static void Main() { setLang(); Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); Form_Lang jezikApp = new Form_Lang(); Application.Run(new Form1()); }
public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); ProvjeriImaLiDatoteka(); omiljenaReprezentacijaPoKodu(); Form_Lang form_l = new Form_Lang(); label1.Text = IspisJezika(form_l.txtJezik); getContriesAsync(); }
private void ProvjeriImaLiDatoteka() { if (!File.Exists(txtpath)) { //Make sure I am kept hidden WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized; ShowInTaskbar = false; Visible = false; InitializeComponent(); //Open a managed form - the one the user sees.. var form2 = new Form_Lang(); form2.Show(); } }