Пример #1
        private static DataPackageView GetFromNative(NSPasteboard pasteboard)
            if (pasteboard is null)
                throw new ArgumentException(nameof(pasteboard));

            var dataPackage = new DataPackage();

            // Extract all the standard data format information from the pasteboard items.
            // Each format can only be used once; therefore, generally the last occurrence of the format will be the one used.
            foreach (NSPasteboardItem item in pasteboard.PasteboardItems)
                if (item.Types.Contains(NSPasteboard.NSPasteboardTypeTIFF) ||
                    // Images may be very large, we never want to load them until they are needed.
                    // Therefore, create a data provider used to asynchronously fetch the image.
                        async cancellationToken =>
                        NSImage?image = null;

                        /* Some apps, including Photos, don't appear to put image data in the pasteboard.
                         * Instead, the image URL is provided although the type indicates it is an image.
                         * To get around this an image is read as follows:
                         *   (1) If the pasteboard contains an image type then:
                         *   (2) Attempt to read the image as an object (NSImage).
                         *       This may fail as some tested apps provide a URL although declare an image (Photos).
                         *       With other apps (such as web browsers) an image will be read correctly here.
                         *   (3) If reading as an NSImage object fails, attempt to read the image from a file URL (local images)
                         *   (4) If reading from a file URL fails, attempt to read the image from a URL (remote images)
                         * Reading as an NSImage object follows the docs here:
                         *   https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/xamarin/mac/app-fundamentals/copy-paste#add-an-nsdocument

                        var classArray = new Class[] { new Class("NSImage") };
                        if (pasteboard.CanReadObjectForClasses(classArray, null))
                            NSObject[] objects = pasteboard.ReadObjectsForClasses(classArray, null);

                            if (objects.Length > 0)
                                // Only use the first image found
                                image = objects[0] as NSImage;

                        // In order to get here the pasteboard must have declared it had image types.
                        // However, if image is null, no objects were found and the image is likely a URL instead.
                        if (image == null &&
                            var url = item.GetStringForType(NSPasteboard.NSPasteboardTypeFileUrl);
                            image   = new NSImage(new NSUrl(url));

                        if (image == null &&
                            var url = item.GetStringForType(NSPasteboard.NSPasteboardTypeUrl);
                            image   = new NSImage(new NSUrl(url));

                        if (image != null)
                            // Thanks to: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13305028/monomac-best-way-to-convert-bitmap-to-nsimage/13355747
                            using (var imageData = image.AsTiff())
                                var imgRep = NSBitmapImageRep.ImageRepFromData(imageData !) as NSBitmapImageRep;
                                var data   = imgRep !.RepresentationUsingTypeProperties(NSBitmapImageFileType.Png, null);

                                return(new RandomAccessStreamReference(async ct =>
                                    return data.AsStream().AsRandomAccessStream().TrySetContentType("image/png");
                            // Return an empty image
                            return(new RandomAccessStreamReference(async ct =>
                                var stream = new MemoryStream();
                                stream.Position = 0;

                                return stream.AsRandomAccessStream().TrySetContentType("image/png");

                if (item.Types.Contains(NSPasteboard.NSPasteboardTypeHTML))
                    var html = item.GetStringForType(NSPasteboard.NSPasteboardTypeHTML);
                    if (html != null)

                if (item.Types.Contains(NSPasteboard.NSPasteboardTypeRTF))
                    var rtf = item.GetStringForType(NSPasteboard.NSPasteboardTypeRTF);
                    if (rtf != null)

                if (item.Types.Contains(NSPasteboard.NSPasteboardTypeFileUrl))
                    // Drag and drop will use temporary URLs similar to: file:///.file/id=1234567.1234567
                    var tempFileUrl = item.GetStringForType(NSPasteboard.NSPasteboardTypeFileUrl);

                    // Files may be very large, we never want to load them until they are needed.
                    // Therefore, create a data provider used to asynchronously fetch the file.
                        async cancellationToken =>
                        // Convert from a temp Url (see above example) into an absolute file path
                        var fileUrl = new NSUrl(tempFileUrl);
                        var file    = await StorageFile.GetFileFromPathAsync(fileUrl.FilePathUrl.AbsoluteString);

                        var storageItems = new List <IStorageItem>();


                if (item.Types.Contains(NSPasteboard.NSPasteboardTypeString))
                    var text = item.GetStringForType(NSPasteboard.NSPasteboardTypeString);
                    if (text != null)

                if (item.Types.Contains(NSPasteboard.NSPasteboardTypeUrl))
                    var url = item.GetStringForType(NSPasteboard.NSPasteboardTypeUrl);
                    if (url != null)
                            out string?webLink,
                            out string?applicationLink);

                        if (webLink != null)
                            dataPackage.SetWebLink(new Uri(webLink));

                        if (applicationLink != null)
                            dataPackage.SetApplicationLink(new Uri(applicationLink));

                        // Deprecated but still added for compatibility
                        dataPackage.SetUri(new Uri(url));

Пример #2
        public static DataPackageView GetContent()
            var dataPackage = new DataPackage();

            var manager = ContextHelper.Current.GetSystemService(Context.ClipboardService) as ClipboardManager;

            if (manager is null)

            var clipData = manager.PrimaryClip;

            Uri /* ? */    clipApplicationLink = null;
            string /* ? */ clipHtml            = null;
            string /* ? */ clipText            = null;
            Uri /* ? */    clipUri             = null;
            Uri /* ? */    clipWebLink         = null;

            // Extract all the standard data format information from the clipboard.
            // Each format can only be used once; therefore, the last occurrence of the format will be the one used.
            if (clipData != null)
                for (int itemIndex = 0; itemIndex < clipData.ItemCount; itemIndex++)
                    var item = clipData.GetItemAt(itemIndex);

                    if (item != null)
                        var itemText = item.Text;
                        if (itemText != null)
                            clipText = itemText;

                        var itemUriStr = item.Uri?.ToString();
                        if (itemUriStr != null)
                                out string webLink,
                                out string applicationLink);

                            clipWebLink         = webLink != null ? new Uri(webLink) : null;
                            clipApplicationLink = applicationLink != null ? new Uri(applicationLink) : null;
                            clipUri             = new Uri(itemUriStr);                             // Deprecated but still added for compatibility

                        var itemHtml = item.HtmlText;
                        if (itemHtml != null)
                            clipHtml = itemHtml;

            // Add standard data formats to the data package.
            // This can be done synchronously on Android since the data is already available from above.
            if (clipApplicationLink != null)

            if (clipHtml != null)

            if (clipText != null)

            if (clipUri != null)

            if (clipWebLink != null)
