private async void AcknowledgeProductSelection(WeighrDAL.Models.Product product) { var dialog = new MessageDialog(product.Name + " : " + product.TargetWeight + " is the currently selected product"); dialog.Commands.Clear(); dialog.Commands.Add(new UICommand { Label = "Ok", Id = 0 }); var res = await dialog.ShowAsync(); }
private void ProductsComboBox_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { _currentProduct = (WeighrDAL.Models.Product)ProductsComboBox.SelectedItem; ProductComponent productComp = new ProductComponent(); _currentProduct = productComp.SetCurrentProduct(_currentProduct.ProductCode); productComp.SetCurrentProduct(_currentProduct.ProductCode); _normal_cutoff_weight = (_currentProduct.TargetWeight) * Convert.ToDecimal(0.8); _final_setpoint_weight = _currentProduct.TargetWeight - Convert.ToDecimal(_currentProduct.Inflight); ProductNameTextBox.Text = _currentProduct.Name + " : " + _currentProduct.TargetWeight + " Kgs"; }
private void Page_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { DeviceInfoComponent deviceInfoComp = new DeviceInfoComponent(); _deviceInfo = deviceInfoComp.GetDeviceInfo(); if (GetScaleSettings() == false) { NoSettingsMessage(); return; } if (GetScaleCalibration() == false) { NoCalibrationMessage(); return; } ProductComponent productComp = new ProductComponent(); _ProductsList = productComp.GetProducts(); ProductsComboBox.ItemsSource = _ProductsList; _currentProduct = productComp.GetCurrentProduct(); //txtFlyoutMessage.Text = "Confirm. The currently selected product is " + _currentProduct.Name; if (_currentProduct != null) { ProductsComboBox.SelectedValue = _currentProduct.ProductCode; //_normal_cutoff_weight = (_currentProduct.TargetWeight) * Convert.ToDecimal(0.8); _normal_cutoff_weight = _currentProduct.DribblePoint; if (MainPage._inflight_setpoint == 0) { _final_setpoint_weight = _currentProduct.TargetWeight - _scaleSetting.Inflight; } else { _final_setpoint_weight = _currentProduct.TargetWeight - MainPage._inflight_setpoint; } tblWeigherStatus.Text = "Ready To Fill"; AcknowledgeProductSelection(_currentProduct); ProductNameTextBox.Text = _currentProduct.Name + " : " + _currentProduct.TargetWeight + " Kgs"; BatchNumberTextBox.Text = "Batch No:" + _currentBatch.BatchCode; timer = new DispatcherTimer(); timer.Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 1); // Interval of the timer timer.Tick += timer_Tick; timer.Start(); } else { //Please configure product NoProductMessage(); } BatchComponent batchComp = new BatchComponent(); _currentBatch = batchComp.GetCurrentBatch(); if (_currentBatch != null) { BatchNumberTextBox.Text = _currentBatch.BatchCode; } }
private void LoadProductByProductCode(string productCode) { ProductComponent productComp = new ProductComponent(); _currentProduct = productComp.GetProduct(productCode); }
public void InitialiseTables() { /*** Initialise Calibration Settings***/ ScaleConfigComponent ScaleConfigComp = new ScaleConfigComponent(); var config = ScaleConfigComp.GetScaleConfig(); ScaleConfig scaleCon = new ScaleConfig() { Gradient = -0.00000497M, Resolution = 200, YIntercept = -1.15M, offset = 0 }; if (config == null) { ScaleConfigComp.AddScaleConfig(scaleCon); } else { scaleCon.ScaleConfigId = 1; ScaleConfigComp.UpdateScaleConfig(scaleCon); } /*** Initialise Scale Settings***/ ScaleSettingComponent ScaleSettigComp = new ScaleSettingComponent(); var setting = ScaleSettigComp.GetScaleSetting(); ScaleSetting scale_setting = new ScaleSetting() { DisplayUnits = "Kgs", DecimalPointPrecision = 2, Density = 1, DisplayUnitsWeight = 1, MaximumCapacity = 100, MinimumDivision = 0.5M, PrintMode = false, ZeroRange = 2, UpperLimit = 2, LowerLimit = 2, Inflight = 0.3M }; if (setting == null) { ScaleSettigComp.AddScaleSetting(scale_setting); } else { scale_setting.ScaleSettingId = 1; ScaleSettigComp.UpdateScaleSetting(scale_setting); } /*** Initialise Product***/ ProductComponent productComp = new ProductComponent(); var p = productComp.GetProducts(); if (p.Count() == 0) { WeighrDAL.Models.Product productA = new WeighrDAL.Models.Product() { ProductCode = "PROA", Name = "Product A - 5Kg", Density = 1, Inflight = 0.3M, isCurrent = true, LowerLimit = 1, UpperLimit = 1, TargetWeight = 5 }; WeighrDAL.Models.Product productB = new WeighrDAL.Models.Product() { ProductCode = "PROB", Name = "Product B - 20Kg", Density = 1, Inflight = 0.3M, isCurrent = false, LowerLimit = 2, UpperLimit = 2, TargetWeight = 20 }; WeighrDAL.Models.Product productC = new WeighrDAL.Models.Product() { ProductCode = "PROC", Name = "Product C - 10Kg", Density = 0, Inflight = 0.3M, isCurrent = false, LowerLimit = 2, UpperLimit = 2, TargetWeight = 10 }; productComp.AddProduct(productA); productComp.AddProduct(productB); productComp.AddProduct(productC); } }