Пример #1
/// <summary>
/// @brief Used on the server to play a 3D sound that is not attached to any object.      @param profile The SFXProfile that defines the sound to play.   @param location The position and orientation of the 3D sound given in the form of \"x y z ax ay az aa\".   @tsexample   function ServerPlay3D(%profile,%transform)   {      // Play the given sound profile at the given position on every client      // The sound will be transmitted as an event, not attached to any object.      for(%idx = 0; %idx  ClientGroup.getCount(); %idx++)         ClientGroup.getObject(%idx).play3D(%profile,%transform);   }   @endtsexample)
/// </summary>
public  bool play3D(string gameconnection, string profile, TransformF location){

return m_ts.fnGameConnection_play3D(gameconnection, profile, location.AsString());
Пример #2
public  void pushFront(TransformF transform, float speed = 1.0f, string type = "Normal", string path = "Linear"){

pInvokes.m_ts.fnPathCamera_pushFront(_ID, transform.AsString(), speed, type, path);
Пример #3
/// <summary>
/// Set the camera to orbit around the given object, or if none is given, around the given point.                    @param orbitObject The object to orbit around.  If no object is given (0 or blank string is passed in) use the orbitPoint instead                    @param orbitPoint The point to orbit around when no object is given.  In the form of \"x y z ax ay az aa\" such as returned by SceneObject::getTransform().                    @param minDistance The minimum distance allowed to the orbit object or point.                    @param maxDistance The maximum distance allowed from the orbit object or point.                    @param initDistance The initial distance from the orbit object or point.                    @param ownClientObj [optional] Are we orbiting an object that is owned by us?  Default is false.                    @param offset [optional] An offset added to the camera's position.  Default is no offset.                    @param locked [optional] Indicates the camera does not receive input from the player.  Default is false.                    @see Camera::setOrbitObject()                    @see Camera::setOrbitPoint())
/// </summary>
public  bool setOrbitMode(string camera, string orbitObject, TransformF orbitPoint, float minDistance, float maxDistance, float initDistance, bool ownClientObj = false, Point3F offset = null , bool lockedx = false){
if (offset== null) {offset = new Point3F(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);}

return m_ts.fnCamera_setOrbitMode(camera, orbitObject, orbitPoint.AsString(), minDistance, maxDistance, initDistance, ownClientObj, offset.AsString(), lockedx);
Пример #4
/// <summary>
/// .)
/// </summary>
public  void addItemWithTransform(string forest, string data, TransformF trans, float scale){

m_ts.fnForest_addItemWithTransform(forest, data, trans.AsString(), scale);
public  bool addPrimitive(string meshName, string type, string paramsx, TransformF txfm, string nodeName){

return pInvokes.m_ts.fnTSShapeConstructor_addPrimitive(_ID, meshName, type, paramsx, txfm.AsString(), nodeName);
Пример #6
public  void addItemWithTransform(string data, TransformF trans, float scale){

pInvokes.m_ts.fnForest_addItemWithTransform(_ID, data, trans.AsString(), scale);
Пример #7
/// <summary>
/// Return the integer character code value corresponding to the first character in the given string.
/// )
/// </summary>
public  TransformF dnt_testcase_15(TransformF chr){

return new TransformF ( m_ts.fn_dnt_testcase_15(chr.AsString()));
public  bool play3D(string profile, TransformF location){

return pInvokes.m_ts.fnGameConnection_play3D(_ID, profile, location.AsString());
Пример #9
/// <summary>
/// Normal, Linear), 											      @brief Adds a new knot to the front of a path shape's path.													@param transform Transform for the new knot. In the form of \"x y z ax ay az aa\" such as returned by SceneObject::getTransform()													@param speed Speed setting for this knot.													@param type Knot type (Normal, Position Only, Kink).													@param path %Path type (Linear, Spline).													@tsexample														// Transform vector for new knot. (Pos_X,Pos_Y,Pos_Z,Rot_X,Rot_Y,Rot_Z,Angle)														%transform = \"15.0 5.0 5.0 1.4 1.0 0.2 1.0\"														// Speed setting for knot.														%speed = \"1.0\";														// Knot type. (Normal, Position Only, Kink)														%type = \"Normal\";														// Path Type. (Linear, Spline)														%path = \"Linear\";														// Inform the shape to add a new knot to the front of its path														%pathShape.pushFront(%transform, %speed, %type, %path);													@endtsexample)
/// </summary>
public  void pushFront(string tspathshape, TransformF transform, float speed = 1.0f, string type = "Normal", string path = "Linear"){

m_ts.fnTSPathShape_pushFront(tspathshape, transform.AsString(), speed, type, path);
Пример #10
/// <summary>
/// Set the base transform of a node. That is, the transform of the node when    in the root (not-animated) pose.   @param name name of the node to modify   @param txfm transform string of the form: \"pos.x pos.y pos.z rot.x rot.y rot.z rot.angle\"   @param isworld (optional) flag to set the local-to-parent or the global    transform. If false, or not specified, the position and orientation are    treated as relative to the node's parent.   @return true if successful, false otherwise   @tsexample   %this.setNodeTransform( \"mount0\", \"0 0 1 0 0 1 0\" );   %this.setNodeTransform( \"mount0\", \"0 0 0 0 0 1 1.57\" );   %this.setNodeTransform( \"mount0\", \"1 0 0 0 0 1 0\", true );   @endtsexample )
/// </summary>
public  bool setNodeTransform(string tsshapeconstructor, string name, TransformF txfm, bool isWorld = false){

return m_ts.fnTSShapeConstructor_setNodeTransform(tsshapeconstructor, name, txfm.AsString(), isWorld);
Пример #11
/// <summary>
/// @brief Check if there is the space at the given transform is free to spawn into.   The shape's bounding box volume is used to check for collisions at the given world    transform.  Only interior and static objects are checked for collision.   @param txfm Deploy transform to check   @return True if the space is free, false if there is already something in    the way.   @note This is a server side only check, and is not actually limited to spawning.)
/// </summary>
public  bool checkDeployPos(string shapebasedata, TransformF txfm){

return m_ts.fnShapeBaseData_checkDeployPos(shapebasedata, txfm.AsString());
Пример #12
/// <summary>
/// Set the object's transform (orientation and position).   @param txfm object transform to set )
/// </summary>
public  void setTransform(string sceneobject, TransformF txfm){

m_ts.fnSceneObject_setTransform(sceneobject, txfm.AsString());
Пример #13
/// <summary>
/// Normal, Linear), 											      @brief Adds a new knot to the front of a path camera's path.													@param transform Transform for the new knot. In the form of \"x y z ax ay az aa\" such as returned by SceneObject::getTransform()													@param speed Speed setting for this knot.													@param type Knot type (Normal, Position Only, Kink).													@param path %Path type (Linear, Spline).													@tsexample														// Transform vector for new knot. (Pos_X,Pos_Y,Pos_Z,Rot_X,Rot_Y,Rot_Z,Angle)														%transform = \"15.0 5.0 5.0 1.4 1.0 0.2 1.0\"														// Speed setting for knot.														%speed = \"1.0\";														// Knot type. (Normal, Position Only, Kink)														%type = \"Normal\";														// Path Type. (Linear, Spline)														%path = \"Linear\";														// Inform the path camera to add a new knot to the front of its path														%pathCamera.pushFront(%transform, %speed, %type, %path);													@endtsexample)
/// </summary>
public  void pushFront(string pathcamera, TransformF transform, float speed = 1.0f, string type = "Normal", string path = "Linear"){

m_ts.fnPathCamera_pushFront(pathcamera, transform.AsString(), speed, type, path);
Пример #14
public  void setOrbitPoint(TransformF orbitPoint, float minDistance, float maxDistance, float initDistance, Point3F offset = null , bool lockedx = false){
if (offset== null) {offset = new Point3F(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);}

pInvokes.m_ts.fnCamera_setOrbitPoint(_ID, orbitPoint.AsString(), minDistance, maxDistance, initDistance, offset.AsString(), lockedx);
Пример #15
/// <summary>
/// @brief Multiply the given point by the given transform assuming that w=1.   This function will multiply the given vector such that translation with take effect.   @param transform A transform.   @param point A vector.   @return The transformed vector.   @ingroup Matrices)
/// </summary>
public  Point3F MatrixMulPoint(TransformF transform, Point3F point){

return new Point3F ( m_ts.fn_MatrixMulPoint(transform.AsString(), point.AsString()));
Пример #16
public  void setTransform(TransformF txfm){

pInvokes.m_ts.fnSceneObject_setTransform(_ID, txfm.AsString());
Пример #17
/// <summary>
/// @brief Multiply the two matrices.   @param left First transform.   @param right Right transform.   @return Concatenation of the two transforms.   @ingroup Matrices )
/// </summary>
public  TransformF MatrixMultiply(TransformF left, TransformF right){

return new TransformF ( m_ts.fn_MatrixMultiply(left.AsString(), right.AsString()));
public  bool setNodeTransform(string name, TransformF txfm, bool isWorld = false){

return pInvokes.m_ts.fnTSShapeConstructor_setNodeTransform(_ID, name, txfm.AsString(), isWorld);
Пример #19
/// <summary>
/// @brief Multiply the vector by the transform assuming that w=0.   This function will multiply the given vector by the given transform such that translation will    not affect the vector.   @param transform A transform.   @param vector A vector.   @return The transformed vector.   @ingroup Matrices)
/// </summary>
public  Point3F MatrixMulVector(TransformF transform, Point3F vector){

return new Point3F ( m_ts.fn_MatrixMulVector(transform.AsString(), vector.AsString()));
public  bool checkDeployPos(TransformF txfm){

return pInvokes.m_ts.fnShapeBaseData_checkDeployPos(_ID, txfm.AsString());
Пример #21
public  void pushBack(TransformF transform, float speed = 1.0f, string type = "Normal", string path = "Linear"){

pInvokes.m_ts.fnTSPathShape_pushBack(_ID, transform.AsString(), speed, type, path);