Пример #1
        public void Solve()
            // This method drives the solver algorithms

            // The Bound Value for the Branch & Bound
            float BoundValue = 0;

            // Step 1: an "Improved Greedy First Fit" algorithm is executed and a solution will be found.
            // This solution will be an Upper Bound value for any further research.           
            if (CheckIfSolutionCanExist())
                // Status Label
               // Label.Text = "Getting Bound solution";

                // Collection which is the "Greedy First Fit" solution
                List<Bin> BoundSolution = new List<Bin>();
                BoundSolution = GreedyFirstFit();

                // Store the solution in the Dictionary
                SetOfSolutions.Add("Bound Solution", BoundSolution);

                // Get the Bound Value for the next step
                BoundValue = GetSize("Bound Solution");

            /* Step 2: try to find a better solution exploring the Branch & Bound with a "Greedy Best Fit" algorithm.
             * This process can be repeated twice for searching the Best Cost and the Best Size solutions.
            // Get a Branch & Bound List of improving solutions 
            BranchAndBound Branch = new BranchAndBound(ListOfStocks, ListOfItems, TotalItemsSum, BoundValue/*, Label*/);
            List<BranchAndBound.BranchBound> BranchList = new List<BranchAndBound.BranchBound>();
            BranchList = Branch.GetBranchAndBound();

            if (BranchList.Count == 0)
                // The Branch & Bound is empty. The algorithm stops here and displays only the Bound Solution
                //PrintSolution(0, 0, SetOfSolutions);

            // Sort the BranchList Non Decreasing on Cost and pass it to the "Greedy Best Fit" algorithm 
            // only if at least one cost has been inserted
            NonDecreasingSortOnBranchAndBoundCost soc = new NonDecreasingSortOnBranchAndBoundCost();
            float BestCost = BranchList[0].Cost;
            if (BestCost > 0)
                // Status Label
                //Label.Text = "Searching the Best solution on Cost";
                SetOfSolutions.Add("Best Cost Solution", GreedyBestFit(BranchList));

            // Sort the BranchList Non Decreasing on Size and pass it to the "Greedy Best Fit" algorithm
            NonDecreasingSortOnBranchAndBoundSize sos = new NonDecreasingSortOnBranchAndBoundSize();

            // Status Label
            //Label.Text = "Searching the Best solution on Size";
           // Application.DoEvents();

            // Store the Best Size solution in the Dictionary, even if it's null
            SetOfSolutions.Add("Best Size Solution", GreedyBestFit(BranchList));
            float AbsoluteBestSize = BranchList[0].Size;

            /* Step 3: now the search is made only to achieve the Absolute Best Size with a "Greedy Next Fit" algorithm 
             * applied to the branches with size equal to AbsoluteBestSize.
             * If "Best Size Solution" is also "Absolute Best", or if there are too much items to process (12), than this step
             * is not executed and the results are displayed.      
            // Notice that GetSize("Best Size Solution") return 0 if the Best Size Solution doesn't exist
            float CandidateBestSize = GetSize("Best Size Solution");

            if (CandidateBestSize > 0 && AbsoluteBestSize >= CandidateBestSize || ListOfItems.Count > 12)
                //PrintSolution(AbsoluteBestSize, BestCost, SetOfSolutions);

            // Cut all the now useless branches in the BranchList
            BranchList.RemoveAll(branch => branch.Size > AbsoluteBestSize);

            for (int i = 1; i <= ListOfItems.Count; ++i)
                NumberOfPermutations *= i;

            //ExitGreedyNextFit.Visible = true;
            //ProgressBar.Value = 0;
            int branchCounter = 0;

            // Execute the Greedy Next Fit with the hope to find the Absolute Best Size Solution
            foreach (BranchAndBound.BranchBound bb in BranchList)
                //ProgressBar.Value = 100 * branchCounter / BranchList.Count;

                GreedyNextFit(bb, branchCounter, BranchList.Count);
                if (HasFoundAbsoluteBestSolution)
                    // Store the solution (only if it exists) in the Dictionary                  
                    SetOfSolutions.Add("Absolute Best Size Solution", GreedyNextFitSolution);

            // Display results
            //PrintSolution(AbsoluteBestSize, BestCost, SetOfSolutions);
Пример #2
        private void InitializeSolution(BranchAndBound.BranchBound branch)
            // Clear the GreedyNextFit solution list

            // Create a new GreedyNextFit solution list
            for (int i = 0; i < branch.SetOfStocks.Length; ++i)
                GreedyNextFitSolution.Add(new Bin(branch.SetOfStocks[i], branch.SetOfStocksCost[i]));
Пример #3
        private void GreedyNextFitProcedure(BranchAndBound.BranchBound branch, int thebranchCounter, int theBranchListCount)
            // k indexes the elements in GreedyNextFit solution list
            int k = 0;
            foreach (int j in myLexicographicOrder)
                /*if (ExitGreedyNextFit.Checked)
                    searchAbsoluteBestSolution = false;

                if (GreedyNextFitSolution[k].Reject >= ListOfItems[j].Size)
                    // Assign the current Item to the current solution list element
                    AssignItem(GreedyNextFitSolution[k], ListOfItems[j]);

                else if (k <= GreedyNextFitSolution.Count - 2 && GreedyNextFitSolution[k + 1].Reject >= ListOfItems[j].Size)
                    // Select, if it exists, one more suitable Stock (e.g. it exists and still has enough reject)                                
                    // Assign the current Item to the current (the NEXT) solution list element
                    AssignItem(GreedyNextFitSolution[k], ListOfItems[j]);

                else if (NextPermutation())
                    // The current permutation doesn't fit, so a new one must be processed
                    if (myPermutationCounter % 100000 == 0)
                        //Label.Text = "Searching the Absolute Best Solution: Branch " + thebranchCounter.ToString() + " of " +
                       //     theBranchListCount.ToString() +
                       //     ((double)myPermutationCounter / (double)NumberOfPermutations).ToString("  -  #0% ");

                    // All the permutations have been tested and no solution has been found: quit the GreedyNextFitProcedure
                    searchAbsoluteBestSolution = false;

            // At this point a solution has been found
            HasFoundAbsoluteBestSolution = true;
            searchAbsoluteBestSolution = false;
Пример #4
        private void GreedyNextFit(BranchAndBound.BranchBound branch, int mybranchCounter, int myBranchListCount)
            // Sort Non Decreasing the Set Of Stocks

            // Sort Non Decreasing the ListOfItems
            NonDecreasingSortOnItemSize ndsItems = new NonDecreasingSortOnItemSize();

            // If with this branch a solution could exist it must be ItemSize max <= StockSize max
            if (ListOfItems[ListOfItems.Count - 1].Size > branch.SetOfStocks[branch.SetOfStocks.Length - 1])



            // Reset the counter of permutations tested
            myPermutationCounter = 1;

            searchAbsoluteBestSolution = true;
            while (searchAbsoluteBestSolution)
                GreedyNextFitProcedure(branch, mybranchCounter, myBranchListCount);

                if (GreedyNextFitSolution == null)
                    searchAbsoluteBestSolution = false;