Пример #1
        static bool CompareReports(Context context, ParsedOptions parsedOptions, List <string> rest)
            if (rest.Count < 2)
                Log.FatalLine("Paths to two directories containing performance reports must be passed on command line.");

            string pathOne = Path.GetFullPath(rest [0]);
            string pathTwo = Path.GetFullPath(rest [1]);

            if (String.Compare(pathOne, pathTwo, StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0)
                Log.FatalLine("Performance data paths must point to different directories");

            bool   success;
            string perfDataOne;

            (success, perfDataOne) = EnsureDirExistsAndHasPerfData(pathOne, rest [0]);
            if (!success)

            string perfDataTwo;

            (success, perfDataTwo) = EnsureDirExistsAndHasPerfData(pathTwo, rest [1]);
            if (!success)

            var    report     = new Report();
            string reportFile = report.Compare(context, Utilities.FirstOf(context.OutputDirectory, Constants.CompareResultsRelativePath), perfDataOne, perfDataTwo);


            (bool success, string perfDataPath) EnsureDirExistsAndHasPerfData(string path, string originalPath)
                if (!Directory.Exists(path))
                    Log.FatalLine($"Directory '{originalPath}' does not exist.");
                    return(false, String.Empty);

                string perfData = Path.Combine(path, Constants.RawResultsFileName);

                if (!File.Exists(perfData))
                    Log.FatalLine($"Raw performance data file not found at '{perfData}'");
                    return(false, String.Empty);

                return(true, perfData);
Пример #2
        public ProjectLocator(ParsedOptions commandLineOptions, List <string> args)
            if (commandLineOptions.Compare)
                if (args.Count < 2)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("At least two paths to performance data directories must be given in comparison mode");
                LocateDataForComparison(commandLineOptions, args);

            LocateSingleProject(commandLineOptions, args);
Пример #3
        void LocateSingleProject(ParsedOptions commandLineOptions, List <string> args)
            string projectPath = args.Count > 0 ? args [0] : String.Empty;

            // If a project file path is specified on command line...
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(projectPath))
                // ...and it exists,load it and...
                if (File.Exists(projectPath))

                    // ...if there's a sibling or specified config file, load it
                    ProjectConfig = LoadConfigFile(commandLineOptions, Path.GetDirectoryName(projectPath) ?? String.Empty);

                // If a project directory is specified on command line, however, and it exists...
                if (!Directory.Exists(projectPath))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"'{projectPath}' does not point either to a project file or a directory containing one");

                // ...find a project in it...
                ProjectConfig = LoadConfigFile(commandLineOptions, projectPath);
                string projectFile = FindProject(projectPath, ProjectConfig);

                // ...and holler if it's not found
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(projectFile))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Could not determine how to load a supported project from '{projectPath}'");

            // Otherwise, try to find compatible projects in the current directory...
            projectPath   = Environment.CurrentDirectory;
            ProjectConfig = LoadConfigFile(commandLineOptions, projectPath);
            projectPath   = FindProject(projectPath, ProjectConfig);

            // ...and shout if nothing's there
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(projectPath))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("No supported project found in the current directory. Please pass the project path on command line.");
Пример #4
        static ProjectConfig?LoadConfigFile(ParsedOptions commandLineOptions, string dir)

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(commandLineOptions.ConfigFile))
                filePath = commandLineOptions.ConfigFile;
                filePath = Path.Combine(dir, Constants.ConfigFileName);

            if (!File.Exists(filePath))

            return(new ProjectConfig(filePath));
Пример #5
        static async Task <bool> RunPerfTests(Context context, ParsedOptions parsedOptions, List <string> rest)
            var    locator       = new ProjectLocator(parsedOptions, rest);
            string xaProjectPath = locator.ProjectPaths.Count == 0 ? String.Empty : locator.ProjectPaths [0];

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(xaProjectPath))
                Log.FatalLine("No Xamarin.Android project found or specified on command line");

            var project = new Project(context, xaProjectPath, locator.ProjectConfig);

            Log.LogFilePath = Path.Combine(project.FullDataDirectoryPath, Constants.LogFileName);
            Log.MessageLine($"Using Xamarin.Android project: {project.FullProjectFilePath}");

            bool result = await project.Run();

            if (!result)
                Log.FatalLine("Run failed");

            var    report     = new Report();
            string reportPath = report.Generate(project);

            Log.InfoLine($"Project: {project.FullProjectFilePath}");
            Log.InfoLine($"Configuration: {project.Configuration}");
            Log.InfoLine($"Output directory: {project.FullDataDirectoryPath}");
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(reportPath))
                Log.InfoLine($"Results report: {reportPath}");

            Log.InfoLine("No results report generated");
Пример #6
        static async Task <int> Main(string [] args)
            var parsedOptions = new ParsedOptions();

            var opts = new OptionSet {
                "Usage: xaptr [OPTIONS] [(path/to/project.csproj | path/to/project/directory | path/to/project/perfdata)]...",
                "The application must be run in a directory which contains the .csproj file for the application to test, or a path to the project file must be passed as a parameter.",
                "Only Xamarin.Android projects are supported.",
                { "d|compare", "Compare two sets of performance data and generate a report. All data directory paths must be given on command line.", v => parsedOptions.Compare = v == null ? false : true },
                { "p|perf", $"Run performance test (default: {parsedOptions.RunPerfTest})", v => parsedOptions.RunPerfTest = v == null ? false : true },
                { "m|profile-managed", $"Profile managed portion of the app (default: {parsedOptions.RunManagedProfiler})", v => parsedOptions.RunManagedProfiler = v == null ? false : true },
                { "n|profile-native", $"Profile native portion of the app (default: {parsedOptions.RunNativeProfiler})", v => parsedOptions.RunNativeProfiler = v == null ? false : true },
                { "r|runs=", $"Number of runs for the performance test (default: {parsedOptions.RepetitionCount})", v => parsedOptions.RepetitionCount = ParseNumber(v, parsedOptions.RepetitionCount) },
                { "a|app=", "Use the specified Android app id/package name (default is to autodetect)", v => parsedOptions.PackageName = v },
                { "c|configuration=", $"Build application in the specified CONFIGURATION (default: {parsedOptions.Configuration})", v => parsedOptions.Configuration = v ?? parsedOptions.Configuration },
                { "b|build-command=", $"Use COMMAND to build the package (default: {parsedOptions.BuildCommand})", v => parsedOptions.BuildCommand = v ?? parsedOptions.BuildCommand },
                { "x|config-file=", "Pass a PATH to an xaptr configuration file", v => parsedOptions.ConfigFile = v },
                { "o|output-dir=", $"Path to base directory where to store the data and report files", v => parsedOptions.OutputDirectory = v },
                { "h|help", "Show this help message", v => parsedOptions.ShowHelp = true },

            List <string> rest = opts.Parse(args);

            if (parsedOptions.ShowHelp)

            var context = new Context {
                BuildCommand       = parsedOptions.BuildCommand,
                RunNativeProfiler  = parsedOptions.RunNativeProfiler,
                RunManagedProfiler = parsedOptions.RunManagedProfiler,
                RunPerformanceTest = parsedOptions.RunPerfTest,

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(parsedOptions.Configuration))
                context.Configuration = parsedOptions.Configuration;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(parsedOptions.PackageName))
                context.PackageName = parsedOptions.PackageName;

            if (parsedOptions.RepetitionCount.HasValue)
                context.RepetitionCount = parsedOptions.RepetitionCount.Value;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(parsedOptions.OutputDirectory))
                context.OutputDirectory = parsedOptions.OutputDirectory;

            bool result = true;

            if (parsedOptions.Compare)
                result = CompareReports(context, parsedOptions, rest);
                result = await RunPerfTests(context, parsedOptions, rest);

            return(result ? 0 : 1);
Пример #7
 void LocateDataForComparison(ParsedOptions commandLineOptions, List <string> args)