// parameterized constructor that takes in the a form the user wants
 // to delete an item from
 public RemoveItem_Form(Workshop_Form f)
     // set the workshop to the form that was passed in
     Workshop = f;
Пример #2
        // event handler to handle all events associated with clicking on a drop
        // down item
        private void ToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            // make a generic dialog object that will use polymorphism
            object dialog;

            // prepare for errors
                // make the drop down items of the file menu item invisible
                foreach (ToolStripItem toolStripItem in fileToolStripMenuItem.DropDownItems)
                    toolStripItem.Visible = false;
                // make the drop down items of the items menu item invisible
                foreach (ToolStripItem toolStripItem in itemsToolStripMenuItem.DropDownItems)
                    toolStripItem.Visible = false;
                // save the item the user selected as the text of the button
                // they clicked
                string item = ((ToolStripMenuItem)sender).Text;
                // used to hold the full path of a file
                string filePath;
                // declare a result item for when the dialog object is used
                DialogResult result;
                // make a reference to a child form
                Workshop_Form form;
                // switch on the value of item
                switch (item)
                // if item == "Exit"...
                case "Exit":
                    // close the app
                    // and send an exit message to the system

                // if item == "Insert"...
                case "Insert":
                    // make form refer to the active child form
                    form = (Workshop_Form)ActiveMdiChild;
                    // make a new reference to a dialog that will allow the
                    // user to enter information about an item
                    NewItem_Dialog itemForm = new NewItem_Dialog();
                    // show the dialog to the user
                    // if they filled out info and clicked OK...
                    if (itemForm.record != null)
                        // add the record to the list of records in the active
                        // form
                        form.WorkshopItems.Add(new Record(itemForm.record));
                        // refresh the active form

                // if item == "Remove"...
                case "Remove":
                    // make form refer to the active child from
                    form = (Workshop_Form)ActiveMdiChild;
                    // make a new reference to a dialog that will ask the
                    // user which item they want to remove
                    RemoveItem_Form rform = new RemoveItem_Form(form);
                    // show the dialog to the user
                    // refresh the active form

                // if item == "New"...
                case "New":
                    // make dialog a reference to a dialog that will prompt
                    // the user for a name of the new form
                    dialog = new WorkshopName_Dialog();
                    // show the dialog to the user
                    //if the name they enetered for the new form is valid...
                    if (((WorkshopName_Dialog)dialog).FileName != "" && ((WorkshopName_Dialog)dialog).FileName != null)
                        // if there is a child form...
                        if (ActiveMdiChild != null)
                            // and that active child has the same name as what was entered...
                            if (((WorkshopName_Dialog)dialog).FileName ==
                                // set the form to the active child
                                form = (Workshop_Form)ActiveMdiChild;
                            else     // the names are different
                                // make a new form with the name the user entered
                                form = new Workshop_Form(((WorkshopName_Dialog)
                                // and make it's MdiParent the current form
                                form.MdiParent = this;
                        else     // there is not yet an active child
                            // so make a new form with the name the user entered
                            form = new Workshop_Form(((WorkshopName_Dialog)
                            // and make it's Mdiparent the current form
                            form.MdiParent = this;
                        // make the save option visible
                        saveToolStripMenuItem.Visible = true;
                        // add a tag to the form
                        form.Tag = "Child_" + Workshop_Form.Count;
                        // change the name of the form that the user sees appropriately
                        form.Text = form.WorkshopName;
                        // show the form to the user
                        // make the insert dorp down menu visible
                        Director_MenuStrip.Items[1].Visible = true;


                case "Open":
                    // make dialog a popup for finding a file in a file explorer
                    dialog = new OpenFileDialog();
                    // set the initial directory of the dialog the folder
                    // where the executable exists
                    ((OpenFileDialog)dialog).InitialDirectory =
                    // save the result of what the user does to close the dialog
                    result = ((OpenFileDialog)dialog).ShowDialog();
                    // get the file path from the dialog
                    filePath = ((OpenFileDialog)dialog).FileName;
                    // split the file path of the \ character
                    string[] FilePath = filePath.Split('\\');
                    // make a new child form that has a name of the file
                    // selected without the extension
                    form = new Workshop_Form(FilePath[FilePath.Count() - 1].
                    // set the MdiParent of the form to the current form
                    form.MdiParent = this;
                    // if the file path was an actual path...
                    if (filePath != "" && filePath != null)
                        //insertToolStripMenuItem.Visible = true;
                        // show the save button
                        saveToolStripMenuItem.Visible = true;
                        // prepare for errors
                            // open a file
                            infile = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open,
                            // read from it until there is a SerializationException
                            while (true)
                                // extract a record from the file
                                Record rec = new Record((Record)formatter.
                                // and add it to the new forms lsit of records
                        catch (SerializationException)
                            // if the infile was declared...
                            if (infile != null)
                                // close it
                            // make the name of the form that the user sees
                            // is set appropriately
                            form.Text = form.WorkshopName;
                            Director_MenuStrip.Items[1].Visible = true;
                        catch (FileNotFoundException)
                            // tell the user that there was no such file
                            MessageBox.Show("File not found", "FileNotFoundError",
                                            MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
                        catch (FormatException)
                            // tell the user that there was an issue with the
                            // format of the file being read from
                            MessageBox.Show("File not in proper format",
                                            "FileFormatError", MessageBoxButtons.OK,

                // if item == Save...
                case "Save":
                    // if there is an active child...
                    if (ActiveMdiChild != null)
                        // set the form to the active child
                        form = (Workshop_Form)ActiveMdiChild;
                        // get the folder path of the executable
                        filePath = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
                        // if the form ahs an acceptable name...
                        if (form.WorkshopName != "" && form.WorkshopName != null)
                            // prepare for errors
                                // make an output file with the form name and the
                                // extension .src
                                outfile = new FileStream(
                                    form.WorkshopName + ".src", FileMode.OpenOrCreate,
                                // for all the records in the record list...
                                foreach (Record rec in form.WorkshopItems)
                                    // print the record to the file
                                    formatter.Serialize(outfile, rec);
                                // then close the file
                                // display a message saying that saving was
                                // successful
                                MessageBox.Show("File successfully saved to " +
                                                filePath + "\\" + form.WorkshopName + ".src",
                                                "Saved to " + form.WorkshopName + ".src",
                                                MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                            catch (FileNotFoundException)
                                // show an error about the file name being unvalid
                                MessageBox.Show("File not found", "FileNotFoundError",
                                                MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
                            catch (SerializationException)
                                // show a message to the user about there being
                                // an error writing to the file
                                MessageBox.Show("Error writting to file",
                                                "SerializationError", MessageBoxButtons.OK,
                                // and close the file

                    // set the default value of result to
                    // the abort result from a dialog
                    result = DialogResult.Abort;
            catch (Exception ex)
                // error message for unexpected error
                MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK,
            // make the items in the file drop down menu visible
            foreach (ToolStripItem toolStripItem in fileToolStripMenuItem.
                toolStripItem.Visible = true;
            // make the items in the items drop down menu visible
            foreach (ToolStripItem toolStripItem in itemsToolStripMenuItem.
                toolStripItem.Visible = true;