Пример #1
        /// <summary>Checks how many times a color scheme was applied within a report.</summary>
        protected override void ProcessToolUsageData(StatisticsReport report, ToolUsageData tool)
            foreach (var stat in tool.ExecutorStats)
                // Make regex match in the statistic name to find out if the it's what we are looking for.
                Match colorSchemeMatch = Regex.Match(stat.Key, @"(?<=(ColorScheme\.)).*");

                if (!colorSchemeMatch.Success)
                }                                      // Skip if it's not about color schemes.
                string color = colorSchemeMatch.Value; // Else get the color name.

                // If there was no information about this scheme before, add a container for the info
                if (!stats.ContainsKey(color))
                    stats.Add(color, new Dictionary <string, int>());

                // Also add a container for the info about the scheme usage
                if (!stats[color].ContainsKey("Кол-во использований"))
                    stats[color].Add("Кол-во использований", 0);

                // Add the new value to the old info.
                stats[color]["Кол-во использований"] += int.Parse(stat.Value);
Пример #2
        /// <summary>Gets amount of times objects of different types were used by a tool within a report.</summary>
        protected override void ProcessToolUsageData(StatisticsReport report, ToolUsageData tool)
            // Go through all statisticts of the tool
            foreach (var stat in tool.ExecutorStats)
                // Make regex match in the statistic name to find out if the statistic is what we are looking for.
                Match dataTypeMatch = Regex.Match(stat.Key, $@"(?<=({(DoesAnalyseInput ? "Input" : "Output")}Data\.Type\.)).*");

                if (!dataTypeMatch.Success)
                }                                      // Skip if it's not about data types.
                string dataType = dataTypeMatch.Value; // Else get the type name.

                string objKey = SelectedGrouping == ToolGrouping ? tool.ToolName : report.ProductVersion;

                // If there was no information about this object of analysis before, add a container for it.
                if (!stats.ContainsKey(objKey))
                    stats.Add(objKey, new Dictionary <string, int>());

                // Also add a container for the info about the type and place the new information here
                if (!stats[objKey].ContainsKey(dataType))
                    stats[objKey].Add(dataType, int.Parse(stat.Value));
                // If there already is a container, just sum old and new values.
                    stats[objKey][dataType] += int.Parse(stat.Value);
        /// <summary>Collects info about amounts of data on the input of a tool for one report.</summary>
        protected override void ProcessToolUsageData(StatisticsReport report, ToolUsageData tool)
            int objAmountFromReport = 0;

            // Go through all statisticts of the tool
            foreach (var stat in tool.ExecutorStats)
                // Make regex match in the statistic name to find out if it contains amount of objects of certain type.
                Match dataTypeMatch = Regex.Match(stat.Key, $@"InputData\.Type\.");

                if (!dataTypeMatch.Success)
                }                                             // Skip if it's not about data types.
                objAmountFromReport += int.Parse(stat.Value); // Else get the amount of objects.

            // Exit if there's no input objects here
            if (objAmountFromReport == 0)

            // If there was no information about average input of this tool before, add a container for it.
            if (!statsAverageData.ContainsKey(tool.ToolName))
                statsAverageData.Add(tool.ToolName, new StatAverageInfo());
            StatAverageInfo averageInfo = statsAverageData[tool.ToolName];

            // Add info to count average
            averageInfo.StatSum += objAmountFromReport;

            // If there was no information about min/max input of this tool before, add containers for it
            if (!stats.ContainsKey(tool.ToolName))
                stats.Add(tool.ToolName, new Dictionary <string, int>());

                stats[tool.ToolName].Add(minSeriesIdentifier, objAmountFromReport);
                stats[tool.ToolName].Add(maxSeriesIdentifier, objAmountFromReport);
                // Check if current min is greater than this new value and set this value as min if it is
                if (stats[tool.ToolName][minSeriesIdentifier] > objAmountFromReport)
                    stats[tool.ToolName][minSeriesIdentifier] = objAmountFromReport;
                // Check if current max is lower than this new value and set this value as max if it is
                else if (stats[tool.ToolName][maxSeriesIdentifier] < objAmountFromReport)
                    stats[tool.ToolName][maxSeriesIdentifier] = objAmountFromReport;
Пример #4
        /// <summary>Checks how many times a tool was called within one report.</summary>
        protected override void ProcessToolUsageData(StatisticsReport report, ToolUsageData tool)
            // Skip if there's no information about tool calls
            if (!tool.CommandStats.ContainsKey("Click"))

            // Else get the info
            int clicksFromReport = int.Parse(tool.CommandStats["Click"]);

            // Add tool to the dictionary if it wasn't done before
            if (!stats.ContainsKey(tool.ToolName))
                stats.Add(tool.ToolName, new Dictionary <string, int>()); // Add tool
                stats[tool.ToolName].Add(Name, 0);                        // Add container for the statistic

            stats[tool.ToolName][Name] += clicksFromReport;
Пример #5
 /// <summary>Collects something in a single ToolUsageData (depends on the info a concrete analysis needs).</summary>
 protected abstract void ProcessToolUsageData(StatisticsReport report, ToolUsageData tool);
Пример #6
        /// <summary>Collects statistics for each user from JSONs given.</summary>
        private static List <StatisticsReport> GetInfoFromJsons(List <string> jsons)
            List <StatisticsReport> reports = new List <StatisticsReport>(); // List to return

            foreach (string json in jsons)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(json))

                StatisticsReport infoFromReport = new StatisticsReport(); // Will contain info from one JSON file

                JObject rootJObj = JObject.Parse(json);                   // The whole JSON in a JObject

                // Get info about the product where the report came from
                string productName    = rootJObj.GetValue("ProductName")?.ToString();
                string productVersion = (rootJObj.GetValue("ProductVersion") ?? rootJObj.GetValue("Version"))?.ToString();

                // Get info about the period when statistics were collected
                string startDateStr = (rootJObj.GetValue("StartDate") ?? rootJObj.GetValue("StartDateUtc"))?.ToString();
                string endDateStr   = (rootJObj.GetValue("EndDate") ?? rootJObj.GetValue("EndDateUtc"))?.ToString();

                // Convert dates from string to DateTime

                DateTime startDate, endDate;

                // If a string is in an uncommon format, suppose that the format is "dd.mm.yyyy" and parse exactly from it
                if (!DateTime.TryParse(startDateStr, out startDate))
                    startDate = DateTime.ParseExact(startDateStr, "dd.mm.yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                if (!DateTime.TryParse(endDateStr, out endDate))
                    endDate = DateTime.ParseExact(endDateStr, "dd.mm.yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                // Place the info from the report into corresponding containers
                infoFromReport.ProductName    = productName;
                infoFromReport.ProductVersion = productVersion;
                infoFromReport.StartDate      = startDate;
                infoFromReport.EndDate        = endDate;

                // Get list of tools from the value of the "Items" property
                IEnumerable <JProperty> toolsUsed = rootJObj.GetValue("Items").ToObject <JObject>().Properties();
                // Collect statistics from each tool
                foreach (var toolJProp in toolsUsed)
                    // Will contain statistics for one XTool usage within a period
                    ToolUsageData toolData = new ToolUsageData(toolJProp.Name);

                    JObject toolJObj = toolJProp.Value.ToObject <JObject>();

                    JObject commandJObj  = toolJObj.GetValue("Command")?.ToObject <JObject>();
                    JObject executorJObj = toolJObj.GetValue("Executor")?.ToObject <JObject>();
                    JObject uiJObj       = toolJObj.GetValue("UI")?.ToObject <JObject>();

                    if (commandJObj != null)
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, JToken> property in commandJObj)
                            toolData.CommandStats.Add(property.Key, property.Value.ToString());
                    if (executorJObj != null)
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, JToken> property in executorJObj)
                            toolData.ExecutorStats.Add(property.Key, property.Value.ToString());
                    if (uiJObj != null)
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, JToken> property in uiJObj)
                            toolData.UIStats.Add(property.Key, property.Value.ToString());


