Пример #1
        private string Convert()
            string input  = textBoxIn.Text;
            string output = textBoxOut.Text;

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(input))
                return("No input file!");
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(output))
                return("No output file!");

            if (invalidChars.Any(input.Contains))
                return("Input path contains invalid characters!\nInvalid characters: " + string.Join(" ", invalidChars));
            if (invalidChars.Any(output.Contains))
                return("Output path contains invalid characters!\nInvalid characters: " + string.Join(" ", invalidChars));

            if (!File.Exists(input))
                return("Input file doesn't exist!");

            if (input == output)
                return("Input and output files are the same!");

            float startSeconds, endSeconds;

                startSeconds = ParseTime(boxCropFrom.Text);
            catch (ArgumentException)
                return("Invalid start crop time!");
                endSeconds = ParseTime(boxCropTo.Text);
            catch (ArgumentException)
                return("Invalid end crop time!");

            string options = textBoxArguments.Text;

                if (options.Trim() == "" || _argumentError)
                    options = GenerateArguments();
            catch (ArgumentException e)

            string start = "";
            string end   = "";

            if (startSeconds != 0.0)
                start = "-ss " + startSeconds.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); //Convert comma to dot

            float duration = 0;

            if (endSeconds != 0.0)
                duration = endSeconds - startSeconds;
                if (duration <= 0)
                    return("Video is 0 or less seconds long!");

                end = "-to " + duration.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); //Convert comma to dot

            string[] arguments;
            if (!checkBox2Pass.Checked)
                arguments = new[] { string.Format(_template, input, output, start, end, options, "", "") }
                int passes = 2; //Can you even use more than 2 passes?

                string HQ = "";
                if (boxHQ.Checked)
                    HQ = "-auto-alt-ref 1"; //This should improve quality, only in 2-pass mode
                arguments = new string[passes];
                for (int i = 0; i < passes; i++)
                    arguments[i] = string.Format(_template, input, output, start, end, options, "-pass " + (i + 1), HQ);

            var form = new ConverterForm(this, arguments);


Пример #2
        private string Convert()
            string input = textBoxIn.Text;
            string output = textBoxOut.Text;

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(input))
                return "No input file!";
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(output))
                return "No output file!";

            if (invalidChars.Any(input.Contains))
                return "Input path contains invalid characters!\nInvalid characters: " + string.Join(" ", invalidChars);
            if (invalidChars.Any(output.Contains))
                return "Output path contains invalid characters!\nInvalid characters: " + string.Join(" ", invalidChars);

            if (!File.Exists(input))
                return "Input file doesn't exist!";

            if (input == output)
                return "Input and output files are the same!";

            float startSeconds, endSeconds;

                startSeconds = ParseTime(boxCropFrom.Text);
            catch (ArgumentException)
                return "Invalid start crop time!";
                endSeconds = ParseTime(boxCropTo.Text);
            catch (ArgumentException)
                return "Invalid end crop time!";

            string options = textBoxArguments.Text;
                if (options.Trim() == "" || _argumentError)
                    options = GenerateArguments();
            catch (ArgumentException e)
                return e.Message;

            string start = "";
            string end = "";

            if (startSeconds != 0.0)
                start = "-ss " + startSeconds.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); //Convert comma to dot

            float duration = 0;

            if (endSeconds != 0.0)
                duration = endSeconds - startSeconds;
                if (duration <= 0)
                    return "Video is 0 or less seconds long!";

                end = "-to " + duration.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); //Convert comma to dot

            string[] arguments;
            if (!checkBox2Pass.Checked)
                arguments = new[] { string.Format(_template, input, output, start, end, options, "", "") };
                int passes = 2; //Can you even use more than 2 passes?

                string HQ = "";
                if (boxHQ.Checked)
                    HQ = "-auto-alt-ref 1"; //This should improve quality, only in 2-pass mode

                arguments = new string[passes];
                for (int i = 0; i < passes; i++)
                    arguments[i] = string.Format(_template, input, output, start, end, options, "-pass " + (i + 1), HQ);

            var form = new ConverterForm(this, arguments);

            return null;