Пример #1
        private void DoOrbitcamUpdate(float deltaTime)
            float      orbitSensitivityScale = 0.02f; // Angle Axis expects rads, but we have... pixels, so we just move it way down by a factor.
            Quaternion deltaRot = Quaternion.FromAxisAngle(new Vector3(1, 0, 0), -WInput.MouseDelta.Y * MouseSensitivity * deltaTime * orbitSensitivityScale) * Quaternion.FromAxisAngle(new Vector3(0, 1, 0), -WInput.MouseDelta.X * MouseSensitivity * deltaTime * orbitSensitivityScale);

            Transform.Rotation *= deltaRot;

            Vector3 moveDir = Vector3.Zero;

            if (WInput.GetKey(System.Windows.Input.Key.Q))
                moveDir -= Vector3.UnitY;
            if (WInput.GetKey(System.Windows.Input.Key.E))
                moveDir += Vector3.UnitY;

            if (moveDir.Length > 0)
                m_orbitPivot += moveDir * (MoveSpeed / 2) * deltaTime;

            m_orbitCameraDistance += -WInput.MouseScrollDelta * 50 * deltaTime;
            m_orbitCameraDistance  = WMath.Clamp(m_orbitCameraDistance, 100, 10000);

            Transform.Position = m_orbitPivot + Vector3.Transform(new Vector3(0, 0, m_orbitCameraDistance), Transform.Rotation);
Пример #2
        private void DoFlycamUpdate(float deltaTime)
            Vector3 moveDir = Vector3.Zero;

            if (WInput.GetKey(System.Windows.Input.Key.W))
                moveDir -= Vector3.UnitZ;
            if (WInput.GetKey(System.Windows.Input.Key.S))
                moveDir += Vector3.UnitZ;
            if (WInput.GetKey(System.Windows.Input.Key.D))
                moveDir += Vector3.UnitX;
            if (WInput.GetKey(System.Windows.Input.Key.A))
                moveDir -= Vector3.UnitX;

            // If they're holding down the shift key adjust their FOV when they scroll, otherwise adjust move speed.
            MoveSpeed += WInput.MouseScrollDelta * 100 * deltaTime;
            MoveSpeed  = WMath.Clamp(MoveSpeed, 100, 8000);

            if (WInput.GetMouseButton(1))
                Rotate(deltaTime, WInput.MouseDelta.X, WInput.MouseDelta.Y);

            float moveSpeed = WInput.GetKey(System.Windows.Input.Key.LeftShift) ? MoveSpeed * 3f : MoveSpeed;

            // Make it relative to the current rotation.
            moveDir = Vector3.Transform(moveDir, Transform.Rotation);

            // Do Q and E after we transform the moveDir so they're always in worldspace.
            if (WInput.GetKey(System.Windows.Input.Key.Q))
                moveDir -= Vector3.UnitY;
            if (WInput.GetKey(System.Windows.Input.Key.E))
                moveDir += Vector3.UnitY;

            // Normalize the move direction

            // Early out if we're not moving this frame.
            if (moveDir.LengthFast < 0.1f)

            Transform.Position += Vector3.Multiply(moveDir, moveSpeed * deltaTime);
Пример #3
        private void CheckForObjectSelectionChange(WSceneView view)
            // If we have a gizmo and we're transforming it, don't check for selection change.
            if (m_transformGizmo != null && m_transformGizmo.IsTransforming)
            if (WInput.GetMouseButtonDown(0) && !WInput.GetMouseButton(1))
                FRay       mouseRay   = view.ProjectScreenToWorld(WInput.MousePosition);
                WActorNode addedActor = Raycast(mouseRay);

                // Check the behaviour of this click to determine appropriate selection modification behaviour.
                // Click w/o Modifiers = Clear Selection, add result to selection
                // Click /w Ctrl = Toggle Selection State
                // Click /w Shift = Add to Selection
                bool ctrlPressed  = WInput.GetKey(Key.LeftCtrl) || WInput.GetKey(Key.RightCtrl);
                bool shiftPressed = WInput.GetKey(Key.LeftShift) || WInput.GetKey(Key.RightShift);

                if (!ctrlPressed & !shiftPressed)
                    ModifySelection(SelectionType.Add, addedActor, true);
                    //if (addedActor != null) m_selectionList.Add(addedActor);
                else if (addedActor != null && (ctrlPressed && !shiftPressed))
                    if (m_selectionList.Contains(addedActor))
                        ModifySelection(SelectionType.Remove, addedActor, false);
                        ModifySelection(SelectionType.Add, addedActor, false);
                else if (addedActor != null && shiftPressed)
                    if (!m_selectionList.Contains(addedActor))
                        ModifySelection(SelectionType.Add, addedActor, false);

                if (m_transformGizmo != null && m_selectionList.Count > 0)
Пример #4
        private void CheckForObjectSelectionChange(WSceneView view)
            // If we have a gizmo and we're transforming it, don't check for selection change.
            if (m_transformGizmo != null && m_transformGizmo.IsTransforming)
            if (WInput.GetMouseButtonDown(0) && !WInput.GetMouseButton(1))
                FRay mouseRay   = view.ProjectScreenToWorld(WInput.MousePosition);
                var  addedActor = Raycast(mouseRay);

                // Check the behaviour of this click to determine appropriate selection modification behaviour.
                // Click w/o Modifiers = Clear Selection, add result to selection
                // Click /w Ctrl = Toggle Selection State
                // Click /w Shift = Add to Selection
                bool ctrlPressed  = WInput.GetKey(Key.LeftCtrl) || WInput.GetKey(Key.RightCtrl);
                bool shiftPressed = WInput.GetKey(Key.LeftShift) || WInput.GetKey(Key.RightShift);

                if (!ctrlPressed & !shiftPressed)
                    if (addedActor != null)
                else if (addedActor != null && (ctrlPressed && !shiftPressed))
                    if (addedActor.IsSelected)
                else if (addedActor != null && shiftPressed)
                    if (!EditorSelection.SelectedObjects.Contains(addedActor))

Пример #5
        public bool TransformFromInput(FRay ray, WSceneView view)
            if (m_mode != FTransformMode.Translation)

            // Store the cursor position in viewport coordinates.
            Vector2 screenDimensions = App.GetScreenGeometry();
            Vector2 cursorPos        = App.GetCursorPosition();
            Vector2 mouseCoords      = new Vector2(((2f * cursorPos.X) / screenDimensions.X) - 1f, (1f - ((2f * cursorPos.Y) / screenDimensions.Y))); //[-1,1] range

            bool shiftPressed = WInput.GetKey(Key.LeftShift) || WInput.GetKey(Key.RightShift);

            if (m_mode == FTransformMode.Translation)
                // Create a Translation Plane
                Vector3 axisA, axisB;

                if (GetNumSelectedAxes() == 1)
                    if (m_selectedAxes == FSelectedAxes.X)
                        axisB = Vector3.UnitX;
                    else if (m_selectedAxes == FSelectedAxes.Y)
                        axisB = Vector3.UnitY;
                        axisB = Vector3.UnitZ;

                    Vector3 dirToCamera = (m_position - view.GetCameraPos()).Normalized();
                    axisA = Vector3.Cross(axisB, dirToCamera);
                    axisA = ContainsAxis(m_selectedAxes, FSelectedAxes.X) ? Vector3.UnitX : Vector3.UnitZ;
                    axisB = ContainsAxis(m_selectedAxes, FSelectedAxes.Y) ? Vector3.UnitY : Vector3.UnitZ;

                Vector3 planeNormal = Vector3.Cross(axisA, axisB).Normalized();
                m_translationPlane = new FPlane(planeNormal, m_position);

                float intersectDist;
                if (m_translationPlane.RayIntersectsPlane(ray, out intersectDist))
                    Vector3 hitPos     = ray.Origin + (ray.Direction * intersectDist);
                    Vector3 localDelta = Vector3.Transform(hitPos - m_position, m_rotation.Inverted());

                    // Calculate a new position
                    Vector3 newPos = m_position;
                    if (ContainsAxis(m_selectedAxes, FSelectedAxes.X))
                        newPos += Vector3.Transform(Vector3.UnitX, m_rotation) * localDelta.X;
                    if (ContainsAxis(m_selectedAxes, FSelectedAxes.Y))
                        newPos += Vector3.Transform(Vector3.UnitY, m_rotation) * localDelta.Y;
                    if (ContainsAxis(m_selectedAxes, FSelectedAxes.Z))
                        newPos += Vector3.Transform(Vector3.UnitZ, m_rotation) * localDelta.Z;

                    if (shiftPressed)
                        // Round to nearest 100 unit increment while shift is held down.
                        newPos.X = (float)Math.Round(newPos.X / 100f) * 100f;
                        newPos.Y = (float)Math.Round(newPos.Y / 100f) * 100f;
                        newPos.Z = (float)Math.Round(newPos.Z / 100f) * 100f;

                    // Check the new location to see if it's skyrocked off into the distance due to near-plane raytracing issues.
                    Vector3 newPosDirToCamera = (newPos - view.GetCameraPos()).Normalized();
                    float   dot = Math.Abs(Vector3.Dot(planeNormal, newPosDirToCamera));

                    //Console.WriteLine("hitPos: {0} localOffset: {1} newPos: {2}, dotResult: {3}", hitPos, localOffset, newPos, dot);
                    if (dot < 0.02f)

                    // This is used to set the offset to the gizmo the mouse cursor is from the origin of the gizmo on the first frame
                    // that you click on the gizmo.
                    if (!m_hasSetMouseOffset)
                        m_translateOffset   = m_position - newPos;
                        m_deltaTranslation  = Vector3.Zero;
                        m_hasSetMouseOffset = true;

                    // Apply Translation
                    m_deltaTranslation = Vector3.Transform(newPos - m_position + m_translateOffset, m_rotation.Inverted());

                    if (!ContainsAxis(m_selectedAxes, FSelectedAxes.X))
                        m_deltaTranslation.X = 0f;
                    if (!ContainsAxis(m_selectedAxes, FSelectedAxes.Y))
                        m_deltaTranslation.Y = 0f;
                    if (!ContainsAxis(m_selectedAxes, FSelectedAxes.Z))
                        m_deltaTranslation.Z = 0f;

                    m_totalTranslation += m_deltaTranslation;
                    m_position         += Vector3.Transform(m_deltaTranslation, m_rotation);

                    if (!m_hasTransformed && (m_deltaTranslation != Vector3.Zero))
                        m_hasTransformed = true;

                    // Our raycast missed the plane
                    m_deltaTranslation = Vector3.Zero;
            else if (m_mode == FTransformMode.Rotation)
                Vector3 rotationAxis;
                if (m_selectedAxes == FSelectedAxes.X)
                    rotationAxis = Vector3.UnitX;
                else if (m_selectedAxes == FSelectedAxes.Y)
                    rotationAxis = Vector3.UnitY;
                    rotationAxis = Vector3.UnitZ;

                // Convert these from [0-1] to [-1, 1] to match our mouse coords.
                Vector2 lineOrigin = (view.UnprojectWorldToViewport(m_hitPoint) * 2) - Vector2.One;
                Vector2 lineEnd    = (view.UnprojectWorldToViewport(m_hitPoint + m_moveDir) * 2) - Vector2.One;

                lineOrigin.Y = -lineOrigin.Y;
                lineEnd.Y    = -lineEnd.Y;

                Vector2 lineDir   = (lineEnd - lineOrigin).Normalized();
                float   rotAmount = Vector2.Dot(lineDir, mouseCoords + m_wrapOffset - lineOrigin) * 180f;

                if (float.IsNaN(rotAmount))

                if (!m_hasSetMouseOffset)
                    m_rotateOffset      = -rotAmount;
                    m_deltaRotation     = Quaternion.Identity;
                    m_hasSetMouseOffset = true;

                // Apply Rotation
                rotAmount += m_rotateOffset;
                if (shiftPressed)
                    // Round to nearest 45 degree increment while shift is held down.
                    rotAmount = (float)Math.Round(rotAmount / 45f) * 45f;
                Quaternion oldRot = m_currentRotation;
                m_currentRotation = Quaternion.FromAxisAngle(rotationAxis, WMath.DegreesToRadians(rotAmount));
                m_deltaRotation   = m_currentRotation * oldRot.Inverted();

                if (m_transformSpace == FTransformSpace.Local)
                    m_rotation *= m_deltaRotation;

                // Add to Total Rotation recorded for UI.
                if (m_selectedAxes == FSelectedAxes.X)
                    m_totalRotation.X = rotAmount;
                else if (m_selectedAxes == FSelectedAxes.Y)
                    m_totalRotation.Y = rotAmount;
                    m_totalRotation.Z = rotAmount;

                if (!m_hasTransformed && rotAmount != 0f)
                    m_hasTransformed = true;

            else if (m_mode == FTransformMode.Scale)
                // Create a line in screen space.
                // Convert these from [0-1] to [-1, 1] to match our mouse coords.
                Vector2 lineOrigin = (view.UnprojectWorldToViewport(m_position) * 2) - Vector2.One;
                lineOrigin.Y = -lineOrigin.Y;

                // Determine the appropriate world space directoin using the selected axes and then conver this for use with
                // screen-space controlls. This has to be done every frame because the axes can be flipped while the gizmo
                // is transforming, so we can't pre-calculate this.
                Vector3 dirX = Vector3.Transform(mFlipScaleX ? -Vector3.UnitX : Vector3.UnitX, m_rotation);
                Vector3 dirY = Vector3.Transform(mFlipScaleY ? -Vector3.UnitY : Vector3.UnitY, m_rotation);
                Vector3 dirZ = Vector3.Transform(mFlipScaleZ ? -Vector3.UnitZ : Vector3.UnitZ, m_rotation);
                Vector2 lineDir;

                // If there is only one axis, then the world space direction is the selected axis.
                if (GetNumSelectedAxes() == 1)
                    Vector3 worldDir;
                    if (ContainsAxis(m_selectedAxes, FSelectedAxes.X))
                        worldDir = dirX;
                    if (ContainsAxis(m_selectedAxes, FSelectedAxes.Y))
                        worldDir = dirY;
                        worldDir = dirZ;

                    Vector2 worldPoint = (view.UnprojectWorldToViewport(m_position + worldDir) * 2) - Vector2.One;
                    worldPoint.Y = -lineOrigin.Y;

                    lineDir = (worldPoint - lineOrigin).Normalized();
                // If there's two axii selected, then convert both to screen space and average them out to get the line direction.
                else if (GetNumSelectedAxes() == 2)
                    Vector3 axisA = ContainsAxis(m_selectedAxes, FSelectedAxes.X) ? dirX : dirY;
                    Vector3 axisB = ContainsAxis(m_selectedAxes, FSelectedAxes.Z) ? dirZ : dirY;

                    Vector2 screenA = (view.UnprojectWorldToViewport(m_position + axisA) * 2) - Vector2.One;
                    screenA.Y = -screenA.Y;
                    Vector2 screenB = (view.UnprojectWorldToViewport(m_position + axisB) * 2) - Vector2.One;
                    screenB.Y = -screenB.Y;

                    screenA = (screenA - lineOrigin).Normalized();
                    screenB = (screenB - lineOrigin).Normalized();
                    lineDir = ((screenA + screenB) / 2f).Normalized();
                // There's three axis, just use up.
                    lineDir = Vector2.UnitY;

                float scaleAmount = Vector2.Dot(lineDir, mouseCoords + m_wrapOffset - lineOrigin) * 5f;

                if (shiftPressed)
                    // Round to nearest whole number scale while shift is held down.
                    scaleAmount = (float)Math.Round(scaleAmount);

                // Set their initial offset if we haven't already
                if (!m_hasSetMouseOffset)
                    m_scaleOffset       = -scaleAmount;
                    m_deltaScale        = Vector3.One;
                    m_hasSetMouseOffset = true;

                // Apply the scale
                scaleAmount = scaleAmount + m_scaleOffset + 1f;

                // A multiplier is applied to the scale amount if it's less than one to prevent it dropping into the negatives.
                // ???
                if (scaleAmount < 1f)
                    scaleAmount = 1f / (-(scaleAmount - 1f) + 1f);

                Vector3 oldScale = m_totalScale;
                m_totalScale = Vector3.One;
                if (ContainsAxis(m_selectedAxes, FSelectedAxes.X))
                    m_totalScale.X = scaleAmount;
                if (ContainsAxis(m_selectedAxes, FSelectedAxes.Y))
                    m_totalScale.Y = scaleAmount;
                if (ContainsAxis(m_selectedAxes, FSelectedAxes.Z))
                    m_totalScale.Z = scaleAmount;

                m_deltaScale = new Vector3(m_totalScale.X / oldScale.X, m_totalScale.Y / oldScale.Y, m_totalScale.Z / oldScale.Z);

                if (!m_hasTransformed && (scaleAmount != 1f))
                    m_hasTransformed = true;

