/// <summary>
        /// The static constructor calls this method to initialize the singleton
        /// returned by the base constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="psettingsPropertyValueCollection">
        /// Pass a reference to a System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyCollection
        /// collection to display.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pstrDisplayNameTemplate">
        /// This paramter specifies a template from which to construct the name
        /// of a managed string resource in the calling assembly to use as the
        /// display name. If no such string exists, the InternalName property is
        /// the display name. Likewise, if this string is a null reference or
        /// the empty string, the InternalName property is the display name.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="penmDefaultParameterSource">
        /// This parameter specifies the value source enumeration member to use
        /// as the parameter source for any OperatingParameter for which the
        /// ApplicationSettings has a value.
        /// </param>
        private void InitiaalizeInstance (
			System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyCollection psettingsPropertyValueCollection ,
			string pstrDisplayNameTemplate ,
			U penmDefaultParameterSource )
			//	----------------------------------------------------------------
			//	Generic dictionary _dctOperatingParameters, which holds the
			//	collection of OperatingParameter objects, indexed by name, is
			//	initialized and sized per the count of argument names, while the
			//	local dctParameterTypeInfo dictionary is initialized from the
			//	string array constructed from PARAMETER_TYPE_INFO_RESOURCE_NAME,
			//	an embedded text file resource. Iterating the argument names in
			//	pastrArgNames, the foreach loop extracts its internally-defined
			//	properties from dctParameterTypeInfo, the local dictionary, so
			//	that an OperatingParameter object, with its Value property left
			//	uninitialized, can be stored in the _dctOperatingParameters
			//	dictionary, so that it can be quickly found and updated with the
			//	value read from a command line argument, which happens in the
			//	calling routine after this method returns the fully loaded
			//	_dctOperatingParameters dictionary.
			//	Since everything that went into dctParameterTypeInfo is encoded
			//	into an OperatingParameter, local object dctParameterTypeInfo is
			//	redundant, and is allowed to vanish when the method returns.
			//	----------------------------------------------------------------

			Dictionary<string , ParameterTypeInfo<T>> dctParameterTypeInfo = GetParameterTypeInfo (
				EmbeddedTextFile.Readers.LoadTextFileFromEntryAssembly (
			_dctOperatingParameters = new Dictionary<string , OperatingParameter<T , U>> ( dctParameterTypeInfo.Count );

			foreach ( string strName in dctParameterTypeInfo.Keys )
				ParameterTypeInfo<T> ptiForThis = null;

				if ( dctParameterTypeInfo.TryGetValue ( strName , out ptiForThis ) )
				{   // Create the uninitialized parameter object, and add it to the collection.
					OperatingParameter<T , U> opThis = new OperatingParameter<T , U> (
						psettingsPropertyValueCollection ,
						strName ,                                                       // string pstrInternalName
						pstrDisplayNameTemplate ,                                       // string pstrDisplayName - The constructor will sort it out.
						ptiForThis.ParameterType ,                                      // T penmParameterType
						penmDefaultParameterSource );									// U penmDefaultParameterSource
					_dctOperatingParameters.Add (										// Add it to the collection.
						strName ,														// Key
						opThis );														// Value
				}   // TRUE (anticipated outcome) block, if ( dctParameterTypeInfo.TryGetValue ( strName , out ptiForThis ) )
				{	// Prepare and log a detailed exception report.
					string strMessage = string.Format (									// Assemble a detailed diagnostic message.
						Properties.Resources.ERRMSG_INTERNAL_PROCESSING_ERROR_005 ,		// Format control string
						strName ,														// Format Item 0: Type information for the {0} parameter
						PARAMETER_TYPE_INFO_RESOURCE_NAME ,								// Format Item 1: cannot be found in the embedded {1} resource
						Environment.NewLine );                                          // Format Item 2: Platform-dependent newline sequence
					throw new InvalidOperationException ( strMessage );					// Toss cookies and die.
				}   // FALSE (unanticipated outcome) block, if ( dctParameterTypeInfo.TryGetValue ( strName , out ptiForThis ) )
			}   // foreach ( string strName in dctParameterTypeInfo.Keys )
		}   // InitiaalizeInstance Method
        }   // GetParameterNames Method

        /// <summary>
        /// Set the parameter values from an initialized CmdLneArgsBasic object,
        /// overriding any that were initialized from the Application Settings.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pcmdArgs">
        /// Pass in a reference to a CmdLneArgsBasic object that was initialized
        /// from the string array returned by the GetParameterNames method.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="penmParameterSource">
        /// Specify the member of the ParameterSource, generic type U,
        /// enumeration with which to mark the object if the CmdLneArgsBasic
        /// object includes a value.
        /// Please <see cref="OperatingParametersCollection{T, U}"/> for more
        /// details.
        /// </param>
        public void SetFromCommandLineArguments (
            CmdLneArgsBasic pcmdArgs ,
            U penmParameterSource )
            lock ( s_srCriticalSection )
                IEnumerator<KeyValuePair<string , OperatingParameter<T , U>>> listOfValidArguments = _dctOperatingParameters
                .GetEnumerator ( );

                while ( listOfValidArguments.MoveNext ( ) )
                    string strName = listOfValidArguments.Current.Key;
                    string strValue = pcmdArgs.GetArgByName ( strName );

                    if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty ( strValue ) )
                        OperatingParameter<T , U> opThis = listOfValidArguments.Current.Value;
                        opThis.SetValue (
                            strValue ,                                              // string pstrValue
                            penmParameterSource );                                  // ParameterSource penmSource
                    }   // if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty ( strValue ) )
                }   // while ( listOfValidArguments.MoveNext ( ) )
            }   // lock ( s_srCriticalSection )
        }   // SetFromCommandLineArguments Method