protected async void Handle_FinishedPickingMedia(object sender, UIImagePickerMediaPickedEventArgs e) { try { //Console.WriteLine("Enterd into Gallery pick"); // determine what was selected, video or image bool isImage = false; switch (e.Info[UIImagePickerController.MediaType].ToString()) { case "public.image": //Console.WriteLine("Image selected"); isImage = true; break; case "": //Console.WriteLine("Video selected"); break; } if (isImage) { // get the original image UIImage originalImage = e.Info[UIImagePickerController.OriginalImage] as UIImage; if (originalImage != null) { // do something with the image //Console.WriteLine("got the original image"); imgprofilepic.Image = originalImage; // display using (NSData imagedata = originalImage.AsJPEG()) { byte[] myByteArray = new byte[imagedata.Length]; System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(imagedata.Bytes, myByteArray, 0, Convert.ToInt32(imagedata.Length)); byte[] img = BlobWrapper.ResizeImageIOS(myByteArray, 250, 300); int i = img.Length; await BlobWrapper.UploadProfilePic(img, i); } } } else { // if it's a video // get video url NSUrl mediaURL = e.Info[UIImagePickerController.MediaURL] as NSUrl; if (mediaURL != null) { //Console.WriteLine(mediaURL.ToString()); } } // dismiss the picker imagePicker.DismissModalViewController(true); } catch (Exception ex) { LoggingClass.LogError(ex.ToString(), screenid, ex.StackTrace); } }
//public override void ViewDidAppear(bool animated) //{ // base.ViewDidAppear(animated); // //NavigationController.Title = "Locations"; // //NavigationController.NavigationBar.TopItem.Title = "Locations"; // string validUser = CurrentUser.RetreiveUserName(); // LoggingClass.LogInfo("opened app " + validUser, screenid); // if (validUser == "" || validUser == null) // { // LoginViewController yourController = new LoginViewController(); // yourController.nav = NavigationController; // yourController.root = this; // yourController.ModalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationStyle.FullScreen; // this.PresentModalViewController(yourController, false); // } //} public async void UploadProfilePic(UIImage originalImage) { if (originalImage != null) { imgProfile.Image = originalImage; // display using (NSData imagedata = originalImage.AsJPEG()) { byte[] myByteArray = new byte[imagedata.Length]; System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(imagedata.Bytes, myByteArray, 0, Convert.ToInt32(imagedata.Length)); byte[] img = BlobWrapper.ResizeImageIOS(myByteArray, 250, 300); int i = img.Length; await BlobWrapper.UploadProfilePic(img, i); } } }
public static UIImage GetResizedImage(string wineId, CGRect bounds, string storeid) { UIImage image = BlobWrapper.GetImageBitmapFromWineId(wineId); if (image != null) { nfloat boxHeight = bounds.Height; nfloat imgHeight = image.Size.Height; nfloat ratio = boxHeight / imgHeight; //if (ratio < 1) { CGSize newSize = new CGSize(image.Size.Width * ratio, image.Size.Height * ratio); image = image.Scale(newSize); } return(image); } return(null); //new UIImage("Wines/wine3.png"); }
public void UpdateCell(Review review) { try { UIImage img = BlobWrapper.GetProfileImageforUser(review.ReviewUserId); if (img != null) { imageView.Image = img; } else { imageView.Image = new UIImage("user1.png"); } userName.Text = review.Username; ReviewDate.Text = review.Date.ToString("MM-dd-yyyy"); Comments.Text = review.RatingText; if (review.RatingText.Length > 97) { Readmore.Frame = new CGRect(160, 71, ContentView.Bounds.Width, 20); Readmore.TouchUpInside += delegate { UIAlertView alert = new UIAlertView() { Title = review.RatingText, //Message = "Coming Soon..." }; alert.AddButton("OK"); alert.Show(); }; } //CGSize sTemp = new CGSize(ContentView.Bounds.Width - 50, 100); //sTemp = Comments.SizeThatFits(sTemp); //Comments.Frame = new CGRect(0, 40, ContentView.Bounds.Width - 50, sTemp.Height); //stars = new PDRatingView(new CGRect(150, 2, 60, 20), ratingConfig, review.Stars); //ContentView.Bounds.Height = 90; stars.AverageRating = review.RatingStars; } catch (Exception ex) { LoggingClass.LogError(ex.ToString(), screen, ex.StackTrace); } }
public void UpdateCell(Review review) { try { string url = review.SmallImageURL; if (url == null) { url = review.Barcode + ".jpg"; } imageView.SetImage(BlobWrapper.GetResizedImage(url, new CGRect(0, 0, 100, 155), review.PlantFinal), UIControlState.Normal); separator.Image = UIImage.FromFile("separator.png"); if (review.Vintage.Length < 4) { btnItemname.SetTitle(review.Name + " ", UIControlState.Normal); } else { btnItemname.SetTitle(review.Name + " " + review.Vintage, UIControlState.Normal); } ReviewDate.Text = review.Date.ToString("MM-dd-yyyy"); Comments.Text = review.RatingText; if (review.RatingText.Length > 97) { ReadMore.Frame = new CGRect(ContentView.Bounds.Width - 25, 160, 70, 25); ReadMore.TouchUpInside += delegate { UIAlertView alert = new UIAlertView() { Title = review.RatingText, //Message = "Coming Soon..." }; alert.AddButton("OK"); alert.Show(); }; } if (review.Liked == 1) { btnLike.SetImage(UIImage.FromFile("heart_full.png"), UIControlState.Normal); //btnLike.TouchUpInside +=async delegate { // btnLike.SetImage(UIImage.FromFile("heart_empty.png"), UIControlState.Normal); // SKULike like = new SKULike(); // like.UserID = Convert.ToInt32(CurrentUser.RetreiveUserId()); // like.BarCode = WineIdLabel.Text; // like.Liked = Convert.ToBoolean(0); // myItem.IsLike = Convert.ToBoolean(0); // await sw.InsertUpdateLike(like); //}; btnLike.Tag = 1; } else { btnLike.SetImage(UIImage.FromFile("heart_empty.png"), UIControlState.Normal); btnLike.Tag = 0; } //if (review. == true) // { // heartImage.SetImage(UIImage.FromFile("heart_full.png"), UIControlState.Normal); // } //CGSize sTemp = new CGSize(ContentView.Frame.Width, 100); //sTemp = Comments.SizeThatFits(sTemp); //if (review.RatingText.Length > 100) //{ // //ContentView.AddSubview(ReadMore); // ReadMore.TouchUpInside += delegate { // { // UIAlertView alert = new UIAlertView() // { // Title = review.RatingText, // //Message = "Coming Soon..." // }; // alert.AddButton("OK"); // alert.Show(); // }; // }; // //ReadMore.Hidden = false; //} //Vintage.Text = " ";//"Vintage:"+review.Vintage.ToString(); storeid = Convert.ToInt32(review.PlantFinal); WineIdLabel.Text = review.Barcode.ToString(); ReadMore.SetTitle("... Read More", UIControlState.Normal); ReadMore.SetTitleColor(UIColor.Black, UIControlState.Normal); ReadMore.BackgroundColor = UIColor.White; stars.AverageRating = Convert.ToDecimal(review.RatingStars); } catch (Exception ex) { LoggingClass.LogError(ex.ToString(), screenid, ex.StackTrace); } }
public void UpdateCell(Tastings tasting) { try { string url = tasting.SmallImageUrl; if (url == null) { url = tasting.Barcode + ".jpg"; } imageView.SetImage(BlobWrapper.GetResizedImage(url, new CGRect(0, 0, 100, 155), tasting.PlantFinal.ToString()), UIControlState.Normal); separator.Image = UIImage.FromFile("separator.png"); WineName.Text = tasting.Name; ReviewDate.Text = "Tasted on :" + tasting.TastingDate.ToString("MM-dd-yyyy"); double l = Math.Floor(Math.Log10(tasting.Vintage) + 1); if (l < 4) { Vintage.Text = " "; } else { Vintage.Text = tasting.Vintage.ToString(); } if (tasting.PlantFinal == 1) { location.Text = "Tasted at : " + LoggingClass.txtstore1; } else { location.Text = "Tasted at : " + LoggingClass.txtstore2; } WineIdLabel.Text = tasting.Barcode; btnItemname.SetTitle(tasting.Name, UIControlState.Normal); btnItemname.LineBreakMode = UILineBreakMode.WordWrap; btnItemname.HorizontalAlignment = UIControlContentHorizontalAlignment.Left; storeid = tasting.PlantFinal; if (tasting.IsLike == true) { heartImage.SetImage(UIImage.FromFile("heart_full.png"), UIControlState.Normal); // heartImage.TouchUpInside +=async delegate { // heartImage.SetImage(UIImage.FromFile("heart_empty.png"), UIControlState.Normal); // SKULike like = new SKULike(); // like.UserID = Convert.ToInt32(CurrentUser.RetreiveUserId()); // like.BarCode = WineIdLabel.Text; // like.Liked = Convert.ToBoolean(0); // myItem.IsLike = Convert.ToBoolean(0); // ServiceWrapper sw = new ServiceWrapper(); // await sw.InsertUpdateLike(like); // }; } else { heartImage.SetImage(UIImage.FromFile("heart_empty.png"), UIControlState.Normal); } } catch (Exception ex) { UIAlertView alert = new UIAlertView() { Title = "Sorry", Message = "Something went wrong. We are on it" }; alert.AddButton("OK"); alert.Show(); LoggingClass.LogError(ex.Message, screen, ex.StackTrace); } }
public override bool FinishedLaunching(UIApplication application, NSDictionary launchOptions) { try { //downloading all wine images BlobWrapper.DownloadAllImages(); // Override point for customization after application launch. // If not required for your application you can safely delete this method UITabBarController RootTab = (UITabBarController)Window.RootViewController; //CurrentUser.Clear(); CurrentUser.Store("48732", "user Simulator"); //for direct log in //CurrentUser.PutCa rdNumber("7207589007"); //Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + " App opened"); UIImage profile = UIImage.FromFile("profile.png"); profile = ResizeImage(profile, 25, 25); _window = Window; UIImage info = UIImage.FromFile("Info.png"); info = ResizeImage(info, 25, 25); //Checking the user already logged in or not if (CurrentUser.RetreiveUserId() != 0) { ManageTabBar(RootTab); LoggingClass.LogInfo("App opened " + CurrentUser.RetreiveUserId(), screen); nav = new UINavigationController(RootTab); //Window.RootViewController = RootTab; AddNavigationButtons(nav); UIBarButtonItem.Appearance.TintColor = UIColor.FromRGB(128, 0, 128); Window.RootViewController = nav; } //Checking Guest logged in or not else if (CurrentUser.GetGuestId() != "0" && CurrentUser.GetGuestId() != null) { CurrentUser.Store("0", "Guest"); ManageTabBar(RootTab); //Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + " App opened"); nav = new UINavigationController(RootTab); //Window.RootViewController = RootTab; AddNavigationButtons(nav); UIBarButtonItem.Appearance.TintColor = UIColor.FromRGB(128, 0, 128); Window.RootViewController = nav; } else { ManageTabBar(RootTab); var login = new LoginViewController(); login.RootTabs = Window.RootViewController; login._window = Window; nav = new UINavigationController(login); //nav.NavigationBar.BackgroundColor = UIColor.FromRGB(97, 100, 142); UIBarButtonItem.Appearance.TintColor = UIColor.FromRGB(128, 0, 128); Window.RootViewController = nav; } } catch (Exception exe) { LoggingClass.LogError(exe.Message, screen, exe.StackTrace); } //Notification Settings if (UIDevice.CurrentDevice.CheckSystemVersion(8, 0)) { var pushSettings = UIUserNotificationSettings.GetSettingsForTypes( UIUserNotificationType.Alert | UIUserNotificationType.Badge | UIUserNotificationType.Sound, new NSSet()); UIApplication.SharedApplication.RegisterUserNotificationSettings(pushSettings); UIApplication.SharedApplication.RegisterForRemoteNotifications(); } else { UIRemoteNotificationType notificationTypes = UIRemoteNotificationType.Alert | UIRemoteNotificationType.Badge | UIRemoteNotificationType.Sound; UIApplication.SharedApplication.RegisterForRemoteNotificationTypes(notificationTypes); } return(true); }
public void BindData(MyFavViewCell cell, NSIndexPath indexPath) { try { cell.NavigationController = NavigationController; //cell.btlImage.SetBackgroundImage(UIImage.FromFile("Wines/wine" + indexPath.Item % 8 + ".png"), UIControlState.Normal); cell.parent = this.View; int index = (int)indexPath.Item; //Data from Model //cell.WineName = myData.ItemList[index].Name; //cell.AmountLeft.SetProgress(Convert.ToSingle(myData.ItemList[index].AvailableVolume),true); double l = Math.Floor(Math.Log10(myData.ItemList[index].Vintage) + 1); if (l < 4) { cell.lblYear.Text = " "; } else { cell.lblYear.Text = myData.ItemList[index].Vintage.ToString(); } cell.RegPrice = myData.ItemList[index].SalePrice.ToString(); cell.averageRating = (decimal)myData.ItemList[index].AverageRating; cell.lblName.Text = myData.ItemList[index].Name; //cell.lblYear.Text = myData.ItemList[index].Vintage.ToString(); cell.lblRegPrice.Text = myData.ItemList[index].SalePrice.ToString("C", Cultures.UnitedState); cell.ratingView.AverageRating = (decimal)myData.ItemList[index].AverageRating; cell.myItem = myData.ItemList[index]; cell.WineBarcode = myData.ItemList[index].Barcode; cell.btnItemname.SetTitle(myData.ItemList[index].Name, UIControlState.Normal); if (myData.ItemList[index].IsLike == true) { cell.heartImage.SetImage(UIImage.FromFile("heart_full.png"), UIControlState.Normal); } else { cell.heartImage.SetImage(UIImage.FromFile("heart_empty.png"), UIControlState.Normal); } string url = myData.ItemList[index].SmallImageUrl; if (url == null) { url = myData.ItemList[index].Barcode + ".jpg"; } //UIImage image = BlobWrapper.GetImageBitmapFromWineId(myData.ItemList[index].WineId.ToString()); UIImage image = BlobWrapper.GetResizedImage(url, cell.btlImage.Bounds, cell.storeId.ToString()); if (image != null) { cell.btlImage.SetImage(image, UIControlState.Normal); } else { cell.btlImage.SetImage(img, UIControlState.Normal); } } catch (Exception ex) { LoggingClass.LogError(ex.Message, screen, ex.StackTrace.ToString()); UIAlertView alert = new UIAlertView() { Title = "Something went wrong. We are on it." //Message = "Coming Soon..." }; alert.AddButton("OK"); alert.Show(); } }
public void BindData(APLCollectionViewCell cell, NSIndexPath indexPath, Boolean fav) { try { cell.NavigationController = NavigationController; //cell.btlImage.SetBackgroundImage(UIImage.FromFile("Wines/wine" + indexPath.Item % 8 + ".png"), UIControlState.Normal); cell.parent = this.View; //NavigationController.NavigationBar.TopItem.Title = "Locations"; int index = (int)indexPath.Item; //Data from Model //cell.WineName = myData.ItemList[index].Name; //cell.AmountLeft.SetProgress(Convert.ToSingle(myData.ItemList[index].AvailableVolume),true); double l = Math.Floor(Math.Log10(myData.ItemList[index].Vintage) + 1); if (l > 4) { cell.Vintage = ""; } else { cell.Vintage = myData.ItemList[index].Vintage.ToString(); } cell.AmountLeft.Text = "Wine left in bottle: " + myData.ItemList[index].AvailableVolume.ToString() + ".ml"; cell.RegPrice = myData.ItemList[index].SalePrice.ToString(); cell.averageRating = (decimal)myData.ItemList[index].AverageRating; cell.WineBarcode = myData.ItemList[index].Barcode; //cell.btnBuy.TouchUpInside+= delegate { // UIApplication.SharedApplication.OpenUrl(new NSUrl(""+myData.ItemList[index].SKU+".html")); //}; cell.Sku = myData.ItemList[index].SKU; if (fav == true) { cell.storeId = myData.ItemList[index].PlantFinal.ToString(); cell.AmountLeft.Hidden = true; } else { cell.storeId = storeId.ToString(); } cell.lblName.Text = myData.ItemList[index].Name; if (myData.ItemList[index].Vintage.ToString().Length < 4) { cell.lblYear.Text = " "; } else { cell.lblYear.Text = myData.ItemList[index].Vintage.ToString(); } cell.lblRegPrice.Text = myData.ItemList[index].RegPrice.ToString("C", Cultures.UnitedState); cell.ratingView.AverageRating = (decimal)myData.ItemList[index].AverageRating; cell.myItem = myData.ItemList[index]; //Boolean temp; SKULike like = new SKULike(); ServiceWrapper sw = new ServiceWrapper(); cell.btnItemname.SetTitle(myData.ItemList[index].Name, UIControlState.Normal); if (myData.ItemList[index].IsLike == true) { cell.heartImage.SetImage(UIImage.FromFile("heart_full.png"), UIControlState.Normal); cell.heartImage.Tag = 1; //cell.heartImage.TouchUpInside +=async delegate //{ // if (CurrentUser.RetreiveUserId() != 0) // { // cell.heartImage.SetImage(UIImage.FromFile("heart_empty.png"), UIControlState.Normal); // like.UserID = Convert.ToInt32(CurrentUser.RetreiveUserId()); // like.BarCode = cell.WineBarcode; // like.Liked = false; // await sw.InsertUpdateLike(like); // } // else // { // UIAlertView alert = new UIAlertView() // { // Title = "This feature is allowed only for VIP Card holders", // //Message = "Coming Soon..." // }; // alert.AddButton("OK"); // alert.AddButton("Know more"); // alert.Clicked += (senderalert, buttonArgs) => // { // if (buttonArgs.ButtonIndex == 1) // { // UIApplication.SharedApplication.OpenUrl(new NSUrl("")); // } // }; // alert.Show(); // } //}; } else { cell.heartImage.SetImage(UIImage.FromFile("heart_empty.png"), UIControlState.Normal); cell.heartImage.Tag = 0; //cell.heartImage.TouchUpInside +=async delegate //{ // if (CurrentUser.RetreiveUserId() != 0) // { // cell.heartImage.SetImage(UIImage.FromFile("heart_full.png"), UIControlState.Normal); // like.UserID = Convert.ToInt32(CurrentUser.RetreiveUserId()); // like.BarCode = cell.WineBarcode; // like.Liked = true; // await sw.InsertUpdateLike(like); // } // else // { // UIAlertView alert = new UIAlertView() // { // Title = "This feature is allowed only for VIP Card holders", // //Message = "Coming Soon..." // }; // alert.AddButton("OK"); // alert.AddButton("Know more"); // alert.Clicked += (senderalert, buttonArgs) => // { // if (buttonArgs.ButtonIndex == 1) // { // UIApplication.SharedApplication.OpenUrl(new NSUrl("")); // } // }; // alert.Show(); // } //}; } //UIImage image = BlobWrapper.GetImageBitmapFromWineId(myData.ItemList[index].WineId.ToString()); string url = myData.ItemList[index].SmallImageUrl; if (url == null) { url = myData.ItemList[index].Barcode + ".jpg"; } UIImage image = BlobWrapper.GetResizedImage(url, cell.btlImage.Bounds, cell.storeId.ToString()); if (image != null) { cell.btlImage.SetImage(image, UIControlState.Normal); } else { cell.btlImage.SetImage(img, UIControlState.Normal); } } catch (Exception ex) { LoggingClass.LogError(ex.Message, screen, ex.StackTrace.ToString()); UIAlertView alert = new UIAlertView() { Title = "Something went wrong. We are on it." //Message = "Coming Soon..." }; alert.AddButton("OK"); alert.Show(); } }