public static float GetWidth(this EditorWindow window) { object dockArea = window.GetParent(); Rect p = (Rect)ViewR.Wrap(dockArea).windowPosition; return(p.width); }
public static bool DockWindowLeft(EditorWindow window) { EditorWindow mostLeft = GetMostLeftWindow(window); if (mostLeft == null) { return(false); } object parent = mostLeft.GetParent(); if (parent == null) { return(false); } // force the after-dock reflow to respect the current window widths EditorWindow[] windows =; Vector2[] minSizes = new Vector2[windows.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < minSizes.Length; i++) { minSizes[i] = windows[i].minSize; Vector2 size = windows[i].minSize; size.x = windows[i].position.size.x; windows[i].minSize = size; } // dock the window Rect rect = ViewR.Wrap(parent).screenPosition; DockWindow(window, mostLeft, rect.position); // restore min sizes for (int i = 0; i < windows.Length; i++) { windows[i].minSize = minSizes[i]; } return(true); }
public static void SetWidth(this EditorWindow window, float width) { object dockArea = window.GetParent(); Rect p = (Rect)ViewR.Wrap(dockArea).position; p.width = width; ViewR.Wrap(dockArea).position = p; object dockAreaParent = ViewR.Wrap(dockArea).parent; ViewR.Wrap(dockAreaParent).Reflow(); }
public static bool IsFloating(this EditorWindow window) { object parent = window.GetParent(); if (parent == null) { return(true); } parent = ViewR.Wrap(parent).parent; if (parent == null) { return(true); } parent = ViewR.Wrap(parent).parent; return(parent == null); }
public static Rect GetWindowPosition(this EditorWindow window) { object dockArea = window.GetParent(); return((Rect)ViewR.Wrap(dockArea).windowPosition); }