private void GetYelp(IPInfo ipInfo) { try { //Consumer Key, Consumer Secret, Token, Token Secret string sTileHeight = "whTileHeightSmall"; string sTerm = "food"; string sKeys = GetKeys("Yelp"); string[] KeyList = sKeys.Split(','); string sLocation = + ", " + ipInfo.region; YelpAPIClient YelpClient = new YelpAPIClient(KeyList[0], KeyList[1], KeyList[2], KeyList[3]); JObject YelpResponse = YelpClient.Search(sTerm, sLocation); JArray Businesses = (JArray)YelpResponse.GetValue("businesses"); foreach(var Business in Businesses) { var YelpBusiness = (YelpAPIClient.Business)Business.ToObject(typeof(YelpAPIClient.Business)); AddContentTile("Yelp", "<a href=" + YelpBusiness.mobile_url + "/>" + + "</a><br/>" + "Rating: " + YelpBusiness.rated + ". " + "Number of ratings: " + YelpBusiness.review_count + ".", sTileHeight); } YelpClient = null; } catch (Exception ex) { logException(ex); } }
private void GetWeather(IPInfo ipInfo) { try { string sTileHeight = "whTileHeightSmall"; XPathDocument xDoc = new XPathDocument("" + ipInfo.postal); XPathNavigator xNavigator; XmlNamespaceManager xNameSpace; XPathNodeIterator xNodes; XPathNavigator xNode; string sBody = ""; xNavigator = xDoc.CreateNavigator(); xNameSpace = new XmlNamespaceManager(xNavigator.NameTable); xNameSpace.AddNamespace("yweather", ""); xNodes = xNavigator.Select("/rss/channel/item/title", xNameSpace); while (xNodes.MoveNext()) { xNode = xNodes.Current; sBody = xNode.InnerXml.ToString() + "<br/>"; } xNodes = xNavigator.Select("/rss/channel/item/yweather:condition", xNameSpace); //Basic: Temp and Condition while (xNodes.MoveNext()) { xNode = xNodes.Current; sBody += xNode.GetAttribute("temp", xNameSpace.DefaultNamespace) + "f and "; sBody += xNode.GetAttribute("text", xNameSpace.DefaultNamespace); AddContentTile("weather", sBody, sTileHeight); } //Sunrise and Sunset xNodes = xNavigator.Select("/rss/channel/yweather:astronomy", xNameSpace); while(xNodes.MoveNext()) { xNode = xNodes.Current; AddContentTile("weather", "Sunrise: " + xNode.GetAttribute("sunrise", xNameSpace.DefaultNamespace) + "<br/>" + "Sunset: " + xNode.GetAttribute("sunset", xNameSpace.DefaultNamespace), sTileHeight); } //extended forcast xNodes = xNavigator.Select("/rss/channel/item/yweather:forecast", xNameSpace); while (xNodes.MoveNext()) { xNode = xNodes.Current; AddContentTile("weather", xNode.GetAttribute("day", xNameSpace.DefaultNamespace) + ": " + xNode.GetAttribute("text", xNameSpace.DefaultNamespace), sTileHeight); } } catch (Exception ex) { logException(ex); } }
private void GetWikipedia(IPInfo ipInfo) { try { string sTileHeight = "whTileHeightSmall"; string[] sLocation = ipInfo.loc.ToString().Split(','); string sURL = "" + sLocation[0] + "%7c" + sLocation[1] + "&format=json"; using (WebClient client = new WebClient()) { var json = client.DownloadString(sURL); WikipediaObject Articles = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<WikipediaObject>(json); foreach(GeoSearchResult Article in Articles.Query.GeoSearch) { AddContentTile("Wikipedia", "<a href=" + "" + Article.PageId + ">" + Article.Title + "</a>", sTileHeight); } } } catch (Exception ex) { logException(ex); } }
private void GetTwitter(IPInfo ipInfo) { try { //Consumer Key, Consumer Secret, Token, Token Secret string sKeys = GetKeys("Twitter"); string[] sLocation = ipInfo.loc.ToString().Split(','); //ITwitter twitter = new TwitterTemplate(consumerKey, consumerSecret, accessToken, accessTokenSecret); //IList<Place> results = twitter.GeoOperations.SearchAsync(Convert.ToDouble(sLocation[0]), Convert.ToDouble(sLocation[1])).Result; //IList<Place> RETURNS = twitter.GeoOperations.ReverseGeoCodeAsync(Convert.ToDouble(sLocation[0]), Convert.ToDouble(sLocation[1]), null, "10m").Result; //System.Threading.Tasks.Task<SearchResults> searchResults = twitter.SearchOperations.SearchAsync("#NYC"); //var searchResults = twitter.SearchOperations.SearchAsync("#NYC", 10, 20); //var returnIT = searchResults.Wait(5000); //----------------------------------------------- Image WeatherIcon = new Image(); WeatherIcon.CssClass = "HeaderIcon"; WeatherIcon.ImageUrl = "images/" + "twitter" + ".png"; } catch (Exception ex) { logException(ex); } }
private void GetMTA(IPInfo ipInfo) { try { //Only New York City viewers should see this data if ( == "new york") { string sTileHeight = "whTileHeightSmall"; XmlDocument xTransit = new XmlDocument(); xTransit.Load(""); var Lines = xTransit.GetElementsByTagName("name"); var Status = xTransit.GetElementsByTagName("status"); for (Int16 iTransit = 0; iTransit < Lines.Count; iTransit++) { if (Status[iTransit].InnerText.ToLower() != "good service") { AddContentTile("Transit", Lines[iTransit].InnerText + ": " + Status[iTransit].InnerText, sTileHeight); } } xTransit = null; } } catch (Exception ex) { logException(ex); } }
private void GetMap(IPInfo ipInfo) { try { string[] sLocation = ipInfo.loc.ToString().Split(','); var sMapSource = "" + sLocation[0] + "," + sLocation[1] + "&z=15&output=embed"; this.googlemap.Attributes.Add("src", sMapSource); this.WHCity.InnerHtml = "See whatz happn in<br />" + + "!"; } catch (Exception ex) { logException(ex); } }
private void GetFoursquare(IPInfo ipInfo) { try { // // //EXAMPLE URL //,-74&oauth_token=ZGUW45PQMIRNL04QMNFXV0BQGDRWKFNPU1L4WC34STBB0P1L&v=20151017 //GETTING: ex = {"The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized."} //Likely do not have the correct value //ClientID, ClientSecret string sKeys = GetKeys("Foursquare"); string[] KeyList = sKeys.Split(','); string sURL = "" + ipInfo.loc + "&oauth_token=" + KeyList[1] + "L&v=20151017"; XmlDocument xFoursquare = new XmlDocument(); xFoursquare.Load(sURL); //var Lines = xFoursquare.GetElementsByTagName("name"); //var Status = xFoursquare.GetElementsByTagName("status"); xFoursquare = null; } catch (Exception ex) { logException(ex); } }
private void GetArt(IPInfo ipInfo) { Int16 iArt = 0; try { if ( == "new york") { string sTileHeight = "whTileHeightSmall"; string[] sLocation = ipInfo.loc.ToString().Split(','); DateTime dtNow = DateTime.Now; XmlDocument xArt = new XmlDocument(); xArt.Load(""); //TODO: Place a marker on the map for each found art. var Names = xArt.GetElementsByTagName("name"); var Artists = xArt.GetElementsByTagName("artist"); var DateFroms = xArt.GetElementsByTagName("from_date"); var DateTos = xArt.GetElementsByTagName("to_date"); //var Descriptions = xArt.GetElementsByTagName("description"); var Lats = xArt.GetElementsByTagName("lat"); var Longs = xArt.GetElementsByTagName("lng"); double dMiles = 0; for (iArt = 0; iArt < Names.Count; iArt++) { //Some pieces of data are coming back without Lat and Long. Ignore those if (Lats[iArt].InnerText.Trim().Length > 0 && Lats[iArt].InnerText.Trim().Length > 0) { //Only if it is currently on display if (dtNow >= Convert.ToDateTime(DateFroms[iArt].InnerText) && dtNow < Convert.ToDateTime(DateTos[iArt].InnerText)) { dMiles = distance( Convert.ToDouble(sLocation[0]), Convert.ToDouble(sLocation[1]), Convert.ToDouble(Lats[iArt].InnerText), Convert.ToDouble(Longs[iArt].InnerText)); //Only within a certain distance if (dMiles < 11) { AddContentTile("Art", Names[iArt].InnerText + " by " + Artists[iArt].InnerText, sTileHeight); } } } } xArt = null; } } catch (Exception ex) { logException(ex); } }