Пример #1
         * Methode die het punt bepaald waarop een ray, gerepresenteerd door a en b in een array, in een face f.
         * De vertices van de Face f zitten in de model waar f in zit.
        static double RayTriangleIntersection(ref unitVector direction, ref Model3D model, ref Face f)
            double r = 0.0;
            Vec3D[] v = model.vertices;

            Vec3D h = f.normal;// v[f.vertices[1]].subtract(v[f.vertices[0]]).cross(v[f.vertices[2]].subtract(v[f.vertices[0]]));
            if (h.length() > double.Epsilon)
                Vec3D normal = f.normal.normalize();
                //normalize the normal, then dot it with the direction vector
                double NU = System.Math.Abs(normal.dot(direction.vector));
                if (NU > double.Epsilon)
                    double d = (normal.dot(v[f.vertices[0]])) / NU;
                    if (d > r)
                        Vec3D P = direction.vector.times(d);
                        //is P on the triangle?
                        if ((v[f.vertices[0]].subtract(P).cross(v[f.vertices[1]].subtract(P))).dot(f.normal) >= 0 &&
                            (v[f.vertices[1]].subtract(P).cross(v[f.vertices[2]].subtract(P))).dot(f.normal) >= 0 &&
                            (v[f.vertices[2]].subtract(P).cross(v[f.vertices[0]].subtract(P))).dot(f.normal) >= 0)
                            return d;


            //the ray will not intersect with the triangle
            return double.NaN;
Пример #2
         * Methode die het punt bepaald waarop een ray, gerepresenteerd door a en b in een array, in een face f.
         * De vertices van de Face f zitten in de model waar f in zit.
        static double RayTriangleIntersection2(ref unitVector direction, ref Model3D model, ref Face f)
            double r = 0.0;
            double d = 0.0;
            Vec3D[] v = model.vertices;
            Vec3D u = direction.vector;

            Vec3D A = v[f.vertices[0]];
            Vec3D B = v[f.vertices[1]];
            Vec3D C = v[f.vertices[2]];
            Vec3D CA = A.subtract(C);
            Vec3D CB = B.subtract(C);

            Vec3D p = u.cross(CB);
            double det = CA.dot(p);
            if (det > double.Epsilon)
                double AlphaS = C.times(-1.0).dot(p);
                if (AlphaS >= 0 && AlphaS <= det)
                    Vec3D q = CA.cross(C);
                    double BetaS = u.dot(q);
                    if (BetaS >= 0 && AlphaS + BetaS <= det)
                        d = (CB.dot(q)) / det;
            else if(det < 0-Double.Epsilon)
                double AlphaS = C.times(-1).dot(p);
                if (AlphaS <= 0 && AlphaS >= det)
                    Vec3D q = CA.cross(C);
                    double BetaS = u.dot(q);
                    if (BetaS <= 0 && AlphaS + BetaS >= det)
                        d = (CB.dot(q)) / det;

            if (d > r)
                r = d;
            //the ray will not intersect with the triangle
            return r;
Пример #3
        static double[] getMinMaxPhiTheta(ref Face f, ref Vec3D[] v, ref Model3D model)
            /*	int minPhi      = phiTheta[0];
                int minTheta    = phiTheta[1];
                int maxPhi      = phiTheta[2];
                int maxTheta    = phiTheta[3]; */
            double[] minmax = new double[4];
            minmax[0] = double.MaxValue;
            minmax[1] = double.MaxValue;
            minmax[2] = double.MinValue;
            minmax[3] = double.MinValue;

            double  minX = double.MaxValue, maxX = double.MinValue, minY = double.MaxValue,
                    maxY = double.MinValue, minZ = double.MaxValue, maxZ = double.MinValue, meanX = 0, meanY = 0, meanZ = 0;

            for(int k=0; k < f.numberOfVertices; k++)
                Vec3D vec = v[f.vertices[k]];
                updateMinMaxMeanXYZ(ref minX,ref maxX,ref meanX,vec.x,ref minY,ref maxY,ref meanY,vec.y,ref minZ,ref maxZ,ref meanZ,vec.z,k);
                double phi, theta;
                phi = System.Math.Atan2(vec.y, vec.x);
                theta = System.Math.Acos((vec.z) / (vec.length()));

                if (minmax[0] > phi)
                    minmax[0] = phi;
                if (minmax[1] > theta)
                    minmax[1] = theta;
                if (minmax[2] < phi)
                    minmax[2] = phi;
                if (minmax[3] < theta)
                    minmax[3] = theta;

            //Because of the possibility of an polygon lying on all equal or close theta, the correct theta may not be found with only the points.
            //Trying to solve this here.
            Vec3D dotPoint = new Vec3D(double.NaN,double.NaN,double.NaN);
            double dotDist = double.MaxValue;

            for (int k = 0; k < f2.numberOfVertices; k++)
                Vec3D a, b, edge;
                a = v[f.vertices[k]].copy().normalize();
                b = v[f.vertices[(k + 1) % f.numberOfVertices]].copy().normalize();
                edge = a.subtract(b).normalize();

                double dotO = b.dot(edge);

                if (dotO < 0.0)
                    Vec3D tempPoint = b.addition(edge.times(dotO));
                    double tempDist = tempPoint.squaredLength();
                    if (dotDist > tempDist)
                        dotDist = tempDist;
                        dotPoint = tempPoint;

            minmax[3] = System.Math.Acos((dotPoint.z) / (dotPoint.length()));

            //Check om te bepalen of de polygon in het xy vlak (z is up),
            //zo ja, check of erboven of eronder is en pas theta aan om volledig door te lopen.
            if (minX < 0 && maxX > 0 && minY < 0 && maxY > 0)
                if (meanZ > 0)
                    minmax[1] = 0;
                    minmax[3] = System.Math.PI;

            return minmax;
Пример #4
        private static double getExtendOneVector(ref Model3D model, ref unitVector direction)
            double tempExtend = 0.0;
            for (int i = 0; i < model.faces.Length; i++)
                Face f = model.faces[i];
                double extend = RayTriangleIntersection2(ref direction, ref model, ref f);
                if (extend > tempExtend)
                    tempExtend = extend;

            return tempExtend;
Пример #5
        static double[] getExtendBruteForce(ref Model3D model, ref unitVector[] ds)
            double[] extends = new double[4 * B * B];

            //initialize all values to 0
            for (int q = 0; q < extends.Length; q++)
                extends[q] = 0.0;

            int counter = 0;

            for (int k = 0; k < model.faces.Length; k++)
                Face f = model.faces[k];

                for (int i = 0; i < ds.Length; i++)
                    unitVector temp = ds[i];
                    double extend = RayTriangleIntersection2(ref temp, ref model, ref f);
                    if (double.IsNaN(extend))
                       // System.Console.WriteLine("Did not hit. a: {0} b: {1}", temp.a, temp.b);
                    int temporary = (temp.a * 2 * B) + temp.b;
                    if (extends[temporary] < extend)
                        extends[temporary] = extend;
            /*                Console.WriteLine("Extends {0}:\textend: {1},\tphi: {2},\ttheta: {3},\t" +
                                          "minPhi: {4},\tmaxPhi: {5},\tminTheta: {6},\tmaxTheta: {7},\t" +
                                          "minPhiIndexValue: {8},\tmaxPhiIndexValue: {9},\tminThetaIndexValue: {10},\tmaxThetaIndexValue: {11}",
                                          temporary, extend, temp.phi, temp.theta, 0, System.Math.PI*2,
                                          0, System.Math.PI, 0, System.Math.PI * 2,
                                          0, System.Math.PI);
              */        }

            return extends;
Пример #6
        static double[] getExtend(ref Model3D model, ref unitVector[] ds)
            double[] extends = new double[4*B*B];

            //initialize all values to 0
            for(int q = 0; q < extends.Length; q++)
                extends[q] = 0.0;

            int counter = 0;

            for(int k=0; k < model.faces.Length; k++)
                Face f = model.faces[k];
                double[] phiTheta = getMinMaxPhiTheta(ref f, ref model.vertices,ref model);
                double minPhi = phiTheta[0];
                double minTheta = phiTheta[1];
                double maxPhi = phiTheta[2];
                double maxTheta = phiTheta[3];

                double searchPhi;
                if (minPhi < 0)
                    searchPhi = minPhi + (2 * System.Math.PI);
                    searchPhi = minPhi;

                int minPhiIndex = BinSearchPhi(ref ds, searchPhi, 0, ds.Length - 1, false);
                while (minPhiIndex > 0 && ds[minPhiIndex - 1].phi == ds[minPhiIndex].phi)

                if (maxPhi < 0)
                    searchPhi = maxPhi + 2 * System.Math.PI;
                    searchPhi = maxPhi;

                int maxPhiIndex = BinSearchPhi(ref ds, maxPhi, 0, ds.Length - 1, true);
                while (maxPhiIndex < ds.Length-1 && ds[maxPhiIndex + 1].phi == ds[maxPhiIndex].phi)

                //min en max van de theta zijn onveranderlijk over de subset in phi. Dit vanwege
                //de sortering over eerst phi en vervolgens theta, waardoor de opeenvolging altijd hetzelfde is.
                int minThetaIndex = BinSearchTheta(ref ds, minTheta, minPhiIndex, minPhiIndex + B2, false);
                minThetaIndex -= minPhiIndex; // maakt de index relatief ten opzicht van de phiIndex

                int maxThetaIndex = BinSearchTheta(ref ds, maxTheta, minPhiIndex, minPhiIndex + B2, true);
                maxThetaIndex -= minPhiIndex;

                int thetaRange = maxThetaIndex - minThetaIndex;

                int range = System.Math.Abs(maxPhiIndex - minPhiIndex) / B2;

                for (int i = 0; i <= range; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j <= thetaRange; j++)
                        int index = (minPhiIndex + i * B2 + minThetaIndex + j) % ds.Length;
                        //Modulo vanwege dat als maxPhi groter is dan PI het eigenlijk negatief is, daarom moet er over het einde van de array worden doorgelopen.
                        unitVector temp = ds[index];
                        double extend = RayTriangleIntersection2(ref temp, ref model, ref f);
                        if (extend == 0.0)
                           // System.Console.WriteLine("Did not hit. a: {0} b: {1}",temp.a, temp.b);
                        int temporary = (temp.a * 2 * B) + temp.b;
                        if(extends[temporary] < extend)
                            extends[temporary] = extend;

            /*                        Console.WriteLine("Extends {0}: \textend: {1},\tphi: {2},\ttheta: {3},\t" +
                                          "minPhi: {4},\tmaxPhi: {5},\tminTheta: {6},\tmaxTheta: {7},\t" +
                                          "minPhiIndexValue: {8},\tmaxPhiIndexValue: {9},\tminThetaIndexValue: {10},\tmaxThetaIndexValue: {11}",
                                          temporary, extend, temp.phi, temp.theta, minPhi, maxPhi,
                                          minTheta, maxTheta, ds[minPhiIndex + minThetaIndex].phi, ds[minPhiIndex + (range - 1) * B2 + minThetaIndex].phi,
                                          ds[minPhiIndex + minThetaIndex].theta, ds[minPhiIndex + (range - 1) * B2 + minThetaIndex].theta);
              */                }


            return extends;
Пример #7
        //do all the important stuff :-)
        static double[] extractFeatureVector(ref Model3D model, ref unitVector[] ds)
               // double[] extends2 = getExtendBruteForce(ref model, ref ds);

            double[] extends = getExtend(ref model, ref ds);

            //because of a error with the calculation of phi because of Atan2, the 0 values are recalculated
            for (int i = 0; i < extends.Length; i++)
                if (extends[i] == 0.0)
                    int b = i % B2;
                    int a = (i / B2);
                    extends[i] = getExtendOneVector(ref model, ref ds[B2 * b + a]);

            double[] feature = SFFT(extends, ds);
            return feature;