public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { base.Initialize(context); if (!UserCanEditModule(ModuleId, Store.FeatureGuid)) { log.Info("User has no edit permission so returning 404"); Response.StatusCode = 404; return; } if (CurrentSite == null) { log.Info("CurrentSite is null so returning 404"); Response.StatusCode = 404; return; } if (CurrentUser == null) { log.Info("CurrentUser is null so returning 404"); Response.StatusCode = 404; return; } if (FileSystem == null) { log.Info("FileSystem is null so returning 404"); Response.StatusCode = 404; return; } if (Request.Files.Count == 0) { log.Info("Posted File Count is zero so returning 404"); Response.StatusCode = 404; return; } productGuid = WebUtils.ParseGuidFromQueryString("prod", productGuid); if (productGuid == Guid.Empty) { log.Info("No productGuid provided so returning 404"); Response.StatusCode = 404; return; } module = GetModule(ModuleId, Store.FeatureGuid); if (module == null) { log.Info("Module is null so returning 404"); Response.StatusCode = 404; return; } string type = "product"; if (Request.Params["type"] != null) { type = Request.Params["type"]; } HttpPostedFile file = Request.Files[0]; // only expecting 1 file context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain";//"application/json"; var r = new System.Collections.Generic.List<UploadFilesResult>(); JavaScriptSerializer js = new JavaScriptSerializer(); if (type == "product") { //product file string upLoadPath = "~/Data/Sites/" + CurrentSite.SiteId.ToInvariantString() + "/webstoreproductfiles/"; ProductFile productFile = new ProductFile(productGuid); productFile.FileName = Path.GetFileName(file.FileName); productFile.ByteLength = file.ContentLength; productFile.Created = DateTime.UtcNow; productFile.CreatedBy = CurrentUser.UserGuid; productFile.ServerFileName = productGuid.ToString() + ".config"; string ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(file.FileName); string mimeType = IOHelper.GetMimeType(ext).ToLower(); if (productFile.Save()) { string destPath = upLoadPath + productFile.ServerFileName; FileSystem.DeleteFile(destPath); using (Stream s = file.InputStream) { FileSystem.SaveFile(destPath, s, mimeType, true); } r.Add(new UploadFilesResult() { //Thumbnail_url = Name = file.FileName, Length = file.ContentLength, Type = mimeType }); } } else { // teaser file string upLoadPath = "~/Data/Sites/" + CurrentSite.SiteId.ToInvariantString() + "/webstoreproductpreviewfiles/"; Product product = new Product(productGuid); product.TeaserFile = Path.GetFileName(file.FileName).ToCleanFileName(); string ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(file.FileName); string mimeType = IOHelper.GetMimeType(ext).ToLower(); if (product.Save()) { string destPath = upLoadPath + product.TeaserFile; FileSystem.DeleteFile(destPath); using (Stream s = file.InputStream) { FileSystem.SaveFile(destPath, s, mimeType, true); } r.Add(new UploadFilesResult() { //Thumbnail_url = Name = file.FileName, Length = file.ContentLength, Type = mimeType }); } } var uploadedFiles = new { files = r.ToArray() }; var jsonObj = js.Serialize(uploadedFiles); context.Response.Write(jsonObj.ToString()); }
private static void IndexItem(Product product) { if (WebConfigSettings.DisableSearchIndex) { return; } if (product == null) { if (log.IsErrorEnabled) { log.Error("product object passed to ProductSearchIndexBuilder.IndexItem was null"); } return; } Store store = new Store(product.StoreGuid); Module module = new Module(store.ModuleId); Guid webStoreFeatureGuid = new Guid("0cefbf18-56de-11dc-8f36-bac755d89593"); ModuleDefinition webStoreFeature = new ModuleDefinition(webStoreFeatureGuid); //// get list of pages where this module is published List<PageModule> pageModules = PageModule.GetPageModulesByModule(store.ModuleId); foreach (PageModule pageModule in pageModules) { PageSettings pageSettings = new PageSettings( product.SiteId, pageModule.PageId); //don't index pending/unpublished pages if (pageSettings.IsPending) { continue; } mojoPortal.SearchIndex.IndexItem indexItem = new mojoPortal.SearchIndex.IndexItem(); if (product.SearchIndexPath.Length > 0) { indexItem.IndexPath = product.SearchIndexPath; } indexItem.SiteId = product.SiteId; indexItem.PageId = pageSettings.PageId; indexItem.PageName = pageSettings.PageName; indexItem.ViewRoles = pageSettings.AuthorizedRoles; indexItem.ModuleViewRoles = module.ViewRoles; if (product.Url.Length > 0) { indexItem.ViewPage = product.Url.Replace("~/", string.Empty); indexItem.UseQueryStringParams = false; } else { indexItem.ViewPage = "/WebStore/ProductDetail.aspx"; } indexItem.ItemKey = product.Guid.ToString(); indexItem.ModuleId = store.ModuleId; indexItem.ModuleTitle = module.ModuleTitle; indexItem.Title = product.Name; indexItem.PageMetaDescription = product.MetaDescription; indexItem.PageMetaKeywords = product.MetaKeywords; indexItem.CreatedUtc = product.Created; indexItem.LastModUtc = product.LastModified; indexItem.Content = product.Teaser + " " + product.Description.Replace(tabScript, string.Empty) + " " + product.MetaDescription + " " + product.MetaKeywords; indexItem.FeatureId = webStoreFeatureGuid.ToString(); indexItem.FeatureName = webStoreFeature.FeatureName; indexItem.FeatureResourceFile = webStoreFeature.ResourceFile; indexItem.PublishBeginDate = pageModule.PublishBeginDate; indexItem.PublishEndDate = pageModule.PublishEndDate; mojoPortal.SearchIndex.IndexHelper.RebuildIndex(indexItem); } if (debugLog) log.Debug("Indexed " + product.Name); }
public static bool Delete( Guid productGuid, Guid userGuid, string userIPAddress) { Product product = new Product(productGuid); if ( (product.Guid == productGuid) &&(productGuid != Guid.Empty) ) { DBProduct.AddHistory( Guid.NewGuid(), product.Guid, product.StoreGuid, product.TaxClassGuid, product.Sku, ConvertProductStatusToByte(product.Status), ConvertFulfillmentTypeToByte(product.FulfillmentType), product.Weight, product.QuantityOnHand, product.ImageFileName, product.ImageFileBytes, product.Created, product.CreatedBy, product.LastModified, product.LastModifedBy, DateTime.UtcNow, product.shippingAmount); OfferProduct.DeleteByProduct( productGuid, userGuid, userIPAddress); } return DBProduct.Delete( productGuid, DateTime.UtcNow, userGuid, userIPAddress); }
private bool Update() { Product product = new Product(this.guid); DBProduct.AddHistory( Guid.NewGuid(), product.Guid, product.StoreGuid, product.TaxClassGuid, string.Empty, ConvertProductStatusToByte(product.Status), ConvertFulfillmentTypeToByte(product.FulfillmentType), product.Weight, product.QuantityOnHand, product.ImageFileName, product.ImageFileBytes, product.Created, product.CreatedBy, product.LastModified, product.LastModifedBy, DateTime.UtcNow, product.shippingAmount); bool result = DBProduct.Update( this.guid, this.taxClassGuid, this.modelNumber, this.status, this.fulfillmentType, this.weight, this.quantityOnHand, this.imageFileName, this.imageFileBytes, this.lastModified, this.lastModifedBy, this.url,, this.description, this.teaser, this.showInProductList, this.enableRating, this.metaDescription, this.metaKeywords, this.sortRank1, this.sortRank2, this.teaserFile, this.teaserFileLink, this.compiledMeta, this.shippingAmount); if (result) { ContentChangedEventArgs e = new ContentChangedEventArgs(); OnContentChanged(e); } return result; }
//public decimal CalculateItemTax( // Guid siteGuid, // Guid taxZoneGuid, // Guid taxClassGuid, // decimal itemPrice, // int quantity) //{ // decimal taxAmount = 0; // if (taxZoneGuid == Guid.Empty) { return taxAmount; } // if (taxClassGuid == Guid.Empty) { return taxAmount; } // if (itemPrice == 0) { return taxAmount; } // Collection<TaxRate> taxRates = TaxRate.GetTaxRates(siteGuid, taxZoneGuid); // if (taxRates.Count > 0) // { // foreach (TaxRate taxRate in taxRates) // { // if (taxClassGuid == taxRate.TaxClassGuid) // { // taxAmount += (taxRate.Rate * (itemPrice * quantity)); // break; // } // } // } // return taxAmount; //} public void CalculateShipping(Cart cart) { decimal shippingAmount = 0; foreach (CartOffer offer in cart.CartOffers) { Collection<OfferProduct> offerProducts = OfferProduct.GetbyOffer(offer.OfferGuid); if (offerProducts != null) { foreach (OfferProduct offerProduct in offerProducts) { Product product = new Product(offerProduct.ProductGuid); if (product != null) { shippingAmount += (product.ShippingAmount * offer.Quantity); } } } } cart.ShippingTotal = Math.Round(shippingAmount, this.RoundingDecimalPlaces, this.RoundingMode); cart.Save(); }