Наследование: Wren.Core.Objects.Obj
Пример #1
        public WrenVM()
            MethodNames = new List<string>();
            ObjString name = new ObjString("core");

            // Implicitly create a "core" module for the built in libraries.
            ObjModule coreModule = new ObjModule(name);

            modules = new ObjMap();
            modules.Set(new Value (ValueType.Null), new Value(coreModule));

            CoreLibrary core = new CoreLibrary(this);

            // Load in System functions
Пример #2
        public WrenVM()
            MethodNames = new List<string>();
            ObjString name = new ObjString("core");

            // Implicitly create a "core" module for the built in libraries.
            ObjModule coreModule = new ObjModule(name);

            _modules = new ObjMap();
            _modules.Set(Obj.Null, coreModule);

            CoreLibrary core = new CoreLibrary(this);

            // Load in System functions
Пример #3
        // TODO: The argument list here is getting a bit gratuitous.
        // Creates a new function object with the given code and constants. The new
        // function will take over ownership of [bytecode] and [sourceLines]. It will
        // copy [constants] into its own array.
        public ObjFn(ObjModule module,
                     Obj[] constants,
                     int numUpvalues, int arity,
                     byte[] bytecode, ObjString debugSourcePath,
                     string debugName, int[] sourceLines)
            Bytecode     = bytecode;
            Constants    = constants;
            Module       = module;
            NumUpvalues  = numUpvalues;
            NumConstants = constants.Length;
            Arity        = arity;

            /* Debug Information */
            SourcePath  = debugSourcePath;
            Name        = debugName;
            SourceLines = sourceLines;

            ClassObj = WrenVM.FnClass;
Пример #4
        // TODO: The argument list here is getting a bit gratuitous.
        // Creates a new function object with the given code and constants. The new
        // function will take over ownership of [bytecode] and [sourceLines]. It will
        // copy [constants] into its own array.
        public ObjFn(ObjModule module,
            Obj[] constants,
            int numUpvalues, int arity,
            byte[] bytecode, ObjString debugSourcePath,
            string debugName, int[] sourceLines)
            Bytecode = bytecode;
            Constants = constants;
            Module = module;
            NumUpvalues = numUpvalues;
            NumConstants = constants.Length;
            Arity = arity;

            /* Debug Information */
            SourcePath = debugSourcePath;
            Name = debugName;
            SourceLines = sourceLines;

            ClassObj = WrenVM.FnClass;
Пример #5
        internal int DefineVariable(ObjModule module, string name, Obj c)
            if (module == null) module = GetCoreModule();
            if (module.Variables.Count == ObjModule.MaxModuleVars) return -2;

            // See if the variable is already explicitly or implicitly declared.
            int symbol = module.Variables.FindIndex(m => m.Name == name);

            if (symbol == -1)
                // Brand new variable.
                module.Variables.Add(new ModuleVariable { Name = name, Container = c });
                symbol = module.Variables.Count - 1;
            else if (module.Variables[symbol].Container == Obj.Undefined)
                // Explicitly declaring an implicitly declared one. Mark it as defined.
                module.Variables[symbol].Container = c;
                // Already explicitly declared.
                symbol = -1;

            return symbol;
Пример #6
        internal int DeclareVariable(ObjModule module, string name)
            if (module == null) module = GetCoreModule();
            if (module.Variables.Count == ObjModule.MaxModuleVars) return -2;

            module.Variables.Add(new ModuleVariable { Name = name, Container = Obj.Undefined });
            return module.Variables.Count - 1;
Пример #7
        private ObjFiber LoadModule(Obj name, string source)
            ObjModule module = GetModule(name);

            // See if the module has already been loaded.
            if (module == null)
                module = new ObjModule(name as ObjString);

                // Store it in the VM's module registry so we don't load the same module
                // multiple times.
                _modules.Set(name, module);

                // Implicitly import the core module.
                ObjModule coreModule = GetCoreModule();
                foreach (ModuleVariable t in coreModule.Variables)
                    DefineVariable(module, t.Name, t.Container);

            ObjFn fn = Compiler.Compile(this, module, name.ToString(), source, true);
            if (fn == null)
                // TODO: Should we still store the module even if it didn't compile?
                return null;

            ObjFiber moduleFiber = new ObjFiber(fn);

            // Return the fiber that executes the module.
            return moduleFiber;
Пример #8
        public static ObjFn Compile(WrenVM vm, ObjModule module, string sourcePath, string source, bool printErrors)
            Parser parser = new Parser
                vm = vm,
                Module = module,
                SourcePath = sourcePath,
                Source = source,
                TokenStart = 0,
                CurrentChar = 0,
                CurrentLine = 1,
                Current = { Type = TokenType.Error, Start = 0, Length = 0, Line = 0 },
                SkipNewlines = true,
                PrintErrors = printErrors,
                HasError = false,
                Raw = ""

            Compiler compiler = new Compiler(parser, null, true);

            // Read the first token.


            while (!compiler.Match(TokenType.Eof))

                // If there is no newline, it must be the end of the block on the same line.
                if (!compiler.MatchLine())
                    compiler.Consume(TokenType.Eof, "Expect end of file.");


            // See if there are any implicitly declared module-level variables that never
            // got an explicit definition.
            // TODO: It would be nice if the error was on the line where it was used.
            for (int i = 0; i < parser.Module.Variables.Count; i++)
                ModuleVariable t = parser.Module.Variables[i];
                if (t.Container == Obj.Undefined)
                    compiler.Error(string.Format("Variable '{0}' is used but not defined.", t.Name));

            return compiler.EndCompiler("(script)");
Пример #9
        internal int DeclareVariable(ObjModule module, string name)
            if (module == null) module = GetCoreModule();
            if (module.Variables.Count == ObjModule.MAX_MODULE_VARS) return -2;

            module.Variables.Add(new ModuleVariable { Name = name, Container = new Value() });
            return module.Variables.Count - 1;