ReCategoriser() публичный статический Метод

Re-categorises the article.
public static ReCategoriser ( string oldCategory, string newCategory, string articleText, bool &noChange ) : string
oldCategory string The old category to replace.
newCategory string The new category.
articleText string The wiki text of the article.
noChange bool Value that indicated whether no change was made.
Результат string
Пример #1
        public string ProcessArticle(IAutoWikiBrowser sender, ProcessArticleEventArgs eventargs)
            //If menu item is not checked, then return
            if (!PluginEnabled || Settings.Categories.Count == 0)
                eventargs.Skip = false;
                return eventargs.ArticleText;

            eventargs.EditSummary = "";
            string text = eventargs.ArticleText;

            Parsers parse = new Parsers();

            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> p in Settings.Categories)
                bool noChange = true;

                if (p.Value.Length == 0)
                    text = parse.RemoveCategory(p.Key, text, out noChange);
                    if(!noChange) eventargs.EditSummary += ", removed " + Variables.Namespaces[14] + p.Key;
                    text = parse.ReCategoriser(p.Key, p.Value, text, out noChange);
                    if (!noChange) eventargs.EditSummary += ", replaced: " + Variables.Namespaces[14]
                         + p.Key + FindandReplace.Arrow + Variables.Namespaces[14] + p.Value;
                if (!noChange) text = Regex.Replace(text, "<includeonly>[\\s\\r\\n]*\\</includeonly>", "");

            eventargs.Skip = (text == eventargs.ArticleText) && Settings.Skip;

            return text;