Наследование: Wren.Core.Objects.Obj
Пример #1
 public static void InitClass()
     foreach (ObjString s in Strings)
         s.ClassObj = WrenVM.StringClass;
     _initCompleted = true;
     TrueString  = new ObjString("true");
     FalseString = new ObjString("false");
Пример #2
 public static void InitClass()
     foreach (ObjString s in Strings)
         s.ClassObj = WrenVM.StringClass;
     _initCompleted = true;
     TrueString = new ObjString("true");
     FalseString = new ObjString("false");
Пример #3
        // Returns true if [a] and [b] are equivalent. Immutable values (null, bools,
        // numbers, ranges, and strings) are equal if they have the same data. All
        // other values are equal if they are identical objects.
        public static bool Equals(Obj a, Obj b)
            if (a == b)
            if (a.Type != b.Type)
            if (a.Type == ObjType.Num)
                return(a.Num == b.Num);

            // If we get here, it's only possible for two heap-allocated immutable objects
            // to be equal.
            if (a.Type != ObjType.Obj)

            // Must be the same type.
            if (a.GetType() != b.GetType())

            ObjString aString = a as ObjString;

            if (aString != null)
                ObjString bString = (ObjString)b;

            ObjRange aRange = a as ObjRange;

            if (aRange != null)
                ObjRange bRange = (ObjRange)b;
                return(ObjRange.Equals(aRange, bRange));
            // All other types are only equal if they are same, which they aren't if
            // we get here.
Пример #4
        public WrenVM()
            MethodNames = new List<string>();
            ObjString name = new ObjString("core");

            // Implicitly create a "core" module for the built in libraries.
            ObjModule coreModule = new ObjModule(name);

            _modules = new ObjMap();
            _modules.Set(Obj.Null, coreModule);

            CoreLibrary core = new CoreLibrary(this);

            // Load in System functions
Пример #5
        // Resets [fiber] back to an initial state where it is ready to invoke [fn].
        private void ResetFiber(Obj fn)
            Stack = new Value[InitialStackSize];
            Capacity = InitialStackSize;
            Frames = new List<CallFrame>();

            // Push the stack frame for the function.
            StackTop = 0;
            NumFrames = 1;
            OpenUpvalues = null;
            Caller = null;
            Error = null;
            CallerIsTrying = false;

            CallFrame frame = new CallFrame { fn = fn, StackStart = 0, ip = 0 };
Пример #6
        public WrenVM()
            MethodNames = new List<string>();
            ObjString name = new ObjString("core");

            // Implicitly create a "core" module for the built in libraries.
            ObjModule coreModule = new ObjModule(name);

            modules = new ObjMap();
            modules.Set(new Value (ValueType.Null), new Value(coreModule));

            CoreLibrary core = new CoreLibrary(this);

            // Load in System functions
Пример #7
        // Creates a new class object as well as its associated metaclass.
        public ObjClass(ObjClass superclass, int numFields, ObjString name)
            Methods = new Method[InitialMethodSize];
            Superclass = superclass;
            NumFields = numFields;
            Name = name;

            // Create the metaclass.
            ObjString metaclassName = new ObjString(name + " metaclass");

            ObjClass metaclass = new ObjClass(0, metaclassName) { ClassObj = ClassClass };

            // Metaclasses always inherit Class and do not parallel the non-metaclass
            // hierarchy.

            ClassObj = metaclass;
Пример #8
        // TODO: The argument list here is getting a bit gratuitous.
        // Creates a new function object with the given code and constants. The new
        // function will take over ownership of [bytecode] and [sourceLines]. It will
        // copy [constants] into its own array.
        public ObjFn(ObjModule module,
                     Obj[] constants,
                     int numUpvalues, int arity,
                     byte[] bytecode, ObjString debugSourcePath,
                     string debugName, int[] sourceLines)
            Bytecode     = bytecode;
            Constants    = constants;
            Module       = module;
            NumUpvalues  = numUpvalues;
            NumConstants = constants.Length;
            Arity        = arity;

            /* Debug Information */
            SourcePath  = debugSourcePath;
            Name        = debugName;
            SourceLines = sourceLines;

            ClassObj = WrenVM.FnClass;
Пример #9
        // TODO: The argument list here is getting a bit gratuitous.
        // Creates a new function object with the given code and constants. The new
        // function will take over ownership of [bytecode] and [sourceLines]. It will
        // copy [constants] into its own array.
        public ObjFn(ObjModule module,
            Obj[] constants,
            int numUpvalues, int arity,
            byte[] bytecode, ObjString debugSourcePath,
            string debugName, int[] sourceLines)
            Bytecode = bytecode;
            Constants = constants;
            Module = module;
            NumUpvalues = numUpvalues;
            NumConstants = constants.Length;
            Arity = arity;

            /* Debug Information */
            SourcePath = debugSourcePath;
            Name = debugName;
            SourceLines = sourceLines;

            ClassObj = WrenVM.FnClass;
Пример #10
        // Creates a new class object as well as its associated metaclass.
        public ObjClass(ObjClass superclass, int numFields, ObjString name)
            Methods    = new Method[InitialMethodSize];
            Superclass = superclass;
            NumFields  = numFields;
            Name       = name;

            // Create the metaclass.
            ObjString metaclassName = new ObjString(name + " metaclass");

            ObjClass metaclass = new ObjClass(0, metaclassName)
                ClassObj = ClassClass

            // Metaclasses always inherit Class and do not parallel the non-metaclass
            // hierarchy.

            ClassObj = metaclass;
Пример #11
 // Creates a new "raw" class. It has no metaclass or superclass whatsoever.
 // This is only used for bootstrapping the initial Object and Class classes,
 // which are a little special.
 public ObjClass(int numFields, ObjString name)
     Methods = new Method[InitialMethodSize];
     NumFields = numFields;
     Name = name;
Пример #12
        // Creates either the Object or Class class in the core library with [name].
        static ObjClass DefineClass(WrenVM vm, string name)
            ObjString nameString = new ObjString(name);

            ObjClass classObj = new ObjClass(0, nameString);

            vm.DefineVariable(null, name, classObj);

            return classObj;
Пример #13
        // The currently defined top-level variables.

        // The name of the module.

        // Creates a new module.
        public ObjModule(ObjString name)
            Name = name;
            Variables = new List<ModuleVariable>();
Пример #14
        // Puts [fiber] into a runtime failed state because of [error].
        // Returns the fiber that should receive the error or `NULL` if no fiber
        // caught it.

        public ObjFiber RuntimeError(Value error)
            //ASSERT(fiber->error == NULL, "Can only fail once.");

            // Store the error in the fiber so it can be accessed later.
            Error = error.Obj as ObjString;

            // If the caller ran this fiber using "try", give it the error.
            if (CallerIsTrying)
                // Make the caller's try method return the error message.
                return Caller;

            // If we got here, nothing caught the error, so show the stack trace.
            // TODO: Fix me
            return null;
Пример #15
 // Creates a new "raw" class. It has no metaclass or superclass whatsoever.
 // This is only used for bootstrapping the initial Object and Class classes,
 // which are a little special.
 public ObjClass(int numFields, ObjString name)
     Methods   = new Method[InitialMethodSize];
     NumFields = numFields;
     Name      = name;
Пример #16
 // Creates a new module.
 public ObjModule(ObjString name)
     Name      = name;
     Variables = new List <ModuleVariable>();