public static void Run(string[] argsArray, IServiceConfig?config = null) { bool inConsoleMode = argsArray.Length > 0; config ??= LoadConfigAndInitLoggers(inConsoleMode); if (!inConsoleMode) { Log.Debug("Starting WinSW in service mode"); using var service = new WrapperService(config); try { ServiceBase.Run(service); } catch { // handled in OnStart } return; } Log.Debug("Starting WinSW in console mode"); if (argsArray.Length == 0) { PrintHelp(); return; } var args = new List <string>(Array.AsReadOnly(argsArray)); if (args[0] == "/redirect") { var f = new FileStream(args[1], FileMode.Create); var w = new StreamWriter(f) { AutoFlush = true }; Console.SetOut(w); Console.SetError(w); var handle = f.SafeFileHandle; _ = Kernel32.SetStdHandle(-11, handle); // set stdout _ = Kernel32.SetStdHandle(-12, handle); // set stder args = args.GetRange(2, args.Count - 2); } bool elevated; if (args[0] == "/elevated") { elevated = true; _ = ConsoleApis.FreeConsole(); _ = ConsoleApis.AttachConsole(ConsoleApis.ATTACH_PARENT_PROCESS); #if VNEXT string stdinName = args[1]; if (stdinName != NoPipe) { var stdin = new NamedPipeClientStream(".", stdinName, PipeDirection.In, PipeOptions.Asynchronous); stdin.Connect(); Console.SetIn(new StreamReader(stdin)); } string stdoutName = args[2]; if (stdoutName != NoPipe) { var stdout = new NamedPipeClientStream(".", stdoutName, PipeDirection.Out, PipeOptions.Asynchronous); stdout.Connect(); Console.SetOut(new StreamWriter(stdout) { AutoFlush = true }); } string stderrName = args[3]; if (stderrName != NoPipe) { var stderr = new NamedPipeClientStream(".", stderrName, PipeDirection.Out, PipeOptions.Asynchronous); stderr.Connect(); Console.SetError(new StreamWriter(stderr) { AutoFlush = true }); } args = args.GetRange(4, args.Count - 4); #else args = args.GetRange(1, args.Count - 1); #endif } else if (Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major == 5) { // Windows XP elevated = true; } else { elevated = IsProcessElevated(); } switch (args[0].ToLower()) { case "install": Install(); return; case "uninstall": Uninstall(); return; case "start": Start(); return; case "stop": Stop(true); return; case "stopwait": Stop(false); return; case "restart": Restart(); return; case "restart!": RestartSelf(); return; case "status": Status(); return; case "test": Test(); return; case "testwait": TestWait(); return; case "help": case "--help": case "-h": case "-?": case "/?": PrintHelp(); return; case "version": PrintVersion(); return; default: Console.WriteLine("Unknown command: " + args[0]); PrintAvailableCommands(); throw new Exception("Unknown command: " + args[0]); } void Install() { if (!elevated) { Elevate(); return; } Log.Info($"Installing service '{Format(config)}'..."); using var scm = ServiceManager.Open(ServiceManagerAccess.CreateService); if (scm.ServiceExists(config.Name)) { Log.Error($"A service with ID '{config.Name}' already exists."); Throw.Command.Win32Exception(Errors.ERROR_SERVICE_EXISTS, "Failed to install the service."); } string?username = null; string?password = null; bool allowServiceLogonRight = false; if (args.Count > 1 && args[1] == "/p") { Credentials.PromptForCredentialsConsole(ref username, ref password); Console.Write("Set Account rights to allow log on as a service (y/n)?: "); var keypressed = Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine(); if (keypressed.Key == ConsoleKey.Y) { allowServiceLogonRight = true; } } else { if (config.ServiceAccount.HasServiceAccount()) { username = config.ServiceAccount.FullUser; password = config.ServiceAccount.Password; allowServiceLogonRight = config.ServiceAccount.AllowServiceLogonRight; } } if (allowServiceLogonRight) { Security.AddServiceLogonRight(config.ServiceAccount.Domain !, config.ServiceAccount.User !); } using var sc = scm.CreateService( config.Name, config.DisplayName, config.Interactive, config.StartMode, $"\"{config.ExecutablePath}\"", config.ServiceDependencies, username, password); string description = config.Description; if (description.Length != 0) { sc.SetDescription(description); } var actions = config.FailureActions; if (actions.Length > 0) { sc.SetFailureActions(config.ResetFailureAfter, actions); } bool isDelayedAutoStart = config.StartMode == ServiceStartMode.Automatic && config.DelayedAutoStart; if (isDelayedAutoStart) { sc.SetDelayedAutoStart(true); } string?securityDescriptor = config.SecurityDescriptor; if (securityDescriptor != null) { // throws ArgumentException sc.SetSecurityDescriptor(new RawSecurityDescriptor(securityDescriptor)); } string eventLogSource = config.Name; if (!EventLog.SourceExists(eventLogSource)) { EventLog.CreateEventSource(eventLogSource, "Application"); } Log.Info($"Service '{Format(config)}' was installed successfully."); } void Uninstall() { if (!elevated) { Elevate(); return; } Log.Info($"Uninstalling service '{Format(config)}'..."); using var scm = ServiceManager.Open(ServiceManagerAccess.Connect); try { using var sc = scm.OpenService(config.Name); if (sc.Status != ServiceControllerStatus.Stopped) { // We could fail the opeartion here, but it would be an incompatible change. // So it is just a warning Log.Warn($"Service '{Format(config)}' is started. It may be impossible to uninstall it."); } sc.Delete(); Log.Info($"Service '{Format(config)}' was uninstalled successfully."); } catch (CommandException e) when(e.InnerException is Win32Exception inner) { switch (inner.NativeErrorCode) { case Errors.ERROR_SERVICE_DOES_NOT_EXIST: Log.Warn($"Service '{Format(config)}' does not exist."); break; // there's no such service, so consider it already uninstalled case Errors.ERROR_SERVICE_MARKED_FOR_DELETE: Log.Error(e.Message); // TODO: change the default behavior to Error? break; // it's already uninstalled, so consider it a success default: Throw.Command.Exception("Failed to uninstall the service.", inner); break; } } } void Start() { if (!elevated) { Elevate(); return; } using var svc = new ServiceController(config.Name); try { Log.Info($"Starting service '{Format(svc)}'..."); svc.Start(); Log.Info($"Service '{Format(svc)}' started successfully."); } catch (InvalidOperationException e) when(e.InnerException is Win32Exception inner && inner.NativeErrorCode == Errors.ERROR_SERVICE_DOES_NOT_EXIST) { Throw.Command.Exception(inner); } catch (InvalidOperationException e) when(e.InnerException is Win32Exception inner && inner.NativeErrorCode == Errors.ERROR_SERVICE_ALREADY_RUNNING) { Log.Info($"Service '{Format(svc)}' has already started."); } } void Stop(bool noWait) { if (!elevated) { Elevate(); return; } using var svc = new ServiceController(config.Name); try { Log.Info($"Stopping service '{Format(svc)}'..."); svc.Stop(); if (!noWait) { try { WaitForStatus(svc, ServiceControllerStatus.Stopped, ServiceControllerStatus.StopPending); } catch (TimeoutException) { Throw.Command.Exception("Failed to stop the service."); } } Log.Info($"Service '{Format(svc)}' stopped successfully."); } catch (InvalidOperationException e) when(e.InnerException is Win32Exception inner && inner.NativeErrorCode == Errors.ERROR_SERVICE_DOES_NOT_EXIST) { Throw.Command.Exception(inner); } catch (InvalidOperationException e) when(e.InnerException is Win32Exception inner && inner.NativeErrorCode == Errors.ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_ACTIVE) { Log.Info($"Service '{Format(svc)}' has already stopped."); } } void Restart() { if (!elevated) { Elevate(); return; } using var svc = new ServiceController(config.Name); List <ServiceController>?startedDependentServices = null; try { if (HasAnyStartedDependentService(svc)) { startedDependentServices = new(); foreach (var service in svc.DependentServices) { if (service.Status != ServiceControllerStatus.Stopped) { startedDependentServices.Add(service); } } } Log.Info($"Stopping service '{Format(svc)}'..."); svc.Stop(); try { WaitForStatus(svc, ServiceControllerStatus.Stopped, ServiceControllerStatus.StopPending); } catch (TimeoutException) { Throw.Command.Exception("Failed to stop the service."); } } catch (InvalidOperationException e) when(e.InnerException is Win32Exception inner && inner.NativeErrorCode == Errors.ERROR_SERVICE_DOES_NOT_EXIST) { Throw.Command.Exception(inner); } catch (InvalidOperationException e) when(e.InnerException is Win32Exception inner && inner.NativeErrorCode == Errors.ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_ACTIVE) { } Log.Info($"Starting service '{Format(svc)}'..."); svc.Start(); try { WaitForStatus(svc, ServiceControllerStatus.Running, ServiceControllerStatus.StartPending); } catch (TimeoutException) { Throw.Command.Exception("Failed to start the service."); } if (startedDependentServices != null) { foreach (var service in startedDependentServices) { if (service.Status == ServiceControllerStatus.Stopped) { Log.Info($"Starting service '{Format(service)}'..."); service.Start(); } } } Log.Info($"Service '{Format(svc)}' restarted successfully."); } void RestartSelf() { if (!elevated) { Throw.Command.Win32Exception(Errors.ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED); } Log.Info("Restarting the service with id '" + config.Name + "'"); // run restart from another process group. see for why this is useful. if (!ProcessApis.CreateProcess( null, config.ExecutablePath + " restart", IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, false, ProcessApis.CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP, IntPtr.Zero, null, default, out var processInfo)) { Throw.Command.Win32Exception("Failed to invoke restart."); } _ = HandleApis.CloseHandle(processInfo.ProcessHandle); _ = HandleApis.CloseHandle(processInfo.ThreadHandle); } void Status() { using var svc = new ServiceController(config.Name); try { Console.WriteLine(svc.Status != ServiceControllerStatus.Stopped ? "Started" : "Stopped"); } catch (InvalidOperationException e) when(e.InnerException is Win32Exception inner && inner.NativeErrorCode == Errors.ERROR_SERVICE_DOES_NOT_EXIST) { Console.WriteLine("NonExistent"); } } void Test() { if (!elevated) { Elevate(); return; } var wsvc = new WrapperService(config); wsvc.RaiseOnStart(args.ToArray()); Thread.Sleep(1000); wsvc.RaiseOnStop(); } void TestWait() { if (!elevated) { Elevate(); return; } var wsvc = new WrapperService(config); wsvc.RaiseOnStart(args.ToArray()); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to stop the service..."); _ = Console.Read(); wsvc.RaiseOnStop(); } // [DoesNotReturn] void Elevate() { #if VNEXT string?stdinName = Console.IsInputRedirected ? Guid.NewGuid().ToString() : null; string?stdoutName = Console.IsOutputRedirected ? Guid.NewGuid().ToString() : null; string?stderrName = Console.IsErrorRedirected ? Guid.NewGuid().ToString() : null; #endif string exe = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()[0]; string commandLine = Environment.CommandLine; string arguments = "/elevated" + #if VNEXT " " + (stdinName ?? NoPipe) + " " + (stdoutName ?? NoPipe) + " " + (stderrName ?? NoPipe) + #endif commandLine.Remove(commandLine.IndexOf(exe), exe.Length).TrimStart('"'); var startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo { UseShellExecute = true, Verb = "runas", FileName = ExecutablePath, Arguments = arguments, WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden, }; try { using var elevated = Process.Start(startInfo) !; #if VNEXT if (stdinName != null) { var stdin = new NamedPipeServerStream(stdinName, PipeDirection.Out, 1, PipeTransmissionMode.Byte, PipeOptions.Asynchronous); stdin.WaitForConnectionAsync().ContinueWith(_ => Console.OpenStandardInput().CopyToAsync(stdin)); } if (stdoutName != null) { var stdout = new NamedPipeServerStream(stdoutName, PipeDirection.In, 1, PipeTransmissionMode.Byte, PipeOptions.Asynchronous); stdout.WaitForConnectionAsync().ContinueWith(_ => stdout.CopyToAsync(Console.OpenStandardOutput())); } if (stderrName != null) { var stderr = new NamedPipeServerStream(stderrName, PipeDirection.In, 1, PipeTransmissionMode.Byte, PipeOptions.Asynchronous); stderr.WaitForConnectionAsync().ContinueWith(_ => stderr.CopyToAsync(Console.OpenStandardError())); } #endif elevated.WaitForExit(); Environment.Exit(elevated.ExitCode); } catch (Win32Exception e) when(e.NativeErrorCode == Errors.ERROR_CANCELLED) { Log.Fatal(e.Message); Environment.Exit(e.ErrorCode); } } } private static IServiceConfig LoadConfigAndInitLoggers(bool inConsoleMode) { // TODO: Make logging levels configurable var fileLogLevel = Level.Debug; // TODO: Debug should not be printed to console by default. Otherwise commands like 'status' will be pollutted // This is a workaround till there is a better command line parsing, which will allow determining var consoleLogLevel = Level.Info; var eventLogLevel = Level.Warn; var layout = new PatternLayout { ConversionPattern = "%d %-5p - %m%n" }; layout.ActivateOptions(); var repository = LogManager.GetRepository(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()); if (inConsoleMode) { var consoleAppender = new ConsoleAppender { Name = "Wrapper console log", Threshold = consoleLogLevel, Layout = layout, }; consoleAppender.ActivateOptions(); BasicConfigurator.Configure(repository, consoleAppender); } else { var eventLogAppender = new ServiceEventLogAppender(WrapperService.eventLogProvider) { Name = "Wrapper event log", Threshold = eventLogLevel, }; eventLogAppender.ActivateOptions(); BasicConfigurator.Configure(repository, eventLogAppender); } string executablePath = ExecutablePath; string directory = Path.GetDirectoryName(executablePath) !; string baseName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(executablePath); IServiceConfig config = File.Exists(Path.Combine(directory, baseName + ".xml")) ? new XmlServiceConfig(baseName, directory) : File.Exists(Path.Combine(directory, baseName + ".yml")) ? new YamlServiceConfig(baseName, directory) : throw new FileNotFoundException($"Unable to locate {baseName}.[xml|yml] file within executable directory"); // .wrapper.log string wrapperLogPath = Path.Combine(config.LogDirectory, config.BaseName + ".wrapper.log"); var fileAppender = new FileAppender { AppendToFile = true, File = wrapperLogPath, ImmediateFlush = true, Name = "Wrapper file log", Threshold = fileLogLevel, LockingModel = new FileAppender.MinimalLock(), Layout = layout, }; fileAppender.ActivateOptions(); BasicConfigurator.Configure(repository, fileAppender); return(config); } internal static unsafe bool IsProcessElevated()
public static void Run(string[] argsArray, IWinSWConfiguration?descriptor = null) { bool inConsoleMode = argsArray.Length > 0; // If descriptor is not specified, initialize the new one (and load configs from there) descriptor ??= GetServiceDescriptor(); // Configure the wrapper-internal logging. // STDOUT and STDERR of the child process will be handled independently. InitLoggers(descriptor, inConsoleMode); if (!inConsoleMode) { Log.Debug("Starting WinSW in service mode"); using var service = new WrapperService(descriptor); try { ServiceBase.Run(service); } catch { // handled in OnStart } return; } Log.Debug("Starting WinSW in console mode"); if (argsArray.Length == 0) { PrintHelp(); return; } // Get service info for the future use var svcs = new WmiRoot().GetCollection <IWin32Services>(); var svc = svcs.Select(descriptor.Id); var args = new List <string>(Array.AsReadOnly(argsArray)); if (args[0] == "/redirect") { var f = new FileStream(args[1], FileMode.Create); var w = new StreamWriter(f) { AutoFlush = true }; Console.SetOut(w); Console.SetError(w); var handle = f.SafeFileHandle; _ = Kernel32.SetStdHandle(-11, handle); // set stdout _ = Kernel32.SetStdHandle(-12, handle); // set stder args = args.GetRange(2, args.Count - 2); } bool elevated; if (args[0] == "/elevated") { elevated = true; _ = ConsoleApis.FreeConsole(); _ = ConsoleApis.AttachConsole(ConsoleApis.ATTACH_PARENT_PROCESS); args = args.GetRange(1, args.Count - 1); } else if (Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major == 5) { // Windows XP elevated = true; } else { elevated = IsProcessElevated(); } switch (args[0].ToLower()) { case "install": Install(); return; case "uninstall": Uninstall(); return; case "start": Start(); return; case "stop": Stop(); return; case "stopwait": StopWait(); return; case "restart": Restart(); return; case "restart!": RestartSelf(); return; case "status": Status(); return; case "test": Test(); return; case "testwait": TestWait(); return; case "help": case "--help": case "-h": case "-?": case "/?": PrintHelp(); return; case "version": PrintVersion(); return; default: Console.WriteLine("Unknown command: " + args[0]); PrintAvailableCommands(); throw new Exception("Unknown command: " + args[0]); } void Install() { if (!elevated) { Elevate(); return; } Log.Info("Installing the service with id '" + descriptor.Id + "'"); // Check if the service exists if (svc != null) { Console.WriteLine("Service with id '" + descriptor.Id + "' already exists"); Console.WriteLine("To install the service, delete the existing one or change service Id in the configuration file"); throw new Exception("Installation failure: Service with id '" + descriptor.Id + "' already exists"); } string?username = null; string?password = null; bool allowServiceLogonRight = false; if (args.Count > 1 && args[1] == "/p") { Console.Write("Username: "******"Password: "******"Set Account rights to allow log on as a service (y/n)?: "); var keypressed = Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine(); if (keypressed.Key == ConsoleKey.Y) { allowServiceLogonRight = true; } } else { if (descriptor.ServiceAccount.HasServiceAccount()) { username = descriptor.ServiceAccount.ServiceAccountUser; password = descriptor.ServiceAccount.ServiceAccountPassword; allowServiceLogonRight = descriptor.ServiceAccount.AllowServiceAcountLogonRight; } } if (allowServiceLogonRight) { Security.AddServiceLogonRight(descriptor.ServiceAccount.ServiceAccountDomain !, descriptor.ServiceAccount.ServiceAccountName !); } svcs.Create( descriptor.Id, descriptor.Caption, "\"" + descriptor.ExecutablePath + "\"", ServiceType.OwnProcess, ErrorControl.UserNotified, descriptor.StartMode.ToString(), descriptor.Interactive, username, password, descriptor.ServiceDependencies); using var scm = ServiceManager.Open(); using var sc = scm.OpenService(descriptor.Id); sc.SetDescription(descriptor.Description); var actions = descriptor.FailureActions; if (actions.Length > 0) { sc.SetFailureActions(descriptor.ResetFailureAfter, actions); } bool isDelayedAutoStart = descriptor.StartMode == StartMode.Automatic && descriptor.DelayedAutoStart; if (isDelayedAutoStart) { sc.SetDelayedAutoStart(true); } string?securityDescriptor = descriptor.SecurityDescriptor; if (securityDescriptor != null) { // throws ArgumentException sc.SetSecurityDescriptor(new RawSecurityDescriptor(securityDescriptor)); } string eventLogSource = descriptor.Id; if (!EventLog.SourceExists(eventLogSource)) { EventLog.CreateEventSource(eventLogSource, "Application"); } } void Uninstall() { if (!elevated) { Elevate(); return; } Log.Info("Uninstalling the service with id '" + descriptor.Id + "'"); if (svc is null) { Log.Warn("The service with id '" + descriptor.Id + "' does not exist. Nothing to uninstall"); return; // there's no such service, so consider it already uninstalled } if (svc.Started) { // We could fail the opeartion here, but it would be an incompatible change. // So it is just a warning Log.Warn("The service with id '" + descriptor.Id + "' is running. It may be impossible to uninstall it"); } try { svc.Delete(); } catch (WmiException e) { if (e.ErrorCode == ReturnValue.ServiceMarkedForDeletion) { Log.Error("Failed to uninstall the service with id '" + descriptor.Id + "'" + ". It has been marked for deletion."); // TODO: change the default behavior to Error? return; // it's already uninstalled, so consider it a success } else { Log.Fatal("Failed to uninstall the service with id '" + descriptor.Id + "'. WMI Error code is '" + e.ErrorCode + "'"); } throw; } } void Start() { if (!elevated) { Elevate(); return; } Log.Info("Starting the service with id '" + descriptor.Id + "'"); if (svc is null) { ThrowNoSuchService(); } try { svc.StartService(); } catch (WmiException e) { if (e.ErrorCode == ReturnValue.ServiceAlreadyRunning) { Log.Info($"The service with ID '{descriptor.Id}' has already been started"); } else { throw; } } } void Stop() { if (!elevated) { Elevate(); return; } Log.Info("Stopping the service with id '" + descriptor.Id + "'"); if (svc is null) { ThrowNoSuchService(); } try { svc.StopService(); } catch (WmiException e) { if (e.ErrorCode == ReturnValue.ServiceCannotAcceptControl) { Log.Info($"The service with ID '{descriptor.Id}' is not running"); } else { throw; } } } void StopWait() { if (!elevated) { Elevate(); return; } Log.Info("Stopping the service with id '" + descriptor.Id + "'"); if (svc is null) { ThrowNoSuchService(); } if (svc.Started) { svc.StopService(); } while (svc != null && svc.Started) { Log.Info("Waiting the service to stop..."); Thread.Sleep(1000); svc = svcs.Select(descriptor.Id); } Log.Info("The service stopped."); } void Restart() { if (!elevated) { Elevate(); return; } Log.Info("Restarting the service with id '" + descriptor.Id + "'"); if (svc is null) { ThrowNoSuchService(); } if (svc.Started) { svc.StopService(); } while (svc.Started) { Thread.Sleep(1000); svc = svcs.Select(descriptor.Id) !; } svc.StartService(); } void RestartSelf() { if (!elevated) { throw new UnauthorizedAccessException("Access is denied."); } Log.Info("Restarting the service with id '" + descriptor.Id + "'"); // run restart from another process group. see for why this is useful. bool result = ProcessApis.CreateProcess(null, descriptor.ExecutablePath + " restart", IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, false, ProcessApis.CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP, IntPtr.Zero, null, default, out _);