/// <summary> /// Advances the frame of an animation for a skeleton used on this mesh. /// </summary> /// <param name="Skel">A skeleton used to render this mesh.</param> /// <param name="Animation">The animation to advance.</param> /// <param name="AnimationTime">The playback time for an animation (how long has it been playing for?)</param> /// <param name="TimeDelta">The timedelta of the rendering loop.</param> public void AdvanceFrame(Skeleton Skel, Anim Animation, ref float AnimationTime, float TimeDelta) { float Duration = (float)Animation.Motions[0].NumFrames / 30; AnimationTime += TimeDelta; AnimationTime = AnimationTime % Duration; //Loop the animation for (int i = 0; i < Animation.Motions.Count; i++) { int BoneIndex = Skel.FindBone(Animation.Motions[i].BoneName); if (BoneIndex == -1) continue; Bone Bne = Skel.Bones[BoneIndex]; int Frame = (int)(AnimationTime * 30); float FractionShown = AnimationTime * 30 - Frame; int NextFrame = (Frame + 1 != Animation.Motions[0].NumFrames) ? Frame + 1 : 0; if (Animation.Motions[i].HasTranslation == 1) { Vector3 Translation = new Vector3(Animation.Motions[i].Translations[Frame, 0], Animation.Motions[i].Translations[Frame, 1], Animation.Motions[i].Translations[Frame, 2]); Vector3 NextTranslation = new Vector3(Animation.Motions[i].Translations[NextFrame, 0], Animation.Motions[i].Translations[NextFrame, 1], Animation.Motions[i].Translations[NextFrame, 2]); Vector3 UpdatedTranslation = new Vector3(); UpdatedTranslation.X = (1 - FractionShown) * Translation.X + FractionShown * NextTranslation.X; UpdatedTranslation.Y = (1 - FractionShown) * Translation.Y + FractionShown * NextTranslation.Y; UpdatedTranslation.Z = (1 - FractionShown) * Translation.Z + FractionShown * NextTranslation.Z; Bne.GlobalTranslation = UpdatedTranslation; } if (Animation.Motions[i].HasRotation == 1) { Quaternion Rotation = new Quaternion(Animation.Motions[i].Rotations[Frame, 0], Animation.Motions[i].Rotations[Frame, 1], Animation.Motions[i].Rotations[Frame, 2], Animation.Motions[i].Rotations[Frame, 3]); Quaternion NextRotation = new Quaternion(Animation.Motions[i].Rotations[NextFrame, 0], Animation.Motions[i].Rotations[NextFrame, 1], Animation.Motions[i].Rotations[NextFrame, 2], Animation.Motions[i].Rotations[NextFrame, 3]); //Use Slerp to interpolate float W1, W2 = 1.0f; float CosTheta = DotProduct(Rotation, NextRotation); if (CosTheta < 0) { CosTheta *= -1; W2 *= -1; } float Theta = (float)Math.Acos(CosTheta); float SinTheta = (float)Math.Sin(Theta); if (SinTheta > 0.001f) { W1 = (float)Math.Sin((1.0f - FractionShown) * Theta) / SinTheta; W2 *= (float)Math.Sin(FractionShown * Theta) / SinTheta; } else { W1 = 1.0f - FractionShown; W2 = FractionShown; } Quaternion UpdatedRotation = new Quaternion(); UpdatedRotation.X = W1 * Rotation.X + W2 * NextRotation.X; UpdatedRotation.Y = W1 * Rotation.Y + W2 * NextRotation.Y; UpdatedRotation.Z = W1 * Rotation.Z + W2 * NextRotation.Z; UpdatedRotation.W = W1 * Rotation.W + W2 * NextRotation.W; } } }
//private Texture2D m_BackgroundTex; /// <summary> /// /// </summary> public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); this.DeviceResetting += new XNAWinForm.EmptyEventHandler(mWinForm_DeviceResetting); this.DeviceReset += new XNAWinForm.GraphicsDeviceDelegate(mWinForm_DeviceReset); this.OnFrameRender += new XNAWinForm.GraphicsDeviceDelegate(mWinForm_OnFrameRender); this.OnFrameMove += new GraphicsDeviceDelegate(Form1_OnFrameMove); Log.UseSensibleDefaults("Log.txt", "", eloglevel.info); mViewMat = mWorldMat = mProjectionMat = Matrix.Identity; //Check for the existence of TSO on the user's machine, and get the correct installation-path. RegistryKey softwareKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE"); if (Array.Exists(softwareKey.GetSubKeyNames(), delegate(string s) { return s.CompareTo("Maxis") == 0; })) { RegistryKey maxisKey = softwareKey.OpenSubKey("Maxis"); if (Array.Exists(maxisKey.GetSubKeyNames(), delegate(string s) { return s.CompareTo("The Sims Online") == 0; })) { RegistryKey tsoKey = maxisKey.OpenSubKey("The Sims Online"); string installDir = (string)tsoKey.GetValue("InstallDir"); installDir += "\\TSOClient\\"; GlobalSettings.Default.StartupPath = installDir; } else { MessageBox.Show("Error TSO was not found on your system."); Application.Exit(); //TODO: Let user select path manually... } } else { MessageBox.Show("Error: No Maxis products were found on your system."); Application.Exit(); } foreach (KeyValuePair<ulong, string> Pair in ContentManager.Resources) { if (Pair.Value.Contains(".po") || Pair.Value.Contains(".hag")) LstHeads.Items.Add(Pair.Value); } LstHeads.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(LstHeads_SelectedIndexChanged); LstAppearances.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(LstAppearances_SelectedIndexChanged); m_CurrentAnim = new Anim(ContentManager.GetResourceFromLongID(0xd200000007)); }