Пример #1
		public static void UserAuthenticated(User user)
			//TODO: Xamarin.Insights.Identify()
			//The UID can be any identifier you use to identify a user. Email can be a good option
			//The Table parameter allows you to send any other traits about your users.
			//Check Insights.Traits for some reccomended/supported traits.
			//Feel free to track any additional data you need to about your user
			throw new NotImplementedException ();
		public UserInformationPage ()
			BindingContext = new User ();
			var stack = new StackLayout { VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand };

			var name = new Entry {Placeholder = "Name"};
			name.SetBinding (Entry.TextProperty, "Name");
			stack.Children.Add (name);

			var email = new Entry {Placeholder = "Email"};
			email.SetBinding (Entry.TextProperty, "Email");
			stack.Children.Add (email);

			var photoUrl = new Entry {Placeholder = "Photo Url"};
			photoUrl.SetBinding (Entry.TextProperty, "ImageUrl");
			stack.Children.Add (photoUrl);

			var button = new Button {
				Text = "Play Game",
				Command = new Command(()=>{
					//TODO: report user
					Analytics.UserAuthenticated(BindingContext as User);
					Navigation.PushModalAsync(new LockScreen());
			stack.Children.Add (button);

			ScrollView scrollview = new ScrollView {
				Orientation = ScrollOrientation.Vertical,
				VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
				Content = stack


			this.Content = new StackLayout {
				Children = { scrollview }