public static byte[] DeflaterExpand(byte[] compressedData) { try { return(DeflaterExpandInternal(false, compressedData)); } catch (Exception exception) { Comman.WriteLog("The content could not be decompressed.\n\n" + exception.Message + "Fiddler: Inflation failed"); return(new byte[0]); } }
public static bool RunExecutable(string sExecute, string sParams) { try { using (Process.Start(sExecute, sParams)) { } return(true); } catch (Exception exception) { Comman.WriteLog(string.Format("Failed to execute: {0}\nwith parameters: {1}\r\n\r\n{2}\r\n{3}", new object[] { sExecute, sParams, exception.Message, exception.StackTrace.ToString() }) + "ShellExecute Failed"); } return(false); }
//[CodeDescription("ShellExecutes the sURL.")] public static bool LaunchHyperlink(string sURL) { try { using (Process.Start(sURL)) { } return(true); } catch (Exception exception) { Comman.WriteLog("Your web browser is not correctly configured to launch hyperlinks.\n\nTo see this content, visit:\n\t" + sURL + "\ your web browser.\n\nError: " + exception.Message + "Error"); } return(false); }
////[CodeDescription("Returns a byte[] containing a gzip-compressed copy of writeData[]")] public static byte[] GzipCompress(byte[] writeData) { try { MemoryStream inner = new MemoryStream(); using (GZipCompressedStream stream2 = new GZipCompressedStream(inner)) { stream2.Write(writeData, 0, writeData.Length); } return(inner.ToArray()); } catch (Exception exception) { Comman.WriteLog("The content could not be compressed.\n\n" + exception.Message + "Fiddler: GZip failed"); return(writeData); } }
//[CodeDescription("Run an executable and wait for it to exit.")] public static bool RunExecutableAndWait(string sExecute, string sParams) { try { Process process = new Process(); process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = false; process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = false; process.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; process.StartInfo.FileName = sExecute; process.StartInfo.Arguments = sParams; process.Start(); process.WaitForExit(); process.Dispose(); return(true); } catch (Exception exception) { Comman.WriteLog("Fiddler Exception thrown: " + exception.ToString() + "\r\n" + exception.StackTrace.ToString() + "ShellExecute Failed"); return(false); } }