Пример #1
        // utility function - given a layerset, add all its placenamesets to the above collection, recursing into child layers
        private void collectTiledPlacenamesSets(LayerSet.Type_LayerSet curLayerSet)
            if (curLayerSet.HasTiledPlacenameSet()) // any placenames at all?
                // yes, iterate over them
                for (int i = 0; i < curLayerSet.TiledPlacenameSetCount; i++)
                    // get tilesplacenameset
                    LayerSet.Type_TiledPlacenameSet2 tpns = curLayerSet.GetTiledPlacenameSetAt(i);

                    // compute full path to wpl file - WplIndex constructor needs this
                    string wplFullPath = Path.Combine(MainApplication.DirectoryPath, tpns.PlacenameListFilePath.Value);

                    // build an index descriptor (does not create or load the index yet)
                    WplIndex idx = new WplIndex(tpns, wplFullPath);

                    // an indexedTilePlacenameSet associates the index descriptor with the placenameset
                    IndexedTiledPlaceNameSet ipns = new IndexedTiledPlaceNameSet(tpns, idx);

                    // add them to our collection

            // now recurse into child layers of this set and do the same
            if (curLayerSet.HasChildLayerSet())
                for (int i = 0; i < curLayerSet.ChildLayerSetCount; i++)
Пример #2
        // this is the "fast find" or quick variant of the search. Does not search attributes and needs exact
        // names, but much faster due to indexed binary search
        bool PlaceNameSetQuickSearch(string searchString, IndexedTiledPlaceNameSet itps, bool bPartial)
                // return false if stop requested
                if (CheckStopRequested())

                itps.wplIndex.Lock(null); // load and lock index

                // find using binary search
                int nRet = itps.wplIndex.FindPlaceByName(searchString, bPartial);
                if (nRet < 0)
                    return(true); // didn't find anything, return indicating "go on"

                // found one - add it and its matching neighbours.
                bool ret;
                ret = AddIndexAndVicinity(nRet, itps, searchString, bPartial);

                // don't forget to release the index
Пример #3
        // perform a full search in a placename set, with attributes
        bool PlaceNameSetFullSearch(string [] searchTokens, IndexedTiledPlaceNameSet curIndexedTiledSet)
            DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(Path.GetDirectoryName(

            // ignore this set if the corresponding directory does not exist for some reason
            if (!dir.Exists)

            // loop over all WWP files in directory
            foreach (FileInfo placenameFile in dir.GetFiles("*.wwp"))
                using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(placenameFile.OpenRead()))
                    int placenameCount = reader.ReadInt32();

                    // loop over all places
                    for (int i = 0; i < placenameCount; i++)
                        // return false if stop requested
                        if (CheckStopRequested())

                        // instantiate and read current placename
                        WorldWindPlacename pn = new WorldWindPlacename();
                        WplIndex.ReadPlaceName(reader, ref pn, WplIndex.MetaDataAction.Store);

                        // if we have a match ...
                        if (isPlaceMatched(searchTokens, pn))
                            if (CheckMaxResults())

                            PlaceItem pi = new PlaceItem();
                            pi.pn = pn;
                            pi.placeDescriptor = curIndexedTiledSet.placenameSet;

                            // add item via delegate to avoid MT issues
                            listViewResults.Invoke(listViewResults.addPlaceDelegate, new object[] { pi });
            return(true); // go on
Пример #4
        // adds a place (given by index) found via binary search to the list, and adds places above and below it
        // in the sort order as long as they match
        bool AddIndexAndVicinity(int nPos, IndexedTiledPlaceNameSet itps, string strSearch, bool bPartialAllowed)
            PlaceItem pi = itps.wplIndex.GetPlaceItem(nPos); // get the place from the index

            // add item via delegate to avoid MT issues
            listViewResults.Invoke(listViewResults.addPlaceDelegate, new object[] { pi });

            // instantiate our special comparer - will compare search string to a place given by index - this is the same one
            // we're using in the binary search
            WplIndex.IndexEntryToStringComparer cmp = new WplIndex.IndexEntryToStringComparer(itps.wplIndex, bPartialAllowed);
            int nBelow = nPos - 1; // left neighbour in search order (if any)
            int nAbove = nPos + 1; // right neighbour in search order (if any)

            bool bFoundOne;        // keeps track if "expansion mechanism" still found something

                // return false if stop requested or too many results
                if (CheckStopRequested() || CheckMaxResults())

                bFoundOne = false;
                if (itps.wplIndex.IsValidIndex(nBelow) && cmp.Compare(nBelow, strSearch) == 0)
                {                                            // left neighbour index valid and matched
                    pi = itps.wplIndex.GetPlaceItem(nBelow); // get the data

                    // add item via delegate to avoid MT issues
                    listViewResults.Invoke(listViewResults.addPlaceDelegate, new object[] { pi });

                    --nBelow; // expand to the left
                    bFoundOne = true;

                if (itps.wplIndex.IsValidIndex(nAbove) && cmp.Compare(nAbove, strSearch) == 0)
                {                                            // right neighbour index valid and matched
                    pi = itps.wplIndex.GetPlaceItem(nAbove); // get the data

                    // add item via delegate to avoid MT issues
                    listViewResults.Invoke(listViewResults.addPlaceDelegate, new object[] { pi });

                    ++nAbove; // expand to the left
                    bFoundOne = true;
            } while(bFoundOne); // keep expanding until nothing new on both sides

            return(true);       // keep searching
Пример #5
        private void checkBoxFastSearch_CheckedChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            // if transition from checked to unchecked or all indices are available, that's OK
            if (!checkBoxFastSearch.Checked || this.AllIndicesAvailable())

            if (MessageBox.Show("Fast search requires precomputed index files that were not found.\n\n" +
                                "PlaceFinder can compute these now, but this requires large amounts of \n" +
                                "memory and World Wind may temporarily appear 'frozen'.\n\n" +
                                "Before you proceed, save your work and close other applications\n" +
                                "to free more memory. Once the index files are created, you won't see\n" +
                                "this message again.",
                                "Compute missing indices?",
                                MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2) == DialogResult.Yes)
                this.progressBarSearch.Minimum = 0;
                this.progressBarSearch.Maximum = 100;
                string savedTitle = this.Text;

                for (int i = 0; i < indexedTiledPlacenameSets.Count; i++)
                    this.Text = String.Format(savedTitle + " : Computing index {0} of {1}", i, indexedTiledPlacenameSets.Count);
                    IndexedTiledPlaceNameSet tpns = (IndexedTiledPlaceNameSet)indexedTiledPlacenameSets[i];
                    if (!tpns.wplIndex.IsAvailable)
                        tpns.wplIndex.CreateIndex(new WplIndex.ProgressReportDelegate(IndexCreationProgressDelegate));
                this.Text = savedTitle;
                checkBoxFastSearch.Checked = false;
Пример #6
      // this is the "fast find" or quick variant of the search. Does not search attributes and needs exact
      // names, but much faster due to indexed binary search
      bool PlaceNameSetQuickSearch(string searchString, IndexedTiledPlaceNameSet itps, bool bPartial) 
            // return false if stop requested
               return false;

            itps.wplIndex.Lock(null); // load and lock index

            // find using binary search
            int nRet = itps.wplIndex.FindPlaceByName(searchString, bPartial);
            if(nRet < 0) 
               return true; // didn't find anything, return indicating "go on"

            // found one - add it and its matching neighbours.
            bool ret;
            ret = AddIndexAndVicinity(nRet, itps, searchString, bPartial);

            return ret;
            // don't forget to release the index
Пример #7
      // adds a place (given by index) found via binary search to the list, and adds places above and below it
      // in the sort order as long as they match
      bool AddIndexAndVicinity(int nPos, IndexedTiledPlaceNameSet itps, string strSearch, bool bPartialAllowed) 
         PlaceItem pi = itps.wplIndex.GetPlaceItem(nPos); // get the place from the index

         // add item via delegate to avoid MT issues
         listViewResults.Invoke(listViewResults.addPlaceDelegate, new object[] { pi });

         // instantiate our special comparer - will compare search string to a place given by index - this is the same one
         // we're using in the binary search
         WplIndex.IndexEntryToStringComparer cmp = new WplIndex.IndexEntryToStringComparer(itps.wplIndex, bPartialAllowed);
         int nBelow = nPos-1; // left neighbour in search order (if any)
         int nAbove = nPos+1; // right neighbour in search order (if any)

         bool bFoundOne; // keeps track if "expansion mechanism" still found something
            // return false if stop requested or too many results
            if(CheckStopRequested() || CheckMaxResults()) 
               return false;

            bFoundOne = false;
            if(itps.wplIndex.IsValidIndex(nBelow) && cmp.Compare(nBelow, strSearch) == 0) 
            {  // left neighbour index valid and matched 
               pi = itps.wplIndex.GetPlaceItem(nBelow); // get the data

               // add item via delegate to avoid MT issues
               listViewResults.Invoke(listViewResults.addPlaceDelegate, new object[] { pi });

               --nBelow; // expand to the left
               bFoundOne = true;

            if(itps.wplIndex.IsValidIndex(nAbove) && cmp.Compare(nAbove, strSearch) == 0) 
            { // right neighbour index valid and matched 
               pi = itps.wplIndex.GetPlaceItem(nAbove); // get the data

               // add item via delegate to avoid MT issues
               listViewResults.Invoke(listViewResults.addPlaceDelegate, new object[] { pi });

               ++nAbove; // expand to the left
               bFoundOne = true;
         } while(bFoundOne); // keep expanding until nothing new on both sides

         return true; // keep searching
Пример #8
      // perform a full search in a placename set, with attributes
      bool PlaceNameSetFullSearch(string [] searchTokens, IndexedTiledPlaceNameSet curIndexedTiledSet) 
         DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(Path.GetDirectoryName(

         // ignore this set if the corresponding directory does not exist for some reason
         if(!dir.Exists) return true;

         // loop over all WWP files in directory
         foreach(FileInfo placenameFile in dir.GetFiles("*.wwp"))
            using(BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(placenameFile.OpenRead()) ) 
               int placenameCount = reader.ReadInt32();

               // loop over all places
               for(int i = 0; i < placenameCount; i++) 
                  // return false if stop requested
                  if(CheckStopRequested()) return false;

                  // instantiate and read current placename
                  WorldWindPlacename pn = new WorldWindPlacename();
                  WplIndex.ReadPlaceName(reader, ref pn, WplIndex.MetaDataAction.Store);

                  // if we have a match ...
                  if(isPlaceMatched(searchTokens, pn)) 
                     if(CheckMaxResults()) return false;

                     PlaceItem pi = new PlaceItem();
                     pi.pn = pn;
                     pi.placeDescriptor = curIndexedTiledSet.placenameSet;

                     // add item via delegate to avoid MT issues
                     listViewResults.Invoke(listViewResults.addPlaceDelegate, new object[] { pi });
         return true; // go on 
Пример #9
      // utility function - given a layerset, add all its placenamesets to the above collection, recursing into child layers
      private void collectTiledPlacenamesSets(LayerSet.Type_LayerSet curLayerSet)
         if(curLayerSet.HasTiledPlacenameSet()) // any placenames at all?
            // yes, iterate over them
            for(int i = 0; i < curLayerSet.TiledPlacenameSetCount; i++)
               // get tilesplacenameset
               LayerSet.Type_TiledPlacenameSet2 tpns = curLayerSet.GetTiledPlacenameSetAt(i);

               // compute full path to wpl file - WplIndex constructor needs this
               string wplFullPath = Path.Combine(MainApplication.DirectoryPath, tpns.PlacenameListFilePath.Value);

               // build an index descriptor (does not create or load the index yet)
               WplIndex idx = new WplIndex(tpns, wplFullPath);

               // an indexedTilePlacenameSet associates the index descriptor with the placenameset
               IndexedTiledPlaceNameSet ipns = new IndexedTiledPlaceNameSet(tpns, idx);

               // add them to our collection
         // now recurse into child layers of this set and do the same
            for(int i = 0; i < curLayerSet.ChildLayerSetCount; i++)