Пример #1
        }//end of research

        void buttonFac_click(object obj, EventArgs e)
            //getting parent button
            Button b = (Button)obj;
            // get About information
            string jsonAbout = getRestData("/research/");

            // need a way to get the JSON form into a Research object
            Research  res    = JToken.Parse(jsonAbout).ToObject <Research>();
            int       count  = res.byFaculty.Count();
            ByFaculty facVal = new ByFaculty();

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                String uname = res.byFaculty[i].username;
                if (String.Compare(b.Name, uname) == 0)
                    facVal = res.byFaculty[i];
                    ftext.Text = res.byFaculty[i].username;
            //adding citation according to click
            ftext.Text = facVal.citations[0] + "\n";;
            for (int j = 0; j < res.byFaculty[j].citations.Count(); j++)
                ftext.Text += res.byFaculty[j].citations[0] + "\n";;
        }//end of onclick
Пример #2
        }//void getresearchdatabyinterest(Object sender, EventArgs e)

        //get the research data by faculty
        void getresearchdatabyfaculty(Object sender, EventArgs e)
            Button clickedButton = (Button)sender;
            string researchname  = clickedButton.Name;

            string    researchinterest = getRestData("/research/byFaculty/username=" + researchname);
            ByFaculty researchdata     = JToken.Parse(researchinterest).ToObject <ByFaculty>();
            //class object to pass the data to another view
            ResearchByFaculty researchdailog = new ResearchByFaculty(researchdata);

        }// void getresearchdatabyfaculty(Object sender, EventArgs e)
Пример #3
        public ResearchByFaculty(object sender)
            ByFaculty researchbyfaculty = sender as ByFaculty;

            label1.Text = researchbyfaculty.facultyName;
            String details = "";
            int    count   = 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < researchbyfaculty.citations.Count(); i++)
                details += count + ": " + researchbyfaculty.citations[i] + Environment.NewLine;

            richTextBox1.Text = details;