Пример #1
 public Room(int RoomNumber, Point Position)
     this.RoomNumber = RoomNumber;
     this.Position = Position;
     AdjRooms = new Room[6];
     ConnectedRooms = new bool[6];
Пример #2
 // All parameters with default values
 public Room(int room, Room[] adjRooms = null, bool player = false, bool wumpus = false, 
     Hazard hazard = null)
     roomNumber = room;
     adjacentRooms = adjRooms;
     this.player = player;
     this.wumpus = wumpus;
     this.hazard = hazard;
Пример #3
        // Start room
        public Player(Room start)
            room = start;

            arrows = new Arrow[]{
                new Arrow(),
                new Arrow(),
                new Arrow(),
                new Arrow(),
                new Arrow()
Пример #4
         * Constructors
        // No parameters
        public Player()
            room = null;

            arrows = new Arrow[]{
                new Arrow(),
                new Arrow(),
                new Arrow(),
                new Arrow(),
                new Arrow()
Пример #5
        private static void ChooseConnectedRooms(Room room)
            int numberConnectedRooms = room.ConnectedRooms.Count(c => c);

            int minToAdd = 0;
            // If the room already has a connected path, don't need to add anymore
            if (numberConnectedRooms == 0)
                minToAdd = 1;

            // Since random.Next is exclusive for upper bound, the max number of paths is 3
            int maxToAdd = 4;
            foreach (Room AdjRoom in room.AdjRooms)
                //If an adjacent room is already full on paths, decrease the max by one
                if (AdjRoom.ConnectedRooms.Count(c => c) == 3)

            //Ensure that the max is greater than or equal to the min
            maxToAdd = (maxToAdd - numberConnectedRooms > minToAdd) ? maxToAdd - numberConnectedRooms : minToAdd;

            //Ensure that the room cannot have more than 3 paths and at least one path
            int numberPathsToAdd = random.Next(minToAdd, maxToAdd);
            //Use while loop to add that many number of paths
            int counter = 0;
            while (counter < numberPathsToAdd)
                //The position that the hallway will try to be put
                int number = random.Next(0, room.ConnectedRooms.Length);

                //The number of paths that the adjacent room has, has to be kept at or below 3
                int numberConnectedRoomsAdjRoom = room.AdjRooms[number].ConnectedRooms.Count(c => c);
                //Only works if there is not already a path there and that adjacent room has less than 3 paths
                if (!room.ConnectedRooms[number] && numberConnectedRoomsAdjRoom < 3)
                    room.ConnectedRooms[number] = true;

                    //Open the pathway in the adjacent room
                    //0 corresponds with 3, 1 with 4, and 2 with 5
                    room.AdjRooms[number].ConnectedRooms[(number + 3) % 6] = true;

                    //only increase counter if success is found
Пример #6
        private static void ShuffleHazards()
            Room[] hazardRooms = new Room[5];
            int counter = 0;
            while (counter < hazardRooms.Length)
                Room nextRoom = Cave.Rooms[random.Next(Cave.Rooms.Length)];
                if (!hazardRooms.Contains(nextRoom))
                    hazardRooms[counter] = nextRoom;

            OsamaRoom = hazardRooms[0];
            Helicopter1 = hazardRooms[1];
            Helicopter2 = hazardRooms[2];
            Oil1 = hazardRooms[3];
            Oil2 = hazardRooms[4];
Пример #7
 public static void InitializeMap()
         // Initialize the room objects with numbers and positions
         for (int counter = 0; counter < Rooms.Length; counter++)
             // Use Point to describe the offset coordinates from the top left
             Point position = new Point(counter % numColumns, counter % numRows);
             Room room = new Room(counter, position);
             Rooms[counter] = room;
         // Initialize the adjacent and connected rooms
         for (int counter = 0; counter < Rooms.Length; counter++)
     while (!CheckMap());
Пример #8
        public Map(int seed)
            // Need a random to generate the map.
            _random = new Random(seed);

            // Create the empty rooms.
            Rows = 10;
            Columns = 10;
            var lastRow = (Rows-1) * Columns;
            _rooms = new Room[Rows * Columns];
            for (var i = 0; i < _rooms.Length; i++)
                var north = i < Columns ? -1 : i - Columns;
                var east = ((i+1)%Columns) == 0 ? -1 : i+1;
                var south = i >= lastRow ? -1 : i + Columns;
                var west = (i % Columns) == 0 ? -1 : i-1;
                var room = new Room(i, north, east, south, west);
                _rooms[i] = room;

            // Pick some random spots for traps.
            var trapCount = Rows;
            for (var t = 0; t < trapCount; t++)
                var i = _random.Next(_rooms.Length);
                _rooms[i].HasTrap = true;


            // Randomly place the monster in a room without traps or a weapon.
            var monsterRooms = _rooms.Where(e => !e.HasTrap && e.Index != WeaponRoom).ToArray();
            AlienRoom = monsterRooms[_random.Next(monsterRooms.Length)].Index;

            // Pick a random location for the player.
            var startRooms = _rooms.Where(e => !e.HasTrap && e.Index != WeaponRoom && e.Index != AlienRoom).ToArray();
            PlayerRoomIndex = startRooms[_random.Next(startRooms.Length)].Index;
Пример #9
 // Type and room
 public Hazard(string type, Room room)
     this.type = type;
     this.room = room;
Пример #10
 // Room and Sleep state
 public Wumpus(Room room, bool state)
     this.room = room;
     awake = state;
     alive = true;
Пример #11
 // Room
 public Wumpus(Room room)
     this.room = room;
     awake = false;
     alive = true;
Пример #12
  * Constructors
 //No parameters
 public Wumpus()
     room = null;
     awake = false;
     alive = true;
Пример #13
         * Move Wumpus
         * @property random - Random number generator
         * Once awake, the Wumpus has a 75% chance of moving each turn
        public void move()
            Random random = new Random();

            // Move Wumpus
            if (random.Next(1, 100) >= 25)
                room = room.randomRoom();

            // Check to see if killed player
            if (room.Number == Game.Player.Room.Number)
                Game.Player.Alive = false;
Пример #14
 private static void InitializeAdjacentRooms(Room room)
     // Even or odd column
     int columnParity = room.Position.X % 2;
     // Starts with the room above and moves clockwise
     for (int counter = 0; counter < room.AdjRooms.Length; counter++)
         room.AdjRooms[counter] = FindRoom(new Point(room.Position.X + directions[columnParity, counter].X,
                                             room.Position.Y + directions[columnParity, counter].Y));
Пример #15
 public static void InitializeMap()
     Hazards = new Room[]{OsamaRoom, Helicopter1, Helicopter2, Oil1, Oil2};
Пример #16
  * Move Player
  * @property rooms - Array of rooms to send to trajectory
  * Sets the room room for the player to the Room object in the map corresponding to
  * the integer room number entered.
 public void move(int roomNumber)
     room = Game.Map[roomNumber];
Пример #17
         * Instructions
        static void newGame(ref Room playerStart, ref Room wumpusStart)
             * Create new instanaces of the game pieces
            Game.Player = new Player();
            Game.Wumpus = new Wumpus();
            Game.Superbats = new Hazard[]{
                new Hazard("superbat"),
                new Hazard("superbat"),
            Game.Pits = new Hazard[] {
                new Hazard("pit"),
                new Hazard("pit"),

             * Reinitialize the board

             * Change the start room for the player and the Wumpus
            playerStart = Game.Player.Room;
            wumpusStart = Game.Wumpus.Room;
Пример #18
 // Type
 public Hazard(string type)
     room = null;
     this.type = type;
Пример #19
  * Constructors
 // No parameters
 public Hazard()
     room = null;
     type = "None";
Пример #20
 // Start room and arrows
 public Player(Room start, Arrow[] arrows)
     room = start;
     this.arrows = arrows;
Пример #21
         * Shoot Arrow
         * @property rooms - Array of rooms to send to trajectory
         * First convert the integer room numbers to Room objects via the map. Then set the
         * trajectory for the arrow. The arrow will check if it hit the Wumpus and return the
         * result.
        public bool shoot(Arrow arrow, int[] roomNumbers)
            Room[] rooms = new Room[5];

            // Convert each roomNumber into a room
            foreach (int room in roomNumbers)
                rooms[room - 1] = Game.Map[room];

            // Set trajectory (Shoot arrow)
            arrow.Trajectory = rooms;

            // Return whether the arrow killed the Wumpus
            return arrow.KillWumpus;
Пример #22
         * Select Rooms
         * Prompt user for room number. If invalid input is received, prompt user to try
         * again. Valid input must be a number and cannot be in the the previously
         * selected room.
         * Return selected rooms
         * @parameter numRooms - Number of rooms to select
         * @property rooms     - Array holding the rooms
        static Room[] selectRooms(int numRooms)
            Room[] rooms = new Room[numRooms];

             * Process each room
             * @property roomInput - String input from the player
             * @property room      - The integer once parsed of the room number
            for (int i = 0; i < numRooms; i++)
                string roomInput = "a";
                int room = -1;

                while (!int.TryParse(roomInput, out room) || (room < 0 || room > 20))
                    * Turn Status

                    Console.Write("Room{0} #: ", i+1);
                    roomInput = Console.ReadLine();

                     * Is the input valid?
                    if (!int.TryParse(roomInput, out room) || room < 0 || room > 20)
                        Game.Status = "Invalid room number - Try again!";

                     * Is the arrow path valid?
                    if ((i > 1 && room == rooms[i-2].Number)
                        || (i < 2 && room == Game.Player.Room.Number))
                        Game.Status = "Arrows are not that crooked! Try again!";
                        roomInput = "Invalid"; // Force the loop to continue
                } // End get room number

                * Add room to the array of rooms
                rooms[i] = Game.Map[room];

            } // End get room numbers loop

            return rooms;
Пример #23
 // Trajectory
 public Arrow(Room[] traj)
     trajectory = traj;
     shot = true;
     killWumpus = false;
Пример #24
 private static void FloodFill(bool[] VisitedRooms, Room room)
     VisitedRooms[room.RoomNumber] = true;
     for (int counter = 0; counter < room.ConnectedRooms.Length; counter++)
         //If room is connected in that direction and that room has not yet been visited
         if (room.ConnectedRooms[counter] && !VisitedRooms[room.AdjRooms[counter].RoomNumber])
             FloodFill(VisitedRooms, room.AdjRooms[counter]);
Пример #25
 public Room()
     AdjRooms = new Room[6];
     ConnectedRooms = new bool[6];