public void Setup(){
			mockStaffMemberDataRepository = new Mock<IStaffMember> ();

			//mockCurrentConnecitivity = new Mock<IConnectivity> ();

			mockExercise = new Mock<IExercise> ();

			//Set up a template folder
			templateFolder = new TemplateFolder ();

			//Create a simple template
			TemplateViewModel simpleTemplate = new TemplateViewModel ();
			simpleTemplate.TemplateName = "Back Blaster";
			simpleTemplate.TemplateDescription = "Back Blaster Description";

			templateFolder.Template = simpleTemplate;

			//Create 2 simple exercise objects
			ExerciseViewModel exercise1 = new ExerciseViewModel ();
			exercise1.SetsIndex= 1;
			exercise1.RepsIndex = 2;
			exercise1.WeightIndex = 2;
			exercise1.SeatPosition1Label = 1;
			exercise1.SeatPosition1Value = 1;

			ExerciseViewModel exercise2 = new ExerciseViewModel ();
			exercise1.SetsIndex = 2;
			exercise1.RepsIndex = 1;
			exercise1.WeightIndex = 2;
			exercise1.SeatPosition1Label = 2;
			exercise1.SeatPosition1Value = 1;

			//Add exercises to observable collectin in the template folder
			templateFolder.Exercises.Add (exercise1);
			templateFolder.Exercises.Add (exercise2);

			StaffMember staffMember = new StaffMember ();
			staffMember.FirstName = "Clay";
			staffMember.LastName = "Martin";
			staffMember.GymID = 8;
			staffMember.PhoneNumber = "5024171595";
			staffMember.StaffID = 132;

			templateFolder.StaffMember = staffMember;

			exercise = new Exercise ();
			exercise.ExerciseName = "Barbell Bench Press";
			exercise.Bodypart = "Chest";
			exerciseList = new List<Exercise> ();
			exerciseList.Add (exercise);

			exercise = new Exercise ();
			exercise.ExerciseName = "Barbell Inclie Bench Press";
			exercise.Bodypart = "Chest";
			exerciseList = new List<Exercise> ();
			exerciseList.Add (exercise);

			exercise = new Exercise ();
			exercise.ExerciseName = "Barbell Row";
			exercise.Bodypart = "Back";
			exerciseList = new List<Exercise> ();
			exerciseList.Add (exercise);

			exercise = new Exercise ();
			exercise.ExerciseName = "DB Row";
			exercise.Bodypart = "Back";
			exerciseList = new List<Exercise> ();
			exerciseList.Add (exercise);

			exercise = new Exercise ();
			exercise.ExerciseName = "DB Shoulder Press";
			exercise.Bodypart = "Shoulders";
			exerciseList = new List<Exercise> ();
			exerciseList.Add (exercise);

			workoutCreatorViewModel = new WorkoutContainerViewModel  (templateFolder, mockExercise.Object, new mockCurrentConnectivity());

			mockExercise.Setup (x => x.GetAllExercises (staffMember.GymID)).ReturnsAsync(exerciseList);

		public ExerciseContainerPage(bool createWorkoutOnly = false, User logFeedbackOnlyUser = null)

			if (createWorkoutOnly)
				this.Title = "Create Workout";
			if (logFeedbackOnlyUser != null)
				this.Title = "Log Feedback for " + logFeedbackOnlyUser.FullMemberName;
			_createWorkoutOnly = createWorkoutOnly;
			_viewModel = new WorkoutContainerViewModel(App.WorkoutCreatorContext, CrossConnectivity.Current, createWorkoutOnly, logFeedbackOnlyUser);

			this.BindingContext = _viewModel;
			_unselectedPadding = new Thickness(36, 20, 36, 0);
			_selectedPadding = new Thickness(36, 20, 36, 0);
			_mfBlue = (Color)Application.Current.Resources["blueColor"];
			var exerciseListTask = _viewModel.GetAllExercises();
			Action<Task> action = (actionResult) =>
				Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
					_viewModel.IsBusy = true;
					List<String> categories = _viewModel.GetExerciseCategories();

					foreach (String bodypart in categories)
						CustomImageButton circleButton = new CustomImageButton
							IsVisible = false,
							Style = (Style)Application.Current.Resources["circleButtonStyle"]

						CustomImageButton emptyCircleButton = new CustomImageButton
							Style = (Style)Application.Current.Resources["emptyCircleButtonStyle"]


						Label bodyPartLabel = new Label
							HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start,
							VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center,
							HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Start,
							FontAttributes = FontAttributes.None,
							FontSize = _closedFrameBodyPartLabelFontSize,
							TextColor = Color.Gray,
						Label bodyPartSubLabel = new Label
							HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start,
							VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center,
							HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Start,
							FontAttributes = FontAttributes.None,
							TextColor = Color.Gray

						StackLayout bodyPartLabelStack = new StackLayout
							Children = {
								bodyPartLabel, bodyPartSubLabel
							Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal,
							VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center,
							Spacing = 15,
							HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start

						var boxView = new BoxView()
							Color = _mfBlue,
							HeightRequest = 1,
							VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start,
							HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
							IsVisible = false

						Grid bodyPartGrid = new Grid
							VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
							RowDefinitions = {
								new RowDefinition { Height = GridLength.Auto },
								new RowDefinition { Height = GridLength.Auto },

							ColumnDefinitions = {
								new ColumnDefinition { Width = GridLength.Auto },
								new ColumnDefinition { Width = GridLength.Auto },
								new ColumnDefinition { Width = new GridLength (.8, GridUnitType.Star) },
								new ColumnDefinition { Width = GridLength.Auto },
							Padding = _unselectedPadding,
							StyleId = "closed"

						bodyPartGrid.Children.Add(circleButton, 0, 0);
						bodyPartGrid.Children.Add(bodyPartLabelStack, 1, 0);
						bodyPartGrid.Children.Add(boxView, 0, 1);
						Grid.SetColumnSpan(boxView, 4);
						bodyPartGrid.Children.Add(emptyCircleButton, 0, 0);

						emptyCircleButton.Clicked += async (button, e) =>
							emptyCircleButton.IsEnabled = false;
							await ShowHideExercisesInBodypart(bodyPartLabel, bodypart, boxView, circleButton, emptyCircleButton);
							emptyCircleButton.IsEnabled = true;

						circleButton.Clicked += async (button, e) =>
							circleButton.IsEnabled = false;
							await ShowHideExercisesInBodypart(bodyPartLabel, bodypart, boxView, circleButton, emptyCircleButton);
							circleButton.IsEnabled = true;
						String bodyPartStringForProcessing = bodypart;
						String[] bodyPartComponents = bodyPartStringForProcessing.Split('-');

						if (bodyPartComponents.Count() > 1)
							bodyPartLabel.Text = bodyPartComponents[0].Trim();
							bodyPartSubLabel.Text = bodyPartComponents[1].Trim();
						else {
							bodyPartLabel.Text = bodyPartStringForProcessing;
							bodyPartSubLabel.Text = "General";


					_viewModel.IsBusy = false;


			cancelButton.Clicked += (sender, args) =>
				//Uses session tracking
				Insights.Track("Canceled workout creation in progress from 'ExerciseContainerPage'", new Dictionary<string, string>()
				Action cancelAction = async () =>
					summaryLabel.Text = ExerciseViewModel.WorkoutSummary();

					await Navigation.PopToRootAsync(true);

				DependencyService.Get<ICustomDialog>().Display("Cancel workout creation in progress?", "No", "Yes", cancelAction);

			createWorkoutButton.Clicked += async (sender, args) =>
				//Uses session tracking
				Insights.Track("Clicked create workout button in exercise container", new Dictionary<string, string>()
				await Navigation.PushAsync(new ModalWorkoutCreationPage(createWorkoutOnly, logFeedbackOnlyUser), true);


			reviewButton.Clicked += reviewButton_Clicked;

			summaryLabel.Text = ExerciseViewModel.WorkoutSummary();
			if (_viewModel.WorkoutCreatorContext.Exercises.Count() == 0)
				createWorkoutButton.IsEnabled = false;
			else {
				createWorkoutButton.IsEnabled = true;