void searchWordWorker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { string word = (string)e.Argument; //prepare result variables Definition definitions = null; string synonyms = ""; string rhymes = ""; //search wordnik try { updateStatus("Searching definitions for '" + word + "' ..."); WordnikDefinition[] wdDefs = wordnik.GetDefinitions(word).ToArray(); if (wdDefs.Length > 0) { definitions = new Definition(wdDefs); synonyms = findSynonyms(word); rhymes = findRhymes(word); e.Result = new Tuple<string, Definition, string, string>(word, definitions, synonyms, rhymes); } else e.Result = word + " not found"; } catch { e.Result = "error"; MessageBox.Show("Your Internet connection might be disrupted, or the Wordnik service might be temporarily down.", "Error while finding word definition for " + word, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
public Entry(string word, Definition def, string synList, string rhymeList, DateTime created, DateTime learned, DateTime lastTest, DateTime nextTest, int learningPhase, int nStudyAttempts, int nRecallAttempts, int nRecallSuccesses, bool archived) { this.word = word; this.def = def; synonyms = processList(synList); rhymes = processList(rhymeList); this.created = created; this.learned = learned; this.lastTest = lastTest; this.nextTest = nextTest; this.learningPhase = learningPhase; this.nStudyAttempts = nStudyAttempts; this.nRecallAttempts = nRecallAttempts; this.nRecallSuccesses = nRecallSuccesses; this.archived = archived; }
public void AddNewWord(string word, Definition definitions, string synonyms, string rhymes) { GetWords().Add(new Entry(word, definitions, Entry.FormatCommas(synonyms), rhymes)); SaveWords(); }
public Entry(string word, Definition def, string synList, string rhymeList) { this.word = word; this.def = def; synonyms = processList(synList); rhymes = processList(rhymeList); created = DateTime.Now; learned = DateTime.MinValue; lastTest = DateTime.Now; learningPhase = 1; nStudyAttempts = 0; nRecallAttempts = 0; nRecallSuccesses = 0; archived = false; }