Пример #1
        // instantiate new game object with specified properties
        public static void InstantiateObject(ObjectProperties prop)
            // create new game object
            GameObject go = new GameObject();

            // set name
            go.name = prop.Name();

            Debug.Log("Created new object " + go.name);

            // set tag
            go.tag = prop.Tag();

            // set initial position
            go.transform.position = prop.InitPosn();

            // set scale of sprite image
            go.transform.localScale = prop.Scale();

            // load sprite image
            SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer = go.AddComponent <SpriteRenderer>();
            // image file needs to be in an existing Assets/Resources folder or subfolder
            Sprite sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>("Graphics/" + prop.Sprite());

            if (sprite == null)
                Debug.Log("ERROR: could not load sprite " + prop.Name());
            spriteRenderer.sprite = sprite;

            // load audio clip
            if (prop.AudioFile() != null)
                AudioSource audioSource = go.AddComponent <AudioSource>();
                // audio file needs to be in an existing Assets/Resources folder or subfolder
                AudioClip clip = Resources.Load("Audio/" + prop.AudioFile()) as AudioClip;
                if (clip == null)
                    Debug.Log("ERROR: could not load audioclip " + prop.AudioFile());
                audioSource.clip        = clip;
                audioSource.playOnAwake = false;

            if (go.tag != "TargetLetter" && go.tag != "TargetBlank" && go.tag != "Jar")
                // add polygon collider that matches shape of object
                // used to detect touches and collisions
                go.AddComponent <PolygonCollider2D> ();

            if (go.tag == "TargetLetter" || go.tag == "TargetBlank")
                // add circle collider
                // used to detect touches and collisions
                CircleCollider2D cc2d = go.AddComponent <CircleCollider2D>();

                // set as trigger so OnTriggerEnter2D function is called when collider is hit
                cc2d.isTrigger = true;

                // set radius for circle collider
                // want radius to be small, to make it easier for users to drag letters or sound blanks to where they want
                // without accidentally colliding with another object
                if (go.tag == "TargetLetter")
                    if (ProgressManager.currentMode == 1)
                        cc2d.radius = .1f;
                    if (ProgressManager.currentMode == 3)
                        cc2d.radius = 3f;
                if (go.tag == "TargetBlank")
                    cc2d.radius = .3f;

            if (go.tag == "Jar")
                // add circle collider
                // used to detect collisions
                CircleCollider2D cc2d = go.AddComponent <CircleCollider2D> ();

                // set radius for circle collider
                // want to set radius exactly so that it extends to the rim/opening of the jar
                // so collisions will be detected when the user dragging a sound blank hits the rim
                cc2d.radius = .5f;

            if (go.tag == "MovableLetter" || go.tag == "MovableBlank")
                // add rigidbody if object is draggable
                Rigidbody2D rb2d = go.AddComponent <Rigidbody2D>();

                // remove object from physics engine's control, because we don't want
                // the object to move with gravity, forces, etc. - we do the moving
                rb2d.isKinematic = true;

                // don't want gravity, otherwise object will fall
                rb2d.gravityScale = 0;

            // subscribe to gestures
            GestureManager gm = go.AddComponent <GestureManager> ();


            // add pulse behavior - draws attention to interactive objects
            go.AddComponent <PulseBehavior> ();

            if (go.tag == "Hint")
                // set hint letter color to black
                go.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color = Color.black;

                // create hint letter behind the background
                go.transform.position = new Vector3(go.transform.position.x, go.transform.position.y, 3);
        //Called on start, used to initialize stuff
        void Start()
            //Scale graphics to screen size
            //create instance of grestureManager
            GestureManager gestureManager = GameObject.
                                            FindGameObjectWithTag(Constants.Tags.TAG_GESTURE_MANAGER).GetComponent <GestureManager>();

            if (gestureManager != null)
                //Create objects and background
                //Set up kid
                GameObject kid = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag(Constants.Tags.TAG_KID);
                //check if kid is attached
                if (kid != null)
                    kid.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>("Graphics/"
                                                                                         + ProgressManager.chosenKid);
                    Debug.LogWarning("Cannot find kid in scene");
                //check if sprite is attached
                if (kid.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite != null)
                    //Play Grow Animation for kid
                    //Load audio for kid
                    kid.AddComponent <AudioSource>().clip = Resources.Load("Audio/KidSpeaking/"
                                                                           + ProgressManager.currentLevel) as AudioClip;
                    //Check if audio clip is attached
                    if (kid.GetComponent <AudioSource>().clip != null)
                        kid.GetComponent <AudioSource>().priority = 0;
                        kid.GetComponent <AudioSource>().volume   = 1.0f;
                        //Play audio clip attached to kid if there is one
                        kid.GetComponent <AudioSource>().Play();
                        Debug.LogWarning("No audio found");
                    Debug.LogWarning("Cannot load sprite");
                //Find ChooseObjectDirector gameObject
                GameObject dir = GameObject.Find("ChooseObjectDirector");
                if (dir != null)
                    //Load background music for scene onto ChooseObjectDirector
                    dir.AddComponent <AudioSource>().clip = Resources.Load("Audio/BackgroundMusic/"
                                                                           + ProgressManager.currentLevel) as AudioClip;
                    //Check if audio clip is attached
                    if (dir.GetComponent <AudioSource>().clip != null)
                        dir.GetComponent <AudioSource>().priority = 0;
                        dir.GetComponent <AudioSource>().volume   = .25f;
                        //Start playing background music if attached
                        dir.GetComponent <AudioSource>().Play();
                        Debug.LogWarning("No audio file found");
                    Debug.LogWarning("Cannot find ChooseObjectDirector");
                //Subscribe buttons to touch gestures
                GameObject button = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag(Constants.Tags.TAG_BUTTON);
                if (button != null)
                    button.AddComponent <GestureManager>().AddAndSubscribeToGestures(button);
                    Debug.LogWarning("Cannot find button");
                //Find word objects
                GameObject[] gos = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag(Constants.Tags.TAG_WORD_OBJECT);
                foreach (GameObject go in gos)
                    //Start pulsing for each object
                    Debug.Log("Started pulsing for " + go.name);
                    go.GetComponent <PulseBehavior>().StartPulsing(go);
                    //Check if word has been completed by user
                    //If word not completed, darken and fade out object
                    if (!ProgressManager.IsWordCompleted(go.name))
                        SetColorAndTransparency(go, Color.grey, .9f);
                    //If word completed, brighten and fill in object
                        Debug.Log("Word Completed: " + go.name);
                        SetColorAndTransparency(go, Color.white, 1f);
                //Check if this level has been completed, i.e. if all words in the level have been completed
                if (CheckCompletedLevel())
                    //If level completed, add to completedLevels list and unlock the next level
                Debug.LogError("Cannot find gesture manager component");
Пример #3
        // Called when an object enters the collider of another object
        // Set the target object as the trigger
        void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other)
            GestureManager gestureManager = GameObject.
                                            FindGameObjectWithTag(Constants.Tags.TAG_GESTURE_MANAGER).GetComponent <GestureManager>();

            if (gestureManager != null)
                // if the current scene is Learn Spelling
                if (Application.loadedLevelName == "4. Learn Spelling")
                    // if the collided objects are the same letter
                    // i.e. if the movable letter that entered matches the target letter
                    if (other.name == gameObject.name)
                        Debug.Log("Collision on " + other.name);
                        // change color of target letter to match that of movable letter
                        gameObject.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color = other.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>()
                        Color color = gameObject.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color;
                        color.a = 1.0f;
                        gameObject.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = color;
                        // destroy movable letter
                        Debug.Log("Destroyed draggable letter " + other.gameObject.name);
                        // disable collisions for target letter
                        // so all other movable letters can no longer collide with this letter
                        Debug.Log("Disabled collisions for " + gameObject.name);
                        Destroy(gameObject.GetComponent <CollisionManager>());
                        // pulse target letter once
                        LeanTween.scale(gameObject, new Vector3(WordCreation.letterScale * 1.2f,
                                                                WordCreation.letterScale * 1.2f, 1), .6f);
                        LeanTween.scale(gameObject, new Vector3(WordCreation.letterScale,
                                                                WordCreation.letterScale, 1), .5f).setDelay(.4f);
                        // check if user has completed word
                        if (CheckCompletedWord())
                            // sound out the word
                            GameObject[] tar = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag
                            GameObject audioManager = GameObject.Find("AudioManager");
                            if (audioManager != null)
                                audioManager.GetComponent <AudioManager>().SpellOutWord(tar);
                                // play celebratory animation
                                LearnSpellingDirector.CelebratoryAnimation((tar.Length + 1.5f) *
                                // add word to completedWord list
                                Debug.LogError("Cannot find audio manager");
                //only want to get these components if on the spelling or sound game
                if (Application.loadedLevelName != "4. Learn Spelling")
                    //get properties component
                    Properties prop = other.gameObject.GetComponent <Properties>();
                    //We track whether or not letters have been dragged into the right spots using this isinblank flag,
                    //which is set to true when the letter is in the right place.
                    //only change the flag if the gameObject has a properties component
                    if (prop != null)
                        prop.isinblank = true;
                        Debug.LogError("Properties are not attached");
                    //check if word is spelled correctly
                    if (other.name == gameObject.name)
                        prop.iscorrect = true;
                    // if the current scene is Spelling Game
                    if (Application.loadedLevelName == "5. Spelling Game")
                        Debug.Log("Collision on " + other.name);
                        // stop pulsing letter
                        other.gameObject.GetComponent <PulseBehavior>().StopPulsing(other.gameObject);
                        // move letter to center of target blank
                        // z-position of letter = -1, so letter is in front of the blank (z-position of blank = 0)
                        other.gameObject.transform.position = new Vector3(gameObject.transform.position.x,
                                                                          gameObject.transform.position.y, -1);
                        // change color of letter to indicate collision succesfully occurred
                        other.gameObject.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color = Color.blue;
                        Debug.Log("I changed my color");
                        // pulse letter once
                        LeanTween.scale(other.gameObject, new Vector3(WordCreation.letterScale * 1.25f,
                                                                      WordCreation.letterScale * 1.25f, 1), .3f);
                        LeanTween.scale(other.gameObject, new Vector3(WordCreation.letterScale,
                                                                      WordCreation.letterScale, 1), .3f).setDelay(.2f);
                        // disable collisions for target blank
                        // so no other movable letters can collide with this blank anymore
                        Debug.Log("Disabled collisions for Blank " + gameObject.name);
                        Destroy(gameObject.GetComponent <CollisionManager>());
                        // if all letters have been dragged to a blank
                        if (CheckCompletedTargets(Constants.Tags.TAG_MOVABLE_LETTER))
                            // if user spelled word incorrectly
                            if (!CheckCorrectSpelling(Constants.Tags.TAG_MOVABLE_LETTER))
                                // play try again animation
                                // mark the correct letters by changing their color
                                // move incorrect letters back to original position
                                // play word's sound
                                GetComponent <AudioSource>().PlayDelayed(1f);
                                // flash hint button to call attention to it
                            // if the user spelled the word correctly
                                // find all movable letters
                                GameObject[] mov = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag
                                // disable touch gestures for sound & hint buttons
                                gestureManager.GetComponent <GestureManager>().DisableGestures(GameObject.Find
                                // mark all correct letters by changing their colors
                                // sound out the word
                                // play celebratory animation
                                SpellingGameDirector.CelebratoryAnimation((mov.Length + 1.5f) *
                                // add word to completedWord list
                                //reset letters in case user wants to play again on the same screen
                                foreach (GameObject letter in mov)
                                    letter.GetComponent <Properties>().isinblank = false;
                                    letter.GetComponent <Properties>().iscorrect = false;
                    // if current scene is Sound Game
                    if (Application.loadedLevelName == "6. Sound Game")
                        Debug.Log("Collision on " + other.name);
                        // stop pulsing sound blank
                        other.gameObject.GetComponent <PulseBehavior>().StopPulsing(other.gameObject);
                        // place sound blank at opening of jar
                        other.gameObject.transform.position = new Vector3(gameObject.transform.position.x,
                                                                          gameObject.transform.position.y + 2.2f, 1);
                        // pulse sound blank once
                        LeanTween.scale(other.gameObject, new Vector3(.4f, .4f, 1), .3f);
                        LeanTween.scale(other.gameObject, new Vector3(.3f, .3f, 1), .3f).setDelay(.2f);
                        // change color of jar to match color of sound blank
                        // to indicate successful collision
                        Color        color = other.gameObject.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color;
                        Vector2      posn  = gameObject.transform.position;
                        Collider2D[] jar   = Physics2D.OverlapCircleAll(posn, .1f, 1, 1.5f, 0f);
                        LeanTween.color(jar[0].gameObject, color, .01f);
                        // disable collisions for target letter
                        Debug.Log("Disabled collisions for Letter " + gameObject.name);
                        Destroy(gameObject.GetComponent <CollisionManager>());
                        // if all sound blanks have been dragged onto a jar
                        if (CheckCompletedTargets(Constants.Tags.TAG_MOVABLE_BLANK))
                            // if user did not drag all sound blanks to correct letter
                            if (!CheckCorrectSpelling(Constants.Tags.TAG_MOVABLE_BLANK))
                                // play try again animation
                                // reset correct sound blanks back to original size
                                // move incorrect sound blanks back to original position
                                // play word's sound
                                GetComponent <AudioSource>().PlayDelayed(1f);
                                // flash hint button to call attention to it
                            // if user dragged all sound blanks to their correct corresponding letters
                                // find all sound blanks
                                GameObject[] mov = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag
                                // disable touch gestures for sound + hint buttons
                                // reset correct sound blanks back to original size
                                // sound out word
                                GameObject[] tar = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag
                                GameObject audioManager = GameObject.Find("AudioManager");
                                audioManager.GetComponent <AudioManager>().SpellOutWord(tar);
                                // play celebratory animation
                                SoundGameDirector.CelebratoryAnimation((mov.Length + 1.5f) *
                                // add completed word to completedWord list
                                //reset letters in case user wants to play again on the same screen
                                //or user wants to listen to the sounds
                                foreach (GameObject letter in mov)
                                    letter.GetComponent <Properties>().isinblank = false;
                                    letter.GetComponent <Properties>().iscorrect = false;
                Debug.LogError("Cannot find gesture manager");