Пример #1
        private List<Bone> populateBones(int count, float boneLength, String TextureName)
            Bone root = new Bone();
            root.IsRootMaster = true;
            root.IsNoVis = true;

            root.Position = new Vector2(graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth / 2, graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight / 2);
            root.Length = 0;
            root.Angle = 0;
            root.Direction = new Vector2(0, 0);

            List<Bone> list = new List<Bone>();


            for (int i = 1; i < count; i++)
                Bone bone = new Bone();
                bone.Parent = list[i - 1];
                bone.Position = calcPosition(bone.Parent);
                bone.Length = boneLength;
                bone.RotationOrigin = new Vector2(2, 0);
                bone.Direction = new Vector2(1, 0);
                bone.MinAngle = MathHelper.ToRadians(-60);
                bone.MaxAngle = MathHelper.ToRadians(60);
                bone.TextureName = TextureName;

                list[i - 1].Children.Add(bone);

            return list;
Пример #2
        private void drawBones(Bone bone)
            if (!bone.IsRootMaster && !bone.IsNoVis)

                drawBoneLine(textures[bone.TextureName], bone, Color.White);

            for (int i = 0; i < bone.Children.Count; i++)
Пример #3
        private void drawBoneLine(Texture2D tex, Bone bone, Color color)
            Vector2 origin = bone.RotationOrigin;//new Vector2(2f, 0f);
            Vector2 diff = bone.Direction * bone.Length;//root.Position - (root.Position + root.Direction * root.Length);

            Vector2 scale = new Vector2(1.0f, diff.Length() / tex.Height);

            float angle = (float)Math.Atan2(diff.Y, diff.X) - MathHelper.PiOver2;

                spriteBatch.Draw(tex, bone.Position, null, color, angle, origin, scale, SpriteEffects.FlipVertically, 1.0f);
                spriteBatch.Draw(tex, bone.Position, null, color, angle, origin, scale, SpriteEffects.None, 1.0f);
Пример #4
 private Vector2 calcPosition(Bone parent)
     return parent.Position + parent.Direction * parent.Length;
Пример #5
        private void animate(Bone effector, Bone bone, Vector2 boneTarget, Vector2 effectorTarget, float speed, float cascadeMod)
            if (bone.Direction.X == 0 && bone.Direction.Y == 0 || bone.IsRigid)

            Vector2 tip = bone.Position + bone.Direction * bone.Length;

            if (Vector2.Distance(effector.Position + effector.Direction * effector.Length, effectorTarget) < effector.Length * 0.05f)

            Vector2 toTarget = VectorHelper.normalize(boneTarget - tip);

            float curAngle = VectorHelper.getSignedAngle(VectorHelper.normalize(bone.Position - bone.Parent.Position),VectorHelper.normalize(tip - bone.Position));
            //float curAngle = VectorHelper.getAngle2(VectorHelper.normalize(bone.Position - bone.Parent.Position), VectorHelper.normalize(tip - bone.Position));
            //float curAngle = VectorHelper.getAngle2(bone.Parent.Position + bone.Parent.Direction * bone.Parent.Length, tip);

            if (bone.Parent.IsRootMaster)
                curAngle = 0f;

            //curAngle = MathHelper.WrapAngle(curAngle);

            if(curAngle >= bone.MinAngle && curAngle <= bone.MaxAngle)
                bone.Direction = VectorHelper.normalize(bone.Direction + toTarget * speed);

            curAngle = VectorHelper.getSignedAngle(VectorHelper.normalize(bone.Position - bone.Parent.Position),VectorHelper.normalize(tip - bone.Position));

            if (bone.Parent.IsRootMaster)
                curAngle = 0f;

            float angleCorrect;

            if (curAngle < bone.MinAngle)
                angleCorrect = bone.MinAngle - (curAngle);
                bone.Direction = VectorHelper.normalize(VectorHelper.rotateVectorRadians(tip - bone.Position, angleCorrect+0.000001f));
                //bone.Direction = VectorHelper.normalize(VectorHelper.rotateVectorRadians(tip - bone.Position, -bone.MinAngle-0.000001f));
            else if (curAngle > bone.MaxAngle)
                angleCorrect = bone.MaxAngle - (curAngle);
                bone.Direction = VectorHelper.normalize(VectorHelper.rotateVectorRadians(tip - bone.Position, angleCorrect - 0.000001f));
                //bone.Direction = VectorHelper.normalize(VectorHelper.rotateVectorRadians(tip - bone.Position, -bone.MaxAngle+0.000001f));

            /*GOOD FROM HERE DOWN
            float angle = Vector2.Dot(VectorHelper.getLeftNormal(bone.Direction), toTarget);
            float rotVal = -angle * speed;

            float curAngle = VectorHelper.getSignedAngle(VectorHelper.normalize(bone.Position - bone.Parent.Position),VectorHelper.normalize(tip - bone.Position));
            //float curAngle = VectorHelper.getAngle2(VectorHelper.normalize(bone.Position - bone.Parent.Position), VectorHelper.normalize(tip - bone.Position));

            if (bone.Parent.IsRootMaster)
                curAngle = 0f;

            curAngle = MathHelper.WrapAngle(curAngle);

            if(curAngle >= bone.MinAngle && curAngle <= bone.MaxAngle)
                bone.Direction = VectorHelper.normalize(VectorHelper.rotateVectorRadians(bone.Direction, rotVal));

            curAngle = VectorHelper.getSignedAngle(VectorHelper.normalize(bone.Position - bone.Parent.Position),VectorHelper.normalize(tip - bone.Position));

            if (bone.Parent.IsRootMaster)
                curAngle = 0f;

            float angleCorrect;

            if (curAngle < bone.MinAngle)
                angleCorrect = bone.MinAngle - (curAngle);
                bone.Direction = VectorHelper.normalize(VectorHelper.rotateVectorRadians(tip-bone.Position, angleCorrect * speed));
                //bone.Direction = VectorHelper.normalize(VectorHelper.rotateVectorRadians(VectorHelper.normalize(bone.Position - bone.Parent.Position), -bone.MinAngle * speed));
            else if (curAngle > bone.MaxAngle)
                angleCorrect = bone.MaxAngle - (curAngle);
                bone.Direction = VectorHelper.normalize(VectorHelper.rotateVectorRadians(tip - bone.Position, angleCorrect * speed));
                //bone.Direction = VectorHelper.normalize(VectorHelper.rotateVectorRadians(VectorHelper.normalize(bone.Position - bone.Parent.Position), bone.MaxAngle * speed));

            if (bone.Parent != null)
                if (toggleTip)
                    animate(effector, bone.Parent, tip, effectorTarget, speed * cascadeMod, cascadeMod);
                    animate(effector, bone.Parent, boneTarget, effectorTarget, speed * cascadeMod, cascadeMod);
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Allows the game to perform any initialization it needs to before starting to run.
        /// This is where it can query for any required services and load any non-graphic
        /// related content.  Calling base.Initialize will enumerate through any components
        /// and initialize them as well.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void Initialize()
            int time = 1600;
            float key1 = 0.25f, key2 = 0.5f, key3 = 0.75f, key4 = 1f;

            // TODO: Add your initialization logic here
            face = new Animation();
            face.Origin = new Vector2(100, 95);
            face.RotationOrigin = new Vector2(8, 16);
            face.Rotation = .3f;
            face.AnimationTime = time;
            face.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame(0, Vector2.Zero, .3f));
            face.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame((int)(time * key1), new Vector2(0, 3), 0f));
            face.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame((int)(time * key2), new Vector2(0, 5), -.3f));
            face.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame((int)(time * key3), new Vector2(0, 3), 0f));
            face.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame((int)(time * key4), new Vector2(0, 0), .3f));

            chest = new Animation();
            chest.Origin = new Vector2(100, 110);
            chest.RotationOrigin = new Vector2(8, 12);
            chest.AnimationTime = time;
            chest.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame(0, Vector2.Zero, 0f));
            chest.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame((int)(time * key1), new Vector2(0, 4), 0f));
            chest.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame((int)(time * key2), new Vector2(0, 6), 0f));
            chest.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame((int)(time * key3), new Vector2(0, 4), 0f));
            chest.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame((int)(time * key4), Vector2.Zero, 0f));

            arm1 = new Animation();
            arm1.Origin = new Vector2(116, 110);
            arm1.RotationOrigin = new Vector2(3, 0);
            arm1.AnimationTime = time;
            arm1.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame(0, Vector2.Zero, 0f));
            arm1.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame((int)(time * key1), new Vector2(0, 6), 0f));
            arm1.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame((int)(time * key2), new Vector2(0, 8), -3.14f));
            arm1.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame((int)(time * key3), new Vector2(0, 6), 0f));
            arm1.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame((int)(time * key4), Vector2.Zero, 0f));

            arm2 = new Animation();
            arm2.Origin = new Vector2(94, 110);
            arm2.RotationOrigin = new Vector2(3, 0);
            arm2.AnimationTime = time;
            arm2.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame(0, Vector2.Zero, 0f));
            arm2.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame((int)(time * key1), new Vector2(0, 6), 0f));
            arm2.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame((int)(time * key2), new Vector2(0, 8), 3.14f));
            arm2.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame((int)(time * key3), new Vector2(0, 6), 0f));
            arm2.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame((int)(time * key4), Vector2.Zero, 0f));

            foot1 = new Animation();
            foot1.Origin = new Vector2(109, 133);
            foot1.RotationOrigin = new Vector2(3, 0);
            foot1.AnimationTime = time;
            foot1.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame(0, Vector2.Zero, 0f));
            foot1.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame((int)(time * key1), new Vector2(0, 6), 0f));
            foot1.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame((int)(time * key2), new Vector2(0, 8), -1f));
            foot1.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame((int)(time * key3), new Vector2(0, 6), 0f));
            foot1.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame((int)(time * key4), Vector2.Zero, 0f));

            foot2 = new Animation();
            foot2.Origin = new Vector2(101, 133);
            foot2.RotationOrigin = new Vector2(3, 0);
            foot2.AnimationTime = time;
            foot2.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame(0, Vector2.Zero, 0f));
            foot2.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame((int)(time * key1), new Vector2(0, 6), 0f));
            foot2.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame((int)(time * key2), new Vector2(0, 8), 1f));
            foot2.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame((int)(time * key3), new Vector2(0, 6), 0f));
            foot2.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame((int)(time * key4), Vector2.Zero, 0f));

            sRoot = new Bone();
            sRoot.IsRootMaster = true;
            sRoot.IsNoVis = true;
            sRoot.Position = new Vector2(760/2, 480/2);
            sRoot.Length = 0;
            sRoot.Angle = 0;
            sRoot.Direction = new Vector2(0, 0);

            head = new Bone();
            head.Parent = sRoot;
            head.Position = calcPosition(head.Parent);
            head.Angle = MathHelper.ToRadians(180);
            head.Length = 16;
            head.RotationOrigin = new Vector2(8, 0);
            head.Direction = new Vector2(0, -1);
            head.TextureName = "face";
            head.TextureFlip = true;

            uBody = new Bone();
            uBody.Parent = sRoot;
            uBody.Position = calcPosition(uBody.Parent);//new Vector2(0, 0) + body.Parent.Position;
            uBody.Angle = MathHelper.ToRadians(0);
            uBody.Length = 12;
            uBody.RotationOrigin = new Vector2(8, 0);
            uBody.Direction = new Vector2(0, 1);
            uBody.TextureName = "uBody";

            lBody = new Bone();
            lBody.Parent = uBody;
            lBody.Position = calcPosition(lBody.Parent);
            lBody.Length = 8;
            lBody.RotationOrigin = new Vector2(8, 0);
            lBody.Direction = new Vector2(0, 1);
            lBody.TextureName = "lBody";

            lHip = new Bone();
            lHip.Parent = lBody;
            lHip.Position = calcPosition(lHip.Parent);
            lHip.Length = 6;
            lHip.RotationOrigin = new Vector2(3, 0);
            lHip.Direction = VectorHelper.normalize(new Vector2(-1,0));
            lHip.TextureName = "";
            lHip.MinAngle = MathHelper.ToRadians(5);
            lHip.MaxAngle = MathHelper.ToRadians(-5);
            lHip.IsNoVis = true;
            lHip.IsRigid = true;

            ulLeg = new Bone();
            ulLeg.Parent = lHip;
            ulLeg.Position = calcPosition(ulLeg.Parent);
            ulLeg.Angle = MathHelper.ToRadians(-60);
            ulLeg.Length = 6;
            ulLeg.RotationOrigin = new Vector2(3, 0);
            ulLeg.Direction = new Vector2(0, 1);
            ulLeg.MinAngle = MathHelper.ToRadians(-90);
            ulLeg.MaxAngle = MathHelper.ToRadians(0);
            ulLeg.TextureName = "leg";

            llLeg = new Bone();
            llLeg.Parent = ulLeg;
            llLeg.Position = calcPosition(llLeg.Parent);
            llLeg.Angle = MathHelper.ToRadians(-60);
            llLeg.Length = 6;
            llLeg.RotationOrigin = new Vector2(3, 0);
            llLeg.Direction = new Vector2(0, 1);
            llLeg.MinAngle = MathHelper.ToRadians(-60);
            llLeg.MaxAngle = MathHelper.ToRadians(0);
            llLeg.TextureName = "leg";

            lFoot = new Bone();
            lFoot.Parent = llLeg;
            lFoot.Position = calcPosition(lFoot.Parent);
            lFoot.Angle = MathHelper.ToRadians(-60);
            lFoot.Length = 6;
            lFoot.RotationOrigin = new Vector2(3, 0);
            lFoot.Direction = new Vector2(0, 1);
            lFoot.MinAngle = MathHelper.ToRadians(-15);
            lFoot.MaxAngle = MathHelper.ToRadians(15);
            lFoot.TextureName = "foot";

            rHip = new Bone();
            rHip.Parent = lBody;
            rHip.Position = calcPosition(rHip.Parent);
            rHip.Length = 6;
            rHip.RotationOrigin = new Vector2(3, 0);
            rHip.Direction = VectorHelper.normalize( new Vector2(1, 0));
            rHip.TextureName = "";
            rHip.MinAngle = MathHelper.ToRadians(-5);
            rHip.MaxAngle = MathHelper.ToRadians(5);
            rHip.IsNoVis = true;
            rHip.IsRigid = true;

            urLeg = new Bone();
            urLeg.Parent = rHip;
            urLeg.Position = calcPosition(urLeg.Parent);
            urLeg.Angle = MathHelper.ToRadians(-60);
            urLeg.Length = 6;
            urLeg.RotationOrigin = new Vector2(3,0);
            urLeg.Direction = new Vector2(0f,1);
            urLeg.MinAngle = MathHelper.ToRadians(0);
            urLeg.MaxAngle = MathHelper.ToRadians(90);
            urLeg.TextureName = "leg";

            lrLeg = new Bone();
            lrLeg.Parent = urLeg;
            lrLeg.Position = calcPosition(lrLeg.Parent);
            lrLeg.Angle = MathHelper.ToRadians(-60);
            lrLeg.Length = 6;
            lrLeg.RotationOrigin = new Vector2(3,0);
            lrLeg.Direction = new Vector2(0,1);
            lrLeg.MinAngle = MathHelper.ToRadians(0);
            lrLeg.MaxAngle = MathHelper.ToRadians(60);
            lrLeg.TextureName = "leg";

            rFoot = new Bone();
            rFoot.Parent = lrLeg;
            rFoot.Position = calcPosition(rFoot.Parent);
            rFoot.Angle = MathHelper.ToRadians(-60);
            rFoot.Length = 6;
            rFoot.RotationOrigin = new Vector2(3, 0);
            rFoot.Direction = new Vector2(0, 1);
            rFoot.MinAngle = MathHelper.ToRadians(-15);
            rFoot.MaxAngle = MathHelper.ToRadians(15);
            rFoot.TextureName = "foot";

            lShoulder = new Bone();
            lShoulder.Parent = sRoot;
            lShoulder.Position = calcPosition(lShoulder.Parent); //new Vector2(0, 0) + lShoulder.Parent.Position;
            lShoulder.Angle = MathHelper.ToRadians(90);
            lShoulder.Length = 11;
            lShoulder.RotationOrigin = new Vector2(3, 0);
            lShoulder.Direction = new Vector2(-1f, 0f);
            lShoulder.MinAngle = MathHelper.ToRadians(5);
            lShoulder.MaxAngle = MathHelper.ToRadians(-5);
            lShoulder.IsNoVis = true;
            lShoulder.IsRigid = true;
            lShoulder.TextureName = "arm";

            ulArm = new Bone();
            ulArm.Parent = lShoulder;
            ulArm.Position = calcPosition(ulArm.Parent); //new Vector2(-16, 0) + lArm.Parent.Position;
            ulArm.Angle = MathHelper.ToRadians(90);
            ulArm.Length = 6;
            ulArm.RotationOrigin = new Vector2(3, 0);
            ulArm.Direction = new Vector2(-1, 0);
            ulArm.MinAngle = MathHelper.ToRadians(-90);
            ulArm.MaxAngle = MathHelper.ToRadians(15);
            ulArm.TextureName = "arm";

            llArm = new Bone();
            llArm.Parent = ulArm;
            llArm.Position = calcPosition(llArm.Parent);
            llArm.Angle = MathHelper.ToRadians(-90);
            llArm.Length = 6;
            llArm.RotationOrigin = new Vector2(3, 0);
            llArm.Direction = new Vector2(-1, 0);
            llArm.MinAngle = MathHelper.ToRadians(-120);
            llArm.MaxAngle = MathHelper.ToRadians(90);
            llArm.TextureName = "arm";

            lHand = new Bone();
            lHand.Parent = llArm;
            lHand.Position = calcPosition(lHand.Parent);
            lHand.Length = 6;
            lHand.RotationOrigin = new Vector2(3, 0);
            lHand.Direction = new Vector2(-1, 0);
            lHand.MinAngle = MathHelper.ToRadians(-45);
            lHand.MaxAngle = MathHelper.ToRadians(45);
            lHand.TextureName = "hand";

            rShoulder = new Bone();
            rShoulder.Parent = sRoot;
            rShoulder.Position = calcPosition(rShoulder.Parent); //new Vector2(0, 0) + rShoulder.Parent.Position;
            rShoulder.Angle = MathHelper.ToRadians(-90);
            rShoulder.Length = 11;
            rShoulder.RotationOrigin = new Vector2(3, 0);
            rShoulder.Direction = new Vector2(1f, 0f);
            rShoulder.MinAngle = MathHelper.ToRadians(-5);
            rShoulder.MaxAngle = MathHelper.ToRadians(5);
            rShoulder.IsNoVis = true;
            rShoulder.IsRigid = true;
            rShoulder.TextureName = "arm";

            urArm = new Bone();
            urArm.Parent = rShoulder;
            urArm.Position = calcPosition(urArm.Parent);
            urArm.Angle = MathHelper.ToRadians(-90);
            urArm.Length = 6;
            urArm.RotationOrigin = new Vector2(3, 0);
            urArm.Direction = new Vector2(1, 0);
            urArm.MinAngle = MathHelper.ToRadians(-15);
            urArm.MaxAngle = MathHelper.ToRadians(90);
            urArm.TextureName = "arm";

            lrArm = new Bone();
            lrArm.Parent = urArm;
            lrArm.Position = calcPosition(lrArm.Parent);
            lrArm.Angle = MathHelper.ToRadians(-90);
            lrArm.Length = 6;
            lrArm.RotationOrigin = new Vector2(3, 0);
            lrArm.Direction = new Vector2(1, 0);
            lrArm.MinAngle = MathHelper.ToRadians(-90);
            lrArm.MaxAngle = MathHelper.ToRadians(120);
            lrArm.TextureName = "arm";

            rHand = new Bone();
            rHand.Parent = lrArm;
            rHand.Position = calcPosition(rHand.Parent);
            rHand.Length = 6;
            rHand.RotationOrigin = new Vector2(3, 0);
            rHand.Direction = new Vector2(1, 0);
            rHand.MinAngle = MathHelper.ToRadians(-45);
            rHand.MaxAngle = MathHelper.ToRadians(45);
            rHand.TextureName = "hand";


            boneList = populateBones(25, 32, "line");
