private static void WriteUnsignedClass(StreamWriter writer, string typeName, int index)
            string className = SupportedTypes.ToClassName(typeName);

                         .Replace("long", typeName)
                         .Replace("Long", className));

            // All signed types are unsafe
            for (int i = 0; i < SupportedTypes.SignedNumbersInOrder.Length; ++i)
                WriteConversion(writer, typeName, SupportedTypes.SignedNumbersInOrder[i], false, true, i > index);

            // Smaller unsigned types are safe
            for (int i = 0; i < SupportedTypes.UnsignedNumbersInOrder.Length; ++i)
                WriteConversion(writer, typeName, SupportedTypes.UnsignedNumbersInOrder[i], i <= index, false, i > index);

            // All float conversions are unsafe
            for (int i = 0; i < SupportedTypes.FloatingPointInOrder.Length; ++i)
                WriteConversion(writer, typeName, SupportedTypes.FloatingPointInOrder[i], false);

        private static void WriteFloatClass(StreamWriter writer, string typeName, int index)
            string className = SupportedTypes.ToClassName(typeName);

            string prefix = ClassPrefix
                            .Replace("long", typeName)
                            .Replace("Long", className);

            if (typeName == "double")
                prefix = prefix.Replace("\r\n        private bool[] _couldNotConvert;", "");

            // All signed types are safe
            for (int i = 0; i < SupportedTypes.SignedNumbersInOrder.Length; ++i)
                WriteConversion(writer, typeName, SupportedTypes.SignedNumbersInOrder[i], true);

            // All unsigned types are safe
            for (int i = 0; i < SupportedTypes.UnsignedNumbersInOrder.Length; ++i)
                WriteConversion(writer, typeName, SupportedTypes.UnsignedNumbersInOrder[i], true);

            // Smaller float conversions are safe
            for (int i = 0; i < SupportedTypes.FloatingPointInOrder.Length; ++i)
                WriteConversion(writer, typeName, SupportedTypes.FloatingPointInOrder[i], i <= index);

Пример #3
        public static void Generate(string typeName, string outputPath)
            string className = (typeName == "T" ? "ComparableComparer" : SupportedTypes.ToClassName(typeName) + "Comparer");

            using (var writer = new StreamWriter(File.Open(Path.Combine(outputPath, $"{className}.cs"), FileMode.Create)))
                string prefix = s_filePrefix
                                .Replace("long", typeName)
                                .Replace("LongComparer", className);

                // Differences for ComparableComparer
                if (typeName == "T")
                    prefix = prefix
                             .Replace("ComparableComparer", "ComparableComparer<T>")
                             .Replace("IXArrayComparer<T>", "IXArrayComparer<T> where T : System.IComparable<T>")
                             .Replace(", 0));", ".GetHashCode(), 0));"); // Get the generic hash code and re-hash it

                // Differences for String8Comparer
                if (typeName == "String8")
                    prefix = prefix
                             .Replace("using System;", "using System;\r\n\r\nusing Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Elfie.Model.Strings;")
                             .Replace("IXArrayComparer<String8>", "IXArrayTextComparer, IXArrayComparer<String8>");


                WriteMethod(writer, typeName, "Equal", "==");
                WriteMethod(writer, typeName, "NotEqual", "!=");
                WriteMethod(writer, typeName, "LessThan", "<");
                WriteMethod(writer, typeName, "LessThanOrEqual", "<=");
                WriteMethod(writer, typeName, "GreaterThan", ">");
                WriteMethod(writer, typeName, "GreaterThanOrEqual", ">=");

                if (typeName == "String8")
                    WriteMethod(writer, typeName, "Contains", "");
                    WriteMethod(writer, typeName, "ContainsExact", "");
                    WriteMethod(writer, typeName, "StartsWith", "");

        private static void WriteConversion(StreamWriter writer, string template, string toType, string fromType, bool checkLowerBound = true, bool checkUpperBound = true)
            if (!checkLowerBound)
                template = template.Replace("value < (fromType)toType.MinValue || ", "");
            if (!checkUpperBound)
                template = template.Replace(" || value > (fromType)toType.MaxValue", "");

            template = template
                       .Replace("toType", toType)
                       .Replace("fromType", fromType)
                       .Replace("FromType", SupportedTypes.ToClassName(fromType));

        private static void WriteLinePerType(StreamWriter writer, string prefix, string lineTemplate, string suffix)

            foreach (string typeName in SupportedTypes.PrimitiveTypes)
                writer.Write(lineTemplate.Replace("typeName", typeName).Replace("TypeName", SupportedTypes.ToClassName(typeName)));
