/// <summary> /// Send a HTTPS request and put the response to shared variable "response" /// </summary> /// <param name="https">HTTPS client</param> /// <param name="RequestMethod">Request method</param> /// <param name="RequestHeaderCollection">Request headers</param> /// <param name="Content_Length">Request content length</param> /// <returns>Response status code (and the Response in shared variable)</returns> private void SendRequest(HTTPC https, string RequestMethod, WebHeaderCollection RequestHeaderCollection, int Content_Length) { bool AllowAutoRedirect = CheckString(RequestURL.AbsoluteUri, ConfigFile.InternalRedirectOn); if (!AllowAutoRedirect) { AllowAutoRedirect = ShouldRedirectInNETFW; } string RequestBody; switch (RequestMethod) { case "CONNECT": string ProtocolReplacerJS = "<script>if (window.location.protocol != 'http:') { setTimeout(function(){window.location.protocol = 'http:'; window.location.reload();}, 1000); }</script>"; SendError(405, "The proxy does not know the " + RequestMethod + " method.<BR>Please use HTTP, not HTTPS.<BR>HSTS must be disabled." + ProtocolReplacerJS); Console.WriteLine("{0}\t Wrong method.", GetTime(BeginTime)); return; default: if (Content_Length == 0) { //try to download (GET, HEAD, WebDAV download, etc) Console.WriteLine("{0}\t>Downloading content...", GetTime(BeginTime)); response = https.GET(RequestURL.AbsoluteUri, new CookieContainer(), RequestHeaderCollection, RequestMethod, AllowAutoRedirect); MakeOutput(response.StatusCode, response.Stream, response.ContentType, response.ContentLength); break; } else { //try to upload (POST, PUT, WebDAV, etc) Console.WriteLine("{0}\t>Reading input stream...", GetTime(BeginTime)); StreamReader body_sr = new StreamReader(ClientRequest.InputStream); RequestBody = body_sr.ReadToEnd(); Console.WriteLine("{0}\t>Uploading {1}K...", GetTime(BeginTime), Convert.ToInt32((RequestHeaderCollection["Content-Length"])) / 1024); response = https.POST(RequestURL.AbsoluteUri, new CookieContainer(), RequestBody, RequestHeaderCollection, RequestMethod, AllowAutoRedirect); MakeOutput(response.StatusCode, response.Stream, response.ContentType, response.ContentLength); break; } } ResponseCode = (int)response.StatusCode; //check for security upgrade if (ResponseCode == 301 || ResponseCode == 302 || ResponseCode == 308) { if (RequestURL.AbsoluteUri == (response.Headers["Location"] ?? "nowhere").Replace("https://", "http://") && !CheckString(RequestURL.AbsoluteUri, ConfigFile.InternalRedirectOn)) { Console.WriteLine("{0}\t>Reload secure...", GetTime(BeginTime)); RequestURL = new Uri(RequestURL.AbsoluteUri.Replace("http://", "https://")); TransitStream = null; SendRequest(https, RequestMethod, RequestHeaderCollection, Content_Length); //add to ForceHttp list List <string> ForceHttpsList = ConfigFile.ForceHttps.ToList <string>(); string SecureHost = RequestURL.Host; if (!ForceHttpsList.Contains(SecureHost)) { ForceHttpsList.Add(SecureHost); } ConfigFile.ForceHttps = ForceHttpsList.ToArray(); return; } } for (int i = 0; i < response.Headers.Count; ++i) { string header = response.Headers.GetKey(i); foreach (string value in response.Headers.GetValues(i)) { if (!header.StartsWith("Content-") && !header.StartsWith("Connection") && !header.StartsWith("Transfer-Encoding") && !header.StartsWith("Access-Control-Allow-Methods") && !header.StartsWith("Strict-Transport-Security") && !header.StartsWith("Content-Security-Policy") && !header.StartsWith("Upgrade-Insecure-Requests") && !(header.StartsWith("Vary") && value.Contains("Upgrade-Insecure-Requests"))) { ClientResponse.AddHeader(header, value.Replace("; secure", "").Replace("https://", "http://")); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Convert a Web 2.0 page to Web 1.0-like page. /// </summary> /// <param name="ClientRequest">Request from HttpListener</param> /// <param name="ClientResponse">Response for HttpListener</param> /// <param name="BeginTime">Initial time (for log)</param> public Transit(HttpListenerRequest ClientRequest, HttpListenerResponse ClientResponse, DateTime BeginTime) { this.ClientRequest = ClientRequest; this.ClientResponse = ClientResponse; this.BeginTime = BeginTime; #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("{0}\t Begin process.", GetTime(BeginTime)); #endif try { ShouldRedirectInNETFW = false; //check for login to proxy if need if (ConfigFile.Authenticate != "") { if (ClientRequest.Headers["Proxy-Authorization"] == null || ClientRequest.Headers["Proxy-Authorization"] == "") { Console.WriteLine("{0}\t Unauthorized client.", GetTime(BeginTime)); ClientResponse.AddHeader("Proxy-Authenticate", @"Basic realm=""Log in to WebOne"""); SendError(407, "Hello! This Web 2.0-to-1.0 proxy server is private. Please enter your credentials."); return; } else { string auth = Encoding.Default.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(ClientRequest.Headers["Proxy-Authorization"].Substring(6))); if (auth != ConfigFile.Authenticate) { Console.WriteLine("{0}\t Incorrect login: '******'.", GetTime(BeginTime), auth); ClientResponse.AddHeader("Proxy-Authenticate", @"Basic realm=""Your WebOne credentials are incorrect"""); SendError(407, "Your password is not correct. Please try again."); return; } } } //fix "carousels" string RefererUri = ClientRequest.Headers["Referer"]; RequestURL = ClientRequest.Url; //check for local or internal URL if (RequestURL.Host == "localhost" || RequestURL.Host == Environment.MachineName || RequestURL.Host == "") { if (RequestURL.PathAndQuery.StartsWith("/!")) { //internal URLs Console.WriteLine("{0}\t Internal: {1} ", GetTime(BeginTime), RequestURL.PathAndQuery); switch (RequestURL.AbsolutePath) { case "/!codepages/": string codepages = "The following code pages are available: <br>\n" + "<table><tr><td><b>Name</b></td><td><b>#</b></td><td><b>Description</b></td></tr>\n"; codepages += "<tr><td><b>AsIs</b></td><td>0</td><td>Leave page's code page as is</td></tr>\n"; foreach (EncodingInfo cp in Encoding.GetEncodings()) { if (Encoding.Default.EncodingName.Contains(" ") && cp.DisplayName.Contains(Encoding.Default.EncodingName.Substring(0, Encoding.Default.EncodingName.IndexOf(" ")))) { codepages += "<tr><td><b><u>" + cp.Name + "</u></b></td><td><u>" + cp.CodePage + "</u></td><td><u>" + cp.DisplayName + (cp.CodePage == Encoding.Default.CodePage ? "</u> (<i>system default</i>)" : "</u>") + "</td></tr>\n"; } else { codepages += "<tr><td><b>" + cp.Name + "</b></td><td>" + cp.CodePage + "</td><td>" + cp.DisplayName + "</td></tr>\n"; } } codepages += "</table><br>Use any of these. Underlined are for your locale."; SendError(200, codepages); break; default: SendError(200, "Unknown internal URL: " + RequestURL.PathAndQuery); break; } return; } //local proxy mode: http://localhost/http://example.com/indexr.shtml if (RequestURL.LocalPath.StartsWith("/http:") || RequestURL.AbsoluteUri.StartsWith("/https:")) { RequestURL = new Uri(RequestURL.LocalPath.Replace("/http:/", "http://")); Console.WriteLine("{0}\t Local: {1}", GetTime(BeginTime), RequestURL); } else { //dirty local mode, try to use last used host: http://localhost/favicon.ico RequestURL = new Uri("http://" + new Uri(LastURL).Host + RequestURL.LocalPath); Console.WriteLine("{0}\t Dirty local: {1}", GetTime(BeginTime), RequestURL); } } //check for HTTP-to-FTP requests //https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/166961/how-to-ftp-with-cern-based-proxy-using-wininet-api string[] BadProtocols = { "ftp", "gopher", "wais" }; if (CheckString(RequestURL.Scheme, BadProtocols)) { Console.WriteLine("{0}\t CERN Proxy request to {1} detected.", GetTime(BeginTime), RequestURL.Scheme.ToUpper()); SendError(101, "Cannot work with " + RequestURL.Scheme.ToUpper() + " protocol. Please connect directly bypassing the proxy."); //, "\nUpgrade: " + RequestURL.Scheme.ToUpper()); return; } //dirty workarounds for HTTP>HTTPS redirection bugs if ((RequestURL.AbsoluteUri == RefererUri || RequestURL.AbsoluteUri == LastURL) && RequestURL.AbsoluteUri != "" && ClientRequest.HttpMethod != "POST" && ClientRequest.HttpMethod != "CONNECT" && !Program.CheckString(RequestURL.AbsoluteUri, ConfigFile.ForceHttps)) { Console.WriteLine("{0}\t Carousel detected.", GetTime(BeginTime)); if (!LastURL.StartsWith("https") && !RequestURL.AbsoluteUri.StartsWith("https")) //if http is gone, try https { RequestURL = new Uri("https" + RequestURL.AbsoluteUri.Substring(4)); } if (LastURL.StartsWith("https")) //if can't use https, try again http { RequestURL = new Uri("http" + RequestURL.AbsoluteUri.Substring(4)); } } //check for too new frameworks & replace with older versions foreach (string str in ConfigFile.FixableURLs) { if (Regex.Match(RequestURL.AbsoluteUri, str).Success) { try { string ValidMask = ""; if (ConfigFile.FixableUrlActions[str].ContainsKey("ValidMask")) { ValidMask = ConfigFile.FixableUrlActions[str]["ValidMask"]; } string Redirect = "about:mozilla"; if (ConfigFile.FixableUrlActions[str].ContainsKey("Redirect")) { Redirect = ConfigFile.FixableUrlActions[str]["Redirect"]; } string InternalRedirect = "no"; if (ConfigFile.FixableUrlActions[str].ContainsKey("Internal")) { InternalRedirect = ConfigFile.FixableUrlActions[str]["Internal"]; } if (ValidMask == "" || !Regex.Match(RequestURL.AbsoluteUri, ValidMask).Success) { string NewURL = Redirect.Replace("%URL%", RequestURL.AbsoluteUri).Replace("%UrlNoDomain%", RequestURL.AbsoluteUri.Substring(RequestURL.AbsoluteUri.IndexOf("/") + 2).Substring((RequestURL.AbsoluteUri.Substring(RequestURL.AbsoluteUri.IndexOf("/") + 2)).IndexOf("/") + 1)); //need to fix urlnodomain to extract using System.Uri instead of InStr/Mid$. if (Redirect.Contains("%UrlNoPort%")) { Uri NewUri = RequestURL; var builder = new UriBuilder(NewUri); builder.Port = -1; NewUri = builder.Uri; NewURL = NewUri.ToString(); } /*else { * NewUri = new Uri(NewURL); * NewURL = NewUri.ToString(); * }*/ ShouldRedirectInNETFW = ConfigFile.ToBoolean(InternalRedirect); if (!ShouldRedirectInNETFW) { Console.WriteLine("{0}\t Fix to {1}", GetTime(BeginTime), NewURL); ClientResponse.AddHeader("Location", NewURL); SendError(302, "Брось каку!"); return; } else { Console.WriteLine("{0}\t Fix to {1} internally", GetTime(BeginTime), NewURL); RequestURL = new Uri(NewURL); } } } catch (Exception rex) { Console.WriteLine("{0}\t Cannot redirect! {1}", GetTime(BeginTime), rex.Message); SendError(200, rex.ToString().Replace("\n", "\n<br>")); } } } LastURL = RequestURL.AbsoluteUri; //make reply //SendError(200, "Okay, bro! Open " + RequestURL); HTTPC https = new HTTPC(); bool StWrong = false; //break operation if something is wrong. if (RequestURL.AbsoluteUri.Contains("??")) { StWrong = true; SendError(400, "Too many questions."); } if (RequestURL.AbsoluteUri.Length == 0) { StWrong = true; SendError(400, "Empty URL."); } if (RequestURL.AbsoluteUri == "") { return; } try { int CL = 0; if (ClientRequest.Headers["Content-Length"] != null) { CL = Int32.Parse(ClientRequest.Headers["Content-Length"]); } //send HTTPS request to destination server WebHeaderCollection whc = new WebHeaderCollection(); foreach (string h in ClientRequest.Headers.Keys) { whc.Add(h, ClientRequest.Headers[h]); } SendRequest(https, ClientRequest.HttpMethod, whc, CL); } catch (WebException wex) { if (wex.Response == null) { ResponseCode = 502; } else { ResponseCode = (int)(wex.Response as HttpWebResponse).StatusCode; } if (ResponseCode == 502) { Console.WriteLine("{0}\t Cannot load this page: {1}.", GetTime(BeginTime), wex.Status); } else { Console.WriteLine("{0}\t Web exception: {1} {2}.", GetTime(BeginTime), ResponseCode, (wex.Response as HttpWebResponse).StatusCode); } ContentType = "text/html"; string err = ": " + wex.Status.ToString(); #if DEBUG ResponseBody = "<html><body>Cannot load this page" + err + "<br><i>" + wex.ToString().Replace("\n", "<br>") + "</i><br>URL: " + RequestURL.AbsoluteUri + Program.GetInfoString() + "</body></html>"; #else ResponseBody = "<html><body>Cannot load this page" + err + " (<i>" + wex.Message + "</i>)<br>URL: " + RequestURL.AbsoluteUri + Program.GetInfoString() + "</body></html>"; #endif //check if archived copy can be retreived instead bool Archived = false; if (ConfigFile.SearchInArchive) { if ((wex.Status == WebExceptionStatus.NameResolutionFailure) || (wex.Response != null && (wex.Response as HttpWebResponse).StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound)) { try { Console.WriteLine("{0}\t Look in Archive.org...", GetTime(BeginTime)); HttpWebRequest ArchiveRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("https://archive.org/wayback/available?url=" + RequestURL.AbsoluteUri); ArchiveRequest.UserAgent = "WebOne/" + System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version; ArchiveRequest.Method = "GET"; string ArchiveResponse = ""; MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); ArchiveRequest.GetResponse().GetResponseStream().CopyTo(ms); ArchiveResponse = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ms.ToArray()); string ArchiveURL = ""; //parse archive.org json reply if (ArchiveResponse.Contains(@"""available"": true")) { Archived = true; Match ArchiveMatch = Regex.Match(ArchiveResponse, @"""url"": ""http://web.archive.org/.*"",");; if (ArchiveMatch.Success) { Console.WriteLine("{0}\t Available.", GetTime(BeginTime)); ArchiveURL = ArchiveMatch.Value.Substring(8, ArchiveMatch.Value.IndexOf(@""",") - 8); ResponseBody = "<html><body><h1>Server not found</h2>But an <a href=" + ArchiveURL + ">archived copy</a> is available! Redirecting to it...</body></html>"; ClientResponse.AddHeader("Location", ArchiveURL); SendError(302, ResponseBody); } else { Archived = false; Console.WriteLine("{0}\t Available, but somewhere.", GetTime(BeginTime)); } } else { Console.WriteLine("{0}\t No snapshots.", GetTime(BeginTime)); if (RequestURL.AbsoluteUri.StartsWith("http://web.archive.org/web/") && ConfigFile.ShortenArchiveErrors) { string ErrMsg = "<p><b>The Wayback Machine has not archived that URL.</b></p>" + "<p>This page is not available on the web because page does not exist<br>" + "Try to slightly change the URL.</p>" + "<small><i>You see this message because ShortenArchiveErrors option is enabled.</i></small>"; SendError(404, ErrMsg); Archived = true; } } } catch (Exception ArchiveException) { ResponseBody = String.Format("<html><body><b>Server not found and a Web Archive error occured.</b><br>{0}</body></html>", ArchiveException.Message.Replace("\n", "<br>")); } } } //check if there are any response and the error isn't fatal if (wex.Response != null) { for (int i = 0; i < wex.Response.Headers.Count; ++i) { string header = wex.Response.Headers.GetKey(i); foreach (string value in wex.Response.Headers.GetValues(i)) { if (!header.StartsWith("Content-") && !header.StartsWith("Connection") && !header.StartsWith("Transfer-Encoding") && !header.StartsWith("Access-Control-Allow-Methods") && !header.StartsWith("Strict-Transport-Security") && !header.StartsWith("Content-Security-Policy") && !header.StartsWith("Upgrade-Insecure-Requests") && !(header.StartsWith("Vary") && value.Contains("Upgrade-Insecure-Requests"))) { ClientResponse.AddHeader(header, value.Replace("; secure", "").Replace("https://", "http://")); } } } ContentType = wex.Response.ContentType; MakeOutput((HttpStatusCode)ResponseCode, wex.Response.GetResponseStream(), wex.Response.ContentType, wex.Response.ContentLength); } #if DEBUG else if (!Archived) { Console.WriteLine("{0}\t Failed: {1}.", GetTime(BeginTime), ResponseCode); } #endif } catch (UriFormatException) { StWrong = true; SendError(400, "The URL <b>" + RequestURL.AbsoluteUri + "</b> is not valid."); } catch (Exception ex) { StWrong = true; Console.WriteLine("{0}\t ============GURU MEDITATION:\n{1}\nOn URL '{2}', Method '{3}'. Returning 500.============", GetTime(BeginTime), ex.ToString(), RequestURL.AbsoluteUri, ClientRequest.HttpMethod); SendError(500, "Guru meditaion at URL " + RequestURL.AbsoluteUri + ":<br><b>" + ex.Message + "</b><br><i>" + ex.StackTrace.Replace("\n", "\n<br>") + "</i>"); } //try to return... try { if (!StWrong) { ClientResponse.ProtocolVersion = new Version(1, 0); ClientResponse.StatusCode = ResponseCode; ClientResponse.AddHeader("Via", "HTTP/1.0 WebOne/" + System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version); if (CheckString(ContentType, ConfigFile.TextTypes) || ContentType == "") { ClientResponse.AddHeader("Content-Type", ContentType); } else { ClientResponse.AddHeader("Content-Type", ContentType); } if (TransitStream == null) { byte[] RespBuffer; RespBuffer = (ConfigFile.OutputEncoding ?? Encoding.Default).GetBytes(ResponseBody).ToArray(); if (ClientResponse.ContentLength64 > 300 * 1024) { Console.WriteLine("{0}\t Sending binary.", GetTime(BeginTime)); } ClientResponse.OutputStream.Write(RespBuffer, 0, RespBuffer.Length); } else { TransitStream.CopyTo(ClientResponse.OutputStream); } ClientResponse.OutputStream.Close(); #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("{0}\t Document sent.", GetTime(BeginTime)); #endif } #if DEBUG else { Console.WriteLine("{0}\t Abnormal return (something was wrong).", GetTime(BeginTime)); } #endif } catch (Exception ex) { if (!ConfigFile.HideClientErrors) #if DEBUG { Console.WriteLine("{0}\t<Can't return reply. " + ex.Message + ex.StackTrace, GetTime(BeginTime)); } #else { Console.WriteLine("{0}\t<Can't return reply. " + ex.Message, GetTime(BeginTime)); } #endif } } catch (Exception E) { string time = GetTime(BeginTime); Console.WriteLine("{0}\t A error has been catched: {1}\n{0}\t Please report to author.", time, E.ToString().Replace("\n", "\n{0}\t ")); SendError(500, "WTF?! " + E.ToString().Replace("\n", "\n<BR>")); } #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("{0}\t End process.", GetTime(BeginTime)); #endif }