertypes.ToArray()));
                if (ot.IfcSubTypes.Count > 0)
                    if (beVerbose > 1)
                        sb.DefaultBrush = null;
                        sb.AppendFormat(indentationHeader + "Subtypes tree:");
                        sb.DefaultBrush = Brushes.DarkOrange;
                        ChildTree(ot, sb, indentationHeader, 0);
                        sb.DefaultBrush = null;
                        sb.AppendFormat(indentationHeader + "Subtypes: {0}", ot.IfcSubTypes.Count);
                        sb.DefaultBrush = Brushes.DarkOrange;
                        foreach (var item in ot.IfcSubTypes)
                            sb.AppendFormat(indentationHeader + "- {0}", item);
                if (beVerbose > 0)
                    if (beVerbose > 1)
                        var allSub = ot.NonAbstractSubTypes;
                        sb.DefaultBrush = null;
                        sb.AppendFormat(indentationHeader + "All non abstract subtypes: {0}", allSub.Count());
                        sb.DefaultBrush = Brushes.DarkOrange;
                        foreach (var item in allSub)
                            sb.AppendFormat(indentationHeader + "- {0}", item.Name);
                    sb.DefaultBrush = null;
                    sb.AppendFormat(indentationHeader + "Interfaces: {0}", ot.Type.GetInterfaces().Count());
                    sb.DefaultBrush = Brushes.DarkOrange;
                    foreach (var item in ot.Type.GetInterfaces())
                        sb.AppendFormat(indentationHeader + "- {0}", item.Name);

                    sb.DefaultBrush = null;
                    // sb.DefaultBrush = Brushes.DimGray;
                    sb.AppendFormat(indentationHeader + "Properties: {0}", ot.IfcProperties.Count());
                    sb.DefaultBrush = null;
                    Brush[] brushArray = new Brush[]
                    foreach (var item in ot.IfcProperties.Values)

                        var topParent = ot.IfcSuperType;
                        string sTopParent = "";
                        while (topParent != null && topParent.IfcProperties.Where(x => x.Value.PropertyInfo.Name == item.PropertyInfo.Name).Count() > 0)
                            sTopParent = " \tfrom: " + topParent.ToString();
                            topParent = topParent.IfcSuperType;
                            new string[] {
                                indentationHeader + "- " + item.PropertyInfo.Name + "\t\t",
                                sTopParent },

                        // sb.AppendFormat(\t{1}{2}", , , );
                    sb.AppendFormat(indentationHeader + "Inverses: {0}", ot.IfcInverses.Count());
                    foreach (var item in ot.IfcInverses)
                        var topParent = ot.IfcSuperType;
                        string sTopParent = "";
                        while (topParent != null && topParent.IfcInverses.Where(x => x.PropertyInfo.Name == item.PropertyInfo.Name).Count() > 0)
                            sTopParent = " \tfrom: " + topParent.ToString();
                            topParent = topParent.IfcSuperType;
                        //sb.AppendFormat(indentationHeader + "- {0}\t{1}{2}", item.PropertyInfo.Name, CleanPropertyName(item.PropertyInfo.PropertyType.FullName), sTopParent);
                            new string[] {
                                indentationHeader + "- " + item.PropertyInfo.Name + "\t\t",
                                sTopParent },
                sb.DefaultBrush = null;
                // test to see if it's a select type...

                Module ifcModule2 = typeof(IfcMaterialSelect).Module;
                var SelectType = ifcModule2.GetTypes().Where(
                        t => t.Name.Contains(type)

                if (SelectType != null)
                    sb.AppendFormat("=== {0} is a Select type", type);
                    Module ifcModule = typeof(IfcActor).Module;
                    IEnumerable<Type> SelectSubTypes = ifcModule.GetTypes().Where(
                            t => t.GetInterfaces().Contains(SelectType)

                    // CommontIF sets up the infrastructure to check for common interfaces shared by the select type elements
                    Type[] CommontIF = null;
                    foreach (var item in SelectSubTypes)
                        if (CommontIF == null)
                            CommontIF = item.GetInterfaces();
                            var chk = item.GetInterfaces();
                            for (int i = 0; i < CommontIF.Length; i++)
                                if (!chk.Contains(CommontIF[i]))
                                    CommontIF[i] = null;

                    Type[] ExistingIF = SelectType.GetInterfaces();
                    sb.AppendFormat(indentationHeader + "Interfaces: {0}", ExistingIF.Length);
                    foreach (var item in ExistingIF)
                        sb.AppendFormat(indentationHeader + "- {0}", item.Name);
                    // need to remove implemented interfaces from the ones shared
                    for (int i = 0; i < CommontIF.Length; i++)
                        if (CommontIF[i] == SelectType)
                            CommontIF[i] = null;
                        if (ExistingIF.Contains(CommontIF[i]))
                            CommontIF[i] = null;

                    foreach (var item in CommontIF)
                        if (item != null)
                            sb.AppendFormat(indentationHeader + "Missing Common Interface: {0}", item.Name);
                    if (beVerbose == 1)
                        foreach (var item in SelectSubTypes)
                            sb.Append(ReportType(item.Name, beVerbose, indentationHeader + "  "));

            return sb;
Пример #3
        private void DisplayHelp()
            TextHighliter t = new TextHighliter();

            t.AppendFormat("- select [count|list|short] [transverse] [highlight] <startingElement> [Property [Property...]]");
            t.Append("    <startingElement>: <EntityLabel, <EntityLabel>> or <ifcTypeName>", Brushes.Gray);
            t.Append("    [Property] is a Property or Inverse name", Brushes.Gray);
            t.Append("    [highlight] puts the returned set in the viewer selection", Brushes.Gray);

            t.AppendFormat("- EntityLabel label [recursion]");
            t.Append("    [recursion] is an int representing the depth of children to report", Brushes.Gray);

            t.AppendFormat("- IfcSchema [list|count|short|full] <TypeName>");
            t.Append("    <TypeName> can contain wildcards", Brushes.Gray);
            t.Append("    use / in <TypeName> to select all root types", Brushes.Gray);

            t.AppendFormat("- GeometryInfo [binary|viewer] <EntityLabel,<EntityLabel>>");
            t.Append("    Provide textual information on meshes.", Brushes.Gray);

            t.AppendFormat("- Reload <EntityLabel,<EntityLabel>>");
            t.Append("    <EntityLabel> filters the elements to load in the viewer.", Brushes.Gray);

            t.AppendFormat("- clip [off|<Elevation>|<px>, <py>, <pz>, <nx>, <ny>, <nz>|<Storey name>]");
            t.Append("    Clipping the 3D model is still and unstable feature. Use with caution.", Brushes.Gray);

            t.AppendFormat("- zoom <Region name>");
            t.Append("    'zoom ?' provides a list of valid region names", Brushes.Gray);

            t.AppendFormat("- Visual [list|tree|[on|off <name>]|mode <ModeCommand>]");
            t.Append("    'Visual list' provides a list of valid layer names", Brushes.Gray);
            t.Append("    'Visual tree' provides a tree layer structure", Brushes.Gray);
            t.Append("    'Visual mode ...' changes the mode of the layer tree structure", Brushes.Gray);
            t.Append("      <ModeCommand> in: type, entity, oddeven or demo.", Brushes.Gray);

            t.AppendFormat("- clear [on|off]");

            t.AppendFormat("- SelectionHighlighting [WholeMesh|Normals]");
            t.Append("    defines the graphical style for selection highliting.", Brushes.Gray);

            t.AppendFormat("- SimplifyGUI");
            t.Append("    opens a GUI for simplifying IFC files (useful for debugging purposes).", Brushes.Gray);

            t.Append("Commands are executed on <ctrl>+<Enter>.", Brushes.Blue);
            t.AppendFormat("double slash (//) are the comments token and the remainder of lines is ignored.");
            t.AppendFormat("If a portion of text is selected, only selected text will be executed.");
