public void ApplyMaterials(ComposedShader shader) { List <Material> materials; Appearance appearance; materials = new List <Material>(); appearance = this.ItemsByType <Appearance>().FirstOrDefault(); if (appearance != null) { materials = appearance.ItemsByType <Material>(); } shader.SetFieldValue("materialsEnabled", materials.Any() ? 1 : 0); if (materials.Any()) { } else { //shaderMaterials.Add(new ShaderMaterial() //{ // ambientIntensity = 0.1f, // diffuseColor = new Vector4(0,0,0,0), // emissiveColor = new Vector4(0,0,0,0), // specularColor = new Vector4(1, 1, 1, 1), // transparency = 1.0f, // shininess = 0.2f //}); } shader.SetFieldValue("materialsCount", shaderMaterials.Count); Buffering.BufferMaterials(shader, shaderMaterials, "materials"); }
public void EnableRendering(Vector3 origin) { Vector3[] lineColors; int[] lineIndicies; bboxShader = ShaderCompiler.BuildDefaultShader(); bboxShader.Link(); lineColors = null; lineIndicies = null; lines(LineColor, 12, out lineColors, out lineIndicies); _geo = new Box.BoxGeometry(); _pack = new PackedGeometry(); _pack.Coloring = true; _pack._indices = _geo.Indices; _pack._coords = _geo.Vertices; _pack.color = X3DTypeConverters.Vec3ToFloatArray(lineColors); _pack._colorIndicies = lineIndicies; _pack.restartIndex = -1; _pack.Interleave(); _handle = _pack.CreateHandle(); renderingEnabled = _handle.HasGeometry; InitBoundaryPoints(origin); }
public override void Load() { base.Load(); parentShader = GetParent <ComposedShader>(); parentProtoInterface = GetParent <ProtoInterface>(); if (parentShader != null) { parentShader.Fields.Add(this); } }
public void IncludeTesselationShaders(string tessControlShaderSource, string tessEvalShaderSource, string geometryShaderSource) { CurrentShader = ShaderCompiler.ApplyShader(DefaultShader.vertexShaderSource, DefaultShader.fragmentShaderSource, tessControlShaderSource, tessEvalShaderSource, geometryShaderSource); //IncludeComposedShader(CurrentShader); }
public void IncludeComposedShader(ComposedShader shader) { shader.Link(); shader.Use(); CurrentShader = shader; RefreshDefaultUniforms(shader); if (shader.IsTessellator) { RefreshTessUniforms(shader); } ComposedShaders.Add(shader); }
public void RefreshDefaultUniforms(ComposedShader shader = null) { if (shader == null) { shader = CurrentShader; } if (shader.HasErrors) { return; } //uniforms.a_position = GL.GetAttribLocation(shader.ShaderHandle, "position"); //uniforms.a_normal = GL.GetAttribLocation(shader.ShaderHandle, "normal"); //uniforms.a_color = GL.GetAttribLocation(shader.ShaderHandle, "color"); //uniforms.a_texcoord = GL.GetAttribLocation(shader.ShaderHandle, "texcoord"); uniforms.a_coloringEnabled = GL.GetUniformLocation(shader.ShaderHandle, "coloringEnabled"); uniforms.a_texturingEnabled = GL.GetUniformLocation(shader.ShaderHandle, "texturingEnabled"); uniforms.sampler = GL.GetUniformLocation(shader.ShaderHandle, "_MainTex"); }
public void RefreshTessUniforms(ComposedShader shader = null) { if (shader == null) { shader = CurrentShader; } if (shader.HasErrors) { return; } Uniforms.Modelview = GL.GetUniformLocation(shader.ShaderHandle, "modelview"); Uniforms.Projection = GL.GetUniformLocation(shader.ShaderHandle, "projection"); Uniforms.NormalMatrix = GL.GetUniformLocation(shader.ShaderHandle, "normalmatrix"); Uniforms.LightPosition = GL.GetUniformLocation(shader.ShaderHandle, "LightPosition"); Uniforms.AmbientMaterial = GL.GetUniformLocation(shader.ShaderHandle, "AmbientMaterial"); Uniforms.DiffuseMaterial = GL.GetUniformLocation(shader.ShaderHandle, "DiffuseMaterial"); //Uniforms.TessLevelInner = GL.GetUniformLocation(shader.ShaderHandle, "TessLevelInner"); //Uniforms.TessLevelOuter = GL.GetUniformLocation(shader.ShaderHandle, "TessLevelOuter"); }
public override void PreRenderOnce(RenderingContext rc) { base.PreRenderOnce(rc); if (typeof(Text).IsInstanceOfType(geometry)) { // 2D Text Shader, used to apply transparancy. Since alpha blending didnt work transparent background IncludeDefaultShader(ColorReplaceShader.vertexShaderSource, ColorReplaceShader.fragmentShaderSource); } else if (typeof(Sphere).IsInstanceOfType(geometry)) { // TESSELLATION IncludeTesselationShaders(TriangleTessShader.tessControlShader, TriangleTessShader.tessEvalShader, TriangleTessShader.geometryShaderSource); //CurrentShader.SetFieldValue("spherical", 1); } else { CurrentShader = ShaderCompiler.BuildDefaultShader(); } if (ComposedShaders.Any()) { CurrentShader = ComposedShaders.First(); } CurrentShader.Link(); CurrentShader.Use(); CollectMaterials(); RefreshDefaultUniforms(); Geometry(rc); }
private void Geometry(RenderingContext rc) { if (geometry == null) { geometry = (X3DGeometryNode)this.Children.First(n => (typeof(X3DGeometryNode)).IsInstanceOfType(n)); } if (geometry != null) { //TODO: refactor geometry interleaving code and make it callable here //TODO: should then be able to calculate bounding boxes of arbitrary geometry here geometry.CollectGeometry(rc, out _handle, out bbox, out coloring, out texturing); // BUFFER GEOMETRY if (_handle.NumVerticies3 > 0) { // use CurrentShader } if (_handle.NumVerticies4 > 0) { quadShader = ShaderCompiler.CreateNewInstance(CurrentShader, true); } loadedGeometry = _handle.HasGeometry; if (drawBoundingBox && bbox != null) { bbox.EnableRendering(GetPosition(rc)); } } }
//[XmlIgnore] //public string ShaderSource; #region Rendering Methods public override void Load() { base.Load(); parentShape = GetParent <Shape>(); parentShader = GetParent <ComposedShader>(); string file; string[] mf_urls; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ShaderSource)) { LinkShaderSource(ShaderSource); } else if (Urls != null) { file = Urls.FirstOrDefault(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(file)) { _url = _url.TrimStart(); if (_url.StartsWith(X3DTypeConverters.DATA_TEXT_PLAIN)) { ShaderSource = _url.Remove(0, X3DTypeConverters.DATA_TEXT_PLAIN.Length).TrimStart(); LinkShaderSource(ShaderSource); } else { file = file.Replace("\"", ""); file = SceneManager.CurrentLocation + "\\" + file; if (X3DTypeConverters.IsMFString(file)) { object resource; mf_urls = X3DTypeConverters.GetMFString(file); foreach (string url in mf_urls) { if (SceneManager.FetchSingle(url, out resource)) { Stream s; s = (Stream)resource; StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(s); ShaderSource = sr.ReadToEnd(); s.Close(); break; } } } else { ShaderSource = File.ReadAllText(file); LinkShaderSource(ShaderSource); } } } } }
public override void Load() { base.Load(); int i; int a, b; PackedGeometry _pack; cubeHandle = GeometryHandle.Zero; innerHandle = GeometryHandle.Zero; outerHandle = GeometryHandle.Zero; generateCube = !(string.IsNullOrEmpty(frontUrl) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(backUrl) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(topUrl) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(bottomUrl) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(leftUrl) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(rightUrl)); //TODO: replace cube sides that arent available with transparent sides generateSkyAndGround = !(string.IsNullOrEmpty(groundColor) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(skyColor) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(groundAngle) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(skyAngle)); // TODO: later render both skydome and skybox together // Alpha values in skybox should provide a way to see through to skydome. // Skycolor sphere should be slightly larger than groundcolor hemisphere // and finally skybox should fit and be smaller than groundcolor hemisphere. if (generateSkyAndGround) { // Sphere // interpolate colors from groundColor and skyColor over hemispheres using specified sky and ground angles this.groundColors = X3DTypeConverters.MFVec3f(groundColor); this.groundAngles = X3DTypeConverters.Floats(groundAngle); this.skyColors = X3DTypeConverters.MFVec3f(skyColor); this.skyAngles = X3DTypeConverters.Floats(skyAngle); // Assign colors with matching angles colors = new Vector3[groundColors.Length + skyColors.Length]; for (i = 0; i < skyColors.Length; i++) { colors[i] = skyColors[i]; } for (i = skyColors.Length; i < skyColors.Length + groundColors.Length; i++) { colors[i] = groundColors[i - skyColors.Length]; } angles = new float[groundAngles.Length + skyAngles.Length + 2]; angles[0] = 0; for (i = 0; i < skyAngles.Length; i++) { angles[i + 1] = skyAngles[i]; } angles[skyAngles.Length + 1] = 0; for (i = 0; i < groundAngles.Length; i++) { angles[i + skyAngles.Length + 2] = 1.5f + groundAngles[i]; } groundDivisor = (1.0f / groundColors.Length) * (float)Math.PI; // how many colors divided over 90 degrees (lower hemisphere) skyDivisor = (1.0f / groundColors.Length) * (float)Math.PI; // how many colors divided over 90 degrees (upper hemisphere) // SKYDOME // outer sphere (sky) scaleSky = Vector3.One * 6.0f; // slightly bigger than ground hemisphere _shaderOuter = ShaderCompiler.ApplyShader(BackgroundShader.vertexShaderSource, // Make use of the BackgroundShader for Skydome Linear Interpolation BackgroundShader.fragmentShaderSource); _shaderOuter.Link(); List <Vertex> geometryOuterSphere = BuildSphereGeometryQuads(60, Vector3.Zero, 1.0f); Buffering.BufferShaderGeometry(geometryOuterSphere, out outerHandle.vbo4, out outerHandle.NumVerticies4); min = Vector3.Zero; max = Vector3.Zero; BoundingBox.CalculateBoundingBox(geometryOuterSphere, out max, out min); bboxOuter = max - min; // inner hemisphere (ground) //scaleGround = Vector3.One * 5.6f; //_shaderInner = ShaderCompiler.ApplyShader(BackgroundShader.vertexShaderSource, // BackgroundShader.fragmentShaderSource); //_shaderInner.Link(); //List<Vertex> geometryInnerHemisphere = BuildHemisphereGeometryQuads(60, new Vector3(0, 0.0f,0), 1.0f, false); //Buffering.BufferShaderGeometry(geometryInnerHemisphere, out innerHandle.vbo4, out innerHandle.NumVerticies4); //min = Vector3.Zero; //max = Vector3.Zero; //BoundingBox.CalculateBoundingBox(geometryInnerHemisphere, out max, out min); //bboxInner = max - min; skydomeTexture = MakeSkydomeTexture(); } if (generateCube) { tex_cube = createCubeMapFromURIs(); // SKYBOX // innermost skybox scaleCube = Vector3.One * 3.1f; _shaderInnerCube = ShaderCompiler.ApplyShader(CubeMapBackgroundShader.vertexShaderSource, CubeMapBackgroundShader.fragmentShaderSource); _shaderInnerCube.Link(); _pack = new PackedGeometry(); _pack._indices = _cube.Indices; _pack._coords = _cube.Vertices; _pack.Texturing = true; //_pack._colorIndicies = _boxGeometry.Colors; _pack._texCoords = _cube.Texcoords; _pack.restartIndex = -1; _pack.Interleave(); // BUFFER GEOMETRY cubeHandle = _pack.CreateHandle(); } }
//TODO: refactor Shader code public void IncludeDefaultShader(string vertexShaderSource, string fragmentShaderSource) { CurrentShader = ShaderCompiler.ApplyShader(vertexShaderSource, fragmentShaderSource); //IncludeComposedShader(CurrentShader); }
public Matrix4 ApplyGeometricTransformations(RenderingContext rc, ComposedShader shader, SceneGraphNode context) { RefreshDefaultUniforms(shader); //RefreshMaterialUniforms(); if (shader.IsTessellator) { RefreshTessUniforms(shader); } Matrix4 view = Matrix4.LookAt(new Vector3(4, 3, 3), // Camera is at (4,3,3), in World Space new Vector3(0, 0, 0), // and looks at the origin new Vector3(0, 1, 0) // Head is up (set to 0,-1,0 to look upside-down) ); Matrix4 model; // applied transformation hierarchy SceneGraphNode transform_context = context == null ? this : context; List <Transform> transformationHierarchy = transform_context .AscendantByType <Transform>() .Select(t => (Transform)t) .Where(t => t.Hidden == false) .ToList(); Matrix4 modelview = Matrix4.Identity;// * rc.matricies.worldview; // using Def_Use/Figure02.1Hut.x3d Cone and Cylinder Vector3 x3dScale = new Vector3(0.06f, 0.06f, 0.06f); // scaling down to conform with X3D standard (note this was done manually and might need tweaking) //x3dScale = Vector3.One; Quaternion modelrotation = Quaternion.Identity; Matrix4 modelLocalRotation = Matrix4.Identity; //if ( != Vector2.Zero) //{ // // Center of Rotation based on center of bounding box // Quaternion qLocal = QuaternionExtensions.EulerToQuat(0,,; // Quaternion qAdjust = QuaternionExtensions.EulerToQuat(MathHelpers.PIOver2, 0.0f, 0.0f); // Matrix4 mat4CenterOfRotation = Matrix4.CreateTranslation(centerOfRotation); // Matrix4 origin = Matrix4.CreateTranslation(new Vector3(0, 0, 0)); // modelLocalRotation = mat4CenterOfRotation * Matrix4.CreateFromQuaternion(qLocal) * Matrix4.CreateFromQuaternion(qAdjust); //} //const float bbscale = 0.0329999961f; Vector3 centerOffset = Vector3.Zero; foreach (Transform transform in transformationHierarchy) { modelview = SceneEntity.ApplyX3DTransform(centerOffset, Vector3.Zero, transform.Scale, Vector3.Zero, transform.Translation, // * x3dScale, modelview); //modelview *= Matrix4.CreateTranslation(transform.Translation * x3dScale); //modelrotation = new Quaternion(transform.Rotation.X, transform.Rotation.Y, transform.Rotation.Z, transform.Rotation.W); //modelrotations *= Matrix4.CreateFromQuaternion(modelrotation); //modelrotations *= MathHelpers.CreateRotation(ref modelrotation); } //Vector3 center = modelview.ExtractTranslation(); //Vector3 centerOffsetVector = center + (bbox.Maximum - bbox.Minimum); //Matrix4 centerOffset = Matrix4.CreateTranslation(centerOffsetVector); model = modelview; Matrix4 cameraTransl = Matrix4.CreateTranslation(; Quaternion q =; Matrix4 cameraRot; cameraRot = Matrix4.CreateFromQuaternion(q); // cameraRot = MathHelpers.CreateRotation(ref q); Matrix4 MVP = ((modelLocalRotation * model) * cameraTransl) * cameraRot; // position and orient the Shape relative to the world and camera //shader.SetFieldValue("size", new Vector3(bbox.Width, bbox.Height, bbox.Depth) * bbscale); shader.SetFieldValue("modelview", ref MVP); //GL.UniformMatrix4(uniformModelview, false, ref rc.matricies.modelview); shader.SetFieldValue("projection", ref rc.matricies.projection); shader.SetFieldValue("camscale",; //GL.Uniform1(uniformCameraScale,; shader.SetFieldValue("X3DScale", rc.matricies.Scale); //GL.Uniform3(uniformX3DScale, rc.matricies.Scale); shader.SetFieldValue("coloringEnabled", this.coloring ? 1 : 0); //GL.Uniform1(uniforms.a_coloringEnabled, 0); shader.SetFieldValue("texturingEnabled", this.texturingEnabled ? 1 : 0); //GL.Uniform1(uniforms.a_texturingEnabled, this.texturingEnabled ? 1 : 0); shader.SetFieldValue("lightingEnabled", 1); if (shader.IsBuiltIn == false) { shader.ApplyFieldsAsUniforms(rc); } return(MVP); }